Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    Hi All ! Feel free to add me :) I just lost enough to say I need to lose just under 100lbs, but its nice to have friends that are in the same boat as me :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I'm really excited b/c I found a Groupon for an Escali Body Composition Scale--normally around $80, but with the groupon it's only $30!! If anyone needs a scale:

    @holly--I agree with robin that most people don't even pay attention to whether you accept or decline, so no, it's not rude. This site is about you, and you need to make it work for you. If that means not accepting anymore friends, that's your prerogative.

    @lin--thanks for the info on hunger!

    @kelley--love your goals!! I did the Dirty Girl Mud Run in IL last June and it was the most fun ever--will definitely be doing it again this year. I'm going to hit the treadmill at the gym and see if I can do 4 miles. I think the key will be not going too fast--I'm going to try an 11.5 min mile pace and see how that goes.

    @tina--great job getting back to c25k!! I find that when I'm slacking off, getting back into running always helps re-motivate me.

    @jana--love the 365 mile goal!!

    @robin--through my job I've had to do a lot of research into superstition (it's a stereotype in American Lit that slave characters are always highly superstitious--like Jim in Huck Finn). One of things I've learned is that it's related to a lack of control. Because slaves had so little control over their lives, they latched onto superstitions as a means of feeling some sense of control and safety. Knowing this, my challenge to you is to let go of your superstition about the number 13--you are a woman who has control over her life and self, so there's no reason to be anxious about a number. :wink:

    Wed. Wish:
    It's totally selfish, but I wish that these next few days go by very, very slowly. I have so much I still need to get done, and I fear the rest of Winter Break will fly by.

    Exercise Goals
    Mon--walk gunner + gym (weights and treadmill) DONE
    Tues--walk at zoo DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + core
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. x/22 diction analyses
    2. 19/22 Failure essays
    3. 8/29 Scarlet Letter Papers
    4. x/48 AP essays
    5. x/11 AP analysis activities
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    oh jeez. i haven't been feeling too good so i missed yesterday completely. broke my 465 day streak of signing in. :( oh well. it was fun while it lasted lol. back on my anti-inflammatory diet and eschewing the sugar. hopefully i can get back in the groove of it seeming normal and right soon.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Robin - No way, this is lucky '13 for us all :) We'll be getting fit and hitting our goals!
    @Janak - Mud run sounds amazing! I've read about them and c an't wait until I'm fit enough to get out there and get dirty.
    @Tina - great job on getting up this morning to get it done. An absolute inspiration for me.
    @Kah - that's fantastic you didn't gain any weight over the holidays. I'm trying hard not to beat myself up over a 5lb gain and to be philosophical about it. It's frustrating that it took about 2 weeks to put on 5lbs and will take almost THREE to get it back off. Ugh.
    @Queen - I'm pretty choosy about the friends I accept and keep on here. At first I thought I was being awful but really, this is THE place to be selfish. I can't accept or keep friends that aren't on a similar journey to me. We're not able to push each other. If that makes me a terrible and selfish person, I'm ok with that. Unless they message me and ask (hasn't happened yet) I don't give an explanation as to why they were refused to dropped from my friends list. If they DID ask, I would be honest and explain that we're not on the same part of our journey.
    @Toots - I hope you're feeling better quickly. I can relate a bit. I went nuts with sugar/carbs/salt while I was away and boy did it take its toll on me. I've spent 4 days trying to get back in the groove and dealing with the sluggishness, water retention, cravings, and every thing else that goes with that terrible diet.

    Wednesday Wish - That my friends don't bail on me and show up for our scheduled hike on Sunday. I'm pretty excited about it and would rather enjoy the experience with others instead of all by myself.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys sorry I havent posted for a couple days. I was all motivated to get busy and be superwomen the day after christmas and then I just kind of fell into a funk. I am still wallowing a little but I think I am almost out of it. I think it was mostly hormones as it is tom time. Sometimes it sucks to be a woman :grumble: Oh well. The good news is with all the craziness with my family and then the holidays I only had a four pound gain for the month. I am fine with that all things considered. But now it is time to live a whole year the way I have been living since August and see what kind of results I get. I walked this morning though to be honest it was out of necessity but hey whatever got me moving and am drinking my green smoothie right now and have a nice healthy menu planned for the rest of the day. I must say one of the most motivating things for me right now was my bodies physical reaction to falling off the wagon. The pains came back in my side and my ahnds and feet kept swelling and I was just totally lethargic. I dont like feeling like that anymore. It is no longer my normal so time to get back to work:smile: I hope you all have a great day and dont forget to drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I think this information about toxic hunger vs true hunger absolutely right. My hubby and I have been concentrating on nutrition dense food this year and I only started feeling hungry during the holidays (all that yummy vacant holiday stuff).
    oh jeez. i haven't been feeling too good so i missed yesterday completely. broke my 465 day streak of signing in. :( oh well. it was fun while it lasted lol. back on my anti-inflammatory diet and eschewing the sugar. hopefully i can get back in the groove of it seeming normal and right soon.

    I have to do the same thing. All that rich holiday food is wonderful, but it sure does a number on my digestive track.

    jt const - oops ,water gotta go get some water....

    I am doing a virtual walk across America, I hope to get out of Virginia by the end of January.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Hello everyone -- I'm really enjoying hearing all your plans for 2013. It's going to be a fantastic year.

    @Karen -- love the new photo! I think I'd get bored very quickly of running if I did it on a treadmill, and I do sometimes get bored when the weather's bad or I'm just running round local streets. But things like yesterday, when I ran nearly all the way to the Thames, give me a million things to look at.
    @Susan -- I think that getting sleep right is really important; good to have it as a top goal.
    @Kris -- Your walking and running goals are absolutely achievable! I struggled to run for 90 seconds in September, and I did 10k yesterday, running the first 5k, and only 9 minutes of walking in the whole 10k. Not a race though; I find it harder to run all the time in races because I tend to go off too fast.
    @Jana -- ooh, 365 miles this year, that's a good plan. I've done 7.5 so far.
    @Tina -- oh, sorry about the gain. The good news about quick weight gain over the holidays is that lots of it is due to junky eating and it often comes back off quite quickly once you're back on track. And don't be angry at yourself! Look at how far you've come.
    @Holly -- I don't think you should fret about not being able to keep up with the thread when you're really busy. I'd just put a note on your profile to say that you're not accepting new friends, just like that really.
    @Gimmegimmemoa -- Welcome!
    @Toots -- oh, sorry about your streak. There's a tech support thread about this -- they will amend streaks for people if they've had trouble logging in, for example.
    @Tammy -- I love that quote 'Now it is time to live a whole year the way I have been living since August and see what kind of results I get.' For me it all changed in late June, so I've done half a year like this. It's been So Much Better.
    @Ang -- I'm wondering whether, for my virtual walk, I should walk from Hobbiton to Rivendell. And we are still eating up holiday goodies. They'll mostly be gone soon, though our beautiful Christmas cake will I think be around for a month or two.

    So, today I went to badminton and worked up a SWEAT (especially when I played singles) and was really HUNGRY afterwards. Wednesday wishes, er, getting all the Christmas stuff sorted and away before the kids go back to school on Monday, keeping on track with my studying.

    Hope you're enjoying the very end of the festive season!

    -- Alison
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots -- oh, sorry about your streak. There's a tech support thread about this -- they will amend streaks for people if they've had trouble logging in, for example.

    thanks for the link but i'd feel bad asking since it was my fault and not some kind of fluke.
    @Toots - I hope you're feeling better quickly. I can relate a bit. I went nuts with sugar/carbs/salt while I was away and boy did it take its toll on me. I've spent 4 days trying to get back in the groove and dealing with the sluggishness, water retention, cravings, and every thing else that goes with that terrible diet.
    I have to do the same thing. All that rich holiday food is wonderful, but it sure does a number on my digestive track.

    this is all true for me too, but my problem at the moment is a cold. my throat is killing me and i'm just feeling miserable. but my stomach is still pissed days later from the last candy rush
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @alison--great job on the 10k run yesterday. I do enjoy running outside, but the treadmill gives me a chance to really monitor my pace and focus on my form. I think if I ran very long distances it would get boring, but I usually only do 2-3 miles. I :heart: the idea of running from Hobbiton to Rivendell!! The scenery would be just fabulous!! If you find a site that allows this, please let me know!!

    You keep mentioning Christmas cake which we call fruitcake here in the states. I absolutely love it, but it's kind of a joke for most people--like the gift people keep re-gifting just to get rid of it. Anyway, your comments reminded me of a joke: What do women have in common with Christmas cake? Not a bloke will take them after the 25th! :laugh:

    @angelika--you inspired me to sign up for a virtual walk across America!! I made it my first 5 miles today!! :smile:

    @tammy--great job getting right back at it--that 4 lbs will fall off in no time!

    @kris--I hope your friends don't let you down, but I love that you plan to do the hike regardless.

    @toots--hope you're feeling better very soon!

    Did my 4 miles on the treadmill at the gym. I really only ran the first 3.25, then did a lot of walking breaks to finish up the last .75. Finished in just under 48 minutes, so I have a time to beat now. I started out too fast (11 minute mile pace)--I should have gone with 11.5 pace as planned, but I got over-confident. :ohwell:

    Exercise Goals
    Mon--walk gunner + gym (weights and treadmill) DONE
    Tues--walk at zoo DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (treadmill) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + core
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. x/22 diction analyses
    2. 19/22 Failure essays
    3. 9/29 Scarlet Letter Papers
    4. x/48 AP essays
    5. x/11 AP analysis activities
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wed wish: I'm wishing that the rapid weight loss that I have had since beginning in October would just continue until I reach goal. I know it won't happen. But it would sure be fun.
    I did get through the holidays without a gain. I gained one week, but lost that and then some the next, so I show a net loss for the holidays. Yesterday was the last "party" so now I can get back to my regular diet regimen. School starts tomorrow, so the indoor track will be open, too.
    DH and I had a nice day together. We went Boise to the temple, and did some shopping. I tried to buy a new bra, but gave up. I hate bra shopping! We ate at Golden Corral. If I don't eat much tonight, I will be under for the day.:wink:
    Love all the re-dedication and new goals that I am reading. Lets keep this enthusiasm going! Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I had a super long (and cold) day back at work, today was my scheduled recovery day so no gym today - although I really wanted to go but it was just too late.

    @Karen~I think slowing your pace is a great idea. My trainer kept watching my heart rate yesterday and once I got too close to my AT he had me slow down - he claims if you run slower and keep your stride shorter you can run longer and for greater distances. I think there is some truth to that, I never got tired during the run yesterday and felt good afterwards. So for me for now I'm going to concentrate on a slower pace so I can go the longer distance. Great job on the 4 miles today, awesome start to the year.

    @Alison~I must have missed your post about running a 10K - way to go!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Enjoy the last few days of your vacation. I returned to work today and it was not fun since I did not want to go back yet.

    Queen- I agree with everyone else about the Friends issue.

    Robin- A friend of mine posted on facebook that this is the first time since 1987 that all the numbers in the year are different so it will be lucky.

    Lin- like the article on hunger- it makes me wonder about my headaches the past couple of days.

    Wish- that I keep motivated to exercise. I love my new trainer he actually created exercise cards for me to follow for the days that I am not working out with him. He has different upper body and cardio workouts for me to follow. I will do legs with him in case my knees starts to hurt to often or in the wrong way. I really want to follow his plan.
  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member
    I took a vacation/funeral get away to MA last week, just got back Sunday evening. I stayed as best I could with the diet but logged minimally since it was a vacation and I was seeing friends I haven't seen in almost 16 years.

    The mini-vacation helped me escape the horrible "Adventures in Depression" game I've been playing.Where as I might not weigh less than I did last week, i'm still under 240 and since the circumstances that have been going on, I'm okay with that right now.

    Wednesdays wish; Tomorrow I'm going Ice Skating for the first time in years with my best friend... Hoping I don't fall over!

    16 years later, all three of us finally were in the same room together.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Not sure if anyone has posted this before, but I'm in!

    You pay them 150.00 and if you drop 10% of your body weight in 6 months you get 300.00 back.

    Now this kind of challenge I can jump on! :love:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    2013 Goals...

    Weight Goals
    205 lbs by April 7th (my birthday).
    ONEderland by Cinco de Mayo
    175 lbs by August 31
    158 lbs (Out of obese and into plain old overweight by January 1, 2014)

    Fitness Goals
    There are 4 5Ks I want to do this coming year. I want to increase my walking speed for the first two. Run at least PART of the third and run the entire last. Come next November I want run part of (or most of) the 10K at the Turkey Trot.

    I love your fitness goals. I've got at least 4 5K's planned as well. My first one is in 3 weeks. It's a Chefs for Kids 5K promoting healthy lifestyles for our children. My son and I are participating. I love your goals though and want to join you. Let's share our journey along the way. Deal?? We can do it!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I love reading this thread. It reminds me every day that I'm not alone. There's always at least one person who seems to have something in common with me whether it's a lack of sleep, water, exercise, too much junk/bad food choices, a "little" family drama, etc. . . I believe this is what true friendships are all about and I say THANK YOU!!!

    Regarding the friends request, I just cleaned up mine as well. It's not quantity, but quality for me. My friends have truly been a HUGE part of my success and it's their support that has truly helped me along. Again, I say THANK YOU!!

    Wednesday Wish: I wish the day would come sooner rather than later when I don't have three letters after my bra size. LOL!!!

    1/1 - 30 minute walk w/dog & 15-minute interval on Bowflex (hate that machine) DONE
    1/2- Gym AM (DONE - 60 minutes on treadmill, 3.5 to 3.8 at 2-8% incline)
    1/3 - Gym AM
    1/4 - Gym AM
    1/5- Walk outside or ride bike
    1/6 - Walk outside or ride bike
    1/7 - First Trainer session
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hyzaarc = Love the pic of you with your friends. Glad you are finding ways to get over the loss of your mom. Enjoy the ice skating.

    Thanks for all the tips about my superstition. Its really not that bad. I actually enjoy Fridays the 13th, so this year is not really bothering me all that much. I love all the positive vibes you've put on the year - I will enjoy it!

    So Many challenges people are joining. I like Allisons walk in Bilbo's world - that sounds like a lot of fun - I might do that. Walking across America might take me 5 years. Although I DO HAVE THE TIME :wink:

    I will be off line for the next few days - no wi-fi where we're heading. Leaving Salt Lake City today. Have enjoyed the city tremendously. Went shopping for souveniers and BF bought a (inexpensive) ring for both his aunt and me. Gorgeous though, mine looks like a real amethyst in a silver setting. She picked out a huge pearl surrounded with CZ diamonds. WHAT FUN!
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Lin- love the stuff on toxic vs true hunger! Thank you!

    I am inspired by all of your goals and plans for the new year! I am jumping right in, but with both feet planted firmly on the ground. I am not going to fool myself in thinking that I can just do things half way - even when school starts next week.

    I missed my Wednesday wish--- I figured this was a good opportunity to share my resolution for 2013:

    I resolve to keep moving forward and growing both spiritually and intellectually. I will keep my promises to others as well as to myself. I will honor my mind, body, and spirit with healthy choices and support my friends and family if they choose to do the same. I will find the lessons in mistakes and heartaches. Last, but certainly not least.. I will laugh often and hug my child each and every day.... whether he thinks he needs it or not.

    I have specific goals... but that is the general idea behind each of them.

    Thursday truth: I miss "the guy"- even though I know he is not right for me. This too shall pass. Thanks everyone, for your support. It means the world to me.

    Oh Charlotte!!! Welcome back! I am so happy you are here :)
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    thursday truth. i have to go get my driver's license, and i really don't want to :laugh:
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Good Morning Everyone, Sorry I missed yesterday, it was my travel home day and of course my plane was late and it was 3 a.m. before I got home. So tired and came home to a driveway full of snow. Hoped that one of my neighbours would have at least cleaned the end of the driveway but no such luck Oh, well, it'll be good exercise to get out there and it'll definitely get me sweating. Haven't had much sleep but I'm determined to get my last day off work off to a good start. I've checked in with my family to let them know I'm home and now I'm putting away the last of my few decorations I put up. Next is get the laundry started which means going up and down two flights of stairs several times then, the dreaded driveway. Isn't it fun to be home!!
    My goal for today is to try to start picking up on my water intake. I've really not been getting more than a couple of glasses a day in so today I'm aiming for 8-10 glasses for a good flush.Have to go grocery shopping since I've been away almost 2 weeks, no fresh veggies in the house. Going to be a busy day so off I go. Hope everyone has a great day and I'll try to check in tonight to let you know what I was able to accomplish. So glad to be back. Charlotte