Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    been out of the loop with the flu last few days but now getting back to normal.....
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Sunday Everyone, glad that I get 2 more days off - but work will be crazy busy for the rest of the week. This time off has been nice, I've been able to sleep in and take some naps - almost unheard of! :laugh:

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Not sure what I was doing yesterday, but just didn't make it by here - was just catching up on some things around the house and playing with one very active kitty I guess.

    Sunday Share~I'm Kelley, an accountant in Dallas. I was actually very active and not overweight as a kid, didn't gain weight until I was in my 20s after going through a difficult time. One day I woke up and was more than 100# overweight, a lifetime had gone by. I was a member of Weight Watchers off and on for a number of years before making a real commitment a few years ago, where I lost most of my weight. When they changed their plan to the new PointsPlus plan, I wasn't having near the success - so after about six months I joined MFP. After a knee injury in April while running and subsequent surgery I hired a personal trainer at my gym who has changed my life - he's helped me regain the strength in my knee and helped me get back into running. He keeps me motivated and is with me every step of the way as we plan for my next challenge. I've hit some road blocks this year with some endocrine/hormonal issues, which has impacted the numbers on the scale - very frustrating to say the least. I switched to a new doctor and finally started some meds a few weeks ago - I'm starting to feel the difference the meds are making so hopefully I'll start to have more consistent losses on the scale.

    Its going to be a challenging week to get exercise in since I'll be working some long days - but here is my schedule since I forgot to post it Friday:

    New Year's Day~5K with trainer
    Wednesday~Recovery Day
    Thursday~Training Session
    Friday~Cross Trainer
    Sunday~Training Session

    Have a great day, I will try to check in later today...
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. Here's my Sunday share for the Newbies. I hope you feel as much support here as I do. I am retired, and at 68, I think I am the oldest member of this group. I live in a small town in Western Idaho. My husband and I have been married for 47 years. We have 7 children and almost 14 grandchildren. My life pretty much revolves around my family. We take care of our 4-year-old grandson every day. In Feb, he will get a baby sister. We'll take of her, too, so life is about to get even busier.
    I have always thought that I was overweight, but looking back, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I am 5' 1", and have a pear-shaped compact body. I remember weighing 115# when I was 15 years old. What I would give to weigh that now! I have been on many plans including TOPS and WW, but have always gained back everything I've lost plus some. If I had kept off all the weight I've lost, there would be nothing left of me. I joined MFP the first of October this year and this group shortly after that. I was motivated by knee replacement surgery and the prospect of taking care of the new baby. My family is very supportive and helpful. I have lost steadily and as of this morning I have lost 36.8# . I have set my goal for 25# at a time. I only have to lose 25# 5 times. Since gyms and personal trainers are not an option in our little town, I walk as much as I can. I am a firm believer that the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. The bonus is that I have more energy than I've had in years and my blood counts are improving quite markedly.
    Have a great Sunday everyone. Kaye
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Sunday share (still fighting off a migraine, now with a sore throat & generally feeling horrid) -

    I'm Vicki - 55 years worn, married, with two kids off into the world. I'm a nurse who is currently working in infection prevention at the state psychiatric hospital (but my prior background is ER/surgery/ICU). I've been a member of MFP for one year and 3 days - and joined this thread/group fairly early on... but was mostly a lurker at first. I'm just a bit past my midway point on this journey ... my next mini-goal being Onederland - about 2lbs more for that. I fight plateaus a lot lately, sad to say.
    I've always had a weight problem. If I didn't love food so much, I'd have probably been anorexic as a teen.
    This group is amazing, and always so helpful... love you all!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Lin -- congratulations on 25 walks! I don't think I did anything like. Oh well.
    @Jumpy983 -- you'll get lots of things about people's lives on Sunday cos we do Sunday Share. It's a busy thread but it's ok if you don't keep up!
    @Liz -- I'm doing 5k as a regular training run now; if I get up on a Saturday morning then there's a free one organised in a park near us every Saturday. I'm still doing a mix of running and walking. I know I can run continuously for 45 minutes but when it's a timed run I always start too fast and have to stop and walk later. And I still haven't given up Coke. Some days it's just what I want.
    @Kris -- I'm glad you had a nice holiday, and are looking forward to a back to normal January.

    On New Year's Eve -- we are having some close friends round: I cook a big meal, and then we drink champagne. We're all getting on a bit, so by about 12:15 we're basically finished...

    OK, a Sunday share for newbies. I'm a 47 year old mum in London, England. I've always been overweight but it goes up and down -- except, from here on in, down. I'm about 5' 1", and I have just hit 199 pounds, which is the lowest I've been for a few years. Another ten pounds down and I'll be at my lowest weight since I was 25. Which is sort of weird. I don't work at the moment but I'm studying. My kids are 15 and 12. I've been using MFP since late June and have lost pretty steadily at a bit over a pound a week since then. I also decided to do 30 minutes a day of cardio, to replace the exercise I used to get commuting into town on the Tube. I've gradually been ramping that up, and started running in September. My stretch goal is a half marathon in March; I'm pretty sure I can do the distance, but I don't really run fast enough yet so I may have to duck it. My healthy eating and exercise habits have been Completely Derailed by Christmas, but I've still been logging what I eat every day. And mostly it's not been too bad count-wise, apart from Christmas Day itself and one day when we had two celebration meals. My husband joined me on MFP after a few weeks; he's now lost enough to get back into the 'healthy' BMI range, and has adjusted his targets to lose just half a pound a week for a bit. And the kids are looking good too, and I haven't been restricting what they eat much at all. But my cooking has been healthier I think, and we've not had so many unhealthy treats.

    Today I SWEATED -- at badminton, and I was HUNGRY -- while shopping. Though we did then have a large burrito (boo) but split it between us (yay).

    I'll try to do measurements on Tuesday.

    Hope you're all having a fantastic day!

    -- Alison
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Sunday share - I'm Lin, 61 year old divorced female, not currently working. I live in Central Iowa. I've mostly been obese my entire life with little patches of time where my weight was on the edge of normal. I'm tall, have osteoarthritis in many of my joints, also have fibromyalgia, am celiac and have dozens of foods and additives that I cannot tolerate. I walk everyday, indoors, and have been logging on MFP since Cinco de Mayo of 2012. I'm not sure how long before that I actually joined----but I kind of looked around the site for a while before I jumped in.

    I'm loathe to say anything about my weight but I will say (as my MFP friends already know) I have progressed from a starting BMI of 43 to yesterday 29.9. Still a long way to go but all I can say is: THIS WORKS FOR ME!!!!

    I look after a lot of business for my dad and am kind of non-faithful about posting in the message boards BUT I read all rock and I wish I could do some of the very active things you accomplish!

    Wishing everyone well.


  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tom and Amy- Happy Anniversary.

    Success--Climbing the rock wall that has been challenging me for about a month or two. I can also balance on one foot on the half ball without holding onto a wall-this is big a few weeks ago I could not maintain my balance for 5 seconds.

    I am Laurie a 42 year old middle school science teacher for 7/8th grade students. The lowest weight I remember is from way back in 8th grade at a 188 pounds. The only reason I remember that is because my doctor said I would out grow it-well I never did. I don't know my high school/college weights and don't really care. My personal goal is to get back to 188 and maybe lower. I always considered myself overweight but never obese or fat. At some point the highest weight I reached was around 268 pounds it may have been more but I don't know.

    In June 2010- I joined my local gym after my 40th birthday. I started walking laps around the track for something to do during the summer and that helped start the weight loss. School started I gained it back. December 2010, my gym offered and introduction to personal training with a New Year New Me program and I decided to try it. I meet Donny, he told me I was obese and did not spare my feelings. He helped me to get started with more exercises and challenging myself during exercises along with helping me to figure out a healthy eating plan. With his help I spent the next year and 3/4 quarters, I learned a variety of exercises, relaxation techniques, mobility exercises and attempted new and different activities. We had our ups and downs but I still appreciate all he did for me. In September- we started a new job so I ended up with a new trainer and it is working out well. Mike is challenging me in new ways and helping me to build strength while still focusing on weight loss. Their training styles are very different, which is a good thing since I feel more empowered by Mike. Now, I notice the little improvements that have occurred over the past 12 weeks. I realized that I need someone in my corner to increase the intensity of my workouts at the gym and to get comfortable while working out.

    Today, I weigh about 198 pounds and would like to lose another 20 pounds at least. Size wise I have gone from a 22W down to a 16 with a few 14s, Large tops and some mediums now fit compared to the 1x/2x sizes. I am still considered obese but I am so much healthier now than I was two years ago. I lost 62 pounds in the first year, in the 2nd year I lost about 5 pounds and have managed to keep off the 67 pounds.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    Welcome to the new folks! :flowerforyou:

    Met some friends for lunch at a Chinese restaurant and ate a bit too much, but it was yummy and I'm still full. Afterwards we went to Starbucks to grade. I could have had the lower calorie mocha light frap, but I've already decided I'm giving up the salted caramel mochas for New Years, so I decided to indulge (since I only have a couple more days of those treats). So yummy, but so high in calories--even non-fat, no whip is 290 calories for a grande. :noway: Starting Tuesday I'll be back to the mocha light fraps which are only 130 calories for a grande and still really delicious.

    Didn't get any exercise today, but I may do some core work later tonight while watching tv. Setting up my exercise goals for the coming week:

    Exercise Goals
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + core
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. x/22 diction analyses
    2. 19/22 Failure essays
    3. 48/48 AP tests DONE
    4. x/48 AP essays
    5. 59/59 Scarlet Letter annotations DONE
    6. 4/29 Scarlet Letter Papers
    7. 28/28 Tone Test revisions DONE

    Going to try to finish up #2 tonight.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hiya!!!! What a day! Went with a friend to a pajama brunch, where we played a wildly inappropriate card game... wow. "Cards Against Humanity"? I am not easily offended- it was totally politically incorrect (and sometimes a little gross with the answers) but it was a blast. Hard to log the food, but I lucked out since the group was filled with health conscious folks... yay.

    Sharing.... My name is Nicole and I am a 39 (40 in 18 days) year old widow and mother of a fantabulous 14 year old son. I work full time, go to college 3/4 time, and I have been overweight most of my life... ranging from "a little chubby" to "wow, she sure has a pretty face but...". I live near Seattle, WA, and I love it!

    Regarding weight loss... I was around 275 or a lil more, a couple of years ago- this was my highest. I slowly started challenging myself here and there with healthier choices in the kitchen.... whole grains instead of white flour, adding more fruits and veggies, etc. In June of this year, I was down to 238 and decided it was time for some more severe action... I started walking most days, logging every bite or sip that went into my body. I got down to 213 and was THRILLED... but then started dating again and going to school..... duh duh duuuuuuuuuuh.... that was September, when I dropped off the wagon. Fast food is so much easier on the run. My guy likes to show his love by cooking... he is a meat, potatoes, and gravy kinda guy. The good news is that I only gained 6 lbs back. This week, I decided I feel like crud and MUST take back control. So I am.

    That's all I got... hehe... my guy is making tamales tonight, which he assures me will be healthy and good for me. Wish me luck! I hope you all have a happy and healthy day!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Kelley - I like your post on 10 changemakers, I seem to be doing fine everywhere but number seven. I have no motivation at the moment and it is effecting my efforts. I should remove this from the equation. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

    tootsanderson - I meandered out of Onederland :angry: and need to find my way back. I hope to do that asap.

    Robin - praying you have a safe and happy trip.

    Susan - thanks for the encouragement. I will get serious again once the out-of -town friends and family are not around. My biggest problem is no organized exercise. That will be part of my Resolution.

    Skinnyjeanzbound - If I were there I would fuss over you. Fire the dog.

    Morgori - 21st Anniversary that is a great NSV!

    linder4866 - there is absolutely nothing wrong with "just walking" that's how I got rid of my first 60 pounds.

    Mara & Skinnyjeanzbound - I also reached for an article of clothing. A Pendleton wool jacket that I have saved for so long I don't remember when or where I got it. It was just too nice to Goodwill and even when I couldn't pull the sleeves past my elbows I hoped I would be able to wear it some day. I put it on to day and I could button it up. So apparently I am a thinner than I have been in a very long time. :happy:

    We are planning to eat out and celebrate the new year tomorrow. I am not planning to ignore my logging or calories once 2013 gets here.

    I hope you are all healthy and happy for the new year. Ang.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    tootsanderson - I meandered out of Onederland :angry: and need to find my way back. I hope to do that asap.

    at least you're still close. you can do it!
    @toots--I have a box of candy my sister made for me (oreo balls and pecan rolo pretzel treats) that need consumption before I even bother to try to kick the sugar monster. I'm just trying to be smart and eat just a couple each day. They would probably be gone already if I hadn't gotten sick.

    my philosophy is just to eat it all at once and get it out of the house ;)
    @Toots- I just threw out all left over cookies because I couldn't stop eating them. Good luck

    brave move
    @toots that sugar addiction is so hard to kick. Today at the movies I wanted a regular pepsi. I never drink it but the idea of the cold drink over ice but mostly cause of the sweet taste. ..I didn't get it but I am sure still thinking about it.

    the thinking about it is the worst part IMO :laugh: way to resist though.

    I went up the stairs to my mom's apartment today instead of taking the elevator and i about had a heart attack. definitely time to break that bike back in.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @toots--the candy is gone!! DH (who rarely eats sweets) caught the sugarbug and chowed down on a bunch, and I ate the last 2 pieces today. :smile:

    @angelika--thanks for the offer to fuss if you were here. :flowerforyou: I've tried to fire the dog, but he just looks at me with those puppy-dog eyes and, well, you know how it is... Congrats on getting back into the jacket!! I've said it before and I'll say it again--smaller clothes are much more gratifying than even the scale going down IMO. :drinker:

    @nicole--the card game sounds like fun, and it's nice there were other health conscious people to hang with. That "pretty face" line has got to be the most demoralizing, insulting, and offensive statement ever uttered! I heard it a lot as well in HS and college. I think it is much more acceptable to just say "I'm not attracted to her" than to say that! I think people believe it's less harsh to say you have a pretty face, but it's got to be the most hurtful back-handed compliment EVER! Homemade tamales are delicious--my DH makes them from time to time, and no, they aren't terribly unhealthy, especially if you like them plain (as I do). It's when you start piling on the sauces and sour cream that they start to get out of hand.

    Didn't do any core work or any grading, but I did start getting my final exams together (formatting and numbering), so not a completely wasteful evening. :ohwell:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    My name is Liz I am a 52 year old female living with my husband and 19yr old daughter. We live in a small city or large town in the Treasure Valley area of Idaho. I was a skinny child a chunky teen a fat single adult and for 23 years an obese wife and mom.

    I started this journey at 340lb. Join mfp at 325. This has been hard but one of the best things I have done. For the 1st time in a long time I am doing something for me. As it has been easy its now getting harder. But I know I am in this journey and strivingto do better each day.

    I work as a developmental tech.

    Thank you,
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Ang -- my great fear, having just got to 199 pounds, is that I'll sneak back up from here. Need resolve!
    @Toots -- I was very good with the large box of posh chocs I got for Christmas -- I opened them after Christmas lunch and handed them all round my family all day. There's just a few left now that my friends will eat today I hope. I still have most of a Christmas cake though, and loads of cookies. Stairs are really good for you; nothing you do on level ground comes close.
    @Karen -- When I was a teen I couldn't understand why people kept telling me I had a pretty face when I patently didn't. I mean, I wasn't particularly ugly or anything but my face wasn't any prettier than anyone else's... I was just too dense to realise it was code for 'you're fat'.

    I'm loving all those Sunday Shares!

    Monday check-in. I have stayed the same this week, and I should be happy but I'm actually slightly disappointed because mid-way through the week I was looking like a loss. But really, there were 3500 extra calories there over target, so it's not surprising really. I'm always amazed by how accurate the MFP counting is. Next week is another week, and hopefully one that will have more fresh fruit and leafy veg, and less cakes and biscuits in it.

    Looking forward to a super, focused, New Year!

    -- Alison
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    I am the first up like normal except Sunday I slept in to 7:30 but today and the rest up between 5/5:30. Sort of being 1st up the house is nice and quiet. Get up have my morning beverage and have a nice quiet time.

    Tonight having friends cøme over to hangouts and play cards. Should be fun.

    @Alison its good with the holidays you didn't gain and stay same. I know we all shot for that loss but still that's ok considering this time of the year you are doing great.

    I on the other hand went up 3 lbs yuk!

    @Aug. My fear is going back to my old ways eating being depress eating more being depress same thing over and over never getting off the merry a round. Not caring.
    @toots the sugar addiction is so hard to get rid of.
    @Robin safe and fun trip.
    @Lin Happy New Year to you too.

    If I don't make it back later today like to wish everyone a fun and safe New Year!

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots--the candy is gone!! DH (who rarely eats sweets) caught the sugarbug and chowed down on a bunch, and I ate the last 2 pieces today. :smile:

    oh good haha. thank goodness he decided to help you out ;)
    @Toots -- I was very good with the large box of posh chocs I got for Christmas -- I opened them after Christmas lunch and handed them all round my family all day. There's just a few left now that my friends will eat today I hope. I still have most of a Christmas cake though, and loads of cookies. Stairs are really good for you; nothing you do on level ground comes close.

    ohh you don't end up eating too much and you look so giving. good call on that one :laugh:
    @toots the sugar addiction is so hard to get rid of

    true dat
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Just checking in. Nothing much to report. The treats are gradually disappearing.:happy: There is a box of cookies that are getting pretty stale on the cabinet . If they aren't eaten today, they are going in the trash.:ohwell: DIL is making appetizers for tonight, and they want homemade pizza so I am going to eat very light today. Its still very cold and slick out so I guess it'll be Leslie for me again today.
    Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you have a fun evening. New Year's Eve is the 48th anniversary of when my DH proposed to me. :smile: Here's to a good day and good new year. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--I wonder if you burn more calories if you cuss her out while walking. :laugh: Wow 48 years since your proposal! Congrats!

    Monday Check-in:
    Well, I'm pretty happy with December. I made it over 50 miles and more than 25 walks (counting runs and bike rides). However, what makes me really happy is that when I went to the gym today, the scale said 190 lbs!! That means I'm officially out of the "obese" range on the BMI chart--I'm glad to say I will be starting 2013 as "overweight." :drinker: :drinker:

    Now that I've worked out, I'm going to head to starbucks for my last salted caramel mocha :cry: (until next year) and a bit of grading.

    Not doing too much tonight--DH and I don't like to drive on NYE (even if we don't drink, there's still the concern about others drinking and driving), and we can't stay out overnight b/c of gunner. We will stay in and probably watch a movie or play some games until it's time to ring in the new year.

    Tomorrow, I'm going to Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago with my sister, BIL, and niece. It's such a fabulous zoo--my friends and I used to go there all the time when we were in HS, but I haven't been there in years. They have something called "Zoo Lights" during the holidays--the whole zoo is decorated with lights they turn on at 5pm, so we will time our visit so we can see the lights before we leave.

    I will probably check in later with a grading goal update, but in case some of you don't get back on here tonight, I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year's Eve!!:drinker:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-in:
    Well, I'm pretty happy with December. I made it over 50 miles and more than 25 walks (counting runs and bike rides). However, what makes me really happy is that when I went to the gym today, the scale said 190 lbs!! That means I'm officially out of the "obese" range on the BMI chart--I'm glad to say I will be starting 2013 as "overweight." :drinker: :drinker:

    Woo Hoo!!!!! I'm so happy for you. I cannot wait until the day I can say "overweight" and not "obese". You should be so proud of yourself. You've worked hard and deserve every single one of those pounds you lost. Keep celebrating!!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy New Year's Eve Everyone! I'm in Salt Lake City now at at Super 8, resting up. Had a great morning touring the IKEA store, saw tons of great ideas to fix up my condo when I have money and bought a tin set of canisters that magically matched my china set. We are going to an early dinner with my BF's 93 y/o aunt and will split a bottle of champagne then retire around ten, no midnight hour for us elders.

    I'll do my Sunday Share now a little belatedly: I'm a 61 y/o divorced, retired, (on disability) gal who lives in Omaha, NE . I recently bought the cheapest condo that could be found on the market, but I'm very lucky to own my own home at this point in my life. I have been overweight most of my life, but at a more manageable weight for most of it. It seems the weight just crept up 5-8 pds a year, until I reached 264, then I found MFP and using its tools proved to be the most effective way I have found to lose weight. I've tried Liquid diets - a 12 week program of that; and WW, but nothing that kept the weight off. In my first year of MFP I lost 40 lbs and in my second year of MFP I kept off 32 of the 40 lbs. I started this thread as a means to find friends and it has done that and much more. It has become essential in providing a resource of information and encouragement on this long journey!

    I am commiting to this New Year for myself of a weight loss of another 50 lbs. I am going to make sure I SWEAT every day and I am going to make sure I feel HUNGER every day.