women 40+ would like to share progress



  • tigermom79
    Morning all! WOW......I got caught up in one of my other boards and lost track of this one! :frown:

    Here's to everyone of us for our accomplishments and to those of us that need to start a new day!!!:ohwell:

    Hope you have a great Wednesday!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Christine, I have a good friend who had a baby who was born 1 pound 6 oz, and now he is a happy, healthy 2-year-old. He is the sweetest thing! I will keep my fingers crossed for you little grand baby!

    Missou, great job on the weight loss. I wish my scales would go down. I do not like them. :laugh:
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Nice to see you Tigermom!!!

    Remember Tabbydog, I had to wait several months before the scale started to move. Now that it does, I see the result of several months of work. It feels really good!!! Hubby promised that he would work on me tonight. That means I can go do my workout and not worry about the pain since it will be taken care of :happy: :happy:
  • futureskinnyone
    Good afternoon, ladies!

    I'm also new! :happy: Today is my 2nd day of tracking with this system, and I'm feeling hopeful that I will make lasting changes from now on. I have realized that if I want to have a healthy BMI and keep it there, smaller portions must become a way of life.

    I'm 43, will be 44 in one month from today and I'm looking forward to reaching my goal next year sometime.

    I've been exercising on my stationary bike regularly for almost 2 weeks now, and I'm sure that will help me lose weight more easily than in the past. :laugh:

    Look forward to getting to know you all,
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    :smile: Hello everyone, Just checking in, looks like lots of new faces! Welcome everyone!
    I have been pushing through my cardio....I'm wanting real bad to jump on the scale, but I'm going to give it 2 weeks before I do (well Eva, it's not a month, but I though a good compromise:ohwell: )
    ....I don't want to get discouraged....and I have been eating my exercise calories...but I'm nervous:ohwell: , I'm making them healthy calories, lots of extra protien. The p90x program had me trying to do pull-ups today with a pull-up bar, one that hangs on the door....I used a stool for support and they are really tough, but by the end of my workout I completed 50 of them....(that sound like a lot, but I'm guessing they tripled the amount they did on the video, but I felt so strong today,) I'm proud of myself for that, because I really had to make myself push play!

    About time for your cruise isn't it Dominique?, how exciting! I see you posted 20 years married...that's just great, next December will be our 20th....I might have to hint around to Dear Hubby, that this should be a plan:love::drinker: :bigsmile:
    Prayers out to the new little one, hope everything goes well!
    Futureskinnyone, I have about the same goal in the amount of weight I am going to take off...good luck!
    Hoosiermomma, I'm a hoosiermomma too, I live up North near Fort Wayne, (Columbia City)

    Hope everyone is healthy today and had time to love yourself!
  • cahaden
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!
  • cahaden
    Thank You!
  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    Well I'm back from the gym. Boy I can tell I missed a few days being sick. Glad thats over with. Ladies I cooked the best BBQ chicken tonight.

    Take a chicken breast cut a split in it, stuff 1 slice of peper jack cheese in it, close it with a tooth pick, rub some BBQ on it, place under broiler for 7 to 8 min. on each side, or until its cooked. So simple but oh so good.:tongue::tongue:, course you could use any kind of cheese. Not bad on the calorie count either.

    Makeitallsue don't give up you can do it. Welcome all.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I didn't really feel like it today, but I forced myself to do my training. I am up to 9/17!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Missou: You are so determined, good job.

    booboogroom: sounds yummy, love pepper jack cheese.

    makeitallsue: wow pull ups! I have been strengthening my upper arms but I have not attempted a pull up. You will be so buff.:happy: Keep up the good work.

    futureskinnyone: welcome! The food diary has been a huge help to me. I too am working on smaller portions. Using all these tools you will see results.

    Today was a big shopping day. One more gift for Christmas taken care of. And we now have all the fixins for Thanksgiving dinner. (Except for the fresh items that have to be picked up Wednesday.) Have a great evening.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!

    Today is a busy day for me and I have to do my Gazelle as quickly as possible. Speak to you later!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Today - Thursday is my official "weigh-in" day. I just want everyone to know I am leaving my husband for my scale :wink: I am down 4 pounds this week and 20 pounds total in 8 weeks. YEAH!!! I feel so much better. I carried in 12 pounds of apples the other day and my knees were aching on the steps - I was shocked to realize how much better I feel since losing some weight. Even though we are older - we can do this together.

    Welcome Christine - I hope the baby is doing well. I have been thinking about her. This is a great place to work on getting healthier so you will be around for her as she grows up.

    Welcome Juli - exercising on your bike is great. Sticking to your calorie goal is also important. Good Luck.

    Missou - Only a few days until you leave. Have fun for all of us. You inspire me to do more each day - make it 10/17 today. Get that husband to rub your knee every night.

    Booboo - that chicken does sound good - I will try it next week - after our turkey is gone. Glad to hear your back at the gym.

    Snowflakes - doesn't it feel good to have the shopping done. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

    Sue - I am holding my breath for you. Good luck with waiting for the weigh-in. Keep exercising and eating healthier.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: My knee aches and I was only able to stay on the Gazelle for 15 minutes :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Hubby told me I still have a lot of rehabilitation to do for my knee :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: There is so much he can do, I have to do the rest :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I am just so tired of that, it seems I have been working on my leg for so long and the results are very hard to acheive...

    Ok!! Enough complaining!! I have to do it if I want to be able to us my knee the best way I can!! I know there is a lot of atrophia in my right leg, it is now time for me to take care of that!!!

    I will do the work for my leg and let's say I am up to 10/17...
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Today - Thursday is my official "weigh-in" day. I just want everyone to know I am leaving my husband for my scale :wink: I am down 4 pounds this week and 20 pounds total in 8 weeks. YEAH!!! I feel so much better. I carried in 12 pounds of apples the other day and my knees were aching on the steps - I was shocked to realize how much better I feel since losing some weight. Even though we are older - we can do this together.

    pinbotchick, Oh my gosh...that is so GREAT:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: , 4 pounds in a week, 20 in 8 weeks...that is just super! Keep up the great work!! How often are you working out?
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: My knee aches and I was only able to stay on the Gazelle for 15 minutes :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    I will do the work for my leg and let's say I am up to 10/17...
    Dominique, sorry to hear of your struggle,
    I know how frustrating it can be to have to work through, when I threw my back out a few years ago It was a slow, slow process and to be honest, I still have a little catch from time to time on that side. Please listen to your body and baby yourself...you are so worth it!!:smooched:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Boo-boo, I am so going to try that chicken...it sound yummy and I love bar-b-q!!

    Snowflakes, I too completed a lot of my shopping this week, feels great to be able to enjoy the holidays instead of running and trying to finish up last minute....I am having trouble with my middle daughter though, she's 17 and I'm not sure which route to go with her...she is wanting the wii fit, but also said a camera would be nice....the are both pretty pricey, and secretly I would hope the wii would motivate her, but a digital camera would be so great for her to have these last few years of high school! I'll have to make a choice here pretty soon:frown:

    On to some better news, this morning before my Husband left for work, I was complaining about p90x yoga being on my schedule (I' not a big fan of this workout, it's over 90 minutes and I guess I'm just not very accomplished at it, it tends to get boring:grumble: )...but my husband made this comment....
    "well, I don't know what you've been doing, but your getting a lot smaller"...thought I died and went to heaven:blushing: , my husband is supportive in the fact that I can take the time to exercise and if I don't get to the dust bunnies in the corners of the ceiling, he doesn't fuss about it...he also has never made a comment about my weight, says he loves me for me when I complain about myself.....but to give out complements...he's just really not like that, he's very quiet...so for him to say something really made me think I was getting somewhere, even with that darn scale not budging:explode:

    so long story short I'm off to do my yoga and then my elliptical....hope everyone has a great day!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Thanks Sue for your encouragement :smooched:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    pinbotchick, Oh my gosh...that is so GREAT:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: , 4 pounds in a week, 20 in 8 weeks...that is just super! Keep up the great work!! How often are you working out?

    Thanks. My workout varies day to day. Most mornings, I get up and do 30-45 min step aerobics. I started C25K and skip step aerobics if I do this which takes about 30 min. Most evenings I power walk outside (3 miles in 60 min a very comfortable pace) or do a "walking DVD" (aka low impact aerobics) for 30-60 min, I get strength training in by doing circuit step aerobics and/or light weights or stretch band toning walking DVD several days a week. The 2 weeks that I lost 4 pounds, I actually skipped the morning workouts and rested on Sunday (no exercise or walks)... It makes me think I am over exercising or that I am not eating enough when I exercise twice a day. Who knows - the week before I didn't lose any weight - but I know I ate horrible and had that TOM. I tried doing The Shred but it bothered my knee too much. I will go back to exercising twice a day next week and see what happens. Once I get closer to my goal weight, I may try p90x for toning/sculpting. I went from 221 to 217 this week.

    I have been great with drinking water 10 to 11 glasses a day. And I have done wonderful with eating healthy foods and snacks. I have been eating about 400 to 500 calories for breakfast - skipping "lunch" but eating a healthy snacks (granola bar, celery with peanut butter, carrots, salad, soup, banana, etc) between each client every 60 to 90 min through the day. I normally have about 1000 calories in by the time I get home. I usually eat a 500 to 600 cal dinner and then snack of nuts/fruit in late evening. I don't have kids so that makes it easier for me.

    IMHO - get your daughter the camera. Family/friend photos are important and will be remembered more in 5 to 10 years. We have a Wii and used it a lot the first 2 months. Now, we only pull it out on the weekends to play golf. Hopefully your success will motivate her to want to what you're doing. Maybe she will take some walks or move to a walking DVD with you - believe it or not my mom (who is 63) is why I exercise at night - we spend the time bonding and talking about our day.
  • tigermom79
    Today - Thursday is my official "weigh-in" day. I just want everyone to know I am leaving my husband for my scale :wink: I am down 4 pounds this week and 20 pounds total in 8 weeks. YEAH!!! I feel so much better. I carried in 12 pounds of apples the other day and my knees were aching on the steps - I was shocked to realize how much better I feel since losing some weight. Even though we are older - we can do this together.

    Congrats!!!! That is totally awsome! Keep up the great work!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    but my husband made this comment....
    "well, I don't know what you've been doing, but your getting a lot smaller"...thought I died and went to heaven:blushing: , my husband is supportive in the fact that I can take the time to exercise and if I don't get to the dust bunnies in the corners of the ceiling, he doesn't fuss about it...he also has never made a comment about my weight, says he loves me for me when I complain about myself.....but to give out complements...he's just really not like that, he's very quiet...so for him to say something really made me think I was getting somewhere, even with that darn scale not budging:explode:

    That is awesome. It is great that he loves you for you and that he noticed. :bigsmile: Keep up the great work - soon the scale will start dropping...