Couch to 5km Graduates!!!



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Awesome!!! I cannot wait until I can go 3.8... that's soooo close to 4!!!! :) High five!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hey Smiles, since it's pretty much down to the two of us... would you like to continue on the Wannabe Runner's thread???
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Oh guys are leaving me now :( Im so sorry I've been absent. I took some time away for family stuff and havent been back on in a bit.

    Im glad that everything is doing so well :)
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    You did a great job keeping us together! Come on along!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi Maddie,
    If you're back and want to stick around, I'l hang out here... let me know! I ran yesterday to Adam Lambert's new album, sunny skies and snow on top of the mountain - made me so grateful to be able!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hey Maddie! I am here too. :tongue: The last week or so has been hectic with the holidays, so I haven't posted much.

    Tomorrow I am going to run W2D2 of Gateway to 8K. :smile:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Well then I'll stay here too!

    I'm going to see if I can sneak in another run today even though I ran yesterday. Wk3D2 is next!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Today was another GREAT run! Tackled a route that has been difficult that past couple of times. The sky was brilliant blue, sunshine was dazzling and I kept telling myself to be in the moment. What a gift!!

    I ran 3.2 miles in 32 mins.... so that's a 10 minute mile, or 6 mph. I'll take it. :)
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    woo hoo ladies you are rockin it with your runs. I FINALLY got a chance to run on Tuesday and it felt so great. Unfortunately it was only on the treadmill but it was for 30 minutes with only 3 one minute walks in it which I figure isnt that bad since I havent been running in a while :)

    I am going running outside today and cannot wait. I am off work early (1pm) and am going to go home and grab the dog and run while my fiance finishes his christmas baking (yes he is the baker in our relationship hehe) so that I wont be tempted by the AMAZING warm chocolate chip cookies that are his specialty!

    I hope everyone has a great Christmas that is celebrating it this year :)

    I figured I would post a question on here for you guys, since we are already AMAZING runners, what would you say your 2010 New Years Resoltuion is?

    Mine is to run the Goodlife Fitness Half Marathon in Toronto on October 17, 2010. My mini goals are to do the 10km run clinic in the spring and follow that up with the half marathon clinic done by the Running Room (I dont know if you guys have the Running Room in the states) Oh..and of course to slim down/tone up for my WEDDING in September. (I figure if Im training for a 1/2 marathon during my wedding preperations, it will keep my stress levels to a minimum and keep me looking better and better hehe)

    Looking forward to hearing for you all soon

  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Smiles: That's awesome! 6mph... I can do that for about oh, 90 seconds!

    Maddiebabe: Great question about goals for next year. I've settled on a 10k for the end of February - it starts a mile from my house, so how could I not run in that one! I'm also looking at a "My First Triathalon" event at the beginning of June. I'm beginning to wonder if that isn't a bit ambitious.. but anyway.... I also plan on running the Peachtree Road Race July 4 (10k). I'll be running the 5k my employer sponsors in October. I'd like to be able to run a 5k in 35 minutes or less by then!

    I had really hoped to loose 50 lbs in 2009 - I made it half that far. But I'll take the 25 lb loss and call it a very successful year. For 2010 my goal is to loose a minimum of 25 lbs. Gotta think I'll be faster carrying less weight!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Wow guys - your goals are inspiring!! Thanks for posing the question Maddie! Honestly, I haven't given it too much thought... yet. I will think on it and post back.

    I would say that my general goal is (and has been) to maintain an active lifestyle - with running every other day (of course, forgiving events that get in the way here and there). But, goals are good. Maybe I can set a mini goal to strive to complete in February or so...

    In other news... I ran yesterday a total of about 3.8 miles, much of it was a steady uphill climb... it was hard, but rewarding to know I can (and did) do it. :) Re-started the 30 day shred today (completed it 2 weeks ago) - and thinking of doing another round of 30 days, this time with heavier weights and fewer modifications. We'll see!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    OK so Christmas was good to me. I got a new running jacket, winter running mitts and a hat and new running tights. I am so pumped to run in the cold uphere in Canada now!

    The bad news is a friend of mine's husband passed away suddenly so I will be working more hours on top of the stresses of the funeral and I may not get a chance to really dig into th running until next week. I am excited to get going though.

    How did everyone else fare this past week?

    Oooh but I did get the wii fit for christmas and im ging to wear my heart rate monitor and see how many cals I actualy burn hehe
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hmm, is this happening to anyone else?I've tried several times to post to this thread in the past week and it never actually publishes. Weird!

    Today was my first day out with my new running buddy - and WOW - what a fun difference to have company! we only went about 2 miles, but still.... was such a nice change from my "normal" routine. I was on the road by 6:30 this morning. Crazy!!!!

    How's everyone doing?
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I'm starting the new year out sick!

    One of the good things/bad things about working from home is that I can go to work and not put anyone at risk for catching my germs.

    My energy level is still around 50% - so not enough bandwith to exercise yet. However, I've been careful about my food intake so hopefully the scale will be kind when I recover enough to worry about weighing in!

    I have a 10k coming up the end of February, so I'm anxious to get back out there.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    You all are inspiring!

    Smiles - Great job on 6 mph! I can't run that fast yet. :tongue:

    My goals for 2010: Keep increasing the amount of distance and increasing my speed (decreasing time). I have a 5K in April and maybe I will find a 5 miler over the summer before graduate school. I hope to keep losing weight and to lose at least 30 more pounds by the end of summer (which would be 10lbs from my end goal, but in my healthy weight range). Just keep getting healthier and becoming a better runner.

    Today I haven't been that motivated to run, but reading this thread is getting me there. I know I will feel a lot better once I get out there, so it's a matter of just getting out and doing it. I will be starting Week 4 of Gateway to 8K. I only did two days of week 3 do to a lot of holidays / housework things needing to be done, so I am hoping to continue to Week 4. If it is too hard, I will just do Week 3 for the remainder of this week.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member

    I feel your pain Jan :( I am sick again and I dont know what fromthis time. Last time I know it was the chronic sinus infections but not this time. Im all stuffed up and feel like crap but dont know why :( Doctore cannot figure it out either. Oh well...such is life! I hoep you are feeling 10 TIMES BETTER by the end of the week

    I wanted to go for a run outside today,a nd I woke up at 6 am and looked out to be greeted by 13 inches of snow on my lawn!!! grrr stupid Canadian Winters!

    Anywway, I just wnated to jump on and say hi and happy new year to you all and hope that this year brings us tonnes of successes and happiness because we all deserve it! And thanks for the 2010 goals ladies. I love hearing what motivates us to keep going! Please let meknow if I can do anything to help any of you out :)

    hugs and love!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Okay, I'm STILL trying to determine my goals for 2010. I have so many (which is really unusual) - it's hard to pick just one and I want to follow through with whatever I RESOLVE to do.

    Here are a few:
    *Go to the beach more
    *Walk all 3 dogs at least 2 x a week ("family night walk")
    *Keep with the running e/o day (and walk on "off" days)

    I think I'm going for a walk now - who knows - maybe inspiration will strike and I'll RUN instead? Tomorrow morning, bright and early is my official "run" time. Maddie - so sorry for your 13 inches of snow....... I don't know if I'd even come out from under the covers to log in. I'm a wuss! Hope it melts soon!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Was out the door at 7:00 am this morning for a run. 2.5 miles (or just over) with a total of 3.2 miles (when walking is added in.) Have slacked off some but will be advancing forward soon.

    How's everyone? Maddiebabe? Jan, Stephy?
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Still sick... Every day I keep hoping the next I'll be strong enough to run again. Today the darn thing moved to my lungs - when that happens I get really short of breath! My overall energy is better though, so maybe tomorrow...

    I made a big 'ole pot of chicken soup today so perhaps that will do the trick!

  • nebulas
    nebulas Posts: 49 Member
    i did the couch to 5k and it was great. now i am working on a 10k training program and currently running 4 miles. it also encouraged me to join a running club, i have my first run tonight!