30 Day Shred - Started TODAY 7/28/12



  • Konpeito
    Konpeito Posts: 82
    That's to bad.. :(

    But hey don't be disappointed you can still start up again next week :3
  • Konpeito
    Konpeito Posts: 82
    Level 1 - Day 4 - Done~!

    I'm going on a camping trip for the next three days so I won't be able to do the shred for those three days, however I hope it doesn't affect me too much for when I start back on day 5 on sunday

    See you then!
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    Well I had to stop 30DS early due to my back going out and most likely will not get to start again until next month after slowly starting to work out again( had lumbar injection 8/14 and can't overdue it). Great to see everyone who has started as well and may you all have amazing results :)
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I decided to do my measurements now since I have to put it on hold. So far, I've lost 1.6 lbs and 4 inches overall. 2 of those inches were off my waistline at my navel, which is the measurement I'm most interested in after having a baby recently. So I'm happy with my progress so far. I'm going to keep up with my calorie goals and do low impact , doctor-approved exercise, like riding the stationary bike and crunches, plus upper body strength training, to try to keep going until I can pick it back up. I was just so motivated to do it all the way through. Getting an injury makes me feel old, lol. I guess maybe I just pushed too hard when I hadn't been exercising at all before.
  • okinmaine
    okinmaine Posts: 101 Member
    I'm starting today too!! Just got home from vacation last night and am SOOO ready!! Bring it on, Jillian!!
  • jezzi16
    jezzi16 Posts: 128 Member
    Day 12 done last night. LAteral raises kill me !
  • okinmaine
    okinmaine Posts: 101 Member
    Just finished my first day! HOLY CRAP!! I do Zumba 3-4 times a week and thought level 1 would be so bad. I was dying! Jumping jacks aren't my issue.....upper body stuff, especially push-ups do me in! At least they get done in the first cycle. The second set was definitely not as pretty as the first, not that that set was anything to write home about, but at least my butt wasn't sticking up in the air like a target!
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Well I had to stop 30DS early due to my back going out and most likely will not get to start again until next month after slowly starting to work out again( had lumbar injection 8/14 and can't overdue it). Great to see everyone who has started as well and may you all have amazing results :)
    I'm sorry you hurt your back! Was it related to the exercise? I hope you heal quickly!
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Just finished my first day! HOLY CRAP!! I do Zumba 3-4 times a week and thought level 1 would be so bad. I was dying! Jumping jacks aren't my issue.....upper body stuff, especially push-ups do me in! At least they get done in the first cycle. The second set was definitely not as pretty as the first, not that that set was anything to write home about, but at least my butt wasn't sticking up in the air like a target!
    Keep with it! Pushups kill me, too. My favorite part about level 1 was that the worst was over after the frst circuit. Unfortunately not the case with level 2.

    I'm thinking about starting the 100 pushups challenge after I finish the 30DS, since I obviously need to develop the muscles.
  • ckay220
    ckay220 Posts: 271 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm a bit behind because my weekends are hectic, hwoever, I'm starting D1 of Level 2 today and I have ssen reults so far! Since the day before I started 30 DS to Level 1 Day 10 (yesterday), I've lost 5 pounds and a total of 5.25 inches! It's a start, but I want more...but I'm scared of Level 2!! lol.
  • icesk8ermom
    icesk8ermom Posts: 82 Member
    Congrats to those just starting and those who have lost or are seeing changes!!! Keep up the great work.

    I am sorry to hear a few of you are hurt and have to postpone your workouts or modify them to suit your current needs. Just continuing to do something for yourself will help!

    Today was Day 14 for me…..day 2 at level 3. Today I struggled because I forgot to use my inhaler before I started so I was a little sluggish; too late to use by the time I realized it besides I didn’t want to stop…probably should have. Only burned 166 calories according to my HRM; ugghhh. Level 3 is harder yes, but I pushed through it the best I could just like I did Level 1 when I started that.

    Don’t be afraid to move up, yes each level is a little more challenging but you can do it! Anita is still there doing the modified movements if you need that. I don’t think JM excepts us to be perfect before moving up; it is about being challenged and building strength and endurance!

    Personally I feel it’s better not to do the same set so many days in a row because the same muscle(s) get worked over and over; without proper rest it doesn’t do you any good to work them again. I have done 5-6 days at each level and feel even that is too much. Sometimes a particular muscle is so tired I can’t give my all….I think it would be better to change it up more often. (just my opinion based on my body). Kind of like a weight lighter who lifts 3 days a week but does different muscle groups each time…they allow time for the muscle to rebuild and refuel. With that said….will I do a different level tomorrow?? Don’t know??? Maybe….LOL

    ~ Good luck!
  • Ramoth48
    Ramoth48 Posts: 93 Member
    Had a rest day yesterday and only managed level 1 today.The muscle in my left bicep feels bruised but there's no sign of one:huh: :huh:
  • radtechlisa
    radtechlisa Posts: 6 Member
    Today was my first day and it was tougher than I thought. That being said, It seems like I will be able to stick it out. I think I will also try after a few days to go to level 2 and mix it up a bit.
  • conniefontes
    Well, I'm starting today, see where I am in a month. I stopped smoking 6 months ago and suffice it to say my waist line has grown. Enough is enough, I am so uncomfortable, got to loose it!
  • Starlightbella
    Starlightbella Posts: 77 Member
    Just completed Day 2 Level 2, whew that is killer, but I swear it goes so much faster than level 1 did. Either way, only 8 more days of this level! Yay:happy:
  • icesk8ermom
    icesk8ermom Posts: 82 Member
    Day 15; day 3 @ level 3. Very tired this morning struggled but finished!

    Welcome to those joining us and just starting out!

    FYI.....anyone getting ready to move to level 3 I suggest you get a yoga mat if you don't already have one. Three days at level 3..... I am starting to get rug burns on my elbows from all the plank/arm work.......just a suggestion! (I will be getting one!)

    Enjoy your weekend.....

    ~Good Luck
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    Well I had to stop 30DS early due to my back going out and most likely will not get to start again until next month after slowly starting to work out again( had lumbar injection 8/14 and can't overdue it). Great to see everyone who has started as well and may you all have amazing results :)
    I'm sorry you hurt your back! Was it related to the exercise? I hope you heal quickly!

    Thank you so much! Somewhat related.. I have degenerative disc disease and my lower disc's are done for, they should be healthy and white, mine are black, flat and bulging out into spinal fluid sooo I am not supposed to really do sit-ups or anything that stresses the lower back. (basically avoid all laying down flat activities:grumble: ) Well I had the bright idea to do the unmodified version since I felt so amazing and that is when it all went down hill lol Unfortunately it will never heal, just continue to worsen but if I can get my core strong it will help support it. I routinely get the lumbar injections to put off surgery as long as possible. Any who I am blabbing on. I am anxious to start back because I know the amazing results it brings (lost 20ish lbs doing it before) Good luck to you and all those on level 2 & 3 hang in there! :)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Day 17 complete for me earlier today. Decided to take a pic cause I haven't since Day 11.. lol

    Day 1 on left, Day 17 on right
  • Ramoth48
    Ramoth48 Posts: 93 Member
    Didn't get a chance to do my workout yesterday as we were travelling most of the day and l was to tired after unpacking.
    Had to do most of my workout today from memory as the battery on my laptop die on me, think l did okay got it sorted for tomorrow
  • Konpeito
    Konpeito Posts: 82
    Hey guys! You all are doing great!

    After getting back from my trip I got sun burned really badly, my shoulders mostly, I can't really do jumping jacks or streagth training like this, lame I know. OTL
    I'll make sure to start over on the shred in a couple days! for sure!