Couch to 5km Graduates!!!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    So why did I not run last Friday? I just got off the treadmill and did 5K in 40 min 25 sec and I feel great. Endorphins must kick in around 20 min of running - it seems to get easier or I just finally lose myself in the task. I wimped out of running outside today - it may be sunny but it looks cold and windy. At least in the afternoon, I could see outside and count the deer running by. Last Friday morning it was dark and like staring at a wall. I was asked to run in the Detroit Corktown race with some friends in 2 weeks but it falls on a bad weekend:cry::cry: I just can't go then. April is just around the corner and I can't wait to run a 5K... I may do 2 that month.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Woo hoo! Momma red is back on the thread! :) I've been away for a bit too - but I'm so happy to see the conversation is still alive. :)

    Stephanie - I'm so inspired by you - finishing the gateway to 8k! That's amazing.... and a lot of hard work. thanks for sharing the speed building tips with us.

    I have been "off the wagon" so to speak for the past 2-3 weeks, but got back out there today. Today was my first day using a heart rate monitor (I have been wanting one for months, and finally decided it was "okay" to spend the money). You would not BELIEVE the difference it made in my motivation level. (Or, if you use one, you probably would believe it).

    It said my calorie burn for 48 minutes (including warm up and cool down walking/stretching) was 480 calories! That's way different than the 277 estimate I get from the database for the same combination of activity.

    Wow, wow and WOW!!!!

    Just curious - for those HRM wearers - do you know what your target heart rate zone is? My polar f6 calculated my "own zone" but it seemed really low. (130-146 bpm). I was only in that zone for 3 out of the 48 minutes. My average heart rate was 159 and my max was 190. I guess I need to do more reading about this thing to figure out if I'm exercising efficiently enough.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I need to find my hrm strap. I ran on the treadmill again for 1 mile last night. You'd think with all the walking I do on a daily basis, my legs wouldn't get so tired so quickly. Well, I'm not giving up. I have a 5K to run in July and by gummy I'm gonna run that baby!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I need to find my hrm strap. I ran on the treadmill again for 1 mile last night. You'd think with all the walking I do on a daily basis, my legs wouldn't get so tired so quickly. Well, I'm not giving up. I have a 5K to run in July and by gummy I'm gonna run that baby!

    Will this be your 2nd 5k? How was the first one?
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Smiles - Thanks! It is great that you are getting back out there! Fantastic!

    As for the HRM, I have a Polar F6 too! I know what you mean about motivation. I don't use the OwnZone that much because if you look in the manual there is a structured way you should warm up for it to determine your OwnZone. I just set it to automatic, hard effort. That is usually the right range for running for me (with an exception of hills lol). That is when they use the formula of 220 - your age to determine that.

    I hope that helps you out some. I love my HRM. :]
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Smiles - Thanks! It is great that you are getting back out there! Fantastic!

    As for the HRM, I have a Polar F6 too! I know what you mean about motivation. I don't use the OwnZone that much because if you look in the manual there is a structured way you should warm up for it to determine your OwnZone. I just set it to automatic, hard effort. That is usually the right range for running for me (with an exception of hills lol). That is when they use the formula of 220 - your age to determine that.

    I hope that helps you out some. I love my HRM. :]

    Yep, thanks, it does! And you know what? I saw you had an f6 (somwhere on another thread) and that you loved it - which gave me even more inspiration to take the plunge... I knew you've been working on running too. So, thanks! I hope it stays a helpful, motivating tool. Will need to read the manual more to get more familiar with it. I also need to figure out how to make it stop chirping every hour. Other than that, it's golden! :)

    There's a new thread in fitness and exercise - a HRM calorie burn challenge. You might be interested.... :)
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Smiles - I will check that thread out. :smile:

    There is a way to turn off the sounds in the settings. Well, I turned off the HR level sounds and mine doesn't chirp every hour.. so maybe that's what did it? lol.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I don't know what happened to the nice weather they were predicting:grumble: It didn't even get to 30 today. I just finished shoveling off the back deck and am glad that I made the decision to run inside today. I did manage to run for a full 5K but my pace was slower today 41 min 18 sec. I am just happy to have completed it. Hopefully we get sunny warm weather soon...
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I need to find my hrm strap. I ran on the treadmill again for 1 mile last night. You'd think with all the walking I do on a daily basis, my legs wouldn't get so tired so quickly. Well, I'm not giving up. I have a 5K to run in July and by gummy I'm gonna run that baby!

    Will this be your 2nd 5k? How was the first one?

    I ended up not running the first one. It was in Seattle and if my daughter didn't go (which she didn't) I would have had no way to get there early enough because I don't drive. So July will be my first. Fortunately, it's in Kent which is where I live.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I need to find my hrm strap. I ran on the treadmill again for 1 mile last night. You'd think with all the walking I do on a daily basis, my legs wouldn't get so tired so quickly. Well, I'm not giving up. I have a 5K to run in July and by gummy I'm gonna run that baby!

    Will this be your 2nd 5k? How was the first one?

    I ended up not running the first one. It was in Seattle and if my daughter didn't go (which she didn't) I would have had no way to get there early enough because I don't drive. So July will be my first. Fortunately, it's in Kent which is where I live.

    That's exciting! I'm not sure I'm brave enough yet to do an actual race (with all the people!!) but am so inspired by all of you. Enjoy! You will be SO ready for it!

    Stephy - thanks for the tips on the polar - I changed the HR sound settings and that seems to have done the trick. Thanks again!

    It's raining today and I don't have a treadmill, so the running will wait for tomorrow. Did shred level 1 and pilates though - felt great! :) I love getting in varied forms of exercise. Keeps it interesting!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Hello ladies :)

    I am sure Im a little late on the HRM convo but I have to say that I have the F7 and it is AMAZING. I absolutely love it! I use it when i run outside and the treadmills at work are polar equiped so they read it right way as well..pretty cool. I also have started using it when I do classes and especially when I do the strength training with a trainer :)

    its so great to see how much I burn so that Im accurate in my journal every day :)

    Im so suppossed to be +10 degrees on the weekend which means its the perfect time to get out and start pounding the pavement :) good luck to everyone running tomorrow!!!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Glad to hear it is warming up there for you Carrie! I know you were getting cabin fever / treadmill fever. Ick!

    I love Polar! Carrie - Polar actually makes a HRM for horses. How cool is that? :tongue:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Good morning all. I went out to the exercise room last night and the only treadmill is broken. grrrrrrr! :angry: I was so mad. Most of the the other machines (only 1 of each) were broken also. So I didn't run last night at all. On the way to work this morning I had this thought that maybe I could start running at work on my lunch hour. There is plenty of sidewalk because we're on the outskirts of town so it would be a perfect location for running. I'd just have to be sure and have some extra deoderant at work though. :laugh:

    I hope you all have a great weekend. I'm planning on running outside somewhere tomorrow.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    You go, Betty! Don't let anything stop you!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I agree with Jan, get out there and have a great time!! (And, yeaaaah, extra deodorant might be a good thing!) :laugh:

    I got out there and rocked a run today - MAN, IT FELT GOOD!!!!! I noticed my pace is quite a bit slower when I'm running alone, but I actually enjoy it so much more! No worrying about if I'm keeping up, pushing hard enough, whatever.

    And really, what does it matter if I EVER get "fast" - as long as I enjoy what I'm doing and it's keeping me healthy? (Need to give myself that speech over and over again.)

    The run was 30 minutes, warm up/cool down walking and stretching was 24 for a total of 54 minutes. 507 calories burned. This is SO FUN!!!! :drinker:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It hit 40 here in northern Michigan and I was so happy to run outside today. 3 miles of jogging and another 2 mile walk with DH. The sun is wonderful - I can almost smell spring.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    hello everyone :)

    just thought i'd make sure this thread keeps going. Along with your running, what else is everyone doing to improve their fitness levels? i have been doing strength training 3x/week as well as running 2x/ week and horseback riding friday nights. I finally feel like I am starting to get things back in order

    its also finally staying above zero degrees here and I cannot wait to start running outside 3x/week again :) I know its only March, and Ontario usually gets dumped on again right at the end of the month...but im really really really hoping that the fitness gods take pity and ask there to be no more snow up here :)

    I cannot wait for my next weigh in on Monday afternoon. I lost 7.2 lbs in a week last week, so I am finally back where I was 2 months ago on here...i never changed it back up...i kept it the same as a motivation to get back down to 21 lbs lost :) now I can keep going :)

    hope everyone else is having a greet week. Any exciitng plans for the weekend? I am going to pick out my wedding invitations tomorrow :) yay!!!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    thanks for bringing the thread back up, it had slipped. Amazing job with 7.2 lbs in one week - wow!!! Well done. :flowerforyou:

    You asked what we're all doing... I forgot to report in my runs this week, but also did Yoga Booty Ballet, BL Cardio Max, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, Pilates and Cardio Kickbox this week. :) It's been a fun week!

    My goal was to run today (Friday) but when it came down to it I felt more like a DVD, so I did that. Will probably run tomorrow.

    Have fun picking out your invitations!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Carrie - Glad to hear you are back on track! That is a wonderful thing! :smile: Have fun picking out invitations! :flowerforyou:

    Smiles - Sounds like a bunch of fun DVDs and workouts this week! Great job!

    I ran Monday & Wednesday. The weather went south here on Friday (and will be nasty all weekend) so I probably won't get the third run in this week. On my other days I have been doing boxing and boot camp classes. They are a lot of fun. Some strength training blended in there too. I am in love with boxing circuit though. Maybe when I move to a more permanent location I will join an actual boxing gym. :tongue:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm running in a 5k race tomorrow morning. I did a practice run this morning ( I usually run at night) - got up at the same time I will tomorrow, got out there and covered 5k including warm-up & cool-down walks. I didn't time myself - I figure they'll do that for me tomorrow. I was pleased I covered the whole distance I intended to easily. Right at the end I was tempted to keep running to actually run the whole 5k, but reminded myself that today is really supposed to be a rest day. I wasn't able to get out there to practice yesterday morning - work got in the way!

    So for this c25k grad - months later, I've still got it :-)