Couch to 5km Graduates!!!



  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Finished Wk 2 of the G28k (I skipped week 1). I really felt like I could run longer (I kept running over my time w/o noticing). I'm tempted to skip to week 4 next week, but wondering if it is a good idea... I'm thinking since it is beginner level and I'm not adding a lot of distance it won't hurt, but they do say only increase 10% a week... Anyone else skip ahead on plans?

    Felt pretty good and my time went back down. For some reason last week I ran UBER slow. Not that I was fast this week at 11:51 miles, but much better than last week. I am SO slow, but I'm trying to focus on good form and increasing time/distance for now. I think I will start some speed training after this G28k.

    Try Week 3 first...see how you feel after day 2. If a single run doesn't challenge you, repeating it several times a week generally will, especially when combined with cross-training. Also, the pace of each week increases, so week 4 will be both faster AND longer than week 2 or 3.

    Hmmm... good point about the "faster AND longer" for each week. So, I followed your advice and moved to week 3.

    G28k -
    Wk3 - D1 - Done on Monday. Felt great. Had rain and wind, but sun came out after so it wasn't too bad. Burrrrr - too cold for rainy runs.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    awwww yay JAN you found us :) I am glad you tried the cycling. I work in a fitness club and I lvoe the cycling classes, theyare a great addition :)
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    My course work in C25K will be completed on Thursday. I have a 2 miles race this weekend, and then My graduation ceremony is on Dec 12th for my first 5K race.

    I'm already signed up for another 5K in late Janurary. However, after that I have no idea what I should do next.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Finished Wk 2 of the G28k (I skipped week 1). I really felt like I could run longer (I kept running over my time w/o noticing). I'm tempted to skip to week 4 next week, but wondering if it is a good idea... I'm thinking since it is beginner level and I'm not adding a lot of distance it won't hurt, but they do say only increase 10% a week... Anyone else skip ahead on plans?

    Felt pretty good and my time went back down. For some reason last week I ran UBER slow. Not that I was fast this week at 11:51 miles, but much better than last week. I am SO slow, but I'm trying to focus on good form and increasing time/distance for now. I think I will start some speed training after this G28k.

    Try Week 3 first...see how you feel after day 2. If a single run doesn't challenge you, repeating it several times a week generally will, especially when combined with cross-training. Also, the pace of each week increases, so week 4 will be both faster AND longer than week 2 or 3.

    Hmmm... good point about the "faster AND longer" for each week. So, I followed your advice and moved to week 3.

    G28k -
    Wk3 - D1 - Done on Monday. Felt great. Had rain and wind, but sun came out after so it wasn't too bad. Burrrrr - too cold for rainy runs.


    I completed Week 7 yesterday with one of my best runs! :happy: The weather was AMAZING...about 70 degrees, very little wind, perfect humidity. I got to run on my favorite trail, too. With 46 minutes running and 12 minutes walking, I completed 5 miles.

    I start Week 8 tomorrow. I can't wait!! :happy:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    My course work in C25K will be completed on Thursday. I have a 2 miles race this weekend, and then My graduation ceremony is on Dec 12th for my first 5K race.

    I'm already signed up for another 5K in late Janurary. However, after that I have no idea what I should do next.

    "Coursework" Too funny!

    And.. Maddiebabie - Thanks! The spin classes are always full at my gym... I'm going to work at it on my own for a bit - then try and squeze my way in.

    Thanks for the direct link to the podcasts for gateway to 8k - I couldn't find them when I looked the other day. I now have downloaded all of them - next step is to find the connector thingy to my blackberry and load them! No running/workout today - have to go from one job to another tonight. Gotta keep the wolves from the door, ya know.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Whew...did Day 1 of Week 8 in the 8K series...two 20 minute running sessions and two 2-minute rests. The pace was FAST. I was RUNNING, not jogging. Great workout though! :happy:

    I can't believe I've been running every other day for 2 months now! I actually got up to 137.6 (yikes) around the beginning of the program when I was being bad and still drinking and stuff all the time. Last week I was down to 132.8 after cleaning up my diet and maintaining the running. I'm so proud that I've stuck with it! Usually I get side-tracked or bored, but this program gives me concrete goals and I love that.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    A friend of mine and her boyfriend are going to sign up for the "my first triathalon" with me. They are both way more in shape than I am, but neither has done a tri event so they qualify. So, I guess I'd better sign up. You guys will get to hear all about it between now and next June!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I'm still here... and with you guys. I got slammed with a cold last week and it started POURING non-stop (Friday through yesterday, Wednesday).... so, the running took a rest. I was so happy when it started to clear up yesterday - I got out there and got back in the groove. I only ran for about 25 mins - with breaks in between (sad!) but it was better than sitting on the couch.

    I don't know why I'm dragging my feet in syncing the Gateway to 8K.... maybe I'm scared it will be too much? So silly though - cuz I LOVED Suz' cto5K podcasts - they gave me something to look forward too.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Smiles - I got mine loaded up this week and I'll run week 1 (Gateway to 8k) for the first time today or tomorrow... come run with me :-)

    You only have to run 7 minutes at a time! Pshaw.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    songbyrd, jan, smiles...your posts jsut made me want to get out and run. I cant tonight becuase I have my weekly horseback riding lesson with the fiance, but sunday I am off ALL DAY and it will be the perfect time to get back int othe running again!

    I have slacked the last few weeks and one of the instructors at the gym where I work is a runner and she has been talking to me for the last couple weeks and she has gotten me all pumped and ready to go again!!!

    Im going to download the gateway podcast tonight or tomorrow so Im ready to go sunday :)
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Graduated some time ago. I am currently working on getting back up to a 5k after tearing a ligament in my ankle. However after that's back, I'll be starting to train for a half marathon again.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Hi all. I haven't been running for the last couple weeks and I finally told lmy daughter we need to start running again because our 5k is coming up and we're running out of time to train. We went t the gym last night and I managed to run 3.2 miles on the treadmill. So I'm pretty proud of myself. Our Seattle 5k is on the 28th and there's another 5k in Kent right across the street from my apartment complex so I'm REALLY excited about that one. There'll be no reason I can'tmake it to that one. :laugh: Unless I'm sick of course. :tongue:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Smiles - I got mine loaded up this week and I'll run week 1 (Gateway to 8k) for the first time today or tomorrow... come run with me :-)

    You only have to run 7 minutes at a time! Pshaw.

    Yeah!!!:happy: Happily! I finally got in gear and went out today.... it was ... tough! BUT, in a good way! I think I've done some backsliding since finishing Suz' podcast ... I didn't have anything structured to help me with the pace. On a good day I can run 40 mins straight (well, jog them) but keeping pace with this pushed me more!

    Jan - so excited to start this with you!
    Maddie - Glad you're feeling inspired -you're gonna love getting back out there! I'm already looking forward to reporting in to this thread again.
    Momma - you go - 3.2 miles! Woo-hoo!!! ARe you shooting for any certain time?

    Oh - PS - Since it's Friday and this was my first day of G28k, I used it as "practice". I'll officially start week 1 on Sunday or Monday. :) Are we supposed to do it 3x/week?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Smiles - I got mine loaded up this week and I'll run week 1 (Gateway to 8k) for the first time today or tomorrow... come run with me :-)

    You only have to run 7 minutes at a time! Pshaw.

    Yeah!!!:happy: Happily! I finally got in gear and went out today.... it was ... tough! BUT, in a good way! I think I've done some backsliding since finishing Suz' podcast ... I didn't have anything structured to help me with the pace. On a good day I can run 40 mins straight (well, jog them) but keeping pace with this pushed me more!

    Jan - so excited to start this with you!
    Maddie - Glad you're feeling inspired -you're gonna love getting back out there! I'm already looking forward to reporting in to this thread again.
    Momma - you go - 3.2 miles! Woo-hoo!!! ARe you shooting for any certain time?

    Oh - PS - Since it's Friday and this was my first day of G28k, I used it as "practice". I'll officially start week 1 on Sunday or Monday. :) Are we supposed to do it 3x/week?

    I'll be happy just to finish. :ohwell:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    completed first run of gateway to 8k tonight, went 3 miles in45 minutes, then swam 16 laps. Ahhhh
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I am almost done with C25K (I am on Week 8), so I thought I would tag this thread for two weeks from now. :happy: I am thinking of doing G28K after a couple weeks of just running (no training program) and some 5K races. :happy:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Went on Week 8, Day 2 of the G28K program tonight. I ate too many carbs before so my tummy was feeling yucky, but man did my legs feel AWESOME! I really booked it! :happy:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Way to go Stephanie and Songbyrd!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Ditto to what Jan said - way to go guys! Jan, good job - on day of of Gto8K. Today is supposed to be my run day. It's 2:30 pm and I haven't headed out to do it yet. Maybe this will amp me up. I always feel so good after I get out and do it. (Maybe it will help to remind myself of that).

    If I don't go this afternoon - I will first thing tomorrow morning - if will be my official start for Gto8K. :) (Friday was just a practice run!)
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Today was a cycling day for me - went 17 miles on the stationary bike in 40 minutes. I did it to week2 of gateway to 8k (minus the cool-down part). It will take a bit for me to get used to the electronic music. Not my favorite genre of dance music, but hey, there's a clear beat.