Couch to 5km Graduates!!!



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    JPrice, how did you do on your 5K?
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I ran it in 39:30. So I'm a little faster than I was last October when I ran it in 41:05. Sure seems like I'm faster than that now, but I wasn't Sunday! One big difference is that now I KNOW I can run the full 5k - that's a nice feeling!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Congratulations! That's great. I need to really get my butt in gear if I'm going to run a 5K in July. I wish I could get my running partner to start running with me again. I think she goes out on her own now. :frown:
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Hey all.

    Well, I think the last time I ran was end of January. The knee injury has taken much longer to heal than anticipated. I've been testing out with a few minutes of running here and there, but last Friday I had my first run. It was short and slow - 12 minutes of running with walking breaks every 3 minutes. Still, no soreness or swelling and the knee felt good. If anything my opposite leg really ached (think I was subconsciously favoring the uninjured leg) that night. So, I'm going back to running three days a week this week - but keeping to the very slow 12 minutes of running. I want to build up slowly for the first couple of weeks.

    Good to see so many familiar people still on this thread.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    YAY JAN!!! Thats so great that you did so well! We knew you could do it!

    I managed to get in a 3km run before my hour of strenght training with my trainer today. it felt good to get another run in. Im slowly building back up to the 5km.

    I cannot wait to be able to do it again. There is a race on April 18th that I would like to run in so that gives me just under 4 weeks to get back up to snuff!

    Thanks for keepign the post going ladies. You always inspire me!!!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hey all.

    Well, I think the last time I ran was end of January. The knee injury has taken much longer to heal than anticipated. I've been testing out with a few minutes of running here and there, but last Friday I had my first run. It was short and slow - 12 minutes of running with walking breaks every 3 minutes. Still, no soreness or swelling and the knee felt good. If anything my opposite leg really ached (think I was subconsciously favoring the uninjured leg) that night. So, I'm going back to running three days a week this week - but keeping to the very slow 12 minutes of running. I want to build up slowly for the first couple of weeks.

    Good to see so many familiar people still on this thread.

    Been there, done that - take it easy as you get back into it :-)
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Maddiebabe - I know you can get from 3k to 5k in four weeks! You've done it once already :-)

    This week has been a total wash on running/exercising so far. I've got a lot of work stuff going on - competing demands that HAVE to get done on a timeline. I've tried not to let work get in the way of working out, but I haven't done ANYTHING since last Saturday exercise-wise. Not even the Wii for 30 minutes! Arrgghh.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hi everyone! Just wanted to report in that today I had my longest run EVER at 4.5 miles! Get this... I ran to the gym, then did the last mile on the treadmill!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Well, I've decided to start the C25K program again. I ran over a week ago and my legs were sore for several days. That's not good. So I decided that since I'm so out of practice running, I would just start the C25K again so I don't injure myself. I should have time to finish it and still run my 5K in July.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Sounds like a good plan - it will go faster this time around. I use the C25 podcasts quite frequently still. I find them to be helpful for interval training (earlier weeks) and for my longer runs too (weeks 8 & 9).
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    wow!!! 4.5 miles! Thats so amazing! keep up the great work everyone!

    I weighed myself and I gained 2 lbs but it is all muscle which is so great :) I am finally getting intoa new groove where I can fit running 3-4 x/week again and im SOOOOO excited for it :)

    cant wait to check in again soon. sorry that this post is so short!!!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    @ maddiebabe - know what you mean about the groove - it feels good when you know you are getting back into the swing of things.

    So, Monday I ran again. I'm still being very cautious. I'm doing (3min run/2 min) walk x 5 this week at a very slow 12 min mile. I'm not even breaking a sweat at this pace and interval, but I've read a lot on-line about how regular walk breaks can prevent injury. Also, the one day last week I got cute and tried to push the speed up on the treadmill, my knee was swollen the next day. So, I'm building up distance now and not speed. I'm going again today to run. I'm doing the treadmill so that I can monitor my pace better and not get ahead of myself.

    I've been seeing a physiotherapist and she's giving me a lot of exercises to do. I decided that, since I can't go all out running, I'm going to work on my strength. Even after working out for several months now (since last August, consistently), I still have a LOT of weak spots. So, I've started a heavy strength training routine for the whole body. I think it is time I build up some muscle strength with heavy weights. Once I'm able to get back to my running training routine, I will focus on runner specific strength programs.

    So, here's hoping I'm finally on the mend because I won that ballot for the Great Northern Run (half marathon) middle of September and I'm WAY behind on my original training schedule. I'm starting to get nervous although my physio says I still have more than enough time. I don't know, I'm starting to feel nervous.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Jlbay - injured you are faster than I am LOL! I bet your physiotherapist is right - take care of yourself and build stregnth and distance slowly, and you'll be rockin' by next September!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    ladies :) I am so excited!!! its 25 degrees out today....and expected to be like that all day! I cannot belive how gorgeous it is out! I am just heading out for a run tomorrow morning before heading to my fiance's parents for our first easter dinner of the weekend! I am so stoked to finally be able to start running outside again regularily!!!

    what sorts of runs are you guys planning for this weekend? any exciting plans for dinner or road trips at all?

    Jlbay my trainer is going through the same thing with her physio too. she just got told that she cannot run more than 2 min at a time yet and she is devestated because she is really strong physicially but wants to really start to burn more fat off through cardio, so we had worked out a deal that she will train me through weights adn I will teach her to run hehe!

    I hope you start to be able to improve again soon

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I did week 1 day 1 of the C35K on Wednesday. I was goiong to run day 2 during my lunch hour but it's rainy, cold and windy so i didn't because I had to come back to work. I'll see about tomorrow. I hope all have a great Easter.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words. I guess you can't be a runner without dealing with injury setbacks -seems like many here have been through similar bouts.

    The good news is I completed my other two runs - still similar format run/walk x 6. So, I'm getting in about a mile and a half of running each session. Next week I will add one interval, but no speed. I think I'll be adding distance until I can build back up to 30 minutes of running then reevaluate from there.

    Also, I think the physio and strength training are helping. For the first time in a long time, I'm not getting extreme soreness in my right quad and IT band. Soreness in my feet is also way down. Perhaps I'm turning a corner on these two nagging imbalances?
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Sounds like you're making good progress! Be gentle now, and you'll be better off in the long run!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Ok, so I haven't been running during my lunch hour because it's always rainy. I'm going to try to start over again today. It's supposed to be rainy again today but it's not raining yet so I'll see how it's looks during my lunch hour.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    hello Graduates :)

    I have officially joined the ranks of runners again! I went out today and purchased a new pair of running shoes and they are AMAZING!!!! I cannot wait to get out and run tomorrow at lunch! I wish I could get up and run at 5am but i just don't have that stamina just yet!!!

    I am so pumped tog et back torunning 3-4 times a week consistantly! i have managed to get in 5km runs 2x in the last week but I really need to start increasing my distance again soon!

    Just wanted to issue a little challenge to all of you graduates on here! lets start being regular again with our postings!!! i would love to see each and every time you all run and I will make sure to make a quick post every time I run too...starting with tomorrow :)

    happy running this week everyone

  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    hmmmm where have you all gone????