40+ Club- I'm Dreaming Of A Light Christmas



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi on ship now will sail soon. Will not be able to check site...happy new year!!!!!! Take care! Hugs!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Happy New Year, alf.

    YES, it is snowing here !!!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Well Christmas was lovely, we had Christmas Eve dinner at my sister in laws house and a small dinner on Christmas day at mine. My brother is in NY visiting with his in laws and hopefully taking a break from not feeling well. I know how much he must have on his mind right now but I really pray he is able to enjoy the time he gets to spend with his family.

    I weighed myself for the first time sense before Thanksgiving.... I am up 8 lbs. Very discouraging but I can only pray it comes off quickly. I just need to hide all the candy we got as gifts from friends and family..... I'm not a huge candy eater but if there's something I really like in the house I will eat it. And those new dove peppermint bark candies..... Oh My Gosh!!! Delicious!!!!

    Alf... Have a wonderful time on your cruise!!!!

    String... You've gotten everything unpacked and put away already. Darn girl, your good.

    Swiss.... How much snow do you usually get at one time? The most we usually get at one time is 2 feet. I just don't like when it ices up and the roads are white for weeks.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    The payback for all of my holiday indiscretions has begun! I've started going back to the gym this morning for a short workout and will go back at lunch for 45 minutes. I will then do an Insanity workout after work, starting with day 1. I need to monitor my intake also. The stuff I put in my mouth the past few weeks was amazing (in a bad way).

    I need to halt and reverse this trend. I know better!!! So, with few exceptions I will be eating clean and working out hard. It's amazing how sluggish I've been feeling lately, mostly due to diet and inactivity. So, as I report daily I will also report on my diet and exercise to keep me honest here with my friends. I'm realistic, it's not always going to be a big success, but it's a start. Today begins my jump-start into the new year.

    Let's do it together!
  • tlwonn
    tlwonn Posts: 13 Member
    Good Morning! I'm sooo excited to have found this group! I've been looking for a group online that I could connect with and report in weekly...I don't want to belong to so many that I spend all my time reading/typing and not getting my work done! I started my (hopefully final) weight loss journey about 3 weeks ago. I thought it would be good to get a jumpstart before the holidays and it is working. My goal is to ultimately master "maintenance".

    My son, who is currently 12, just lost 43 lbs. (in about 6 months) using this site...and is in maintenance now. I've told him that it is the hardest part and perhaps the area that is focused on the least. We spend so much time trying to lose "x" number of pounds or reach a certain weight...that once we get there, we don't always know what to do. He is in week 3 of maintenance and is doing great! I'm very proud of him!

    Now it is Mom's turn...I'm ready to lose it for once and for all. For Christmas, my Mom put together photo albums for me and my siblings. It was a wonderful gift and I looked back at pictures of me and wondered, what the heck happened! ;-)

    Here's to a fabulous 2010! Glad to be here!
  • Texssippian
    Merry Christmas to all and a very Happy New Year! We had a white Christmas in North Texas! First white Christmas I have had since I was a senior in high school and we drove from Mississippi to Michigan to be with my uncle for Christmas. Wednesday afternoon my daughter was in shorts and a tank top with temps in the 80's. Thursdays afternoon as we left church, the wind chill was in the teens with about an inch of snow on the ground and more falling. Luckily, we live about ten blocks from church because the roads were covered in ice and snow.

    We had a lovely Christmas Eve with our neighbors across the street. We have a joke with the neighbors to be careful on the dangerous trip back home. That night, getting up and down the lawns and across the street was dangerous! (everyone made it home safely).

    It is still a very busy holiday season. The daughter of friends of ours is getting married on New Year's Eve. My husband was in a band with her dad and several others all of whom have moved away. There are lots get-togethers with everyone in town for the wedding. My mother and brother-in-law Mike (husband of my sister who died in Sept 08) are coming in from Mississippi on Wednesday. Our daughter turns 21 on New Year's Day and we have hockey tickets to a Dallas Stars game on Saturday. Unfortunately, the game is at the same time as the Cotton Bowl with Ole Miss playing so we will have to tape the football game.

    I spent the weekend moving furniture and boxes. I still need clean the downstairs bedroom for my mom. We are having water damage in the adjoining bathroom repaired and it is still not complete. The mirror from the bathroom is leaning against the beds and I am afraid to do much in that room until the mirror is put back on the wall. They are supposed to finish today.

    We will go to the trainer tonight. I have not been recording food or really exercising (other than cleaning and moving furniture) and have gained back about 5 pounds. I am ready to jump back on the fitness and health wagon!

    Swiss, so sorry to hear about your husband. What a terrible thing at the holidays. I wish all the best!
    Sing, I am with you on the healthy lifestyle.
    Tron, hope you guys are hanging in there.
    Alf, enjoy your cruise.
    Stiring, keep the news from Korea coming.
    Everyone else, keep in touch and start those New Year's resolutions now!
    Take care all! TxMs
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Merry “belated” Christmas to everyone & Happy New Year!

    Stiring: So awesome to hear you are all settled in now and have all of your belongings. I bet that feels so great! Awesome to know as well that you are right on track with the weight lifting! Can’t wait to do a rotation with you on STS!
    In my third week of Meso #3 - I’m enjoying this rotation, especially the Plyo Legs! Even though it’s tough. Hopefully my body will respond positively too. Haven't lost any LB's :ohwell: :blushing: but feeling good.
    Shock Cardio is supposed to be here on Wed. I hope to incorporate it into this last part of STS for my cardio days. My 6.5 month rotation of STS will end in February.

    Christmas was good and I felt I ate less than I had expected so that was nice. Probably because I caught a cold right before and food just doesn’t taste the same. Was able to workout a couple of the days so that felt good.

    Swiss: So sorry to hear about your husband losing his job. I hope he finds something soon. :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to 2010! Thank you all for being here, I always look forward to checking in on everyone.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I'm feeling pretty good right now! I really missed exercising. Before work I did a power walk (4.5 mph, 15 degree incline) for about 15 minutes and then did a bit of strength training. At lunch I did more strength training and a vigorous session on the elliptical. I'm planning to start Insanity from day 1 tonight. That should be enought for one day, around 1000 cals. I have to remember to take care of ME first.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy After Christmas everyone!

    I'm going to get back in saddle today after all the Christmas eating and no exercising! I hope everyone is well and had a good time over the holiday!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    A friend and I always have one lunch together during the holidays. I let her pick the restaurant. Bad move. She chose a Chinese buffet. No way to eat healthy there. Oh well, another day. I will pick myself up and go on.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    Hi all!

    Welcome tlwonn! Your son did a great job losing weight! What an inspiration that must be. Maintenance, for me, is so much harder than losing weight. I think it is great that you've decided to join this journey. I'm sure that will help him tremendously.

    tron, good to see you. I wouldn't worry too much about the 8 pounds. I've probably gained at least five (or more), but I expect that some of that will come off pretty quickly once I start eating right again. I would think the same about your weight. Given everything you've been going through, I think you are doing tremendously well.

    TxMs, you had a White Christmas!! How fun!!! I'm glad everybody was safe because I imagine the ice was horrible. But what a wonderful and unexpected surprise.

    singfree, good for you getting right back on track. I'm back on track with my fitness, but my nutrition is still lacking. It is getting better though. I gave myself through the New Year to 'enjoy' some stuff, but I'm also ready to go back to clean eating. I'm tired of feeling so heavy and bloated.

    Swissmiss, don't worry about the lunch. Hopefully you enjoyed the time with your friend and, as you said, you can move on tomorrow.

    2BLean, I got my Shock Cardio yesterday! I'm going to preview a couple of the workouts today and try out a few of them over the next couple of days before I start STS again. I can't wait!! And in May, I'm so looking forward to doing the undulating rotation with you!! Back to Shock Cardio, I love getting new workouts, and these couldn't have come at a better time because.....

    I finished my Insanity rotation this morning!! :drinker: :drinker: I can't believe I actually made it through the entire rotation with the move, the holidays, etc, but I did. I will definitely be doing many of these workouts again, but I'm not sure I'll ever do another straight Insanity rotation since I prefer to lift weights. But, again, I didn't actually lose any strength doing the rotation (I did another strength training DVD this morning after Insanity and it felt good!), but I did find it much harder to keep my weight stable without strength training. Insanity is a great program, though, and I can't recommend it enough to anybody looking for the ultimate cardio challenge without choreography issues.

    Hope this finds everybody doing well. :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I can't believe how incredibly great I feel this morning. I did some very tough workouts yesterday and even though I can feel it in my muscles, it's a good feeling nonetheless.

    Stiring, I'm with you on the Insanity thing. I need strength training as much as I need aerobics. Insanity is a great fat blaster, but does little for strength. So I am back to the gym at lunch on workdays. On M/W/F I do upper body and on Tu/Th I do lower body. Before each strngth session I will do some time on the elliptical or power walk (4.5 mph) at a 15 degree incline on the treadmill. If I have time or if I am so inclined I will do an Insanity workout. I will get through the whole rotation, just not daily.

    Just a few more days of potential bad eating left! We are going out for dinner on New Year's Eve, and cooking dinner at home on New Year's Day.

    Hello to all of my "old" friends and welcome to our "new" friends too! I haven't been able to keep up with everyone during the holidays...sorry!

    Have a great day!
  • tlwonn
    tlwonn Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Stiring! Yes...he is an inspiration...and the best part is...he helps to keep me on track now...he can blurt out calorie counts and we can double-check each other, especially when it comes to "homemade" goodies. When he started this past June, he was 5'9" and weighed 225 lbs. (yes 12 years old!) and he is now 5'10" and about 182 lbs...it's a good weight for him as he has a larger frame. He's also an athlete, so this has helped him all around! His docter was pleasantly surprised! ;-)

    Anyway, I probably should have done it at the same time as he did...but better late than never! Here's to all of our successes in 2010...
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I am really doing better today. For breakfast, I had eggs with green peppers and onions. I put some low fat cheese in it also. I had two pieces of low calorie toast, dry. This actually was pretty high in calories. I need to go and get some yogurt. I love that and it seems to really help me lose weight.

    I am planning on lifting some weights with my husband or maybe re-arrange the bedroom. Either way, I will be getting a workout.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Morning everyone! So sorry to have been MIA for so long, the holidays really got busy here in Boston and I've been off the site for awhile. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

    I've done pretty well not gaining weight, and am down a couple of pounds from the last time I logged on. Getting my BF% measured again on Sat and hope that it's around 18%. Pretty good for getting through the holidays.

    Got a HRM from Santa, but not sure how to best use it yet. The eleventy-seven paged booklet is defeating me at the moment.

    Looking forward to 2010 and hoping for new successes in fitness.

    Swiss, very sorry to hear about your husband's job. Hope that something turns up for him very soon.
    Alf, enjoy the cruise! (I'm soooooo jealous)
    Stiring, I really admire the way you adapt so quickly to a new place. It usually takes me a couple of years before someplace feels like home to me.
    Sing, I'm in awe of all the working out you do. It's simply amazing.

    Hello to everyone else!!! I see we have lots of new members too, good to see you. This is a great thread and you'll find lots of encouragement here!

    Happy almost 2010!!!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    We received the best news possible yesterday. After not being able to see him for 2 months, we are going to have our Grandson visit us on Thursday and Friday! We are overjoyed beyond words. My stepson will pick him up tomorrow afternoon and they will stay at our home until Friday evening. There is a nasty divorce going on and she is using a little child as a pawn.

    I am still hitting it strong at the gym every day, although I can really start to feel it now. My abs and core area are pretty sore. That's the price I pay for inactivity and poor eating. I do feel much more alive right now. I must remember how great I feel when I am in shape.

    Cardi, 18% BF?? That's really good for a woman!! Keep up the good work. HRMs are a bit of a pain until you get used to the functions, but you will love it as a fitness tool. I use mine on occasion just to monitor my fitness level, or to see how many cals I burn during a workout session.

    Swiss, my thoughts are with you and your husband. I hope the new year brings much happiness and success!

    Stiring, my dear little sister...even from Korea you are showing us the path to fitness and health. Happy New Year!

    Alf, wherever you are...I'm sure you are having a great time on your romantic cruise!

    Today is upper body workout day, also eliptical and Insanity. I refure to surrender in this never-ending battle of the bulge!!!

    Have a happy and healthy day!!!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy New Year everyone:


    I'm so glad to hear about you getting to see you grandson. Grandparents are such an important part of kids lives.

    I've been dogged by a small cold this week, so exercise is still not happening for me. I dosed up on Echinacea, and it does seem to help keep the symptoms down. I think I will be good by the weekend, I certainly feel almost better today.

    Nothing much else to report. I refuse to get on the scale till I have a few solid days of exercising behind me. That's when you'll hear the screaming! LOL
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: zebras, I understand the screaming. I have been doing a lot of it myself. I have gained back five pounds. I think it is because my classes have stopped for the holidays and I haven't been drinking enough water.

    Do you think that alf is eating low calorie foods on her cruise? I have always wanted to go on one of those just for the food.:laugh:

    Has anyone noticed that after we are finished logging in everything we get a message telling us what we will weigh in five weeks if we continue as we are doing? I never reach that weight in five weeks.:grumble:

    The only exercise I have been getting lately is delivering my daughter's newpapers while she is in Kansas City.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :I am not changing my ticker because I do not intend on keeping the extra five pounds.
  • faymom
    faymom Posts: 11 Member
    Just put your Heart Rate Monitor on when you put on your sports bra. put on the watch. dont forget to hit start.
    Worry about the manual later. I have had mine for a year and still havent downloaded info to pc. I have a F11. what is your model? Some download to the computer for detailed analysis. all I do is make sure my heart rate is in the "range" and play with making it go below lowest level then "popping" it up again. Interesting to see what exercise makes your heart rate go up fastest, slowest, etc. Also amazing to see the weight training that will make your heart rate go up. I LOVE mine. Feel like I can do it without the HRM on some times when I forget to put it on because i can feel how my body is acting. LOVE it, did I say that yet?