Anyone here take vitamins on a daily basis?



  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    1200 milligrams of fish oil-1200 milligrams of calcium and vitamin D-one women's multivitamin
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I take probably about 60+ vitamins per day but that's all the doses. Some call for two twice a day; 3 three times a day; five twice a day etc. I take a daily multi with niacin; special vitamins through Genewize that are for me only, coQ10; Omega 3; Vitamin D - probably about 5,000 IU's a day; calcium; vitamins for my heart, vascular health, liver, eyes, various berry vitamins among other things.

    It sounds like a lot however I am hardly sick and on the off chance that I do get sick it lasts a couple of days.
  • DLKeeble
    DLKeeble Posts: 200 Member
    I take One A Day Women's Forumla, Magnesium3 times a week, D (prescribed) once a week, B12 three times a week, when I don't get injections (always low on b12) I just started taking Osteo Biflex (I don't know if you would consider that a vitamin) My sister keeps pushing me to take fish oil... just can't get around the taste of the burps (past experience)
  • jbyesh
    jbyesh Posts: 15 Member
    I take a multi for women daily. Vitamin D (Rx) weekly as I just found out I have a vitamin D deficiency. Surprising since I walk outside sans sunscreen 1 hour day.

    I give my 4yo flintstones with iron since her last check up revealed she was low in iron. My 2 year old gets gummy vitamins.
  • smilesalot1969
    Yes i take an A-Z multivitamin and mineral complex, vitamin c and magnesium, evening primrose, odourless garlic, cod liver oil and also oat bran capsules
  • cllgeplz
    cllgeplz Posts: 5 Member
    I take Fish Oil to loosen my joints, Hair skin and nails , for obvious reasons, and prenatals for overall health. I am not pregnant, but prenatals are like general vitamins on crack. The only ones that tack on anything are Fish oil, but it's 35 calories. Also, just as an aside, drinking chocolate milk after a workout helps repair the muscles. Look it up if you don't believe me:)
  • theman49
    theman49 Posts: 19 Member
    Heres the supps I take every day:

    -Omega 3's: ~3500mg
    -Vitamin D: ~1000UI (I live in Canada)
    -Glutamine: ~7g
    -Creatine Monohydrate: ~7g
    -Protein (Whey Iso): ~50g

    Supps I take not daily but still take occasionally:
    -A Fat Burner
    -A Preworkout blend