Couch to 5km Graduates!!!



  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    It was also great to track my progress in a way other than lbs and inches.

    I couldn't agree more! There is something so empowering about having a running goal. I don't really feel empowered by losing 2 lbs (although it does make me happy :wink: ) - but running 30 minutes without stopping - :love:

    I think I have decided on the "Gateway to 8k" plan for my next training schedule.

    Wk 1, D1 - DONE! :bigsmile:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    It was also great to track my progress in a way other than lbs and inches.

    I couldn't agree more! There is something so empowering about having a running goal. I don't really feel empowered by losing 2 lbs (although it does make me happy :wink: ) - but running 30 minutes without stopping - :love:

    I think I have decided on the "Gateway to 8k" plan for my next training schedule.

    Wk 1, D1 - DONE! :bigsmile:

    Yay, another G28ker!
    I wanted to start week 8 Sunday, but I was SO sore from leg day Friday that all I could do was 30 min on the elliptical. I had to take yesterday off. :ohwell: Today I can actually walk so I am going to lift and do an intense 20 min cardio intervals class and do the running tomorrow. I wanna get to week 10 so bad!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi everyone - I just finished C25k - just now. Week 9 Day 3 !!!!

    I am officially a graduate!

    Yeah, congrats to the Grad!!! Now what are you going to do? :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I just finished (my own variation) Friday and am a little lost as to what to do now! I also just started the shred so I think I'm going to do 3 days/wk of running and 3-4 days/wk of shred and that should whip me into shape :) I'm going to try doing some intervals with my running to get faster, my knees are bothering me some so I really don't want to run longer-time wise until I sort that out. But I would like to get further. I did the 3 mi at 6.0 and would love to do it at 6.5 soon.

    Wow, that is great. I have not gotten up to that speed yet. Last week I was able to get up to 5.5 for 45 secs. I don't know how you do it, keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    It's great to hear from so many runners and C25K grads! I graduated from the program earlier this year and went on to complete my first 1/2 marathon on Oct. 18th. I never considered myself a runner, short, stubby and top heavy. So for me, completing that race really was to prove to myself that all the limits I previously set for myself were self imposed. It was also great to track my progress in a way other than lbs and inches. Finishing that race was a great feeling and I can't wait to enter the same race again next year. In the meantime, I have decided to take up spinning at least once a week during the winter. Spinning is another activity that really intimidated me so I figure might as well tackle it too. I just went to my first full hour class and boy I don't think I have ever sweat that much in my life. But I did it and I plan to do again this week.

    It is really amazing what we are capable of and how quickly our bodies adapt to new things.


    Congrats on your 1/2 marathon. That is amazing. I do know what you mean about saying that you would not run. I was the same way. I refused to run for various reasons and during my first round of P90X, I got up the courage to start Couch to 5K and now I just finished my first 4 mile run and am signing up for 2 5k's in the next month. It is amazing what we can do without telling ourselves we can't, because we can. Keep up the awesome work. Can't wait to hear more about how you are doing. :bigsmile:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy to find some of you again - thanks Maddiebabe for starting this new thread. I found that it really helped to have a group to report back in to - and cheer for - and then we all graduated! LOL!

    I lurk on the "wanna be runner" thread sometimes, but it's huge! Anyway - thanks again for starting this thread - consider me a regular. I'm here for good!

    Since completing the 9 weeks, I've continued to run e/o day. I have increased the distance and time - and have made it to 40 mins... but could really use some structure and goals. Gateway to 8k sounds AWESOME! I found where I can subscribe to the podcast - but is there a written schedule anywhere?

    You all ROCK! Finding this group has totally made my week!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    And did I see something about Kansas? :)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy to find some of you again - thanks Maddiebabe for starting this new thread. I found that it really helped to have a group to report back in to - and cheer for - and then we all graduated! LOL!

    I lurk on the "wanna be runner" thread sometimes, but it's huge! Anyway - thanks again for starting this thread - consider me a regular. I'm here for good!

    Since completing the 9 weeks, I've continued to run e/o day. I have increased the distance and time - and have made it to 40 mins... but could really use some structure and goals. Gateway to 8k sounds AWESOME! I found where I can subscribe to the podcast - but is there a written schedule anywhere?

    You all ROCK! Finding this group has totally made my week!

    The nice thing about the Gateway to 8K is that there's no set schedule. You just repeat the run 3-4 times a week. You can repeat it if you need to, or move ahead if a week is too easy. I run either MWF or TThSat, and just move ahead each week. Pace your steps to the music and your speed will increase along with your time each week. :smile:
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Here is a link to the printable schedule for G28k

    @songbyrdsweet - do you run (but just run slower) the intervals, or take a walk break for the short intervals? Are you running only 3 x a week?

    I'm thinking about walking the 1 min intervals for a while. I only have one running speed - slow - so not sure running "slower" on the 1 min intervals will do much for me at this point. I'm also thinking of doing 3x a week and then maybe repeating the program with 4 x a week. You've been doing this program longer - any thoughts?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Here is a link to the printable schedule for G28k

    @songbyrdsweet - do you run (but just run slower) the intervals, or take a walk break for the short intervals? Are you running only 3 x a week?

    I'm thinking about walking the 1 min intervals for a while. I only have one running speed - slow - so not sure running "slower" on the 1 min intervals will do much for me at this point. I'm also thinking of doing 3x a week and then maybe repeating the program with 4 x a week. You've been doing this program longer - any thoughts?

    In the beginning I ran the walking intervals because I found the running portion to be pretty easy. I was already running 2-3 miles regularly and had competed in a 5K. As the running sped up (the BPM increase) I started walking half the intervals, and now that I'm on week 7 and there's only two rests (and they're fast!) I speedwalk.

    I have found that my progression using the program just 3X a week has been excellent. For me, repeating it would get boring and going from a 50 min straight run back down to the 7-8 min. run intervals would be too much of a step back. But I am considering staying on week 7 for two weeks because my run last night was sooooo awful!
    After this I want to try the Highway to 10K but long runs cause me some pretty serious GE problems so I might have to stick with the 8K and just increase my speed using the Groovelectric or Podrunner 1-Hr songs.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    @songbyrdsweet - Hmmm - good point about repeating perhaps being boring. I don't have the running base you have, so I think I'll stick with the walking breaks this week. Thanks for your input. I'm sticking with the 3x a week for now. I also cross-train with a cardio/weight circuit.

    So, I decided to skip ahead to week two of G28k

    W2, D2 - Done!

    Run felt great, but I ran pretty slow. Nice sunny day, though.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Running a marathon was the most amazing thing I've ever done in my life. I highly recommend it! If you are near one of the cities in the marathon majors, (boston, berlin, chicago, new york, london), even better! It's great to run your first in a "big" race, simply amazing! I did Chicago as my first, finished in 5:31:31, not a fast time, but I certainly wasn't last and I finished. I never thought in my life I would do it, but I did. And it all started with a 5k about a year ago! Then just keep upping the mileage, dropping weight, gaining endurance, and before you know it, you're there! Looking forward to my second marathon in May in Illinois. Good luck to all of you, you can do it!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    For those wanting to increase distances, I am using a half marathon 16 week program off of Runners - you enter in a distance that you've run (I used a 5k) and the time....they base the program off of YOUR speed --- I am not fast so this was a great option for me.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    wow, thanks chrissy, thats a great idea :) I might have to go check that out and see what the suggest for me too :)

    i FINALLY got out on my first run in a while. I only went about 3km but it was freezing and i havent run in 3.5 weeks so it felt good to even get out there and do it!

    Im so glad to see everyones guys are so inspiring!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I haven't synced the podcast (gateway to 8k) to my ipod yet, but I'll get there by this weekend for sure. Still running. Had the genius (or actually, not so genius) to take my 1 yr old puppy with me. He makes an excellent running companion. For about 10 minutes. We walked a few, then ran again. He only made it 8. Guess he needs more conditioning. (Proud that I'm in better shape than my dog... last year, I don't think I could've said that.)

    I'll still take him out - and build his endurance - so sooner or later, we can do "real runs"! :)
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Finished Wk 2 of the G28k (I skipped week 1). I really felt like I could run longer (I kept running over my time w/o noticing). I'm tempted to skip to week 4 next week, but wondering if it is a good idea... I'm thinking since it is beginner level and I'm not adding a lot of distance it won't hurt, but they do say only increase 10% a week... Anyone else skip ahead on plans?

    Felt pretty good and my time went back down. For some reason last week I ran UBER slow. Not that I was fast this week at 11:51 miles, but much better than last week. I am SO slow, but I'm trying to focus on good form and increasing time/distance for now. I think I will start some speed training after this G28k.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Finished Wk 2 of the G28k (I skipped week 1). I really felt like I could run longer (I kept running over my time w/o noticing). I'm tempted to skip to week 4 next week, but wondering if it is a good idea... I'm thinking since it is beginner level and I'm not adding a lot of distance it won't hurt, but they do say only increase 10% a week... Anyone else skip ahead on plans?

    Felt pretty good and my time went back down. For some reason last week I ran UBER slow. Not that I was fast this week at 11:51 miles, but much better than last week. I am SO slow, but I'm trying to focus on good form and increasing time/distance for now. I think I will start some speed training after this G28k.

    Try Week 3 first...see how you feel after day 2. If a single run doesn't challenge you, repeating it several times a week generally will, especially when combined with cross-training. Also, the pace of each week increases, so week 4 will be both faster AND longer than week 2 or 3.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    finished week 6 of my Half training - 10 more weeks to go....finished my longest run so far I sprinted the last little bit my husband was trying to sing the rocky music and yelled was funny! He's such a champ for those little silly things that mean SO much
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Good to see so many C25k buddies!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Ok, so I've been floundering a bit about where to keep posting - so now that I've caught up with this group - this is it. I'm a bit intimidated by the "real runners" thread where it seems everyone posts about double digit mile runs.

    This week I've started working on cycling at the gym. Sunday I did 25 minutes on an upright stationary bike for a total of 5 miles. It was pretty easy - that bike had a HR monitor on it, and it never got up much above 120 - totally different than when I run! I had it on level 6 of 20 for resistance - stayed around 98 rpm. After that I went and swam laps for 25 minutes.

    Today, I cycled for 35 minutes - made it 7.5 miles. No HR monitor to check pulse (and my watch is broken too...) Worked at a higher RPM rate around 120 for most of the ride. Used a "random" program at level 1. Next time I'll up the level some - I was a sweat ball, but still seemed pretty easy. After that I had a short walk on the treadmill, about 8 minutes at 3.5 mph.

    I may have found someone who will loan me a bike to use for the sprint triathalon next summer.

    Thanks for the link to more podcasts. I'm using my C25k ones each time I workout even if I'm doing something totally different. I've gotten used to listening to them when I exercise, and it helps keep me focused and intense.