Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday Success: I survived a very unplanned crazy week without doing too much damage to healthy living plan. Today I am going to take the suggestion of trying Leslie Sansone walking video on Youtube. I have a limited space where my computer is located, but hopefully, I can make it work.
    Have a great weekend. Kaye
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Alison! Excellent time on your 5k! :) Congratulations!

    Skinnyjeanz- My mother in law would have bought me something she KNEW I would return, if she couldn't figure out what to buy for me. Is it possible your MIL plans a white sweater each year, knowing that you will exchange it? Perhaps she doesn't know what to get you, and doesn't feel right with gift cards? MILs are sneaky like that... at least mine was, bless her heart...

    Saturday success- I am still here. That counts... and I walked twice this week. Still having a hard time with the food part of the program, but I am not doing too terrible there. I forgot how good it feels to walk.... I found my balance of layers for clothing and yesterday's walk was so refreshing! Of course I was wheezing and gasping for air when I got home, but I recovered quickly.

    New Year's Eve... the BF suggested we do Downtown Seattle, where they set off fireworks at the stroke of midnight. Should be fun.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Had a hard time sleeping last night got this burst of energy. So I clean my kitchen empty out cabinets wipe them out. In my food cabinets threw out things that needed it wipe jars etc. Re organized my spices, my pan drawer was all out of wack
    So got that back in.order. clean out the pantry. Not sure what was wrong with me other than I 'd finish one cabinet and dive into the next. My brain was processing the day a lot one of the reasons for not sleeping and cleaning help me use up any energy. And I wasn't focusing on junk brain went on auto. Hopefully it doesn't happen tonight if so. I have a messy coat closet.

    Later today my daughter and I are going to the movies to see Les Miserables. Making a plan to bring in my own goody bag. May need a nap today but trying not to so I will be able to sleep tonight. But fitness goal is to put Richard Simmons video and workout with that today.

    @skinny -- your MIL with the sweater reminds me of my mom. She knows my favorite color is blue. She for years will by any closes in almost a baby blue or turquoise. Ok but I don 't like either of those shades of blue on me. I tell her she says ok I will remember. Each year the same. :)

    Wishing everyone a good day. Don 't forget to drink your water and log hour food.

  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Saturday success:

    I wore my muffintop jeans from my avatar pic all day yesterday. Even though I still have a little top on top, it's small enough to hide under a shirt. More important, the jeans are loose enough that I can breathe comfortably and walk and sit just fine in them. And I only took that pic a week or so ago!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello all. So far Saturday has been a good day. I am getting ready to bring up Leslie Sanson and tell her just how annoying her perkiness is as I walk away twenty or so min. So I had a little Saturday success. I retook my measurements last done on Nov 5th and I had lost an inch on my hips and two on my chest. Everything else was pretty much the same but I am ok with that. I hope everyone has a great day and I will cya all later.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Hello - Saturday success. I have walked every day of December----one day was a pretty short walk but still a walk. So I'm over 25 walks for December. Most of you do so much more than I do, running, aerobics, lifting, rock climbing and more. I'm happy just to walk and walk and walk.

    All best wishes to all who post here!!



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Did Leslie Sansone 1 mile walk. It takes 20 min. I may have to do it twice. I'm glad that I can walk outside most of the time. I find her perkiness a bit annoying. I'm sure I will get bored with her in a hurry, but at least, I can get my leg moving!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    gotta replace the batteries in my bike and still trying to kick the sugar addiction that i always get from Christmas. sigh.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @toots--I have a box of candy my sister made for me (oreo balls and pecan rolo pretzel treats) that need consumption before I even bother to try to kick the sugar monster. I'm just trying to be smart and eat just a couple each day. They would probably be gone already if I hadn't gotten sick.

    @kaye and tammy--ugh, I hate some of those perky workout gurus! I think it's one of the reasons I prefer not to do exercise videos (that, and I have almost no space to do them in my house). I would be like you, tammy, and tell her off while exercising. :laugh:

    @lin--great job on the 25 walks!! :drinker: I haven't added mine up yet, but I don't think I quite made the goal. \\

    @mara--great NSV!!! You inspired me to try on a few pair of pants that were still too tight--3 of the 4 pair fit!!! :noway:

    @nicole--yeah, I wish that were the case, but I know for a fact it's not b/c she always inquires about whether or not the sweater fit. Every year I have to explain that it did or didn't fit, but doesn't look good b/c of the color. Every year she seems deeply disappointed b/c she thought the sweater was so pretty. In the 20+ years of this, she's managed to buy me exactly 2 sweaters that were in the brown family and I wear them all the time. She also bought me one gorgeous summer top that was way too small, but I kept it and hope to be able to wear it this coming summer (it almost fit last year, so fingers crossed).

    liz--I think my MIL is the same--she just forgets :ohwell: --see my post to nicole above^^. At least she usually includes gift receipts.

    I forget who said she was going to see Les Mis, but I would like a review. The critics are saying it's fabulous and am trying to decide if I will see it at the theater, or wait for DVD.

    Saturday Success:
    Took gunner for a nice walk and then spent the day running errands. Got the oil changed and a headlight replaced on my car. Then went from store to store returning some items--a few long lines, but I got it all done. Now I just need to drop some stuff at Good Will tomorrow.

    NSV--I already posted to mara: 3 more pair of pants from my closet fit and my home scale shows my lowest weight yet! I won't update the ticker until I see it on the gym scale, but I'm very hopeful it will stick. I'm sure it is at least in part due to my illness this week, but I'm gonna take the cheat and work hard to keep the loss..
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I had to make up some hours today at work so I popped in for a bit.

    I apologize for my craziness everyone it is 20 pages till roll over not 12.

    @laurie - great accomplishment with the rock wall. I hope you aren't bruised up to bad. Take it easy the next day or so.
    @Lin- Congrats on the 25 walks
    @Allison- Congrats on your 5K time
    @Toots- I just threw out all left over cookies because I couldn't stop eating them. Good luck
    @Karen- Congrats on the NSV what an awesome accomplishment
    @jtconst- Congrats on the measurments

    I did about 18 walks this month. I am determined to get back on track if it kills me. I am sick of catering to everyone else's needs and not having time for mine. I gained 5lbs from the holidays. I am headed home til after the new year....Everyone have a safe and fun New Year.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--18 walks is great!! It is so hard to put yourself 1st, but you are right--you just need to do it (I know easier said than done). I struggle with putting myself before my students. I stress out about getting their papers graded and handed back and can't seem to strike a happy balance between exercise and school work. This is something I will continue to work on in the new year. If you find any strategies that work, share them and I will do the same.

    The only thing so far that has helped is trying to "schedule" my work out time in advance, but I'm not always realistic and sometimes have a hard time sticking to plan.

    Just added up all of my walks, runs, bike rides, and stair climbs and I'm at exactly 25 "walks" today with a total of 48 miles. I'm going to make sure to pass 50 miles this month! I would like to go to the gym tomorrow morning, but I have a lunch date with some friends so I think it's unlikely. However, if I miss tomorrow, I will go on Monday b/c I think the gym is open until about 3pm.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hello darlings -
    Sorry I've been so sporadic lately - work has been pretty horrid, and today it's migraine time.:sick:

    I feel very fortunate that the numbers are still going down (slowly) over the holidays. I've staved off the candy attacks by letting myself have a candy cane to suck on for desert (only 60 cal)... helps a bit. and pretty much living on coffee at work lately - so not having coffee today is probably why the migraine.

    Have a safe new years, folks... watch out for the crazies....
  • jumpy983
    Thank you for the warm welcome. This thread goes so quickly! I posted the other day and just had 2 pages to keep up on! I love that you ladies know each other on here.

    Would you be able to give me a brief synopsis of where you are at in life and in weight loss? Just so I can jump in a little with the group?

    I'll give mine as well. I'm a 29 year old mom of 2. I work 2 jobs and have an animal rescue. My heaviest weight in highschool was 185 and dropped down from that point to 133 (I'm 5'7). When I got married 7 years after highschool, I was back to 185. Found out we were expecting a little souvenir from the honeymoon and I was 230 when I delivered. Determined to lose the weight, I tried weightwatchers and found out 10 months later I was expecting again. So, again, I ate for 2. My heaviest was 259 right before I delivered. Walked out of the hospital 20lbs lighter - no joke! lol Now, I'm back in the 250s and I'm ready to be 133 again. I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you! You seem like an amazing group!

    For my Saturday Success story, I've cleaned the kitchen and the rest of the house will be next lol :)
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Just stop in to catch up.on all of the posts. My daughter and I went to see Les Mis. Oh it's good glad we went worth the money. My daughter seem to enjoy it too.

    @Lin congrats on reaching your goal of 25 walks.
    @JT and @Kaye agree some of those Dvds are annoying. Richard id just sullying personality don 't mind him. But I am just use yo his over the top antics. But I am ready for a new tape.

    @Vicki its good you are here trying such a busy time of year.
    @Allison congrats on your 5k. That is my next goal. My friends who did the 3 k with me. We will be in 5k in April. Hoping. For good weather and good conditions. After committing to it was excited not scared. But at least it gives neva goal.
    @Laurie that rock climb is a great victory.
    @skinny that is great on reaching your goal too.

    @foots that sugar addiction is so hard to kick. Today at the movies I wanted a regular pepsi. I never drink it but the idea of the cold drink over ice but mostly cause of the sweet taste. ..I didn't get it but I am sure still thinking about it.

    Well that's it. Wishing everyone a good evening.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @liz--thanks for the review of Les Mis! I might need to work that into my holiday schedule. Great job resisting the soda!

    @jumpy--we all do Sunday Share, so you will probably learn a lot about people by checking the thread tomorrow. Very funny that you brought it up though b/c just before reading your post, I thought I would do my Sunday Share tonight. I have a busy day planned tomorrow, and I figured since I'm just sitting around at home tonight, I would get it out of the way.

    Sunday Share (a wee bit early):
    My name is Karen and I'm a HS English teacher from Chicago. I've been overweight my whole life, though I was a pretty active kid--involved in sports throughout grade school. In HS I was overweight--not obese, but just heavy enough to feel out of place shopping with my thin friends. I don't remember what I weighed, but at 15 I told the DMV I weighed 160lbs for my driver's permit (I only know this b/c I've never changed the weight :blushing: ). I'm quite certain that was a lie, so my guess is I weighed somewhere in the 180's in HS. I'm also 5'7" btw. In college my weight went up and down, but my lightest adult weight was 175 my junior year of college--I took a weight training class and worked out almost everyday.

    Since college weight continued to go up and down, up and down--I tried every diet out there. Even got into running back in 2003 or so and got down into the 180's, but then I got plantars fascitis and had to stop running in 2004. From that point I gained about 10lb/year until my weight topped out at 247 in June 2010. I decided to join the gym and worked out religiously--lost about 6-7 lbs over my summer break, but when school started in August, I struggled to keep it off. By Jan. 2011 I finally realized that exercise alone wouldn't cut it and decided to start counting calories. I did a 3-day juice cleanse over President's Day weekend 2011 and started really watching my food intake. About a month into it, a colleague told me about MFP and I joined w/ a starting weight of 241 and the rest, as they say, is history.

    I started running again using couch to 5k in June 2011 (at about 230lbs). I had gone to a podiatrist in 2008 to get fitted for orthotics so I could do the Komen 3-day walk, so my feet were much better. By Feb. 2012 I reached Onederland and since then the weight loss has slowed quite a bit, but I've continued to get smaller and build muscle in the process and I don't plan to quit anytime soon.

    My current MFP weight is 192 lbs (though I'm hoping for a loss when I hit the gym in the next day or 2). I went from a size 18 pants to a 14 (and even some 12's!). My shirt size has gone from XL to M. I can now run a 5k at an 11.5 minute mile pace, and I can run ONE (and only ONE :tongue: ) 10 minute mile. I can do 15 army style push-ups and straight-arm front and side planks for 30 seconds/rep. Lots of other strength victories on the weight machines at the gym, too.

    I joined this thread in July 2011 and must say, it's probably the one thing that has kept me going through all of the plateaus and slip-ups.

    Aside from logging food and visiting this thread, another major tool for success with this has been my food scale. I still weigh my food regularly to keep my portions honest. Oh, and water is one of my best friends! :drinker:
  • Fit2BeFly
    Fit2BeFly Posts: 185 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new to the thread and plan on reading as much as possible to catch up (if that's possible. :) ).
  • jumpy983
    Hi TSO, read up, I'm new too. I just asked the girls for an update on who/where everyone is at, so maybe it will help us catch up! :)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday and congrats to all those who lost. I'm inspired by your willpower! Back from vacation and into my real world. Eating badly for a week took its toll on more than just the scale. My hands/feet/ankles are STILL swollen. My digestion is all kinds of messed up and angry and my sinuses are going haywire.

    Instead of gifts I couldn't carry home I got a fair amount of cash as gifts this Christmas so yesterday I picked up a new George Foreman and a stick blender. Two kitchen items I've been wanting for a while. My fridge is full of healthy foods and I'm ready to go again.

    Sunday share: I'm Kris. I started getting heavy late in highschool and kept ballooning to my highest weight of 326 after my divorce. I started eating healthier but not quite fast enough because I had a stroke in March. It was caused by uncontrolled hypertension. I was also diagnosed with diabetes. That's when I kicked it into gear. I've had a hiccough starting from about Thanksgiving but i'm ready to recommit and settle in.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Did Leslie Sansone 1 mile walk. It takes 20 min. I may have to do it twice. I'm glad that I can walk outside most of the time. I find her perkiness a bit annoying. I'm sure I will get bored with her in a hurry, but at least, I can get my leg moving!

    good for you!! yup, i find perky people annoying as well but it is good to be able to walk inside
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hello - Saturday success. I have walked every day of December----one day was a pretty short walk but still a walk. So I'm over 25 walks for December. Most of you do so much more than I do, running, aerobics, lifting, rock climbing and more. I'm happy just to walk and walk and walk.



    great work with your walks!!