40+ Club- I'm Dreaming Of A Light Christmas



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    Good Morning! I hope this finds you all doing well.

    tron, good to see you! I hope you hear from your brother soon, and I hope he is doing okay. You and your family are definitely in my thoughts. I think you have a good plan with your mother regarding her 'stuff'. I think it is smart to work on it if it is only under your terms. They aren't showing this season of Biggest Loser here on our Armed Forces TV (in fact, they are showing the one from two seasons ago :mad: ), but I find the show helps motivate me quite a bit. I'm going to miss not seeing it this season. Regarding your question about snow in Korea, we are definitely getting more than I anticipated. We've probably had about 18 inches in the past two months which isn't much, but more than I thought we'd get. It wouldn't be so bad if the temps were high enough to melt it, but that hasn't been the case recently. We're supposed to warm up to around freezing this weekend, though, so that should help.

    alf, congrats on teaching Zumba! About taking over more classes, I often find that if I think I might be biting off more than I can chew.....I am doing just that. So if you really think it is too much, you might want to think about it more. But if you think you can handle it......I'm with Swissmiss in saying 'Go For It'. Just listen to your hip, though!

    It's funny that you mention being hungry right now. I really have been struggling with that this week (since I've been back to clean eating), and have been chalking it up to lifting weights again. But I really think I forgot during those couple of weeks of pure indulgence that I really do get hungry alot when I'm trying to maintain this weight. I suppose that's all right since I think a certain amount of hunger is actually a good thing. But that being said, I didn't miss the hunger when I wasn't experiencing it. :ohwell:

    Swissmiss, I hope your daughter is feeling better. I'm not surprised she had a headache as I usually get those after a tummy bug too. I think it is probably from dehydration or something like that. Hopefully you won't catch whatever she had and can get back to your routine soon. You asked about the cold temps in Alaska. Honestly, you really do acclimate to them. I mean, the kids at school play on the playground down to about 20 below. In fact, all of life is pretty normal until about 20-25 below. I found I could get by just fine with a lined fleece, gloves and a scarf at those temps. The scary temps are -40 and under. I remember that everything in our house would start moaning and groaning, creaking and cracking at those temps. I said to my husband that it was so cold, you could actually hear the cold. At -40 is when they started advising people not to go outside unless they needed to. Hard to believe, isn't it? But you really do adapt. And we did spend days at a time at below -40, so it wasn't uncommon. And, yes, boiling water does freeze immediately if you toss it in the air at -40. I had to try that....at least once. :bigsmile:

    singfree, it sounds to me like you are right back on track. I'm with you that having a goal in mind (like going to Germany) helps me. Right now my goal is to look good for our trip to Hawaii in April. We'll be there for work purposes, but I'd like to think that if I have a chance to wear a swimsuit, I would feel comfortable doing it.

    You asked an interesting question about HiiT, and I've kind of thought about it all day long. To be honest, I have managed to lose weight in the past doing moderate exercise and eating right (at times when I've been injured and such), so I'm not sure to what degree HiiT really impacts that as I've gained weight doing high intensity workouts (like over Christmas when doing Insanity) and I've lost weight doing moderate exercise when I've been eating right.

    That being said, higher intensity workouts are what motivates me to workout. I love the sense of accomplishment I feel when I'm done and THAT is what I'm addicted to when it comes to fitness. I love the feeling I get throughout the day when I've done a tough workout and can feel the workout. I love knowing I can push myself beyond boundaries. I love the feeling of energy I get when doing such workouts. And I'm never bored doing them. I can't say the same for moderate activity. So, yes, HiiT does make a big difference for me because it keeps me motivated to workout. What can I say? I'm an intensity junkie. I know that high intensity isn't smart every day, especially when doing strength training. But I know that if I try to take the intensity down some, I will get bored and give up, and that's WORSE than doing high intensity almost every day (at least in my book). I do try to vary my workouts--intervals vs. steady state (but high intensity steady state), but I do a high impact or high intensity cardio workout almost every day. And, to be honest, after doing that, I'm okay with doing something like yoga or pilates because those relax me and I do know there are benefits (and feel the benefits) from that type of activity as well. But I need the rush of a good tough workout to feel really enjoy those other activities (and that would include strength training if I'm being totally honest). So....there you go.

    Hope you all have a great Thursday! Stay warm!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Stiring, we are sooo on the same page that it's scary! I guess I am a HIIT junkie for many of the same reasons you've mentioned. Here's another- doing twice the workout in half the time. The caloric burn really mounts fast when doing HIIT. I just love getting a good sweat going and keeping it up throughout the entire workout. You are right, it should not be done every day. I listen to my body and see if it can handle the load. Right now I am NOT up to intense workouts daily because of stiffness and soreness. As I regain my strength and stamina, I will also increase my workout load. For this reason I am building momentum slowly. I figure that during January I can lay down a good base for overall fitness. Then starting in Feb. I can begin more difficult workouts.

    People might think that setting long-term goals is silly. On the contrary, I believe it is the most sensible and realistic way to do it right. Nobody is going to get in shape in a month or lose those last 20 lbs. Believe me, I will need every day until May 27 to get into great shape. Don't cringe dear ladies when I post some "after" pix in a few months. I KNOW that I am in far better shape than most people my age--which isn't saying much! I know what it's like to be super-fit. That's my goal, and I am confident that it can be attained by men or women of ANY age!!

    Alf, I just looked at your weightloss ticker. 10 more lbs to lose?? Judging from your pix, you look fantastic right now!! Since your hip is still bothering you, have you considered adding more strength training and yoga? Right now might be the ideal opportunity to do more body "sculpting", since your body fat is pretty low. Since you are teaching Zumba, that can serve as your aerobic-cardio workouts. You can still burn a large amount of calories by doing circuit training at a higher level to keep the HR up. Just a thought....

    Today I will do some cardio and strength training at the gym during lunch, and do Insanity after work. I'm feeling less sore and stiff each day, so I can slowly add more intensity to my workouts. Like my sis said, I love the feeling of accomplishment after a really hard workout.

    Have a great day!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Thursday All!

    I'm bracing for a major snowstorm and hoping it stays south of us. Like ALF I missed my Burn Circuit 2 yesterday - I spent the morning at the Dentist getting 2 crowns replaced :sad: So I plan to just count yesterday as my other rest day for CX and will move the other workouts to fit.

    So far I'm doing really quite well with Eat for Health program. Stiring I know you were interested in my opinion of the program so his is a little review from week 1.

    The first week guidelines are 1) have a salad everyday 2) make fruit a part of your life (not just in smoothies) 3) Increase the amount of veggies you eat 4) eat more beans, raw nuts and seeds. Luckily with my current BMI the plan allows me to eat in their Phase 2 which is a lot less restrictive than Phases 3 or 4 (Those are for the extremely overweight or those with major health issues).

    Here is a Cliffnotes version of Phase 2.
    Cooked green Veggies - Minimum 2 servings a day
    Raw green veggies - minimum 1 serving a day
    Colorful veggies - mimimum 1 serving a day
    Fruits - minimum 3 servings a day
    Beans - minimum half a serving max 2 servings a day
    Nuts and Seeds - minimum 1 oz a day max 2 ozs
    Whole Grains or Starchy veggies - minimum 1 serving max 3
    Animal products limited to 5 servings a week (when you reach goal recommends 8/week)
    White bread/pasta - limit to 2 servings a week

    My biggests problems with the program:
    1 - limit tea or coffee to 1 cup a day (never happening for me although I'm trying to do more green tea than coffee)
    2 - it is anti-dairy products even low fat versions
    3 - no snacking just 3 meals a day (unless your an athlete and it isn't very clear on what they define as an athlete)
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Duffy, even that is too restrictive for me! The problem isn't the prescribed plan, it's ME. When I'm told to limit this, none of that...it makes me crave those things all the more. I've tried Atkins, Fat Flush Plan, South Beach, you name it. I was all gung ho for the first few days, but eventually my willpower was not strong enough to stick with it. I wish you the best with this plan, and please give us some updates. The info you provide might be of great use to all of us!

    Good luck with the snow. We are supposed to get 1-3 inches overnight.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello to everyone this frigid Thursday!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    It was 3° this morning, but a wind chill of about -15°. Hasn't warmed up much.....it's a balmy 8° right now with a wind chill of -13°:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm just glad we didn't get much new snow.....driving home yesterday was a mess with the blowing snow. Tonorrow's forecast..........more of the same :sad: :sad: :sad: I hope everyone else is doing OK with the cold. What the heck every happened to the global warming the "experts" all holler about??:laugh:

    Didn't stop to work out on the way home yesterday :ohwell: :ohwell: and won't tonight either. I feel guilty leaving my poor 14+ year old beagle/daschund mix outside for one more minute than I have to, even though she has an insulated coat and a heat pad in her dog house. Once the weather warms up a bit she'll be OK for that extra hour it takes me to work out and finish the drive home. Since I'm the only one at home, it's a minimum of 10.5 hours from the time I leave for work until I get back home and I can't leave her inside for that long - she HATES the kennel and will make herself sick in it.

    On top of my cold weather whining, my glasses snapped in half this morning when I was cleaning them!!:frown: :frown: So, I'm now wearing my old glasses that hurt my nose and am headed straight to the eyeglasses place as soon as I leave here - hope he has some frames in stock that'll work with the lenses until I can order new frames (was going to do that anyway). I'm almost afraid to ask what else could go wrong this week........there's only one day left in it!

    Stay warm everyone............think warm thoughts :devil: :devil: and eat popcorn when those munchies hit!!! That's what I intend to have for dinner tonight...... Orville Redenbacher's "Simply Salt" popcorn is really good and VERY low calorie!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    mkwood, stay warm!! Those are some cold temps out there, especially with the wind blowing. I don't blame you for not wanting to leave your dog outside. I wouldn't either. Bad news about the glasses. I hope you can get them fixed over the weekend.

    duffy, thanks so much for posting that information! :flowerforyou: This sounds like a perfectly reasonable program because it looks like this guy doesn't just say 'don't eat animal products' (as many people do) without ensuring that a person is comfortable replacing the nutrients with non-animal based products. I could probably do what he recommends....except for the 5 servings of animal products a week. If that said 'meat'....no problem. But I love my eggs (and to a lesser extent, cheese). Please let us know your progress. I'm very interested to hear about how you feel physically implementing this program. Do you have enough energy? Does you tummy feel better/worse? That kind of thing. Thanks again for posting this. I've been tossing it around in my mind for nearly a year that I might go vegetarian, so, again, I'm very interested in your impressions.

    singfree, yes, I forgot to mention the benefit of the calorie burn in HiiT. I totally agree, and that is a huge incentive for doing higher intensity workouts for me as well. You got me thinking with this statement, though: "I KNOW that I am in far better shape than most people my age...." If you were being totally honest with yourself, wouldn't you say that you be able to drop the words 'my age' from that statement? Based on what you've said about yourself, I think you probably could and it would be a totally accurate statement. I look at myself through my age as well, and I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, I love that I AM middle aged and still kicking butt.. But I also know that what I am doing would be considered kicking butt by people 20 years younger. In other words, maybe the age thing is just an added bonus, but when really looking at it.....you are in great shape! Period!!

    I finished my first week of STS this morning. I'm feeling stronger and stronger with each workout. It is surprising me how much stronger I am this year than I was last year when I was doing these same workouts. I actually did the workouts for this week twice (last week and this week), and I'm thinking of doing the same thing for week 2 because I really am having to adjust my weights up. I want to make sure I get an accurate read on my strength levels before moving too far into the program. I took a break after my weight workout.....and then did Insanity Max Interval Plyo. Yowza!! That workout nearly killed me this morning. I don't know if it was because of the tough weight routine I had done earlier or if I was just pushing myself harder. But I was sweating up a storm. It felt good!

    So today is my Friday (it is early Friday evening as I post this), and so I should probably get to my check-in. I ate clean all week (no cheats, treats, sneaks, etc). I'm not weighing myself right now for a variety of reasons, but primarily it is because I know when I start lifting weights after being off strength training (as I was for over two months), I put on alot of water weight, and that usually lasts for about three weeks. I don't want to panic when I step on the scale, so I'm giving myself a break from it for right now. So I'm going based on how my clothes fit. Well, there's some good news and bad news. Some of clothes stopped fitting over the holidays. I'm able to get into some....and not others. :cry: I'm hoping to be back in all my clothes within the next couple of weeks. Some of the clothes not fitting thing could be the aforementioned water retention. But I think most of it has to do with too many Christmas cookies. :blushing: Oh, well.

    Hope you all have a great Friday!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy friday all! Right now it is snowing lightly outside with less than an inch of snow on the ground. Temps in the 20s, but we are to get an Arctic blast over the weekend, oh boy! MK, I know how you feel...we are going to get the really cold stuff tomorrow. Time to snuggle with my honey near the fireplace...too bad I'm at work.

    Actually I would like to go to a place called Christmas Village tonight. It's an old-fashioned outdoor Christmas display. It's in a very rural setting in nearby Berks County. It was at one time a farm, and many years ago they decided to make it an attraction. Many buildings and walways are brightly lit with those big outside lights. There must be a million lights. Holiday music playing over the sound system, just a really nice time...especially for the kids.

    Stiring, thanks for your post. You're right- I am in better shape than most people, but I am not satisfied. I know that I can and will do better!

    OK, Friday check-in time. On the bright side, I've been hitting the exercise pretty hard this week. I am not up to speed because I am a bit out of shape after the holiday season. My eating is somewhat better, although nowhere near where it needs to be. In the mirror I look just OK, but the extra fat weight I've put on is manageable. I've committed to eating more fruits, veg and whole grains and I am doing that with no problems. One big change I've made is with eggs. I am now back to eating whole eggs instead of Egg Beaters. New studies are showing that eggs are not the culprit in raising cholesterol. I'm going to eat them regularly. I will get my blood checked in a few months to confirm this.

    Stay warm folks and have a great weekend!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    TGIF: We finally have an accumulation of snow. Which means I'm more pleased than ever that I work out at home because driving on snow and ice is not a favorite of mine.

    Stiring: I'm actually surprised at how well I'm feeling although I think that is the benefit of starting with the slow 28 day program where each week you just focus on one area. I am probably doing 2 of the 3 fruit servings a day but have a long way to go on the veggie front. I blame some of that on Michigan weather. I just don't feel the desire to hit the grocery 2 or 3 times a week to guarantee that I have all the fresh veggies that Dr. Furhman recommends. So I'm using more frozen veggies.

    Friday Check-In - Not a perfect food week but this year I'm going to try to spend more time celebrating my accoplishments and not get stuck on beating myself up for little "transgressions" (sorry Tiger couldn't resist:wink: ). I am also not setting any weight goals. Fitness is my goal for this year so most of my goals are related to that. I want to run at least 2 half marathons and start training for a January Marathon. I'm aiming for new PB in 5k and Half Marathons so I will be incorporating more speed work in my runs. I also want to increase my core strength which will also help me keep my waist measurement down.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    TGIF everyone. I am not about to do a Friday check in. I am very worried about stepping on a scale. I will find out tomorrow morning after Zumba.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good Morning!

    Just checking in to see what's going on. Last night we went to a movie, "Blindside" with Sandra Bullock. A very good movie! We then went for a quick drink at a lounge before going home. It's cold and windy here, but heck, it's January!

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, that sounds like a wonderful night. I haven't gone to see a movie in years.

    I went to Zumba this morning. Burned 420 calories. I was really working hard because I hadn't done much for the past two weeks and I am trying to catch up. I also dropped two of the pounds that I had gained over the holidays.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Well, I did go over my calories today because my husband and I stopped at our favorite tavern for a couple of drinks. I think it was worth it just to have that time together. I will do better tomorrow.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Everyone ~

    Just checking in after a busy but good week. :smile: The workouts and eating went really good this week; I actually fit in a couple days of both a.m. and p.m. workouts! Might sound crazy to some but it felt really good. A friend invited me to a spinning class one evening at our local community center and then we went to another pure cardio class. Both were a lot of fun and I hope to continue throughout the weekdays. Just to break up these long winter evenings! Maybe a few of these "double days" will kick my body a little bit and I can get some extra LB's off!

    STIRING: STS is going great. I can't believe I am approaching the last 4 weeks. I did try out a couple of the SHOCK cardio workouts!! :drinker: MMA Kickboxing was good and the Core Circuit - :noway: that was a great workout! I can't wait to visit with you more on these. Glad you are enjoying your new rotation with STS!:wink:

    Hopefully everyone is enjoying their weekend!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I talked to my brother about what happened at the specialist.... They want to put him on more antibiotics and a "chalk" inhaler to see if it might be acid reflux getting into his lungs. So another month of waiting and if there is no improvement then they will do a biopsy. My brother is impatient and wished they would just do it now and figure out if its cancer or not so he can get busy with the treatment. I dont blame him but I do know why they dont cut into you unless they have to. A friend of mine had back surgery due to an injury he had when he was younger. No one knew he had cancer and after they opened him up and was exposed to air the cancer spread like wildfire. He dies 3 months later....

    Today I moved furniture in my moms house and also helped pick up garbage around her house. Thats about all the exercise I have been getting lately. BUT I did pull back out my treadmill and got it dusted off and ready to go.... I had to put it away for the holidays. So no more excuses for me.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    tron, that is true about cancer. My dad's doctor thought that he had cancer. Had all the signs. So, the doctor asked for my permission to open him up and he let me know that if it were cancer, then it would spread quickly after surgery. My husband chose to have him operated on and it wasn't cancer and if the surgery had not been done then my dad would have died. This was a chance that we had to take and it turned out to be the best decision.

    :flowerforyou: 2Belean, doesn't it feel so good to workout? I just love the feeling afterward, and would love to have the time to do two of them a day.
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Happy 2010! It has started off with a bang! Was off work Dec 30 through Jan 3. This week has felt like a month! Things slow down right before the holidays and then return with a vengance! Spent most of today working on an executive speech.

    Daughter goes back to Austin this week. We are going down on Saturday to see the UT/ Texas A&M basketball game on Saturday. Hope it is not at the same time as the Cowboy's next playoff game.

    Daughter and I did 3 sets of 58 sit-ups yesterday. Payoff of a bet with my Alabama fan brother in law. Who ever lost the BCS National Champship game (Texas lost to Bama) had to do three sets of sit-ups with number of reps being the total number of points scored. This is my BIL who had the liver transplant in August. To get him moving after the surgery, I would do sit-ups every time he got up and walked. It has now become a bet pay-off.

    What about the report that the calories stated on food labels can be more than 20% off? I think that means I need to do more cooking from scratch so I will know how many calories are in the foods I put in my mouth.

    Sorry I have not been in touch. Hope to do better. Take care all! TxMs
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    Good Morning everybody! It was a busy weekend here, and I'm happy to finally be able to sit down and catch up with you all.

    TxMs, I love the challenge from your brother-in-law!! How fun. He's really amazing, isn't he? I hope he is continuing to feel well. I've heard that about food labels as well (that they can be way off), but I don't necessarily find it easy to calculate my homemade stuff either, so.....I just try to be as accurate as I can and accept that calorie counting isn't really a very fine science (at least for me it isn't). Stay warm!

    Swissmiss, congrats on losing some of the holiday weight. I haven't weighed myself yet. I went ballistic with my eating for 16 straight days, so I figured I'd give myself the same number of days to 'get back to normal'. I don't think I'll lose all the weight I gained in that amount of time, but at least I will have lost the water weight from the bad eating and (hopefully) the water weight I always gain when I change my strength training routine. We'll find out soon.

    2BLean, great to see you! I can't believe you are about to finish up with your six month rotation of STS. It goes fast, doesn't it? I'm enjoying the versatility of these Shock Cardio workouts and am, in fact, doing two-a-days on some days with them. I, too, enjoy a two-a-day program. I think the toughest workout I've done in the program is 40/20. Some of the drills really got to me. I'm loving lifting weights again and am well into my second week of STS (and I'll repeat this week again). I already feel stronger.

    tron, I can't imagine how difficult this is for your brother. The waiting to find out must be SO difficult. I hope he gets good news at the end of all of this. I understand the doctor's hesitation, but that isn't going to make this next month any easier. And if you've been moving furniture, I'd say you've been doing ALOT of exercise. That's not fun. You'll probably find the treadmill pretty easy after all the moving/cleaning you've been doing.

    singfree, I'm glad to hear you decided to get back to eating whole eggs. They are so good for people and quite a few studies now indicate that cholesterol in food has little to do with a person's cholesterol level. I love eggs, and the yolks have so many good nutrients that I find it sad so many people gave them up for what is apparently no good reason.

    duffy, thanks for your answer on how the Dr. Fuhrman program is making you feel. I love how you stated your goals for this year. I, too, have no desire to beat myself up anymore, and that's kind of where I came up with the idea of balance. But I love the idea of setting fitness goals. I'll have to think about that for next year (or later this year....why wait, right?)

    All here is going well. I'm on Day 10 of eating clean (no cheats or 'transgressions' at all). I'm feeling good and feel like my body is getting back to 'normal' now. I've been working out hard the last little bit, and it feels good. Today I did an STS leg workout followed by a break....and then Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning. Whew! I must say, those Insanity workouts are tough after a weight workout. I'm enjoying the extra challenge right now, but I'm not going to be able to keep this up for long. I'll get too worn out, but for right now it is fun.

    I have a friend coming over to the house tomorrow to learn about clean eating from me. I just met her when we moved here, and she didn't believe me when I told her that a year ago, I was 45 pounds heavier. She thought I was joking! Her doctor has told her to lose 70 pounds, and so she wants to see what I do. Boy, have I come a long way in a year! I hope I CAN help her. I'm really flattered she asked me, to be honest.

    Hope you all have a great Monday. :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I can't believe the weekend is over so quickly! We had a wonderful weekend together...a movie & drinks on Friday night (felt like a real date), shopping bargains on Saturday and a cozy fire while wathcing football yesterday. I conveniently omitted the "chores", laundry, cleaning, etc...

    My eating is slowly getting under control. This week I want to eat clean (as possible). I do have a fighting chance during the week as long as nobody brings treats to work. We have an accountant who is a good baker. She is trying to lose 30 lbs and is mildly diabetic. Sh what does she do? Brings cake to work!!! It's good cake, but really, she is sabotaging herself and the rest of us!!

    Stiring, are you "clean eating" with a spcific program or something that you've devised? I'm at a crossroad with nutrition. I get bored with nutrition plans and abandon them after a short time. When left to my own devices, I tend to eat the same things all the time. Anyone else have that problem?

    Tex, I have not heard about food labels being so far off. This is problably true about the pre-packaged stuff that is loaded with sodium & preservatives. I mostly eat made-from-scratch foods. I have a number in my head that i apply to a particular food before I eat it. I guess that's one good thing about eating the same foods. You get to know the nutrients in them quickly and don't have to always write eaverything down, just keeing mental notes. For me, the best thing to do with recipes at home is to use a common-sense portion control method. Everyone tries to micro-manage cals in and cals burned. Let's face it...this is not an exact science. So, do your best, and make SMALL adjustments as necessary.

    It's only January 11. Don't beat yourselves up over small setbacks. You will be successful, just give it a chance. We all know what it takes to lose weight and get fit. Slowly condition your minds to accept the fact that this year will be different. The holdays are over. Spring is around the corner (I hope). Don't wait until April to start your new life...do it right now!

    Have a great day!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Well - It's Monday and I'd love to say Happy Monday Morning All! But I got stuck in my driveway this morning so I've been in a crappy mood ever since. I'm trying to stay positive because honestly usually by this time of year I've been stuck in my driveway a few times. Considering we are way below normal for snow fall it just seems like we keeping getting dumped on at the wrong time of day - First thing in the morning or right in the middle of evening rush hour.

    Last week, I really focused on my exercise and successfully completed week on of CX. This week I will focus more on implementing more of the Eat for Health principles. I did really well with the fruit servings last week but could have done a better job with the veggies. Days 8-14 on the plan encourage you to start reducing your animal products, moderate the amount of grains and starchy vegetables and switch from cheese, red meat and processed meats to white meat, fish, egg whites and low fat dairy. That really won't be much of struggle for me because other than my turkey lunch meat my meat choices are usually pretty good.

    Stiring: Good luck with your mentoring - I know that will help you keep on track.
    Sing: I'm like you although I eat healthy most of the time - I tend to eat the same foods for long periods of time. My husband who never has a weight problem (he is always trying to gain muscle mass) eats the same Breakfast, Lunch and snacks everyday. But then again he really views food as fuel and nothing else.
    Texas: I bet your ABs are getting really strong - Good thing you didn't have beat on the NE/AZ game you'd still be crunching :laugh:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Wow, I cant believe I've been MIA so long. Sorry about that. :cry: I am doing well. On Friday I weighed in and was back down to my pre-cruise weight. I am still about 2lbs over my original goal (125, no biggie). I want to get down to 120lbs this year. I was really close (122) last year in the fall, around Sep. Do I have to? probably not. Is it unsafe, no it is not. Do I want to? Oh yes...so I will give it a try. But I am not going to beat myself about it either. If I can stay between 120-125 I will be happy. I know I should be focusing more on measurements instead of weight but weighing myself is easier and I know when my weight is down my measurements are lower. Stiring, some of my clothes are tighter but they still fit. I know I will be back to where I was very soon. I continue to do ChaLean (2nd wk) and Zumba. I had 9 students last Thu!! :drinker: It was so much fun!!! I decided to teach at the other location. I start on the 25th. Those 4 classes will be my 4 days of cardio. Then ChaLean 3 days a week with ab workouts. I plan to rest two days a week, Fri and Sun. On Fridays I might do a stretch workout. I also want to focus on sleeping more and taking a relaxing bath at least once a week. As far as food is concerned I want to continue eating clean as much as possible, at least 80% clean eating daily. I don't follow a specific plan, eat mostly natural foods, fruit, veggies, whole eggs (yay Sing), old fashioned oatmeal, milk, plain greek yogurt, whole wheat bread, natural peanut butter, lean meats, low fat cottage cheese,etc Yes, Sing, I tend to eat the same foods all the time, the variety comes from how you prepare them or combine them. There is no other way to get around it. What I would love to do this year is change my relationship with food. I want to be able to eat whatever I want to eat and not beat myself about it, as long as it is in moderation. Suggestions? Enough about me...

    Sing, you are so right!!! It is time to stop beating ourselves down and start fresh now. Sometimes I think I let myself down this Holiday season but when I look at it I did extremely well compared to previous years. I only "gained" about 4 lbs after all. That is nothing.

    Stiring, I can't think of a better role model than you. I know you will inspire your new friend to get on the healthy path. You will be a great mentor to her. You have been an inspiration to me. I would love to have the same determination that you have.

    Duffy, thank you for sending me the CE workout schedule. I found the guidebook. I am going to do some research on the plan you are following. It does sound like what I am doing now except for when I "slip". :laugh: I did burn1/ab burner this morning. I am planning on doing the circuits on Mon, Wed and Sat to include the ab workouts. Recharge on Fri. I am not going to be doing the interval and cardio workouts, Zumba instead.

    Swiss, Zumba love!!!!! Tron, ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) Good to hear from Tx and 2BLean!!!! Keep up the good work!!!! :flowerforyou: