Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wow! We will soon be just calling you Skinny instead of Skinnyjeansbound. Sounds great. Enjoy the zoo.
    Robin, so glad you are having a safe, fun time.
    I've done Leslie, but may have to do it again later due to menu for tonight. :ohwell: I like the idea of burning calories by yelling at her. :laugh: I have to give her credit. I am feeling muscles in my legs that I don't feel from just a regular walk. She throws in a few tricks to make it interesting. My daughter suggested turning down the volume, but the background music sets the pace and it does change.
    We are having some of the family over for food and games.
    Once again, Happy New Year.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Alison~Awesome job on your 5K
    @Karen~Congrats on your achievements this year, what a great feeling to be out of the "obese" range on the BMI chart! Great job, you definitely deserve to celebrate so enjoy your Starbucks treat! have a great time at the zoo.

    Even though I'm on vacation, my boss called me into the office this morning to take care of something. Luckily I only ended up working a few hours. It kind of threw my day off kilter. Stopped by a redbox on the way home for a movie and then the store for some wine, so a quiet night for me tonight - which is good since 5k is tomorrow morning. Not doing much in the way of activity today, think I'll play with my Wii Fit in a bit though.

    I looked at some reports on my Fitbit and here are my stats for December - I wanted to walk 100 miles in December so fell a bit short, but the day isn't technically over :wink:

    Steps: 206,312
    Distance: 95,72 Miles
    Floors Climbed: 282

    Just in case I don't make it back - wishing each one of you a happy and safe New Year. Let 2013 be the year that we all achieve our goals!!! The goals I've set so far is to complete my 5k in under 45 minutes tomorrow, to complete a 10k in May, and to lose 50# - all completely doable. I know it isn't goal Tuesday, so I'll post those goals for myself again tomorrow...

    :heart: Kelley :heart:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I really need to check in daily. I've said it from day one that this thread MOVES!! It's awesome because it shows people care and want to share/support each other. I love it!!!

    Sunday Share (for the newbies and reminder to others): My name is Susan (real creative username I know). I'm 44 years old and a single mom to an amazing 10 1/2 year old son. Like many I've battled my weight all my life. Younger years I was the chubby girl and remember having to wear Huskies from Sears. Teenage years were really not bad. I was a big girl, but very athletic. I even spent a few years on a competitve cheerleading squad (no joke). I was always a base though that's for sure and stayed in the high 100's. College was fine and I was even running 3 miles at a time, but still a big girl (low 200's). After college, I worked as a nanny for 6 years and I really believe it was during this time I really gained. Not blaming anyone, but myself!!

    I've been in the low 300's for quite some time. I met my son's father during this time. We married, but divorced after 10 years of marrage. I left when my son was 2 years old. Very long story, but I had to give my son a chance to be a real man and break some cycles. I lived in Atlanta for almost 20 years, but in April I accepted a new job with Caesars Entertainment and we moved 2,000 miles away to Las Vegas. Caesars is really big on health and wellness so I met with the dietician who recommended MFP. To be honest, I had never heard of it. I joined August 1st and love it!! I just received my 150 days of logging notice. I've NEVER tracked my food for this long.

    I was losing very steadily, but hit a plateau and that spiraled into Thanksgiving and kept going into Christmas. I'm so mad and gained way too much. The old me would have given up, but I kept tracking. I'm now back on track. I was at the gym at 6:00 a.m., which is FREE to us. Plus, I can get one training session a week, which I haven't taken advantage of. I scheduled my fitness assessment with the trainer next Monday (first available appointment). Plus, the gym is doing a "3-Month Get Fit Challenge" and I'm really going to push myself. I've lost 37 lbs since joining MFP, but 50 lbs for the year 2012. Right now, I"m 285 and ready to hit Onederland by the end of 2013.

    I'm so excited to be starting this New Year and I truly believe this is finally MY time to shine. Bring it on!!!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Good day so far. Hit the gym early this AM and did 60 minutes on the dreadmill. I decided to go to work. I needed a little break from the family. My parents have been in town since 12/22 and broght their yippy dog. Between my parents, their dog, my son, my sister and our yippy dog - I needed out!! It's pretty pathetic I had to come to work for peace and quiet. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and so thankful they made the trip from Florida to Las Vegas. It's been GREAT!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just a quick check in today- I am doing okay but have been very tired today so I have been taking a few naps before heading out to a party tonight. I hope I make it until midnight then drive home. Luckily it is not that far.

    Happy New Year Everyone!!!! Best wishes for 2013.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Wishing everyone a good SAFE evening. :drinker:


  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hi... Checking in. Today was hard for me- That sweet guy I've been dating is being a jerk. I celebrated his jerk-ness with half of a container of rocky road.. ugh. I'm going to go back to my New Year's eve pity party. Sorry to be such a downer. I wish you all a happy healthy and safe New Year.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Hi... Checking in. Today was hard for me- That sweet guy I've been dating is being a jerk. I celebrated his jerk-ness with half of a container of rocky road.. ugh. I'm going to go back to my New Year's eve pity party. Sorry to be such a downer. I wish you all a happy healthy and safe New Year.

    No don't do this. Take care of yourself!!!!!!!!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Hi... Checking in. Today was hard for me- That sweet guy I've been dating is being a jerk. I celebrated his jerk-ness with half of a container of rocky road.. ugh. I'm going to go back to my New Year's eve pity party. Sorry to be such a downer. I wish you all a happy healthy and safe New Year.

    No don't do this. Take care of yourself!!!!!!!!!

    I agree, don't let someone else influence you to do something you'll be sorry for later.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Naceto - I hope you start 2013 without the jerk - and without any more Rocky Road, if you get my drift..........

    ask yourself Ann Landers famous question "Am I better off with him or without him?"

    .......since he drives you to binging I think the answer is .....

    without him...................sorry :brokenheart:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi... Checking in. Today was hard for me- That sweet guy I've been dating is being a jerk. I celebrated his jerk-ness with half of a container of rocky road.. ugh. I'm going to go back to my New Year's eve pity party. Sorry to be such a downer. I wish you all a happy healthy and safe New Year.

    I'm so sorry. I know this was a big step for you and opening yourself up to a relationship. There are so many ups and downs, but I know in your heart you'll know to handle it. With that said, eating a half container of Rocky Road may not have been the best direction. But, what's done is done. Just don't eat the other half because you deserve to treat yourself better than that. Tomorrow is a new day and you make it GREAT!!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Had a healthy breakfast and finishing up some coffee - heading out soon for my 5K, its in the 40s and cloudy this morning but really humid from the rainy day we had yesterday.
    Hi... Checking in. Today was hard for me- That sweet guy I've been dating is being a jerk. I celebrated his jerk-ness with half of a container of rocky road.. ugh. I'm going to go back to my New Year's eve pity party. Sorry to be such a downer. I wish you all a happy healthy and safe New Year.

    @Nicole~I'm so sorry the BF was being such a jerk - and on NYE! I know its easy to drown our sorrows in ice cream - I'm glad it was just half a container and not the entire container. I hope your night improved and that he has either taken a turn or you've put him in his place. No man is worth a pint of ice cream (or any other junk food for that matter) - so put the spoon down! Sending you hugs!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Happy New Year! Thank you for your support and advice on the jerk. I definitely need someone who will be supportive and grow with me, and he is not that guy. He can either snap to, or move on, as far as I am concerned. I love him, but I will not allow myself to hold back from my dreams and goals.

    No more Rocky Road.... thanks y'all. :drinker:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy New Year! Thank you for your support and advice on the jerk. I definitely need someone who will be supportive and grow with me, and he is not that guy. He can either snap to, or move on, as far as I am concerned. I love him, but I will not allow myself to hold back from my dreams and goals.

    No more Rocky Road.... thanks y'all. :drinker:

    Excellent, Nicole! I know that it was really hard for you to get involved in a relationship to begin with, I'm glad that you aren't going to let him hold you back. Sometimes being in an unsupportive relationship can be toxic (BF or otherwise), I've had to end those type of friendships before. I think you have the right mindset, that if he can't support you and your goals then it is best to move on - as hard as that might be. :brokenheart: I know you can achieve the goals you have set for yourself, I hate to see anyone hold you back.

    Okay, off to the races (literally)!
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Happy New Year All!! I haven't been on MFP since June for many reasons but I'm hoping to come back and start over. Although today is Tuesday, I'd like to re-introduce myself instead. Hi, I'm Charlotte, I'm a 58 year old single nurse living in Ontario Canada. I have 2 grown children and a total of 5 grandchildren who are everything to me. I joined MFP in 2011 and did very well over the next year and a bit but was then diagnosed with cancer and after surgery, just couldn't get back on track, either mentally or physically. I've gained back a lot of the weight I had lost with the help of MFP and feel horrible to have to start over from scratch but I'm deterined to get back on track. I hope you will bear with me until I get into a rythym again. Right now I'm in Alberta visiting with my son but I fly home tomorrow and will set up my goals and start an exercise routine. Today, I'm going to go for a short hike with my son and granddaughters which I haven't done in way too long. I have a lot of different health issues which interfer with some types of exercise but I try to compensate with what I can do. Its going to be hard to get back into the swing of things but I'm going to try hard to get going. I would appreciate any and all help you are able to provide me with. All the best to all of you for a happy and successful 2013. Your friend, Charlotte
  • jumpy983
    Hey ladies!
    I am so thrilled to report that yesterday, I stayed within my goals AND was actually under - 3 calories under, but still UNDER!! AND that was with a Starbucks Iced Venti Macchiatto (my superhero weakness). I am starting the new year off THRILLED!!
    I actually forgot to log it yesterday and so when I was under I was like - ok, 303 under for the day, not bad. And then reading up today someone mentioned starbucks and my brain said, "OH SHIZ forgot to log your starbucks yesterday. There goes your 'under.'" So I was bummed until I put it in and STILL came up 3 under.

    Can you tell I'm excited?
    Now, I'm laying in bed enjoying the morning (worked until 2am last night) and conveniently my tv is stuck on Food Network.
    I cant' find the remote and it's one of the TV's that if you get up and change the channel, it goes to fuzz because the cable is set to a certain channel.

    Damn you Ina Garten and your fancy brunches!!! lol :) Hope you all are having a very merry new year!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Happy New Year All!! I haven't been on MFP since June for many reasons but I'm hoping to come back and start over. Although today is Tuesday, I'd like to re-introduce myself instead. Hi, I'm Charlotte, I'm a 58 year old single nurse living in Ontario Canada. I have 2 grown children and a total of 5 grandchildren who are everything to me. I joined MFP in 2011 and did very well over the next year and a bit but was then diagnosed with cancer and after surgery, just couldn't get back on track, either mentally or physically. I've gained back a lot of the weight I had lost with the help of MFP and feel horrible to have to start over from scratch but I'm deterined to get back on track. I hope you will bear with me until I get into a rythym again. Right now I'm in Alberta visiting with my son but I fly home tomorrow and will set up my goals and start an exercise routine. Today, I'm going to go for a short hike with my son and granddaughters which I haven't done in way too long. I have a lot of different health issues which interfer with some types of exercise but I try to compensate with what I can do. Its going to be hard to get back into the swing of things but I'm going to try hard to get going. I would appreciate any and all help you are able to provide me with. All the best to all of you for a happy and successful 2013. Your friend, Charlotte

    OH CHARLOTTE - welcome back. So wonderful to hear from you. Please join us again. I'm still here and I'm still walking!! Looking forward to hearing from you again. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Here's to you. :drinker:


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kristen--it was probably me that reminded you about the starbucks, I'm hopelessly addicted. :blushing: Fortunately, my usual drink of choice is only 130 calories for a grande (mocha light frap). Recently, however, I got hooked on the salted caramel mocha, but I'm giving them up until the next holiday season--they are way too high in calories! Congrats on staying under on NYE, I also managed to stay under (even with my starbucks), but only b/c I visited the gym yesterday. :drinker:

    YAY!!! CHARLOTTE'S BACK! CHARLOTTE'S BACK! CHARLOTTE'S BACK! It's so great to hear from you again--you know we are all here for you! :flowerforyou:

    @nicole--sorry for your BF drama last night, that sucks! Glad you were able to stop at half a container of ice cream and that you have made the decision to put yourself first. You're right--he can either support you, or you are better off without him. :brokenheart:

    @kelley--hope you had a great time running your 5k!! :drinker: What a great way to start the year!

    Tuesday Goals:
    Need to get moving so I can walk gunner before leaving for the zoo!

    Exercise Goals
    Mon--walk gunner + gym (weights and treadmill) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + core
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. x/22 diction analyses
    2. 19/22 Failure essays
    3. 48/48 AP tests DONE
    4. x/48 AP essays
    5. 59/59 Scarlet Letter annotations DONE
    6. 8/29 Scarlet Letter Papers
    7. 28/28 Tone Test revisions DONE
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning, and Happy New Year. I spent the morning with my favorite New Years Day activity, watching the Rose Parade. I never tire of it. I'm going to take down the Christmas tree and vacuum. That should be good for a few exercise calories burned.
    My goal for the near future is to finish off that second 25# (13# to go) by mid-March. When I reach that goal, I am going to buy some new clothes. :happy:
    Nicole, hold your ground. No guy is worth sabotaging yourself over!
    Welcome to the new ones, and welcome back to the returning ones. And thanks to all of you for the support that I get from you.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Charlotte!!!! So good to see and hear from you. Welcome back - you have been missed!

    Back from my 5K - which turned into an 8K, when my trainer and I finished the 3 miles we felt so good that we decided to keep on going - did ~5 miles in an hour so a great accomplishment. I felt fantastic afterwards, still do. Great start to the new year.