Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Just a quick check in--I'm at starbucks grading and my brain needed a break from Scarlet Letter papers. I've had a productive morning--got the battery replaced on my car, bought DH a couple pair of new jeans (boy did he need them!), and went shoe shopping for myself. I found the cutest pair of tall brown suede boots--and they zipped up over my jeans!! :noway: They were on sale at DSW (my heaven on earth!) for $50, plus I had a $10 off coupon if I spent $60 or more, so I found a pair of comfy brown work shoes for $25. All in all a good shopping day, but I think I need to put my credit card on lockdown now! :laugh:

    Now I'm grading until my haircut appt. in about 45 minutes. Will check back and do personals later.

    Exercise Goals
    Mon--walk gunner + gym (weights and treadmill) DONE
    Tues--walk at zoo DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (treadmill) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + core
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. x/22 diction analyses
    2. 19/22 Failure essays
    3. 12/29 Scarlet Letter Papers
    4. x/48 AP essays
    5. x/11 AP analysis activities
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Thursday!!

    Thursdays Truth- Before I started this journey I could go shopping and thought everything looked great on me (believe me it didn't) now I think everything looks horrible.

    I am going to start using the gym at work but haven't decided if I want to be to work an hour early to work out and shower or lose hours by taking a longer lunch. My boss would probably let me make up the lost time she is flexible like that.

    Okay confession- I don't think the January Challenge of don't eat until your actually hungry is good for me. Lastnight I never got hungry so forced myself to eat at like 10pm just to give myself fuel. As long as I have water or something to drink at all times I rarely get hungry just eat because I know I should. If you take away my fluids I will get hungry it has happened before. Is this normal or am I drinking way to much?
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Hello chaps. My house is *still* full of Christmas goodies. Though we have finished the last of the sponge cake today, and we aren't going to have double cream to put on desserts for more than another day or two because it will turn. I wonder if you can make stroganoff with beef skirt? (No). I'm just going a couple of hundred over every day at the moment.

    @Karen -- I'll probably still keep mentioning Christmas cake for months because our cake was huge.
    The Hobbiton to Rivendell mileage chart is here: and there's a MFP group doing it at
    I'm up to 9.5 miles now and have lost sight of Hobbiton. I wonder if I can do 400 miles before June 4?
    Middle Earth scenery would be good, or at least, it would be better than Walthamstow.

    @Kelley -- it was just that my long training run on New Year's Day was more than 10k -- 7.5 miles in total. It's not quite the same as a 10k race.

    @Hyzaarc -- what a great pic!

    @Charlotte -- From looking at my friendslist I think that shovelling snow is *fantastic* cardio.

    @Kris -- I'd worry that websites like that are a bit scammy, but you don't have to pay at all to enter the BMI challenge (to get to a BMI of 25 in a year for $100).

    Well, today, I SWEATED because I did speedwork and strength, and I was HUNGRY because I didn't sort dinner out till way too late. But I think that might have been a mistake. Thursday truth -- I've sorted out to go and pick up some clothes from a friend tomorrow, three sizes down from what I used to wear (she has also lost three sizes so none of them fit anymore). So of course I'm really worried that they'll all still be too small, and none of them will be flattering, and I'll feel like a frump... I'm sure it will be all right really.

    Have a super day!

    -- Alison
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I changed my profile photo to show the jacket I was finally able to wear again and my starting weight as an encouragement for those days I am feeling like a fat failure for putting 20 pounds back on..
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,171 Member

    Okay confession- I don't think the January Challenge of don't eat until your actually hungry is good for me. Lastnight I never got hungry so forced myself to eat at like 10pm just to give myself fuel. As long as I have water or something to drink at all times I rarely get hungry just eat because I know I should. If you take away my fluids I will get hungry it has happened before. Is this normal or am I drinking way to much?

    Holly - for me, that would not be normal. Drinking water will not stop me from experiencing hunger. That being said, I do have my evening meal smoothie before 7pm and then do not eat again until 9 or 10am. I don't get hungry at all. But I still eat 3 times in a day.....I'm thinking I'm not normal either. :wink:


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: I wonder if I will ever get over wanting to pick up a sweet treat as I work around the house. I am fine at the grocery store. I'm not tempted by the cookies and candy, but then I get home and going about my routine and sure wish that I had bought some treats.
    I've been doing laundry and just keeping generally busy today. It feels really good not to be so tired that I have to sit down and rest every 45 min. :happy: I also decided to get really serious about learning to climb the stairs with my new knee so I climbed up and down the stairs in our house for about 7 min. It felt good. I don't think that it will take me too long to build up the strength in my leg. The only problem that I am really having is pain caused by stiffness. Maybe the stairs will help that.
    Hope your day is going well. Kaye
  • jumpy983
    Thursday truth: I'm really bad at dieting. LOL Oh well, try, try again right?
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thursday truth: I'm really bad at dieting. LOL Oh well, try, try again right?

    That might be your problem. Dieting is terrible for you mentally and physically. I've started and failed so many times I can't even count. Until I understand that as cliche as it sounds... it REALLY is about a lifestyle change.

    The term 'diet' comes with all kinds of expectations of deprivation and that sets you up for failure. Then, once you fail you start bashing yourself. If you succeed and lose weight through pure deprivation or by removing a specific food group from your diet, you are going to regain that weigh the minute your 'diet' is over.

    If I want ice cream, by God I eat ice cream. I just make sure it fits in my day and it's an occasional treat. If I want chips and dip then by God I eat potato chips and onion dip(or tortilla chips and pico). However, I make the chips and dip myself and ONLY make one serving so I control the ingredients and the serving size.

    This journey is amazing and believe it or not just as much fun as it is work. All the millions of little NSV(non scale victories) you will discover. The recipes you will create from old favorites so you can still have the things you love.

    Sorry for the soap box but really, instead of 'dieting' try just eating healthy and clean while you incorporate some light exercise (increasing in difficulty as you are able to) and the weight loss will be a fantastic side effect that will help motivate you.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thursday truth: I'm really bad at dieting. LOL Oh well, try, try again right?

    That might be your problem. Dieting is terrible for you mentally and physically. I've started and failed so many times I can't even count. Until I understand that as cliche as it sounds... it REALLY is about a lifestyle change.

    The term 'diet' comes with all kinds of expectations of deprivation and that sets you up for failure. Then, once you fail you start bashing yourself. If you succeed and lose weight through pure deprivation or by removing a specific food group from your diet, you are going to regain that weigh the minute your 'diet' is over.

    If I want ice cream, by God I eat ice cream. I just make sure it fits in my day and it's an occasional treat. If I want chips and dip then by God I eat potato chips and onion dip(or tortilla chips and pico). However, I make the chips and dip myself and ONLY make one serving so I control the ingredients and the serving size.

    This journey is amazing and believe it or not just as much fun as it is work. All the millions of little NSV(non scale victories) you will discover. The recipes you will create from old favorites so you can still have the things you love.

    Sorry for the soap box but really, instead of 'dieting' try just eating healthy and clean while you incorporate some light exercise (increasing in difficulty as you are able to) and the weight loss will be a fantastic side effect that will help motivate you.

    Totally agree - can't think of this as a diet but as a lifestyle change.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    linder- I don't get "hungry" once I have been off the sugar/salt etc of holiday food for about three weeks. I think your bladder will keep you from drinking "too much". If you are eating nutrition dense food you don't crave, at least that is my experience and I have never "drank too much water"

    kah68- I absolutely agree with you. I am not dieting, I have changed my lifestyle. Dieting doesn't work, it is a temporary fix that fades over time. A lifestyle change will permanently change the way you look at food, the kinds of food you eat and the reasons that you eat. And it changes your attitude about exercise and physical activity.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well, I had a second post but its someplace in cyberland.

    @Nicole~Excellent goals for the year!
    @Karen~Looks like you had a very productive day!

    Re the "hunger" talk - I don't get hungry either. Like Angelika said, I think a lot of it has to do with your diet. Carby foods increase hunger and increases your "need" for those foods. I rarely eat foods with a lot of carbs. Also, I eat about 6 times a day - 3 meals and 3 small snacks.

    Thursday Truth~I ran across this today and thought it was so fitting on how I've been feeling about running lately. "The more I run, the more I love my body. Not because its perfect, far from it, but because with every mile it is proving to me that I am capable of more than I ever thought possible."

    Fitness this week:
    Monday~Wii Fit DONE!
    Tuesday~5 Mile Run DONE!
    Wednesday~Recovery Day
    Thursday~Training Session DONE
    Sunday~Training Session
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Exercise Plan for 12/29 to Jan. 4
    Saturday- Walk or light workout (weather dependent) DONE
    Sunday- Gym- intense workout DONE
    Monday- gym NOT DONE
    Tuesday- REST DONE
    Wednesday- Trainer workout DONE
    Thursday- Walk or rest REST-Done
    Friday- Rock climbing Looking forward to it.

    Well today I was lazy. I had planned on going to the gym after I finished looking at a condo but it took longer than expected and my the time I got home I was hungry. Picked up chinese food for dinner. My goal was to hit the gym after dinner but I did not my body was to tired-ugh. Tomorrow I am rock climbing so I will make up for it but still I need to be better about working out after dinner if I want to stay on this fitness path. It could have been worse but I need to stay motivated. The good things is that my arm and legs will be fresh for tomorrow's climb.

    This weekend I am going curling and I am so excited about it. I even have a few friends joining me.

    Happy Friday.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I read A LOT and just ran across this article, I found it fitting since we've been talking about hunger the last couple of days. Here's a link to the article:

    @Laurie, sometimes our bodies just need a rest. Curling sounds fun, have a great time!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys hope you ll are having a wonderful day. I am moving a little slow right now. Been headachey all day but havent let it totally stop me. Insteadd of an actual workout we were having some unususal sunshine today so even though it was COLD I went outside and did some much needed yard work for about an hour. I worked up a nice sweat that got me somewhat chilled when I slowed down. Oops. Gonna give myself a cold that way, lol. Wasnt sure how to record it so put in 45 min of light cleaning. I am always worried about overestimating so I always cut off some time and put down light effort and take whatever that gives me. Husband came home tonight so I made dinner and now I have to do the dishes.:sad: I hate doing dishes. Oh well what can you do at least there aren't a lot. Alright time to go refill the water cup. Just finished glass number 6 and those would be 20 ounce glasses so not bad. Have a great night everyone and remember drink up.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Wow I missed a day! So many posts I am still catching up on them all..What I have read so far great stuff.

    Today I did Wii exercise beginner I did it for 30 minutes not as many calories burn from it but better than none. Hopefully tomorrow can do it harder and longer.

    I have found all of this discussion on hunger very interesting. I do need 3 meals plus
    snack. I plan them if I do it right it helps

    @kah I will take out time to read that article on hunger.
    @Laurie sounds like your body needed rest

    Well I have lots more posts to read. I will try to get back.
    thank you
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I changed my profile photo to show the jacket I was finally able to wear again and my starting weight as an encouragement for those days I am feeling like a fat failure for putting 20 pounds back on..

    Thank you for sharing!! You look AWESOME!! For those days you're feeling fat, check back with us!! You're such an encouragement to so many of us. I know you've worked hard and should be so proud of yourself. It's people like you that I need as I tackle this journey. Thank you!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: Life took over and I didn't make it to the gym. I was up at 4:30 a.m., parents to the airport at 5:10, work at 5:30 a.m. and back home at 5:30 p.m. plus worked straight through lunch. I'm exhausted. I'm going to be in bed about 9:00 so I can be up at 5:30 and hit the gym at 6:00 a.m. Nothing too earth shattering, but that's the truth. LOL!!!

    @Jumpy - I think you get the vibe. Totally agree with everyone. It finally clicked with me back in August and this is my life going forward. My weight loss is not temporary. I know this is something I'm going to have to watch the rest of my life. If I don't change my food choices, portion sizes, and lack of exercise, I will always be obese. Today I had a Hawaiian Host Chocolate Covered Macadamia piece of candy. It was so good and 80 calories for one piece. I ate it very slowly and enjoyed every bite. I tracked it and moved on. This has really helped me so I don't deprive myself, but I track it and don't indulge either. You just have to find what works for you. You CAN and WILL do this!!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tammy--yard work is such productive exercise! Hope that headache goes away and you aren't coming down with something. I also hate dishes--fortunately, my husband does them most of the time.

    @kelley--thanks for the link--I actually just saw a segment about that same study on the news a few days ago. And I LOVE :heart: the running quote you shared!!

    @laurie--I applaud your ability to go workout after dinner--EVER. I am a night person, but I have to do my more intense workouts right after work. By the time I'm done with dinner the only thing I'm good for is some quick core work--anything higher intensity is just out of the question for me.

    @kristen--I agree with everyone else--I don't ever deny myself anything as long as it fits into my calorie allowance. I know if I said "I'm not allowed to eat X, Y, or Z," then I would go insane with cravings for X, Y, or Z. Instead, I can have X for a snack, if I eat a lighter lunch, or I can have Y if I go for a run, etc. I wish I could apply the same philosophy to quitting smoking--I'm so "stuck" b/c I've cut down to a point where the next step would be to not smoke at all, but that kind of denial makes me just want to rebel. :ohwell:

    @kaye--I have the same problem in the evenings. Even when I'm not hungry, I still crave something sweet. Like tonight, for instance--DH and I went out for Mexican food for dinner and I truly couldn't eat another bite. However, my brain is trying to tell me I need some chocolate regardless of how much my stomach disagrees. I'm not going to have any b/c I know it's all in my head, but I wish I weren't thinking about those dark chocolate chips in the cupboard...:grumble:

    @angelika--the picture is great--it really shows your progress!! And you are NOT a fat failure for gaining back 20 lbs--you are a success and inspiration for losing so much and sticking with it despite the setbacks! :flowerforyou:

    @alison--don't worry about whether the clothes fit right now, b/c even if some of them are snug, you know they will fit down the road. That's how I am with the clothes my sister gives me (she's also losing weight). It's actually kind of fun b/c I always have some "goal" clothes in the closet to try on from time to time. It's so motivating to see them getting closer to fitting, especially when the scale is being stubborn. Oh, and thanks for the Middle Earth link--did you know it's J.R.R. Tolkien's 121st birthday today? :smile:

    @holly--as lin and kelley said, everyone is different and I doubt you are drinking too many fluids. If you don't feel the "hunger" goal works for you, then change it to something that will--maybe a different nutrition goal like more veggies or more fiber. I think the goal is good for those who tend to eat out of boredom or who react to stress by reaching for snacks. In my normal day I rarely get really hungry either b/c I tend to eat regularly enough that it doesn't happen. However, I'm terrible about reaching for snacks when I'm bored, so I'm interpreting the "hunger" goal as "I won't mindlessly snack just for lack of something better to do." For me, that's the only way that goal will work. :smile:

    Thursday Truth:
    School's not even back in session and I'm already finding myself sacrificing exercise for work. Tomorrow I planned to go to the gym, but I really need to go to school to drop off some stacks of grading and to make some copies of rubrics I need to finish grading some other papers. Normally, I would have time to do both, but I'm heading up to Lake Geneva at 1:30 to hang out with a friend and spend the night. I'm sure she and I will do a bunch of walking around town, so I'll still get some exercise, but I wish my days off were truly "off"--I feel I've done something for work almost every day of Winter Break. My non-teacher friends say "at least you get a break"--yeah, but it's not really a break if I'm grading the whole time. Sorry. Done with my pity party.

    Exercise Goals
    Mon--walk gunner + gym (weights and treadmill) DONE
    Tues--walk at zoo DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (treadmill) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + core DONE w/ walk and doing core as soon as I finish this post
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. x/22 diction analyses
    2. 19/22 Failure essays
    3. 16/29 Scarlet Letter Papers
    4. x/48 AP essays
    5. x/11 AP analysis activities
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    A friend just posted this on FB:

    Since I'm also 5'7" I think this will be my goal weight--only 20 lbs to go! :wink: Seriously though, I weighed about 175 in college but was in the same size I'm in right now. I have a "loose" goal to get to a size 8 (regardless of how much I actually weigh at that point) b/c I've never been in single-digit sizes as an adult (or even as a teen). Of course, I've never been a size 10 either, so maybe I'll be content when I get to that point.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    had a bit of an NSV when i went and got that license i didn't want to get. after she took my picture she went to her manager and said she had to get clearance on my pic. I asked if something was wrong. i guess they have some kind of machine that does face proportions and she said it no longer matched the last picture so she had to get approval. she said it was usually caused by someone losing or gaining a lot of weight. i wouldn't say it's A LOT of weight, but i guess it's enough to make a difference.

    Thursday truth: I wonder if I will ever get over wanting to pick up a sweet treat as I work around the house. I am fine at the grocery store. I'm not tempted by the cookies and candy, but then I get home and going about my routine and sure wish that I had bought some treats.

    i have the same problem. i pretty much never run into issues at the store. it isn't hard to just not buy it. but i can't have that stuff at home or i WILL eat it.