Couch to 5km Graduates!!!



  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Well, tomorrow is my last 30 minute run to be an official C25K graduate. :bigsmile:

    Jessica - Keep up with it. It'll go a lot faster than you think.

    Bonnie - The plan sounds interesting. I may check it out when I become a "beginner" runner according to their standards. :tongue:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Yay Stephy! :) Congratulations - looking forward to hearing how it goes! ;)

    I went out today - thought I'd start week 2 of Gto8K.... and somewhere, somehow, I've done a backslide in my endurance. It makes no sense. Maybe it's the music?? That, and I just moved up to level 3 on the 30 day shred and it's doing a number on my thighs. I know they'll get strong (sooner rather than later), but I think that's interfering with having the oomph I need to just run through it.

    I ran 8 mins, walked 1, ran 7, walked 1, ran 2, walked more, tried to run again and quit in about 90 seconds. And i was doing continuous 30 and even 40 minute jogs 2-3 weeks ago...:frown:

    Gave myself a pep talk though - and decided it's just good that I'm out doing it, if I really DID backslide, all I have to do is stick with it and build back up... after all, I started Cto5K from total scratch. Decided to set some incentives... new running shoes (which I need) and, on a more fun note, some cuter running gear. That will be worth running for! :)

    Bonnie and Jan, let me know how it's going for you guys - I'm still trying to figure out what I should be doing.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Smiles - Sorry about the endurance problem there! It could be 30 Day Shred (as that makes me sore too!). If you're saying you need new running shoes, the ones you're currently wearing could be the problem too. So, get a new pair of running shoes and some cute running attire, and I'm sure you'll get back into running 40 minutes again! :smile:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    It really could be the shred-it's intense. Since I've been adding miles, I cannot do kickboxing - running and kick was just too hard on my hips and knees so I am doing Step in stead and its fine - try to go back to level 2 or switch to another workout and see if it helps. Sometimes your body needs a rest day - have you taken one? Shoes have made a WORLD of difference for me too.

    did a 6 mile dreadmill run yesterday - I hate that thing but at least I did it! Realized at bedtime I didn't ache - getting stronger with every run
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Woohoo! I ran 35 minutes today instead of 30. Which resulted in 2.77 miles in length. :smile: (I did walk for 30 seconds on one hill because my HR was getting really high and I felt like vomiting. So, a 30 second recovery isn't too bad). So, I am officially a C25K graduate now. :tongue:

    Chrissy - great job on the 6 miles!
  • laurajoyk
    Ok so I used to talk to some of you guys on the other c25k thread and was about to graduate with all of you about a month ago, but I hadn't ran since I was sick a month ago sadly. I wrote on the other thread and no one wrote me back, so I figured even though I am having to start running the c25k from week 4 again instead of jumping in where I left off at week 8 I would still get the awesome support from you guys since you guys are just awesome like that :laugh: So even though I haven't graduated yet I was going to see if I could post on here with you :smile:

    I started running again yesterday finally! LOL I had to start on week 4 day 3 sadly and it was pretty rough but I made it through, I'm going to do that run a couple more times to get back into the swing of jogging again. I really want to run an 8k next summer, so I am going to work hard to get there :smile:

    How has everyone been? I have missed talking to you guys.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thanks Steph and Chrissy, for those ideas and support. I could back down to level 2 if I find I have to. I'm sort of hoping to just finish out level 3 (it's a badge of honor thing!) If I can continue daily, I have just 6 more days of it....

    The bad news is - I went to the beach today and I fell while walking down the hill - and rolled my ankle.:frown: :grumble: It's slightly swollen - I have been walking on it and while it isn't awful, I keep thinking "does this mean I can't run tomorrow?" I'm not sure. May have to take a couple of days off from running / shredding (both). And, if can handle, at least will walk. I'll know more tomorrow....

    Ay ay ay.

    Congrats on finishing week 9 - that's so great!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    laurajoyw - Welcome back! I think most of us are also on the "wannabe runner's thread" too.

    Smiles - elevate and ice! Take good care of those ankles!

    Yesterday was an off-program day for me all around - I went crazy on the food side (haven't done that in MONTHS), planned all day to go to my aqua class, then at the last minute decided to go a little later and run instead... but first run a couple errands, and never made it to the gym at all! Now I'm up in the middle of the night with a headache. Bleh!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Thanks Smiles. Definitely ice it and take a break. It's better to be on the safe side than push yourself and injure your ankle worse.

    Jan - Sorry yesterday didn't go so well. I am sure today will be better. :smile:

    Laura - glad you're feeling back up to running.
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I've been looking for a 5K to run since I finished the program. There's one on NYE that supports a great cause. I'd love to do it just to feel like I've completed this KWIM? I've done all my running inside on a treadmill in short and a t-shirt-what should I buy to wear on an outside run? I figure I'll need to practice outside some. I live in VA so it could be anything from 20-50 deg or so. My guess would be 30-45 deg. Help please :)
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I've been looking for a 5K to run since I finished the program. There's one on NYE that supports a great cause. I'd love to do it just to feel like I've completed this KWIM? I've done all my running inside on a treadmill in short and a t-shirt-what should I buy to wear on an outside run? I figure I'll need to practice outside some. I live in VA so it could be anything from 20-50 deg or so. My guess would be 30-45 deg. Help please :)

    Hey there. I would invest in some synthetic under layers (long johns remember NO cotton). What I have been running in the 40 - 50's right now, is a synthetic under layer (so it wicks away moisture) and shorts and a t-shirt over that. If I get warm I can roll the sleeves and legs up to under my t-shirt and shorts. As it gets colder I will wear a fleece as well. I have ear warmer headband I wear over my ears and wind breaking gloves for my hands. You want to feel cool when you first get outside so you don't overheat while working out. When you are a little cool when you first go outside you will warm up as you exercise. Synthetics are important so that they don't hold the moisture when you run. As for your feet, as it gets cooler, to keep warm you can get wool socks - but be sure to wear a sock liner underneath them (men's synthetic dress socks are good for that) so they don't soak up all your sweat. If you feel the need to wear more layers on your feet too. I learned this from outdoor backpacking trip through the wilderness education association. :)
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I've been looking for a 5K to run since I finished the program. There's one on NYE that supports a great cause. I'd love to do it just to feel like I've completed this KWIM? I've done all my running inside on a treadmill in short and a t-shirt-what should I buy to wear on an outside run? I figure I'll need to practice outside some. I live in VA so it could be anything from 20-50 deg or so. My guess would be 30-45 deg. Help please :)

    Hey there. I would invest in some synthetic under layers (long johns remember NO cotton). What I have been running in the 40 - 50's right now, is a synthetic under layer (so it wicks away moisture) and shorts and a t-shirt over that. If I get warm I can roll the sleeves and legs up to under my t-shirt and shorts. As it gets colder I will wear a fleece as well. I have ear warmer headband I wear over my ears and wind breaking gloves for my hands. You want to feel cool when you first get outside so you don't overheat while working out. When you are a little cool when you first go outside you will warm up as you exercise. Synthetics are important so that they don't hold the moisture when you run. As for your feet, as it gets cooler, to keep warm you can get wool socks - but be sure to wear a sock liner underneath them (men's synthetic dress socks are good for that) so they don't soak up all your sweat. If you feel the need to wear more layers on your feet too. I learned this from outdoor backpacking trip through the wilderness education association. :)

    thank you so much! that was exactly what I needed to know
  • shinybonnie
    Hello all :smile: I just completed W9D3 of the c25k today. I plan to continue running 30 minutes 3x/week for the next few months. Around March, I plan to start working on pushing myself harder and increasing my speed. But for now, I intend to "coast" at this level for a while.

    I think I mentioned that I'd found an indoor place to run. Our high school has an indoor track that goes around (above) the basketball court. I'm not sure how many laps make a mile, but in 30 minutes, I did 23 laps. I need to find out how many laps make a mile. The last lap and a half, I threw some sprints in there just for the heck of it.

    Who else had to run today? How'd it go?
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I've been looking for a 5K to run since I finished the program. There's one on NYE that supports a great cause. I'd love to do it just to feel like I've completed this KWIM? I've done all my running inside on a treadmill in short and a t-shirt-what should I buy to wear on an outside run? I figure I'll need to practice outside some. I live in VA so it could be anything from 20-50 deg or so. My guess would be 30-45 deg. Help please :)

    Hey there. I would invest in some synthetic under layers (long johns remember NO cotton). What I have been running in the 40 - 50's right now, is a synthetic under layer (so it wicks away moisture) and shorts and a t-shirt over that. If I get warm I can roll the sleeves and legs up to under my t-shirt and shorts. As it gets colder I will wear a fleece as well. I have ear warmer headband I wear over my ears and wind breaking gloves for my hands. You want to feel cool when you first get outside so you don't overheat while working out. When you are a little cool when you first go outside you will warm up as you exercise. Synthetics are important so that they don't hold the moisture when you run. As for your feet, as it gets cooler, to keep warm you can get wool socks - but be sure to wear a sock liner underneath them (men's synthetic dress socks are good for that) so they don't soak up all your sweat. If you feel the need to wear more layers on your feet too. I learned this from outdoor backpacking trip through the wilderness education association. :)

    thank you so much! that was exactly what I needed to know

    Not a problem! It's really what works for you too though - because you may have a higher or lower cold tolerance than I do. They key is layer, so that you can take something off if you get too hot (and tie it around your waist or hold on to it for the remainder of your run). If you have any questions about layers, etc, feel free to shoot me a message and I will help you to the best of my ability from my backpacking knowledge. :)

    Bonnie - I am glad your run went well today! Good for you! :)
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hello all :smile: I just completed W9D3 of the c25k today. I plan to continue running 30 minutes 3x/week for the next few months. Around March, I plan to start working on pushing myself harder and increasing my speed. But for now, I intend to "coast" at this level for a while.

  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Right on Shiny Bonnie! :) Still no run for me, but I did go for a short walk today, ankle is feelign better. Maybe I can get back out there tomorrow? :):):)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I've been looking for a 5K to run since I finished the program. There's one on NYE that supports a great cause. I'd love to do it just to feel like I've completed this KWIM? I've done all my running inside on a treadmill in short and a t-shirt-what should I buy to wear on an outside run? I figure I'll need to practice outside some. I live in VA so it could be anything from 20-50 deg or so. My guess would be 30-45 deg. Help please :)

    The G28K podcast states to dress as though you're running in weather that's 20 degrees warmer than the actual temp. So if it's 40 outside, dress like it's don't need as much as you might think. The best outfit I've worn (and I live in VA too! Blacksburg) is a dri-fit t-shirt with winter gloves and long leggings and a head band. You lose a lot of heat through your hands and head, so keeping those covered allows you to cover your body in lighter clothing and still feel comfortable.

    As for me, today I am completing Week 9 of the G28k program...WOW. I'm almost done! I never finish stuff like this!!
    And I have new Sauconys in which to do it!!!! :drinker:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I've been looking for a 5K to run since I finished the program. There's one on NYE that supports a great cause. I'd love to do it just to feel like I've completed this KWIM? I've done all my running inside on a treadmill in short and a t-shirt-what should I buy to wear on an outside run? I figure I'll need to practice outside some. I live in VA so it could be anything from 20-50 deg or so. My guess would be 30-45 deg. Help please :)

    The G28K podcast states to dress as though you're running in weather that's 20 degrees warmer than the actual temp. So if it's 40 outside, dress like it's don't need as much as you might think. The best outfit I've worn (and I live in VA too! Blacksburg) is a dri-fit t-shirt with winter gloves and long leggings and a head band. You lose a lot of heat through your hands and head, so keeping those covered allows you to cover your body in lighter clothing and still feel comfortable.

    As for me, today I am completing Week 9 of the G28k program...WOW. I'm almost done! I never finish stuff like this!!
    And I have new Sauconys in which to do it!!!! :drinker:

    You live in Blacksburg! How cool! Attending Virginia Tech then? I went to college in Roanoke (Hollins University).. Wish I was living there now but couldn't find a job after I graduated (still can't). :( Hoping to be in graduate school in the fall though. :tongue:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I've been looking for a 5K to run since I finished the program. There's one on NYE that supports a great cause. I'd love to do it just to feel like I've completed this KWIM? I've done all my running inside on a treadmill in short and a t-shirt-what should I buy to wear on an outside run? I figure I'll need to practice outside some. I live in VA so it could be anything from 20-50 deg or so. My guess would be 30-45 deg. Help please :)

    The G28K podcast states to dress as though you're running in weather that's 20 degrees warmer than the actual temp. So if it's 40 outside, dress like it's don't need as much as you might think. The best outfit I've worn (and I live in VA too! Blacksburg) is a dri-fit t-shirt with winter gloves and long leggings and a head band. You lose a lot of heat through your hands and head, so keeping those covered allows you to cover your body in lighter clothing and still feel comfortable.

    As for me, today I am completing Week 9 of the G28k program...WOW. I'm almost done! I never finish stuff like this!!
    And I have new Sauconys in which to do it!!!! :drinker:

    You live in Blacksburg! How cool! Attending Virginia Tech then? I went to college in Roanoke (Hollins University).. Wish I was living there now but couldn't find a job after I graduated (still can't). :( Hoping to be in graduate school in the fall though. :tongue:

    Yes I am! I attended Radford U for undergrad. I actually would love to teach at Hollins once I finish my degree. I really love the Roanoke area and I never want to leave the mountains! Well, unless I'm headed to a mansion in a tropical wonderland. Then I might. :laugh: Where did you end up moving?
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I've been looking for a 5K to run since I finished the program. There's one on NYE that supports a great cause. I'd love to do it just to feel like I've completed this KWIM? I've done all my running inside on a treadmill in short and a t-shirt-what should I buy to wear on an outside run? I figure I'll need to practice outside some. I live in VA so it could be anything from 20-50 deg or so. My guess would be 30-45 deg. Help please :)

    The G28K podcast states to dress as though you're running in weather that's 20 degrees warmer than the actual temp. So if it's 40 outside, dress like it's don't need as much as you might think. The best outfit I've worn (and I live in VA too! Blacksburg) is a dri-fit t-shirt with winter gloves and long leggings and a head band. You lose a lot of heat through your hands and head, so keeping those covered allows you to cover your body in lighter clothing and still feel comfortable.

    As for me, today I am completing Week 9 of the G28k program...WOW. I'm almost done! I never finish stuff like this!!
    And I have new Sauconys in which to do it!!!! :drinker:

    You live in Blacksburg! How cool! Attending Virginia Tech then? I went to college in Roanoke (Hollins University).. Wish I was living there now but couldn't find a job after I graduated (still can't). :( Hoping to be in graduate school in the fall though. :tongue:

    Yes I am! I attended Radford U for undergrad. I actually would love to teach at Hollins once I finish my degree. I really love the Roanoke area and I never want to leave the mountains! Well, unless I'm headed to a mansion in a tropical wonderland. Then I might. :laugh: Where did you end up moving?

    I LOVE Roanoke. I wish I could be back there so badly. I moved to Southern New Jersey to live with family.. since being unemployed doesn't equal renting an apartment. Hollins is a great University. You should definitely apply there.. and if you do, I could try to send Alumnae love. :tongue: The thing i miss most about the area is the mountains. New Jersey is so flat and boring.. especially compared to the Roanoke landscape. :laugh: