women 40+ would like to share progress



  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I agree that Thanksgiving is past and let's focus on Christmas goals. I weigh in on Tuesday and hoping I didn't gain over this past week. Between Thanksgiving and lots of Black Friday and Saturday shopping I have been eating on the run and not writing anything down. I shopped for 14 straight hours on Friday and I NEEDED to keep eating to maintain my energy. I can only hope that I was burning calories as well as consuming them.

    I have two choices...dwell on the past or start moving into the future! Today I am moving on!!!

    Love you ladies!!

    PS...someday I will join in the conversations about running! I am looking forward to that great day! Keep it up you are all an inspiration to me!
  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    Hi ladies I'm back from the Holiday and gained 3 pounds. Oh well I'll get rid of it again. Welcome to all newcomers.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning. Glad to see everyone survived the holiday weekend. I took it easy and started decorating for Christmas - the house is now a mess with boxes everywhere. I hope to finish tomorrow. I finished off the turkey left overs by making quesidillas (? sp) and they were delicious. Gotta run to do my morning exercise before work.
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Hello Ladies,

    I just joined the boards this morning! I'm 41 yrs young, married for 16 yrs, 2 girls 15 and 12, one dog. We had 3 dogs a yr ago and since two of them have died ;(

    Anyhow, I began this journey at 197 last month today I'm at 188...tom is here so I will have a more current number in a few days! I was working and going to school, life and all that jazz my wt went up sky high and now I'm working on me, me, me! I'm loving the way I'm feeling since exercising again and taking good care of me! I gotta tell ya that craving sweets is my down fall. I'm gonna make myself some nice low cal treats for dessert this week to close the days with. I set a goal of eating all my calories before 8 pm and so I will celebrate that goal every day this week with a lowcal treat at 8pm!

    Today is my rest day!
  • djfshop
    djfshop Posts: 63 Member
    Hi, I'm Deb. I had lost previously, but quit logging and paying attention to portions and now I am back up in weight. So, back to the daily entries. I really have to plan my meals in advance and then I do so much better. Which leads me to Christmas parties. Tomorrow evening starts the list of long barrage of church, work, and social "food" gatherings. I do not want to feel slighted during the holiday. How does everyone handle these little, but this month frequent, hiccups in healthy eating?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It really does feel good to be back on schedule this week. I managed to stay under my calorie limit and did 45 min of low-impact aerobics yesterday. I finished decorating inside the house last night. Today, I will tackle putting up some outside lights. Of course it had to snow last night - I knew I should have put them up last weekend when it was 45 and sunny. But, the white yard looks beautiful.

    Welcome djfshop and itsbella. It's always nice to have new people join us.

    I handle the hiccups in healthy eating at parties by exercising more that day to allow extra calories, to have salad for lunch or dinner, try and fill my plate up with healthier options and trying to limit goodies to 1 tablespoon of each item. I am not a big sweets fan so the deserts don't tempt me.

    Good luck on your weigh-in today DeeDee. My scary day is Thursday. I am looking for another just stay even week.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good Morning Gals, hope all is well with everyone. I have been sticking to task, adding in more days of cardio and I'm feeling more like myself...wondering if last week was more of my "TOM" issue. I have trouble with pms. The Doctors put me back on the pill because I was having so much trouble with heavy bleeding, but I'm wondering if that was a good idea, it's been 6 months now and I have been getting headaches, and very moody usually for at least a week before and then the cravings are still bad for me...ARG!:mad: I would love to try something more natural, anyone have any suggestions? I'm thinking next year, I'm stopping the pill, I just don't feel like myself and I think it could be hormone related.....

    Off to get a run in for the week, looks chilly out there, but it is suppose to get up to 50* here so I am taking advantage of it:wink:

    Welcome djfshop and itsbella and good luck on your journey.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hi, I'm Deb. I had lost previously, but quit logging and paying attention to portions and now I am back up in weight. So, back to the daily entries. I really have to plan my meals in advance and then I do so much better. Which leads me to Christmas parties. Tomorrow evening starts the list of long barrage of church, work, and social "food" gatherings. I do not want to feel slighted during the holiday. How does everyone handle these little, but this month frequent, hiccups in healthy eating?

    Hi Deb,

    I feel myself entering a very scary zone!!! I just don't seem to care as much as I did when I started. So far the scales have only gone up one pound so I am maintaining but it has been a couple of months now since I was serious or consistent. I am terrified of Christmas!!
    Yesterday I went to excercise but it was cut short because of my son. This morning I was going to go again but my daughter is running a fever of 101! I am just not sure with the busy schedules and now the snow beginning!!!! I may have just enough excuses to not go to the Y. As it is I stopped swimming. (pool is too crowded, takes too much time, not feeling well, etc) I feel like I am the master of excuses!!!

    Reading your post today I am hoping will motivate me!! I am going to keep in mind that every decision that I make today will either bring me closer to my goal or send my back to where I started!!!

    As for dealing with the extra foods,...truly the secret is exactly like Pinbotchick says... excercise a little bit more and only take 1 TBS of any one thing.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Well, the scales today said that I lost a pound. I am afraid to trust it...I have not been very good these past few weeks and do not "deserve" to have lost. Either way, at least I didn't gain.

    Thanks again for the support!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Congrats on the loss DeeDee. That's one pound less to loose later.

    Makeallsue - glad you're feeling better. I have been keeping up with cardio doing floor and step aerobics but seem to have lost my urge to run. I plan to buy new running shoes tomorrow - I am hoping it will give me a new urge to get back to my C25K training. Keep posting about your runs to keep me motivated. I know once I start again, I will love it.

    I have been good keeping in my calorie range the last few days.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Good Morning Ladies, hope everyone is off to a great day!

    Dee Dee, Great News on that pound loss....I am weighing in on Friday, it will be after 3 weeks, I'm really nervous, but I have been eating my exercise calories like a good girl, and I have been doing more of the cardio and only a few times a week on the strength training, so I do hope for at least a pound...but 2 or 3 would be nice:laugh: :laugh:

    ...OK, might not happen, yesterday was our anniversary and DH came home early from work and we went out to lunch at our favorite Mexican place, I haven't had a drink all year, but Yesterday I had 2 margaritas with my meal....but I think I made wise choices with food and it was so good:bigsmile: :bigsmile: We had such a nice time.

    Pinbotchick, I did get that run in, the sun was just a shining, the air was crisp but it was a very nice run (2 1/2 miles) and I was back in 23 minutes, I felt so good that I came in and did an additional 45 cardio workout....( I was getting extra exercise in as you suggested, I knew I was headed for extra calories yesterday) After I logged them though, even with the drinks I was 200 under, so I think I did ok:smile:
    Hope You are excited about purchasing your new shoes....I have 10 miles on mine so far:wink:
    Today is a lighter day, and hour stretch and then elliptical, and maybe a quick walk with my pal, Bella (she's just the best girl and always ready to exercise!)
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    I guess I would belong on another thread. I'm 65. I had my 7th child when I was 43; boy; girl; boy; girl; boy; girl; boy. My oldest is actually 40, and my youngest is 22. I shed 25 lbs before joining MFP and seemed to be stuck there for a long time. I'm down another 4 lbs now, but I can tell that things will we moving downward. It feels so wonderful to feel so much energy where I just want to dance !:love: I can't really run well,yet, because of a heart condition, that I'm working on, but I can hike and do interval training on my elliptical!:bigsmile: Actually I never could run well even when I was young and weighed 120 or less, (two lead feet). Life is wonderful and I'm just excited to live it!!! I had a hysterectomy at age 59, but all is well and happy:happy: to face the challenge with my heart! Actually when I saw my doctor the day before Thanksgiving #'s were looking good, and I don't go back to see him again until March. Boy is he going to be surprised!:bigsmile: Greeting to all of you, and a hysterectomy is not particularly fun at the time, but after you heal all can be great!!!:happy: Just takes time, and patience!:heart::heart: Love the new day! got to get ready for my yoga class in 20 minutes! Everyone have a great day! I guess I could be like your mother....:laugh:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    shariguymon: Hi you are welcome to chime in here. Good job on losing 25 pounds on your own. The dairy tools are the best help, you will see continued results.

    makeitallsue: Happy Anniversary! :love: :heart: :smooched: :flowerforyou:

    deedee: Enjoy that pound lost. I know how you feel, I was sceptical of the scale last Friday when I weighed in, now today I am thinking 'will the scales on Friday be as kind', I can always hope. I am trying to enjoy the process. I just want instant beauty. :bigsmile:

    How many miles you do log on your shoes? I have never really paid attention to that. If I split out the sides then it is time for new shoes.:laugh:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    How many miles you do log on your shoes? I have never really paid attention to that. If I split out the sides then it is time for new shoes.:laugh:

    If you are really running, jogging or power walking in them, they normally wear out between 300 to 400 miles. The last month my feet have been aching after my 3-mile walks and it just dawned on me I didn't by new shoes this summer. But, my feet don't hurt when I do barefoot step aerobics or floor aerobics. I hope this is the answer. I put about 420 miles power walking/jogging this year and about 240 miles last year on them. I really need a new pair - I may buy 2 or 3 pairs. I just read an article saying after 200 miles you should rotate in new pair so you can tell when the old ones don't give you adequate support. Sorry I tend to give too much information.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Welcome all new faces! Shariguymon, you are most welcome to join us!! I think the beauty of this thread is that we are all trying but no one is too over the top not one is critical. We seem to rejoice in each others successses and encourage the weak bumps.:heart: I was recently disheartened to read a thread on MFP in which people were complaining about members "whining". I understand their point that we can't eat a box of oreos and wonder why we are not losing but really, I think some people just need the support to do it. Isn't that what we are all here for??? Besides, the thread says 40+...so your just on the plus side!:laugh: Your positive and joyful attitude will be a blessing to us all (OK pinbotchick...now i just said too much):laugh:

    Sounds like you did wonderfully, makeitallSue!!! :flowerforyou: I am going out tonight as well. I just recently left a service position that I have held for 13 years and the girls are all taking me out. I have planned my calories carefully by excercising this morning and watching all day. I even planned for a glass of wine with dinner. I have an extra 150 for the day just in case they decide to order an appetizer.

    Snowflakes: I am the same as you...I am terrible about buying new sneakers. Pinbotchick: NEVER too much information. I appreciated that. It is a good idea!

    I hope to make it out tomorrow to excercise again. We are supposed to be hit hard with some snow this weekend so it might be difficult to get out on Friday/Saturday.

    As for trusting that pound...I weighed myself again this morning just to be sure it wasn't a fluke and the scales actually say it is one pound gone. It have not lost any weight since September so maybe it is real.:love:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Shariguymon - our group really is open and would love to have you. You can give us added insight to the problems we may encounter. I exercise with mother who turns 62 today. Good luck on your journey.

    makeitallsue - happy belated anniversary. Good luck with your weigh-in tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee - I too was disheartened by that thread. I thought to myself - if you don't like it, then don't open, read or post back to those threads. I joined MFP to celebrate my success and to get encouragement when I am down.

    So on that note, I just wanted you all to know I am down 2 pounds this week :bigsmile: 22 pounds total in 10 weeks. And I feel great. I even had salt and vinegar chips last night (salty food is my weakness :grumble: ). My husband surprised me by bring dinner home - Asian tofu wrap with peanut sauce (YUMMY) and the side of chips. (FYI - he laughed at me as I pulled the chips out of the box to weigh them before I ate them.) I still came in 20 cal under for the day with exercise. Well I am off to get ready for my shopping trip - I have to be out the door in 30 min. Have a great day everyone and thanks for being my friend and support.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hey Pinbotchick, that is awesome!!!!!

    I also survived my dinner out with friends last night. We went to Applebees so I was able to view the menu and calories ahead of time which helped. I still ordered the Bruschetta burger but opted for garlic mashed potatoes instead of fries and in the end did not eat the top of my burger and only two bites of the potato. I did have a glass of wine but didn't finish that either. My only bad part was eating a mozzerella stick and 2 chips with a tablespoon of the spinach artichoke dip. Balance that with two large glasses of water. Over all, considering that we sat around the table for 5 hours laughing, eating, drinking (and giving our server nice tips), I did pretty well.

    I too came in under calories for the night.

    Excercise makes all the difference! It will be my survival mode for the holidays.

    Question: The day after Christmas we are expecting my husbands brother and family who seldom come to visit. The will be with us for just over a week. We plan to wine and dine them and do every fun Buffalo thing we can think of. Is it rude for me to get up early in the morning to travel to the Y and excercise? I would be gone for about one hour. It would be impossible to excercise at home as there will be people sleeping in every room of the house and frankly walking outside in Buffalo in January is not my idea of fun. I don't want to be rude but I know that this will be a dangerous week if I do not excercise.

    What do you all think? this is a question I would not want to post to someone who is twenty but need a more mature audience.

    thanks in advance!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello everyone and welcome sheriguymon!:flowerforyou:

    Pinbotchick:bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: WOO-HOO..!!!! 2 pounds is fantastic! 22 pounds in 10 weeks, something to be proud of, that's tough to keep it going with that average. I'll let you know what tomorrow brings for me, I hope the extra cardio is paying off, after looking over my past calendars, I do think that could be a problem. I do recommend p90x for toning though,(they are good, get to the point types of exercises) and I will add the workouts back in as soon as I drop some of the extra pounds!

    Dee, Dee...sounds like you have this eating out under control as long as we are prepared...we can do anything! 13 years is a commitment to be proud of, are you leaving the company or just transfering to a new spot?

    Snowflakes....I never logged the miles on my last pair of shoes:frown: and at the 5k I ran I heard other runners talking about it, it was something they had kept track of...I thought that would be a fun idea:happy: and somewhat of a motivator and thought when i got my next pair, I would keep track this time around......I probably should of bought a new pair a long time ago....my old ones were 2 years old and I ran and did all cardio in them for most of those 2 years.:embarassed:

    Dee Dee, to post to your last question...I myself do not think it would be rude, it's part of who you are and who knows, it just might motivate someone in your extended family. Not only that, but you will feel so super fantastic that it will send all those feel-good vibes to everyone in your family! I'd have coffee and juice out for them, maybe a healthy muffin or fruit and sneak out:laugh: :happy: :laugh: :happy: , chances are they might not even know your gone...depends on how early you sneak out!!:laugh:
    Have a great day everyone, it's kickboxing for me today, a few extra minutes on the elliptical, and groceries..(my grandsons are coming tomorrow to stay for a couple of days, the oldest will be 3 on Saturday....I have to buy surprises and ballons!) Then this evening off to a basketball game, my son plays and we are traveling tonight!
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks for the welcome everyone!:bigsmile: It's only worthwhile to give positive interaction in my opinion. If someone slips and has a whole box of Oreos then they probably need some knowledge about the hormones that stimulate appetite to combat that type of experience in the future, not a chewing out!:grumble: Hopefully I will have something to offer so we can all find what we seek together!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Best to everyone Pinbotchick I also made 2 more pounds since Thanksgiving!:happy: It sure does feel good! It will take me a while to get all your names, but you sure seem like a happy bunch, and I'm very happy to join you!:bigsmile:
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    Hi, I'm Deb. I had lost previously, but quit logging and paying attention to portions and now I am back up in weight. So, back to the daily entries. I really have to plan my meals in advance and then I do so much better. Which leads me to Christmas parties. Tomorrow evening starts the list of long barrage of church, work, and social "food" gatherings. I do not want to feel slighted during the holiday. How does everyone handle these little, but this month frequent, hiccups in healthy eating?

    Hi Deb, I'm just learning about strategies for handling those party days. The day before have a low carb day, and the two days after. Eat the day of the party slow and never past moderately full. Head for the protein first at the party and again eat slow so your body has a chance to tell you when you are full. Enjoy it! Overeating a little can stimulate your metabolism so up your exercise after for the next 48 hours, with increased intensity in your work out. Try and vary it so there are intervals of high and low intensity. Listen to your body and don't push too hard, but feel like you are doing something. No heart attacks here!:explode: I'm just starting on this strategy and that's what I did for Thanksgiving! I was advised not to weigh until my regular day of eating more in the morning, as your weight will fluctuate a lot. Just move forward with confidence. So far so good, but I do need to improve the quality of my workouts for sure!:bigsmile:

    Learning together!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    It's very helpful to log because then you really know what you are doing. At first I was inaccurate with my logging, trying to fool myself I guess, but then I thought, This tool is to help me, and if I don't use it properly it can't help me. Sometimes it's a guess when you don't know what is in a food, but all we can do is the best we can do! :bigsmile: :huh: How's that for a twisted sentence!:laugh: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Don't ever forget the water, but then again if you feel you might float away listen to your body and don't float downstream!:laugh: