Couch to 5km Graduates!!!



  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    I was one week away from graduating and had a little horseback dismount mishap. I now have a torn meniscus and will have surgery in early December. I'm sure by the time I am through PT, I will have to start over on the Couch to 5K. Oh well...I'll just be excited to get back into exercising. I'm very limited in what I can do right now.:frown:

    Keep running everyone!

    Sorry to hear about the mishap, I know how that goes with horses though. I luckily have not broken any bones while riding or getting bucked off. Only one concussion. I was lucky with all the years that I did ride. I am jealous that you have horses. I miss the mornings and nites with them. They were always therapeutic for me. I hope the surgery goes well for you. What are you doing in the mean time while waiting? :bigsmile:

    I don't actually have horses; I was just taking riding lessons. Hope to have one someday. I've been doing the leg exercises my ortho doc told me to do. I'm going to be doing some upper body work to burn some cals. Still limping a lot and using one crutch sometimes so I can't even start back to walking until I can walk without favoring one leg.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Hmmm - I haven't heard of this "One Hour Runner" program - going to look it up on line. What's the program? I find it motivating to read about different programs.

    I just finished my W9 D1 run of C25k. The wind was blowing so hard, my thighs feel frozen through. I think it is time to find some winter running tights or pants.

    You can find information about One Hour Runner here:

    I think I might do this One Hour Runner - it is similar to the 10k plan, but uses time instead of distance. I read somewhere that it is better for beginners to train for time.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Sorry to hear about the mishap, I know how that goes with horses though. I luckily have not broken any bones while riding or getting bucked off. Only one concussion. I was lucky with all the years that I did ride. I am jealous that you have horses. I miss the mornings and nites with them. They were always therapeutic for me. I hope the surgery goes well for you. What are you doing in the mean time while waiting? :bigsmile:

    I don't actually have horses; I was just taking riding lessons. Hope to have one someday. I've been doing the leg exercises my ortho doc told me to do. I'm going to be doing some upper body work to burn some cals. Still limping a lot and using one crutch sometimes so I can't even start back to walking until I can walk without favoring one leg.

    I will pray for a speedy recovery for you. :bigsmile:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I was thinking about the gateway too. I printed off the program and was looking at the podrunner as well.

    I cant wait to get up to 8 and 10 km!!!!Then its on to the half marathon (hopefully!!!!) I'm so glad everyone is here!!!!

    The 8K is surprisingly easy with the intervals. I find that I really push myself during the work periods since I know I'll get a rest (albeit a short one) at the end. Plus the podrunner website has a ton of other free mixes. Some are a little repetitive but it's all house/trance and that's just the nature of the music. They have their BPM labeled so it's nice to have that for pacing.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Sorry, I have been out for a couple of days. From the looks of it, everyone is doing very well keeping up and pushing play.
    I have been working out with a vengence this week. Tonite I will actually get on the treadmill and run 4 miles. That will be my first time. I figured I should see how it feels before Saturday. That way I can see my speed as well. I know I will not be running very fast on Saturday, but I can still do small intervals right? So, tonite I will run in intervals to make it more interesting. I get so bored just looking at the wall in front of me. I read on to do intervals to make it different. We will see how it goes.
    I have to say that Tuesday I did Core Synergistics for the first time in a couple of months and I am still feeling it. Luckily this is my recovery week. Since my run is this Saturday. I sure love Core Synergistics. I forgot how good that workout is.
    So, my plan is run 4 miles tonite and then tomorrow rest my legs and feet as much as possible. I think I will do X Stretch to kinda get ready for the morning. Come to find out it is not a 5K, it is a 4 mile run. That kinda scared me a little. I know I can do it, but I am sure I will quite tired afterwards. I am looking forward to it and am very anxious.
    Any advice for a newbie would be awesome. Thanx for listening and keep pushing play. :bigsmile:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Good luck jjtonic. :flowerforyou:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Ok.....I am relly struggling. I havent been fora run in afew days and I am finding it really hard to get going again...i hve managed to run inside a few times but nothing like i was..

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Ok.....I am relly struggling. I havent been fora run in afew days and I am finding it really hard to get going again...i hve managed to run inside a few times but nothing like i was..


    Don't think about it, just get back out and do it!! It'll take a couple days to get back to where you were, but your body will adapt.

    It may be time to invest in some cold weather gear if that's what's preventing you from going outside!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Hi everyone - I just finished C25k - just now. Week 9 Day 3 !!!!

    I am officially a graduate!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hi everyone - I just finished C25k - just now. Week 9 Day 3 !!!!

    I am officially a graduate!

    Yayyy, congratulations!


    Whatcha gonna do now?
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I was one week away from graduating and had a little horseback dismount mishap. I now have a torn meniscus and will have surgery in early December. I'm sure by the time I am through PT, I will have to start over on the Couch to 5K. Oh well...I'll just be excited to get back into exercising. I'm very limited in what I can do right now.:frown:

    Keep running everyone!

    Voluntary, or involuntary dismount? I hate when that happens! :explode:

    Bumping this for when I finish C25K. :drinker:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    i originally thought it was the cold weather, but I suffer from some depression issues and its mainly making myself get out of bed at 6am and run like I was before. I am actually going to the running room tomorrow and going to look at the winter running clothing.

    i want a wind breaker slo that i can run in the damp weather up here in canada as well!!!!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    @ maddiebabe - Yes, some winter running gear may make a big difference! I just bought a couple of cozy long sleeve shirts and some light running gloves and they help a lot. I'm hoping to use running to keep the winter blues away - but sometimes it becomes a "chicken or the egg" sort of thing. Meaning - I have to have the motivation to get out the door, but I'm too depressed to get out the door, but the running will help me beat the depression so I can get out the door, BUT..... you get the picture. :embarassed:

    So, Monday's run - am I doing "One Hour Runner" or "Gateway to 8k" or Hal Higdon's "Novice 10k"?? Every time I think I've decided, I change my mind. I think I'll just re-run wk 9 of the C25k next week while I decide. What is everyone else doing?
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I just finished (my own variation) Friday and am a little lost as to what to do now! I also just started the shred so I think I'm going to do 3 days/wk of running and 3-4 days/wk of shred and that should whip me into shape :) I'm going to try doing some intervals with my running to get faster, my knees are bothering me some so I really don't want to run longer-time wise until I sort that out. But I would like to get further. I did the 3 mi at 6.0 and would love to do it at 6.5 soon.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    i originally thought it was the cold weather, but I suffer from some depression issues and its mainly making myself get out of bed at 6am and run like I was before. I am actually going to the running room tomorrow and going to look at the winter running clothing.

    i want a wind breaker slo that i can run in the damp weather up here in canada as well!!!!

    Maddie, try taking a vit D-3 supplement. A lot of winter depression is caused by vit D deficiency, and D-3 is most easily absorbed by the body. A startling number of people in the northern hemisphere are D deficient. Something crazy like 80%. I have been taking it for a couple of months now, and I have noticed a big difference in how I react and feel about things. Mind you, I still hate to get up in the morning, but that is just me being lazy! It is easier though..... :flowerforyou:
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    So the C25K really works I see. I've found a few different plans online and haven't ever really known which one to use. Does anyone have a website I can visit with the plan they used?? I really want to run a 5k and always seem to fall off my schedule.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    So the C25K really works I see. I've found a few different plans online and haven't ever really known which one to use. Does anyone have a website I can visit with the plan they used?? I really want to run a 5k and always seem to fall off my schedule.

    Just google "couch to 5K." It is a good plan. I builds on your progress each week. I have a couple of weeks left and I love it. I couldn't run 10 yards when I started! I am up to 2 miles!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    It's great to hear from so many runners and C25K grads! I graduated from the program earlier this year and went on to complete my first 1/2 marathon on Oct. 18th. I never considered myself a runner, short, stubby and top heavy. So for me, completing that race really was to prove to myself that all the limits I previously set for myself were self imposed. It was also great to track my progress in a way other than lbs and inches. Finishing that race was a great feeling and I can't wait to enter the same race again next year. In the meantime, I have decided to take up spinning at least once a week during the winter. Spinning is another activity that really intimidated me so I figure might as well tackle it too. I just went to my first full hour class and boy I don't think I have ever sweat that much in my life. But I did it and I plan to do again this week.

    It is really amazing what we are capable of and how quickly our bodies adapt to new things.

  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    My other goal this winter is to concentrate on weight training again. Something I got away from when training for the marathon. I would love to have a back that looks like your songbyrd.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I finished in July and I've run 3 5ks so far...supposed to run again this weekend. I am now in week 6 of a half marathon training program off of Runner's may have to repeat these weeks.

    Today is cross training - strength for me...maybe elliptical for 15m after strength - it was a long weekend of not so great choices so I have to work it off!