

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    This is it...what I've been threatening all week...my last post until December 5 or 6...depending upon what time I get home on the 5th!!! Time to say good bye to the best friends a gal has never met:laugh: ! Seriously, I will miss reading all of your wonderful posts.

    Heather...Happy, happy birthday, baby!!! (Wish I knew the rest of the words) Your doctor is right, give yourself the kudos you deserve, positive affirmations are always helpful, even when we give them to ourselves!!!

    :happy: Birdie...so good to hear from you. I've really missed your wonderful posts!!! Congratulations on the pound lost.

    Barbie, congrats on your pound lost too. Hang in there until Jake gets back home to you.

    Mary--good strategy on posting first and choosing snack second. What a great idea!!!

    Well, got lots to finish up today...so, Happy Thanksgiving everyone and good-bye for now.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    :heart: Terri:heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :happy: To everyone in their 50’s, I just want to say that MY mother said her favorite year was when she was 60!!! :flowerforyou: Her kids were all grown, she still felt great, she traveled to Europe that year etc. etc. So technically…you have much to look forward to!!!:laugh: :laugh: Last year, when I was 60, I took my dream vacation! A 1 week cruise followed by a 1 week land tour of Alaska on the Royal Caribbean! It was also one of my favorite years!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: MacMadame:Glad you’re leaving for AZ… as I’m sure your son is. :laugh: Taking a little time to step back and regroup sometime takes the “furious” out and put the “this is totally unacceptable, but I still love you” back!!:laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Susan: Thank you, too. And you are right…I am very blessed!!:heart:

    :bigsmile: Mary: Hope you ended up with a healthy snack. :flowerforyou: The grabbing thing…is not only dangerous because of WHAT we may grab….it’s dangerous because it encourages that nasty behavior that got us out of control!!! Glad you’re posting again!!:wink:

    :bigsmile: Becky: I had a LOT of down time at work and was alone in the office. That’s the only way I can post the way I did yesterday and today! When Tax Season gets here…You’ll probably hardly ever hear from me as I work in an accounting office, 6 days a week, but I hope you don’t forget me! I’ll probably need the support more than ever then!:blushing:
    Today’s a new day…:flowerforyou: so make some new choices and by the time you go to bed you’ll be feeling better about yourself. :happy: All we have is the present moment!! Make it count as a positive memory!

    :bigsmile: Cindy: I’d say you should have your motivation back, now, after that doctor’s report! Meds are awful and some make you gain weight. :noway: :noway: I have to take some and I hate it! :grumble: So do EVERYTHING you can to avoid it! Do it just for today …and then repeat that each day for the rest of your life and you will be fine! Good Luck!!! If that doesn't work, think about the COST....that ought to do it!:laugh:
    I agree with Angl!

    :bigsmile: Angl: Do you drink at least 8 – 10 glasses of water a day? :drinker: That alone can help if you’re not doing it!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Heather: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :flowerforyou: I’ll be 62 in March so if you’re ever feeling old….think of me!!!:laugh:

    I also find it difficult, in terms of the way young people talk to adults.:angry: I would have been grounded for a week if I even THOUGHT about saying some of the things they say today.:noway: It’s like the “respect’ thing has gone out the window and they live in their little narcissistic world where nothing matters… accept themselves.:angry: Unfortunately, that’s what society encourages them to do, so it makes it difficult for all those dealing with them. :ohwell: Hang in there!:love:

    :bigsmile: Jeannie: You’re right. Seeing and dealing with sickly parents is certainly a wake up call! And the price of medication is off the wall.:noway: I’m glad we all found each other!!!:love::love:

    :bigsmile: Alice: Have a great day!

    :bigsmile: NanaP: Congrats on the lb! :flowerforyou: I too will have very small portions on Thanksgiving Day as well as get up early and do my treadmill. Also, it might be good to make a list of all the things we are GRATEFUL for… and think about what’s on THAT list MORE than the food. After all it is THANKGIVING DAY…not “PIG OUT DAY!! I bet “junk food or unhealthy foods” are not on that list!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Brady: Thanks for the info. Do they sell those tapes on DVDs?:huh:
    I also didn’t exercise today because I was up until 1 AM :yawn: and just couldn’t get up at 5 to do it. :yawn: :yawn: What I do, on a day like today, is just eat the basic healthy foods and forget the snacking.:ohwell: It always keeps me within my 1200 calories but makes me more determine to exercise tomorrow!!:wink:

    :bigsmile: Vicki: Yey!! Back on track!:flowerforyou: I’m sure you’ll be fine if you put your mind to it, as you said. ”Ain’t it the truth”!!

    :bigsmile: Terri: You’ll be in our prayers! Have a safe and enjoyable trip!!

    Have a great and healthy day everyone!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Like Nana, it's my oldest daughter's birthday, too! Have a great day.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Well, I've had a pretty good day, a few calories over but not much. My son fixed BBQ ribs for his friends and I did take one bite. Not a low fat food so I'm pretty happy that I've been able to say no to eating them. I had a banana sandwich with some low fat peanut butter.

    My exercise now needs some attention and of course my water intake needs to go up.

    Like who ever said it to me. Just do it for one day and then another! That's my plan, oh, and my husband said he's watching me!

    I hope you all have had a good day with wise choices.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    :bigsmile: Mary: Hope you ended up with a healthy snack. :flowerforyou: The grabbing thing…is not only dangerous because of WHAT we may grab….it’s dangerous because it encourages that nasty behavior that got us out of control!!! Glad you’re posting again!!:wink:

    Well, I decided that I was too chilly to eat the yogurt, so I had celery and peanut butter. And no cookie. So, since it works, you may hear from me whenever I am thinking of snacking on something that I really don't want to! :)

    Happy birthday, Heather!

    Hope all are doing great today. Here's to smart choices!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all, well it’s raining again:grumble: ….not only raining but foggy and gray and YUCKY. I did manage to walk about a mile at lunch today.:happy:
    :noway: I know we talked before on kids and dirty rooms. Well as many of you have found out from experience the ones who are, excuse the expression…PIGS when they are younger, wind up to be neat freaks when they are on their own. Both of my daughters are a perfect example. As far as my son, as you know he got married last Saturday. He was, up until that day, a PIG. He and his new bride are staying with us until they can find something they can afford. He invited me into their room yesterday and I almost fainted from shock. He had not only cleaned the room but moved every thing around and got rid of a lot of junk. His room is not only clean but looks twice as big as it did before.
    :flowerforyou: Heather-Happy, Happy Birthday Baby. My birthday present to you is you can't hear me singing to you. LOL:laugh:
    :flowerforyou: Jeannie- I too used to take popcorn to the movies before I found out I have Diveticulitus. Now I just sneak in a bottle of water cause I am too cheap to spend 2 bucks for one.:ohwell:
    :flowerforyou: Nana-Congratulations on another pound. Thanksgiving is my favorite meal of the year. I love Turkey w/ kielbasa and sauerkraut, green bean casserole etc. I am going to use a smaller plate with smaller portions and exercise for dessert.
    :flowerforyou: Terri- have a safe trip. I will miss your posts
    :flowerforyou: Birdie- I wish I could talk my husband into going on the Alaska cruise. We have been on the Bermuda and the Caribbean cruises. My husband says Alaska is tooooo cold.
    :flowerforyou: Susan- I love your graphics. Where can I get them?
    :flowerforyou: MamaCindy-do you find it harder to drink all your water now that it is colder? When it was hot I had no problem what so ever drinking 8 to 10 glasses a day. But now, except when I am exercising, I almost have to force myself to drink it.
    :flowerforyou: Macmadam-Have a safe and joyous trip. I will say a prayer for your son.:wink:
    :flowerforyou: Vicki- I am just the opposite, when I was sad, depressed, anxious, mad or worried I ate like there is no tomorrow. When I am happy and content I find I don’t have as much of an appetite.
    Time to exercise, everyone have a wonderful evening. :heart: Love (((hugs))) and prayers to all. Rosemary :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: My day started with a 7AM spiritual meeting followed by two hours of line dance and a yummy lunch(ground turkey with onions and peppers and a little Thai curry sauce and a big salad with 1TBS of dressing,) and a lot of dog walking.

    At 2:45 I got a phone call to tell my that my hubby was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital in Santa Barbara where he is attending a five day event called "Beyond Courage". Apparently he was testing the limits of his newly acquired health and energy and his implanted cardio defibrilator went off. I've had several phone calls including one a few minutes ago from the cardiologist who did an angiogram to see if there was any damage but all was fine so he'll spend the night in the hospital and go back to his event in the morning.

    The really good news is that I didn't eat to calm myself down:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: Happy Birthday, Heather :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: may this be your thinnest and healthiest year ever.
    hugs :love: :love: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    :flowerforyou: Susan- I love your graphics. Where can I get them?...
    Rosemary :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Hi Rosemary, I use Mozilla Firefox as my browser, and they offer a smiley app. Do you use that browser? If so, I can give you more details.

    Barbie, even reading your post was very scary. I would hate to get that call about my husband. I'm glad all is well. How far away is he?

    Take care, everyone. Susan
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: .....

    At 2:45 I got a phone call to tell my that my hubby was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital in Santa Barbara where he is attending a five day event called "Beyond Courage". Apparently he was testing the limits of his newly acquired health and energy and his implanted cardio defibrilator went off. I've had several phone calls including one a few minutes ago from the cardiologist who did an angiogram to see if there was any damage but all was fine so he'll spend the night in the hospital and go back to his event in the morning.

    The really good news is that I didn't eat to calm myself down:bigsmile: .... Barbie


    I can't even imagine how you must have felt when you got that call!!:noway: I am so glad that Jake is only gong to be in the hospital overnight. Better safe than sorry when it comes to defib.

    I am glad you didn't have to chow down to calm yourself, but if you had, we would not judge you too harshly!!

    Take care, and give Jake our best wishes.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I am so glad that your husband is alright. What a scary thing to have happen.

    :flowerforyou: Susan, I also use Firefox. I need to check out their smiley app.

    My Zumba instructor's daughter fell onto her face on concrete during her gymnastic glass. My class, of course, had to be cancelled. I am praying that her daughter is alright.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I survived my ladies night out with a large salad and lots of good company. I plan not to weight myself until Thanksgiving Day so I will be more motivated until then. We have missed our workouts all this week except Monday. Plan to get back in swing today or tomorrow.
    Barbie, I cannot even imagine what you went through. I think of that all the time when Kenneth goes out of town that I will have to get on a plane alone and travel to some strange place because he is sick or hurt. I am glad he is okay and you survived. To everyone else have a good day. Keep up the good work. We are taking grandkids to Lafayette today to see Disney on Ice so I may be awol for while. I am bringing computer but may not have much time. Talk to you later.
    Vicki M
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning Ladies

    Real glad its Friday. Seem to have been a long week. I suppose that's because I worked on Sunday. Mind you I have to work tomorrow too but I have a whole week off in two weeks. I need to get my office caught up and make sure I've covered everything. One bad thing about being a one-person administration is that nobody covers for me and my lovely work piles up and waits for me

    Thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes. It was a wonderful day. I had planned my food for lunch but was a tich late and my girlfriend had already ordered for m. I was only going to eat some of my sandwich but as I was disassembling it I discovered a long blonde hair - They refunded my friend for the lunch and I was saved the calories because I just ate the soup. Someone watching out for me??? Dinner was a delicious salad at Boston Pizza (410 cals) and I was full. Water to drink and no dessert. All-in-all a good birthday food wise. I thought of the people who encourage me and I made it through without feeling deprived. Thanks pals:flowerforyou:

    Barbie - that call would have scared the stuffin' out of me. I hope all is well and be proud of yourself that your 'new' lifestyle is actually the only one you have now. You are so good and being good.

    Congratulations to all the 'losers' It encourages me to keep up the effort. I read somewhere on here when I first started that the only difference between try and triumph is the "umph".

    Wed night I managed to jog (gasp) for 90 second intervals on the treadmill. I was proud but definately going to have to find a better way to stabilize the monsters on my chest. Anyone else have this problem? I've heard of some wearing two bras. I'll try that tomorrow. I already where bras that I pay a ton for. Apparently I have my paternal grandmother to thank for 'my abundant girls'

    How do you like the new look of the site? I don't really mind however one thing I noticed is that I actually have to log out. Before when I powered down, I would have to log in the next time and today when I booted up I didn't have to. Good to know when you are using a work computer. Kind of a privacy issue because anyone could have accessed my personal info. Unless I'm mistaken. Before you could look up general stuff but to get to other info you had to password in. Oh well to be safe I will just hit the log out button before I sign off.

    Vicki - that sounds wonderful. I love those shows Have a super day.:flowerforyou:

    Anyone hear from Kathy or Anne anymore?? Hope they are well.

    Have a great weekend ladies.

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Greetings to all of you! Barbie, yay for you not turning to food after the news about your husband. I think that is what I would have mindlessly done. You continue to be an inspiration.
    Well, I continue to make more steps forward than back, but I'm not moving any pounds. I need to be drinking my water and that will make a difference. It is good to be back on the tredmill and it was even nice enough yesterday to go for a bike ride! My two youngest boys went with me. It's always fun to do things with my children.
    Well, off to school. We have half days on Friday so we can clean the house in the afternoon. Have a good weekend ladies!!:flowerforyou:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I'm OK. Just not on track fully. I'm still trying to lose the 10 pounds I gained. No gym lately.

    My parents are selling their house to move into something smaller. Spending tons of time getting the house ready for selling. Paint and all that stuff. Plus cooking and cleaning and taking them to the doctor. Mom mainly needs my help.

    I don't have a $$$ paying job. :( at this time.

    My son & his wife are getting a divorce after 12 years and 2 children and things are not good in that department. Very sad. Sometimes I want to just stay in bed.

    Just not up to being happy lately.

    :heart: Kathy
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Good Morning,
    I have finally got off the 163 mark and lost 1 lb.
    Birdie M... thanks for the tip on drinking more water
    Swissmiss.....good tip about eating more low fat protein as I do not eat a lot of protein. Usually some skim milk with my cereal and then meat with dinner. Oh yes I do eat a south beach protein bar in the afternoon.
    Happy Birthday to Heather. Love having birthdays!!!
    House cleaning day for me and bathing the dog.
    Good day to all.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    Thanks Kathy for the message. I know it is very hard when one of your kids goes through a divorce. You wish you could take the sadness away for them. It is definitely a grieving time. All the best to you.

    I am still down with the flu. It seems so selfish to be sick and not be able to do anything. Just being up is an effort and I can barely think straight. Everyday I think, tomorrow I will feel a lot better - always the optimist.

    Here is to a good day :drinker:
  • bradybrookes
    :wink: BirdieM: The step work outs are available on VHS or DVD . . I use VHS because it’s an old machine we have set up in the garage. Just “google” or search online for Step Reebok. I have some other step tapes that are good too – Jane Fonda has one – but Gin Miller’s are my favorites.
    My weekend commitment . . . drink water, exercise, and WRITE IT DOWN!! Good luck everyone . . . never give up!! :glasses:
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Cindy: glad things are working out!

    :flowerforyou: Mary: You’re the queen of smart choices!!!

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary: Alaska, even in July, can be cool and damp as it was when we went. But the beauty is so incredible that you just snuggle up….in awe!!:love:

    :noway: Becky: Hope your instructor’s daughter is OK. Makes…Zumba, seem a little scary!:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki: Enjoy Disney on Ice!

    :noway: Heather: Wow! Saved by the hair! I’ve heard of “saved by the bell” but that’s a new one for me! :laugh: Yes….you ARE being looked after!:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Doobie: I agree, doing anything with my family is enjoyable. Stay positive!:flowerforyou:

    :ohwell: Kathy: So sorry for all your troubles, but as they say, this too shall pass. :frown: Not very comforting, but true. :wink: Try to be positive, one minute at a time and see what happens. Be good to yourself. Sometimes that’s all we can do.:ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: Angl: Congrats on the lb.! As for me…I can’t wait to reach 163!!:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Renny: Keep being the optimist. Being pessimistic will only make things worse!
    Get well!

    :flowerforyou: Brady: Thanks and have a great weekend!

    :noway: Barbie: Scary stuff, I’m sure you can’t wait to get Jake home for some lovin medicine!:love::love: :laugh:

    Have a great weekend, all!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Morning Ladies

    How do you like the new look of the site? I don't really mind however one thing I noticed is that I actually have to log out. Before when I powered down, I would have to log in the next time and today when I booted up I didn't have to. Good to know when you are using a work computer. Kind of a privacy issue because anyone could have accessed my personal info. Unless I'm mistaken. Before you could look up general stuff but to get to other info you had to password in. Oh well to be safe I will just hit the log out button before I sign off......

    Have a great weekend ladies.


    As far as I can tell, the version of the MFP website you are viewing should not affect whether or not you have to log in the next time you bring the site up on your computer. What DOES effect this process is the little box in the login window that you check if you want it to "remember you next time."

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Barb - that is what happened. I didn't see the little box because I didn't have to log in. Thanks for pointing that out for me. Should be set up so you have to click in that box rather than it being preselected. Anyway all is good now.