women 40+ would like to share progress



  • tigermom79

    I have been great with drinking water 10 to 11 glasses a day. And I have done wonderful with eating healthy foods and snacks. I have been eating about 400 to 500 calories for breakfast - skipping "lunch" but eating a healthy snacks (granola bar, celery with peanut butter, carrots, salad, soup, banana, etc) between each client every 60 to 90 min through the day. I normally have about 1000 calories in by the time I get home. I usually eat a 500 to 600 cal dinner and then snack of nuts/fruit in late evening. I don't have kids so that makes it easier for me.

    10 -11 glasses of water! WOW!!! I get my 8 -9 in. I will have to push myself for a couple of extras. Just out of curiosity what kind of nuts are you eating for snacks? Everything I see is so high in calories I tend to shy away from them. How about any kind of trail mixes. I love these but again the calories seem to be high. Anyone found some low cal ones?

    Thanks much
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Just out of curiosity what kind of nuts are you eating for snacks? Everything I see is so high in calories I tend to shy away from them. How about any kind of trail mixes. I love these but again the calories seem to be high. Anyone found some low cal ones?

    The calories are high but good calories. I feel it is much smarter to eat 130 cal of this than chips or chocolate. At least the calories have nutrients. I just buy various nuts (peacans, walnut, almond sliver, peanut) without salt, raisins, cranberrys, etc. Weigh them - add the calories up and then divide by total weight. I just made a batch and it came out to 133 cal per ounce. I will just weigh an ounce or two each night for my snack - depending how many calories I have left to eat. I couldn't find a store mix that I liked without extra salt or other chemicals.

    My mother-in-law is bringing me her food dehydrator to try tomorrow. I can't wait to make some other healthy fruit to put in the mix.
  • tigermom79
    Thanks!!! Making your own is a great idea!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    I am taking a little road trip so I weighed in this morning and I am down 1.6 lbs My first 15! I celebrate every five.:laugh: I have been doing good with my water and pretty good on exercise.

    Missou: I know it is frustrating not to be able to do things you normally can because of an injury, but take it easy on your knee and it will pay off in the long run. In September I sprained my ankle while hiking and I still feel it from time to time to remind me that it still isn't healed all the way. You are doing great, be good to your body so that you can enjoy your trip.:flowerforyou:

    pinbotchick: WOW! 20 lbs. Happy Dance!:laugh: We make fresh fruit leather in our dehydrator when apricots and such are in season. I know a gal that never buys herbs and seasonings. She dries her own chives, basil, all varieties and flavors of peppers, etc. Have fun making yummy, healthy food.

    makeitallsue: I sounds like we have the same shopping list for Christmas:laugh: :laugh: We are leaning toward getting our son the camera he wants. If I can pull the funds together I want to get the wii as family gift. Our friends laugh until they are about to wet their pants watching each other do the hula hoop. Our kids did the boxing against their kids and had a great time. It really gets everyone moving. I love things we can do together as a family. I hear you on the pricey.:noway: ouch!

    tigermom: almonds and pistachios are both heart healthy and they satisfy me longer than yogurt or chesse.

    Everyone have a great weekend.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Hello all!

    Trying to stick with it. Had a good day accomplishing my "list" and it even included excercise! That's a step ahead for me since the weddings. I put exercise on the list again tomorrow:smile:

    Make.. I'm in Northwest IN . Chicago is just over an hour away. Love that city. Good food and a fun place to walk it off!

    Missou.. treat your joints with love they are "pivotal" to your health!:laugh:

    I really enjoy almonds myself. I'm not sure abouth the pros and cons of pistachios! It's too hard to stop eating them!:embarassed:

    Now to get a little shut eye - helps to make something of tomorrow!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member

    Yesterday afternoon I walked for an hour and a half on top of my Gazelle and I was awaken by some knee pain around 3am... Was only able to go back to sleep at 6 :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    When I woke up a little while ago, there was no more pain :happy: I am suppose to leave in three hours. I could go on the Gazelle around 11ish. I am going for supper at a freind's house and we are going to have a really nice time.

    Have a nice day everyone!!
  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    Congrat's on everyones weight loss:happy: :happy:. So I will be leaving Tues. morning to spend Thanksgiving with my family in Texarkana, AR & TX. Which me luck not to eat everything.:noway: :noway:, those homemade desserts are gonna get me:explode: any wise suggestions to help me stay away? I don't know why I'm just worried about the desserts the rest will get me to. Oh well that what happens when the holidays come around. Darn it
  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    I lost a few more I'm at 168.2 yea me.:happy: :happy: But like I said Thanksgiving is almost here:noway: :noway: .
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    Missou hope you had a good time with your friends. Sorry to hear your knee woke you up. One day everything will be okay.

    Snowflakes hope you had a great road trip.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • tigermom79
    I lost a few more I'm at 168.2 yea me.:happy: :happy: But like I said Thanksgiving is almost here:noway: :noway: .
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Great Job! Congrats on your loss! Okay...that just sounds weird, but you know what I mean! As far as Thanksgiving goes......I am worried too. However, I am doing the cooking this year, so I am going to include some low cal. stuff and then hopfully be okay! Have a great time on your trip!
  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    I'm doing the cooking also, that is after I get there, I know I don't sound to happy about it. But after driveing 4 hours and visting with everyone after I get their, whew I am really worn out. But its okay because my grandmother is 86 years old and she loves my cooking. She tells me I should have my own resturant. I'm going to search some menues and reciepts on line to take with me. But those "skinny" children they all love my homemade desserts. So hunting I will go so I can have some too.
    But look at the bright side I'll get a workout with out working out HA HA.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I was invited for dinner on Friday and Saturday. I was also invited for lunch on Sunday. I did not gain much, I was able to be reasonnable This morning, the scale was at 158.6 I guess I definitly have to forget about reaching 155 by Thursday I went on the Gazelle on Saturday and I decided to put on my ankle weights. It didn't cause any pain in my back and it made me sweat a little more. This was a good idea!!! I didn't do a thing yesterday and I haven't done my Pilates in a few days... I have to do the Pilates again!!! I am now at 12/14 I'll have to work extra hard in the nest 3 days to compensate

    Have a nice day and a good week everyone!!! Take care!!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Congratulations to each of you for your successes. It is inspiring to read them. You have been the ones who have carried me through my little detour! My humble thanks!!!

    Well, I am now officially well again. It has been 4 weeks since I excercised (H1N1) but today I went to the YMCA. I did a warm up, 25 minutes of weights and then 35 minutes on the eliptical, and then a nice long stretch and cool down. It felt really good!! I did not have the endurance that I had before and I was not able to complete all of my reps with the weights but to be honest, I thought it would be worse.

    I weighed myself while I was there and it looks like I gained about 2 or 3 pounds. I am going to give it a week to see if I really need to up my ticker. I don't want to. :sad:

    The biggest difference, more than the weight gain that is so starteling to me was my affect. Without excercise I have been more moody, irritable, and lethargic. I am hoping and praying that by getting back on track I will be able to overcome this.

    This morning when I didn't want to get out of bed and go, as I lay there making excuses why I should start tomorrow instead, I realized it was either get up and do it or call the doctor and go on an anti-depressent.:noway: I got up.

    Have a great day ladies! The sun is shining here in Buffalo, NY! A novelty.

    My children await their teacher and we have food packing today at the local mission. (that should burn some extra calories, too)

  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I haven't posted in this thread in quite awhile, but thought I'd peek in & see what's up.

    I hope you in the States survived T-giving weekend!

    I think today is the day Missou leaves on her cruise - hope her joints have calmed down a bit for the big day!

    I saw some successes in the thread - those are so inspirational to hear about!

    DH comes home from his business trip tomorrow, so beginning Wed I can get back on track. (It was hard without him - the best time for me to get my walk in is first thing in the morning, but I don't want to leave our 8-year-old at home alone, understandably! Plus I was . . . well, sorta missing him, so I over-indulged in comfort food - not horribly horribly, but topped up my calorie max by a couple hundred each day.)

    Anyway, since I seem to only be able to manage an average of a pound a week, I've decided to reward myself for every 2-3 pounds lost. There's this really silly thing I've been wanting, and when the scales hit 217, I'm going to go buy it. It's a silly indulgence that I've not allowed myself to have because it just seemed too ridiculous. You know those clip-in hair pieces that blend with your own hair? I'm not talking about those glossy, non-realistic things you see at Claire's. These are either made of human hair or very good synthetic hair. They make your own hair look fuller and lusher. I see them at this salon sometimes and always wonder what they'd be like. I've always rather liked my hair, always thought it was one of my better beauty features. But with age, my hair isn't as thick as it used to be. So I said dad gum it, if I can get off this ridiculous plateau that I've been on for 2 weeks and beat my weight down to 217, I'm going to give myself permission to make this crazy beauty purchase.

    Any of you ever tried those things? How well do they work?
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Congradulations everyone and good to see you DD and LittleSister!!

    I actually am leaving on Tuesday morning for Barbados where I will board my ship on Saturday. Boy I can't wait.

    It is now time for me to go on my Gazelle, see you later!!!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Keep encouraging yourself Little Sister :flowerforyou: We are our own best cheeereleaders! My daughters have used the clip in extensions and love them. I think you will have fun with them!

    This week I start again with the goal of 4/7 days of real exercise. Today i get to go horseback riding. I don't think I get to count that: :ohwell: I will be out and about and Not eating!

    Here's to the start of a good week to all! :drinker:

  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Today i get to go horseback riding. I don't think I get to count that: :ohwell:


    Are you kidding??? Horseback riding is totally excercise!!! What fun!!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good morning gals,

    booboogroom: I did have a nice little road trip thanks. I know you are concerned about all the Thanksgiving food and desserts, but you have been doing great that one day will not blow all your progress. My plan is to concentrate on small portions not just smaller but small so that I can have some of all the traditional family dishes. For pie I plan allowing calories for one or two pieces but I will take a sliver of different flavors to make up those pieces so i don't feel deprived. In the couple of months that I have been logging food I have noticed that I am full sooner and I am taking longer to enjoy each bite instead of inhaling and not sure if I tasted anything:laugh: :embarassed: You will do fine. Enjoy your family, that is so sweet that Grandma loves your cooking. It must feel so good knowing you are bringing her such pleasure.

    Little Sister: I am with you on a new little something (that is not comfort food related, which would have been my choice not so long ago) that is rewarding. Since starting MFP I have two new CDs:happy: You will make that next goal.

    Hoosiermomma: Somewhere it seems that I have read calories burned for horseback riding. I will see if I can give you an exact post. I definitely think it should count. You have a beautiful family. The gorgeous bride looks like she takes after her mother.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Good job on taking yourself into getting back to the gym. Hopefully you will get your full strength back quickly. You are looking great.

    Safe travels to each of you this week. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday with so much to be grateful for! Enjoy and concentrate on small portions and drink lots of water.
  • tigermom79
    Hi All! Sounds like everyone has great plans to make it through this week! Mine is to use a smaller plate and only fill it once. Then have one piece of pie with light cool whip! I am doing the cooking so I also plan on sneaking in some low cal stuff without anyone really noticing!!! :) Using substitutes when possible.

    Everyone travel safe and have a great week and holiday!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hoosiermomma: horseback riding is listed here on MFP under exercise. You put in the amount of minutes, for what intensity. Lucky you!