Couch to 5km Graduates!!!



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Well, now I've done it!

    I entered myself into the ballot for a 1/2 marathon and WON A SPOT!!

    That means, I've committed myself to a 1/2 marathon at the end of September. Yikes. Gotta stay focused now.

    AWESOME! My first is March 21. I've been doing the program off smart coach on runners it's been great - I only have 8 weeks to go---up to 8 miles in one run. We can do it!

    You can do a training plan on there for any distance...enter in a time that you've run and it gives you a custom plan....I entered a 5k that I did and put that my goal was the half....It was a 16 week program. ( I repeated 3 weeks since I was slack over the holidays)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    A half-marathon - wow!!!! That's inspiring! Maybe I'll get some nerve and sign up one of these days.... Good for you!

    This morning, running buddy didn't want to go today - she said she wanted to switch to Tues, Thurs and Sat. this week. I said, "Okay, but I'm still going today"...and off I went. Did 3.1 mile run, (4 mile total with warm up walk)... and I feel GREAT! Our runs have been shorter than the 5k b/c she's building back up.... was a great way to start the day today. Hope you all have a great week.:flowerforyou:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    jlbay--> you go girl!!! Thats amazing. I am so impressed with you! I am actually planning on registering very soon for the half marathon I want to run on October17, 2010

    chrissy I hope that you 1/2 goes great! I will be rooting for you every week you train!!!! I looked at the runners world website and I totally envy you! I was good at motivting myself for trainig for the 5km but for 21.1km I dont know if I can do it. I think I am going to register for the next 1/2 marathon clinic that is run through a local running room (store) in the area. I have heard AMAZING things about their clinics.

    They have you run 2x a week with them and one time a week on your own and there is information for the first 30 minutes each night so that you can get tips on nutrition, clothing, music etc so I am excited to start that but its not until April so my plan now is to keep running the 5KM regularily and slowly increase a little distance and really improve my running speed so that I canfinish the 1/2 in good time!!!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Wow, look at all of you looking into 1/2 marathons! Maybe I will in a few months too. I am just working up to 5 miles right now. :smile: With graduate school coming in the fall, not sure I want to be training for a 1/2 marathon on top of all that. :laugh: Maybe I will, we shall see.

    Just wanted to say I ran today - about 4.1 miles running. (maybe 5 miles with walking warm up and cool down). I usually don't run two days in a row, but I am going out of town to hang with my BFF from college tomorrow night, so I am probably going to squeeze a run in tomorrow too so I can stay on schedule.

    Keep on running ladies! :smile:
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Well, I may be crazy with this 1/2 marathon. Today, I think I ran about 3 miles. So, I have a very long way to go to get to the half marathon. It is definitely a stretch goal for me.

    I'm working the G28k plan - so, after 10 weeks that's up to nearly 5 miles - which I should reach mid-March, sometime. Then, if I add on the recommended 10% distance a week, I could work up to 13 miles by about mid-May. That gives me another (roughly) 4 months to prepare for the marathon. I THINK that gives me some wiggle-room. We shall see!

    This week, G28K is going very well. When I re-started my running, I started over at week 1 of the G28k plan (I was up to week 4 of the plan). It is feeling extremely easy. I'm wondering if I moved back too far on the schedule. Still, injury will slow me down more than repeating training weeks....
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    hey...I dont think you're nuts for the 1/2 marathon! I'll be right with you by October...hopefully lol! I know you will be great, of that I have NO doubt!

    I havent really been running consistently for a few weeks and its amazing how quickly you lose it so make sure you dont take to many weeks off :) I did manage to get on the treadmill again yesterday for another interval traning day and HOLY COW I thought I was going to die. I managed to get 4km down in 32 minutes which isnt fabulous but my goal is to get my 5km down to about 34 minutes by the end of february and then work on increasing distance again afterwards.

    I also know i havent run at full energy/concenraton in few weeks becuase my shins and calves are definately killing me the last coulple days!!!!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    G28k - Started D1 of W2, but then ran D2 & D3 at W3. So, I'm saying W3, COMPLETE and possibly moving to W4 next week (or repeating W3, we'll see). The running effort felt very easy. I'm still having some tightness on my right leg - which is normal for me, so I'm keeping the pace pretty slow. Working my physio exercises on my right leg.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    G28k - Started D1 of W2, but then ran D2 & D3 at W3. So, I'm saying W3, COMPLETE and possibly moving to W4 next week (or repeating W3, we'll see). The running effort felt very easy. I'm still having some tightness on my right leg - which is normal for me, so I'm keeping the pace pretty slow. Working my physio exercises on my right leg.

    Great job! :smile: The nice thing about G28K is that you're already used to running - so it's just helping increase pace a little bit and distance. I am sure you will be fine on Week 4. I have done only two days of one week before (because of missing one over the holidays) and jumped up to the next week anyway and was fine. :smile:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Hey Ladies :)

    Steph, glad the gateway is working out well! I am looking forward to stepping up my running time as soon as possible. I finally got out running on the pavement again instead of just on the dread-mill. My calves and shins are really sore today but I am still eager to run again!

    How is everone else doing this week. any big running plans..or actually just any plans in general for this coming week? Not to much new here.Just month end which means a little more stress in my job so my goal is to not emotionally eat lol :)

    so exciting news...I did go and get fitted for my wedding dress so there is no turning back now! Im going for it and need to keep working at it unil I look freaking fabulous and feel even better than fabulous..and I have 8 months to do it as of tomorrow!!!! Im so excited. its defiantely a real motivatr for me now that its getting more and more real :)
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hi all! I spent 25 minutes walking on the treadmill at the gym yesterday. That was easy enough that today I ventured a run. Did 30 minutes total time, 17 minutes running at 4.5 mph for a total of just a smidge under two miles. I"m looking forward to building back up on my time. Maybe I'll pick up a little speed in the process.

    I'm back in the pool swimming as well. My fitness level is off there too... but I'm sure it won't take nearly as long to get back to where I was than it did to get there the first time! I practice a lot of breathing while swimming. I hope it translates to more efficient running eventually. Both yesterday and today I did laps for 30 minutes after my treadmill time.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Unfortunately, I've developed some weird swelling around my left knee. No sudden pain, no blunt force trauma - I was sitting, doing my homework and my knee became very swollen and I can't even bend it. This morning it is slightly less swollen, but now I have a little pain when I walk.

    I'm trying not to freak out. I'm wondering if it is bursitis? (since I don't recall an injury). Is it possible to do soft tissue damage during exercise and not realize it, have no pain, and just suddenly swell up the next day? I don't really think so, but what do I know. So, I'm wondering if it is bursitis. I started a new Yoga class and we were doing a lot of knee intensive stuff, perhaps I burst/irritated a bursa sac and it didn;t swell for 24 hours???

    Ack! Well, I have an appointment with my physiotherapist next week - maybe I should move it up to this week and also make an appointment with my doctor. I'm trying not to panic.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Hello? where are my ladies at? No action on here in ONE WHOLE WEEK.....LADIES!!! Have you guys been out and too busy for yoru running?

    Jlbay, how is your swelling? did you have your appointment with the physio yet? I hope there is nothing severe wrong.

    I know steph you have been out and running because I see your status updates but Jan...where are you?????

    I did 2 10 minute runs on the treadmill today with a 2 minute walk inbetween and then I did 20 minutes on the eliptical after just to swtich things up a little bit and see whats going to happen :) I put my deposit down on the wedding dress so now I really do need to keep running every week. I actually have to double up and run again tomorrow with a friend because I wont be able to on Friday and I want to run on the treadmill on Saturday while I am at work!!!!!
  • sstrouse
    sstrouse Posts: 4 Member
    I have completed the C25K and was wondering if anyone went directly to the freeway to 10k instead of the 8k? Not sure which to start on next, but I hope to one day be able to run a 10k.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I have been running! :tongue:

    sstrouse - I really like the gateway to 8K program. The difference between G28K and Freeway to 10K is that Freeway is at a much higher BPM (Beats per Minute) so it gets you running faster. You can do that one, but G28K already increases your speed from C25K a bit. They developed Freeway to 10K for more advanced runners to do the higher speeds. Though, they both start from running a 5K.

    You can easily work up to a 10K from an 8K as an 8K is 4.97 miles and a 10K is 6.2 - only a little over a mile difference. :smile:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Ok...I have decided I cannot run at the gym I work at. i tried to run 5km on the dread-mill with a friend on thursday and again today and both times I got interrupted by the staff or members and never actually got to finish. I think I am going to run outside tomorrow provided its not-25 again and just get it done!

    good for you guys getting your runs in. I did 4km thursday and 3.7 today!!! Oh well I guess lol....such is life! Cant wait to get farther again on h ere. atleast outside its so much easier to go farther (when my lungs arent turning to ice lol)
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I hope it warms up soon, Carrie! That way you can run outside. It is much easier to go the distance outside, it really is. I hate the dreadmill because of the lack of mental stimulation.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hi all! I'm glad to see we're still in this together!

    Back when I bought my running shoes, they had me try them on with these little socks that felt really good. I like them so much, I've worn them every time I've run - until this past week. I wore regular socks to the gym to run. Well, son of a gun, I got a blister on the underside of one of my toes on the left foot where my sock bunched up while I was running. That was Friday. I wasn't on it much yesterday, but today I went back to run and the blister was still there and got really irritated when I ran. Now I'm limping around. Arrggh.

    I usually try to run on Monday nights, if the blister doesn't go away, I'm not sure I'll be able to .

    Right now, I've just gotten back up to covering 3 miles in about 45 minutes. I can't believe how much of a setback my getting sick new year's eve caused. It's taken me two weeks to get back to this level.

    Because the gym is so full, I actually have to rotate on and off the treadmill. So I'm doing it in three 1 mile segments on different machines. Kinda wierd, but at least I can get it in.

    I have a new Ipod Nano - which is WONDERFUL! I love the radio on it - I can listen to the audio on the TVs at the gym now! When I first started running at the gym I bought an FM radio, but there was really bad static along with the sound, so I took it back and started using the podcasts. That's all the sound I've had until now. So I'd just read the text on the TV screen while I ran. With the nano, the sound is really good. I'm going to enjoy running to different tunes once I'm back outside again!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm in week three of no running (knee injury). I'm back on the treadmill (walking) and the elliptical, but I have to be somewhat careful with my movements so as not to irritate the knee. Still, it is better this week and I can almost do stairs - just a tiny bit of pinch sensation on the stairs now (as opposed to the sharp pain before).

    Last night I had a dream about trying to run!! I have to admit, Friday I was very tempted just to "try it out" - just a few steps of a jog, but I resisted. I'm going to wait until I'm completely able to take the stairs pain and pinch free. I get lots of practice as there are 4 flights of stairs to our flat and no elevator!

    Hopefully back to G28k in one week - that's my goal!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I wanted to know if I could join this group? I finally finished C25K in Jan and have been adding 3 min a week. Yesterday, I actually ran a 5K on the treadmill in 41 min 20 sec (my longest run ever). I can't wait for spring so that I can get outside and run. I live in northern MI and it's been too cold, snowy and icy for me to get outside. I have been contemplating how to start running farther and faster. Your group seems like a good resource.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    jlbay - I am glad to hear you are recovering from being sick. :flowerforyou: Great job at getting back out there.

    Pinbotchick - Of course you can join us. :smile:

    Jan - Glad the iPod Nano is working so well for you! :smile:

    I am starting my last week of Gateway to 8K on Monday. I am pretty excited to finish. Then I will add in speed intervals once a week for a while to increase my running pace. :smile: