40+ Club- I'm Dreaming Of A Light Christmas



  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Welcome Back ALF! The Cruise sounds fabulous - Yes, I started CX today - I'll send you a message with the Burn Phase. I modified all push-ups but still felt it a little bit in the neck I'm going to try to stick to modified push-ups through the whole Burn Phase and hope my neck adjusts. If not, I may have to substitute bench work for push-ups.

    Sing: I'll put my thinking cap on as for new thread name. Right Now I'm liking Beating the Winter Blues or a variation Beating the Winter Bulge.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Duffy, "Beating the winter bulge" fits me to a T. Good work!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    sing, I had the exact same thought duffy did when I read 'Beating the Winter Blues'. I'm all for 'Beating the Winter Bulge' right now....in more ways than one. :laugh: Good luck on logging your food. I find that logging both my food and my exercise (I log what I do each day and when lifting weights, always log how much I lift) helps keep me accountable. With regard to strength training, I also find it pushes me to continue increasing my weights. I love seeing all kinds up updates on my tracking sheets.:laugh:

    alf, welcome back!! You look beautiful in your new profile photo. I'm happy to hear you had such a good time. I'm going on my first cruise this summer (through the Mediterranean), and I can't wait. I hear you about detoxing....I'm still detoxing from the holidays. But I'm inspired because I woke up this morning after having a dream about regaining all the weight. What a nightmare! :noway: I don't want to go there again!

    Off to lift weights (chest, shoulder, biceps) and do some cardio. I'm feeling the snow shoveling in my forearms this morning, so we'll see how the weight lifting goes. :tongue: We were only in LA for a year (after living in Alaska), but I did manage to lose my snow shoveling muscle memory during that time. It was painful yesterday. But I kept thinking to myself 'This is great exercise'. Unfortunately, that didn't make it feel any better. :tongue:

    Hope everybody enjoys the rest of their day.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all!! Yes, it's Monday and I'm back to work.....but I was ready to come back - enough days of silence in the house was getting to me. I'm glad to hear everyone survived the holidays and is ready for the new year.....and new selves!!! It's really hard to believe I've been in MFP since March.........and it's taken until the last 2 months to really make any progress:grumble: :grumble: . I'm grateful for all the friends I've made here and the support and encouragement you all give me. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Holding steady at 126-127, which isn't bad considering my main exercise the past 10 days has been shoveling snow and moving firewood!!! :grumble: I had a really pleasant surprise this morning when I got dressed for work - my pants are really loose around the waist, even with long underwear on!!! :laugh: :happy: :happy: It was -4° this morning and I knew that the heat had been turned down in the building; I am VERY GRATEFUL for my space heater!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Headed to Curves tonight to get back into the routine.......now if I can just get this belly fat to disappear..............too bad I can't use it to warm my hands and feet these days!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello 40+ Club! I’m checking in after what feels like way too many days. :blushing: I missed you and hope all is well!
    Happy New Year. :drinker:

    I like the Beating the Winter Blues theme for the new thread. I know this time of year the short gray days start getting to me. Slowly but surely they are getting longer though …. Right!?!!?

    STIRING: Thanks for the update on SHOCK!!! I am so excited to dig in and try them. Tomorrow will be my first go at them. They arrived New Years Eve and I didn’t get one in this weekend. I have had a very irritating dry cough that seems to really get going when I do cardio. But today I feel good & since cardio is on the schedule for tomorrow ~ tomorrow it is!! :wink: Which one would you say is closest to Insanity?!?! I’ll keep you posted. Can’t wait. I was thinking of starting with Core Cardio Circuit.

    I absolutely agree on the logging of foods/workouts. I don’t have a workout partner for sharing my progress or lack of, whatever it may be. So this sight and checking in with you guys really helps me to be accountable!

    I hope everyone is starting off their week good and having a great day back to the grind after the holidays! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Alf, you must be kidding us about your real age! Your picture looks great. See what good food and exercise can do for you? We're all glad that you're back with us again.

    Stiring, I'm going to attempt to faithfully log food & exercise, although I try to put all my food in ahead of time and it usually does not work out exactly. At least I have a good idea where I stand each day. As for shoveling, I don't think anyone really gets used to it. It's a pain no matter what. Usually it's my back that gets stiff from bending over to shovel.

    I must say that I got out of shape the past few months. I am stiff and a bit sore from my workouts and I am not lifting nearly as much weight. I need to tell myself that it can only get better.

    2blean, keep us posted on you progress on the new workouts. I don't have a workout partner either. I wish Jillian lived closer!

    mk, I don't like the cold either. I really have when the temp goes below 0. The coldest I can remember was -32 about 15 years ago...brrrrrrrrrr! Our nephew is currently moving from S. Cal. to Iowa. He didn't even own an ice scraper for his car. He'll learn fast!

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome back alf. You really do look great in your new picture. Thanks for telling us about your cruise. Maybe, someday, I can go on one of those. It sounds wonderful. Were those stingrays safe to swim with?

    I had a new instructor for my strength class last night. She really put us through it. I thought I would be sore today but only my legs are. Zumba tonight. :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    OUCH! Boy I can really feel CX in my legs today. I guess that is what I get for being so lazy of the holidays.

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one suffering through the Cold snap. I just keep reminding myself that between all the layers and resistence of snow I'm getting an even better calorie burn from walking the dog.

    Bundle Up and Have a Great Tuesday!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    My earlier post should have read (minus) 32 degrees!!! Now that's cold!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, are you saying it is 32 degrees below zero ????? That is cold. I am not going to complain about the 14 degrees we have here. I had some trouble keeping the windshield from icing up this morning. No way that I could get the glass warm enough to keep it from freezing. We have had freezing rain all morning. I will be leaving here in about 45 minutes. Hope it isn't too slick.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Swiss, yes it was 32 degrees below zero! We were on our way to a rehearsal early one morning and we saw the temp on a bank thermometer. We saw a similar temp on another bank, so it must have been accurate. This is not the norm for PA, but at least it's something I can bore my Grandson with!! We also had a few bouts of freezing rain in the past month or so. I prefer snow to that anyday.

    Think spring!!!!!!!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    You all don't want to hear about the temps we faced in Fairbanks, Alaska, do you? When 25 below seems warm, you know you are living someplace very cold. :laugh: That being said, I hope all those suffering from this cold snap in the US stay safe and warm. Being cold is no fun. We've got our own cold snap going on, with temps falling below zero last night in Seoul. We stayed slightly above zero where we live, but it's definitely chilly outside! Not much fun.

    2BLean, this is probably coming too late, but I think Cardio Core is a good place to start with Shock Cardio for some of the higher intensity. The HiiT workouts are probably the most Insanity-like, but Cardio Core also has elements that I found very challenging (like Insanity). The only difference between the HiiT and Cardio Core, for me, was the longer breaks in Cardio Core from the cardio to complete the core work. I did both Step Works and MMA Fusion yesterday and enjoyed them both. Step Works is choreographically challenging, but I caught on surprisingly quickly. I know you say you have issues with choreography but I think this workout is worth a try or two because I think it will be fun once learned. Hope you enjoy your workout!!

    sing, duffy and swiss, let me join you in saying 'ouch' this morning! Sounds like we are all feeling muscles we haven't felt for a little while. For me, it is my forearms this morning. I think that is due to shoveling AND doing a bicep/forearm workout. I'm finding it hard to type as a matter of fact! :tongue: Today I'm going to focus on legs and maybe try another one of those Cathe HiiT workouts. Eating is back to normal (all clean), and I don't plan on changing it anytime soon. I'm still amazed at how much fat I put on my body eating poorly for a couple of weeks even though I was working out. Not good. I had yet another dream about it last night, so it is clearly on my mind right now. :wink: I just hope I remember this next time I think about going crazy with food.

    Hope everybody enjoys the rest of their day.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, my husband wants to know if you live in Bradford...the icebox of PA. He is from Williamsport.

    As the day went on both of my legs from my toes on up got more sore. Wow, I guess I really got a workout. I had to miss my zumba class tonight. I got home from work to find my youngest daughter running and fever and throwing up.

    stiring...a question: how do you manage to be outside? I have to go outside several times a day. I don't think that I could do it if the temperature was as low as it is there.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I am officially ready for Spring! Even though it is is tne mid 20s here, it feels cold!!!

    Swiss, no I don't live in Bradford (the Alaska of the East). I live near Pottsville in Schuylkill Co., which is in the Eastern part of the state. Again, that low temp I mentioned yesterday was a rare thing. Usually we get temps similar to Philadelphia and NYC.

    Well, the soreness seems to be subsiding from the workouts of the past few days. I am going to do some strength training today along with some cardio. I can afford to take it a bit more slowly, since I am definitely lighter than this time last year.

    My eating is pretty good with the exception of a few minor bumps in the road (last of the Christmas candy at home and at work). I am trying to eat whole grain cereal for breakfast daily and during the day include a good amount of veg and some fruit. I've also increased my water intake too. Subsequently, I must add a few more miles for bathroom breaks!!

    Stiring, do find that HIIT works better for you than something less intense? Really, HIIT is not for the faint of heart, but if you want to see results in a hurry, HIIT is the best thing that I've found. Sometimes my mind is not ready to do it, but when I'm motivated (think Germany), it is a much easier task. The feeling of an intense workout that leaves you gasping for breath and in a pool of sweat is somehow very appealing to me. My wife can't believe how much I sweat during an Insanity workout. I feel like I'm sweating out all of the toxins and gunk that I've built up over the holidays.

    Alf, did you start your Zumba classes yet? Did I mention that we are VERY proud of you for doing this? :drinker:

    Did anyone watch the Biggest Loser last night? Each season the contestants are getting heavier! There was one man who tipped the scales at 526 lbs. It's funny...we are sore after being lazy for a short time. I never hear about these people getting sore after working out!! What gives? I would have to have a full-time masseuse if I were in their shoes. My hat is off to anyone who wants to take control of their lives.

    Have a wonderful day...stay warm!!!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, I wonder what the temperature was in Williamsport yesterday. My husband only talks to his dad about once a year.:sad:

    It seems a bit warmer today even though the weatherman is not saying so. I think I am just getting used to the cold.

    My daughter is still sick with the stomach flu. I am at work but she is texting me constantly. It will probably go throughtout the entire family.:explode: I will probably also miss another exercise class tonight due to this.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Swiss, yesterday was cold & windy in Williamsport with a high of 25 degrees. At noon today it is 29 degrees with flurries here. I hope your daughter is feeling better soon!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful 2010....

    Yesterday I had to go back to Nevada to pick up MORE of my moms stuff.... That woman needs to be on the show "hoarders".... But I have decided that until she gets tired of living with all the crap surrounding her and complains just a little I will ignore it. After I hear her whine a bit I'll offer to help but on MY terms. And that means getting rid of a lot of stuff.....

    I also found out that in one of my vacant rentals a water pipe broke and the whole downstairs is flooded.... Just great.

    My brother went to the doctor yesterday and is ignoring my calls and text messages so I dont know whats going on. He must not have heard good news and just doesnt want to deal with anyone right now. He is like that.... I just wish he would tell me whats going on.

    I recorded the biggest loser last night and plan on watching it today. I'm hoping to get inspired to try to see how much weight I can lose with them... I'll let you know how that goes...

    Alf.... Your picture is amazing. Your truly so beautiful....

    Swiss... Sorry to hear your daughter is sick. Hope shes feeling better soon.

    Sing.... Now thats COLD!!!! I dont think I could handle that weather.

    String.... Do they get much snow there?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tron, a hoarder is very frustrating to have to live with. My husband is one. Can't throw away anything and also has trouble not ordering whatever junk is sent to him in the mail. If it is a cookbook he will order it. We moved our bedroom around last Friday. He is still trying to organize his junk. He has plenty of time since he lost his job. But, my, what a mess.

    I did not get to my strength class tonight. My daughter is now experiencing a terrible headache.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Oh Boy, you guys can really post...:laugh: :laugh:

    Tron, thinking of you and your brother. I hope he is ok. :flowerforyou:

    Swiss, I hope your daughter gets better soon. Poor thing. :flowerforyou:

    Sing, stay warm! There is a lot of talk here about an artic front we are supposed to get tomorrow morning. The low temp should be in the low 20's!! That is pretty low for this area.

    In a way I am glad I am not the only one dealing with a difficult time going back to eating right after the Holidays. I have felt hungry the last few days. I guess my body was getting used to the extra calories. And I am still craving a lot of sweets. I don't want to continue down this road...need to put a stop to it. You are all welcome to kick me in the rear...:laugh:

    I believe I mentioned I started ChaLean Extreme on Mon. I took it easy because I am still worried about my leg injury but I could feel a little soreness on Tue. I was supposed to do burn 2 today but woke up with a terrible headache. And of course if I dont workout in the morning I definitely skip it in the afternoon, unless I am teaching Zumba!! And speaking of Zumba, yes, I taught my first class last night. I am telling you, I was very nervous. It has been a while since I taught an exercise class. I had five ladies in my class. They all seemed to enjoy it. Some said "see you Thursday". I am hoping to get more. It was a lot of fun. I forgot some moves but I just improvised, they wouldnt know if it was in the routine. :laugh: I got an offer to teach in another facility on Mon/Wed at 7pm. I really want to teach in this place but I am not sure if I am biting more than I can chew. I have an appt on Fri to go over the contract and decide if I want to be the permanent instructor or a substitute instructor. Right now they need a permanent instructor, what do you guys think?

    Has any of you tried Chia seeds? One of my coworkers is using it. His family swears by it. It helps with digestion, hydration, lowering cholesterol, increasing fiber. They have protein and omega 3. They make you feel full so you dont feel as hungry. They are expensive though. I am going to post a separate topic and see what responses I get.

    Stay warm!!! ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey alf, why not? You can't get too much Zumba. I swore that I would not miss any class this year but have missed two of them already. If my daughter is up to returning to school tomorrow then I will go to my class tomorrow night.