Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: It's been a good week. I'm so glad to be back on track and focused. I went to the gym three days and walked outside as well. Since mid-October, I've been in a funk with plateaus, limited exercise and just not sure what I needed to do to get my butt back in gear. With this funk and then the holidays, I quickly gained 10 lbs. This week I've llost 5 and only 5 more to go then I'm right back where I need to be. By tracking, staying under calories (and not eating so much junk) plus exercising I lost weight. I have to keep telling myself - eat less and move more. You will lose!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,153 Member
    Amazon has it for 47.00

    That's the best price I've seen for the Zumba Gold. JUMP on it (or dance over and place your order). :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday fitness.... 1.85 miles today! Woohoo, and she's back in action. :) That is three walks this week and I am under most days on my calories. Lots more water and veggies too. I am starting to feel much better... but I am breaking out! It is like my body is trying to push out all the junk I've eaten. I guess this means I better stick to it, eh? :tongue:

    The guy... well, he came over tonight- with pizza... my first thought was UGH :angry: does he not listen?? But he brings it in, saying he got "healthy pizza"... Papa Murphy's chicken delight.:smooched: It took me over on my calories.. but it was such a sweet gesture- he is trying, right? Then I told him I should walk it off... he said, "ok, let's go". Turns out, he is fun to walk with.. .he was really supportive and great. I am still not sure where or how far this can go... but right now, it's okay. I think I just have to step back a bit, right? Maybe I'm a sucker... but there is only one way to find out.

    Anyway, I hope you all are ready for a fabulous weekend filled with healthy choices and lots of joy. :drinker: drink up! :drinker:

    Great pos Nicole in so many ways. You're taking care of YOU!! You're back to walking, drinking water, trying to stay under, eating more veggies, etc. . . you're back on track. Good for you! Plus, it sounds like the guy came with a peace offering. While it was food, it was the thought that counts. Like you said, you will just step back a little and take it slow. You'll know.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success - Down to 216.6 so only about 1.5 lbs above my lowest on 12/4/12. I can be back where I belong by next weekend I think. That THRILLS me. Friday I took my scale into work (it's been a number of months since I have had it done) and had it calibrated. The .10th of a lb is a bit iffy in my weight range but the regular numbers are spot on. I wanted to check its accuracy since there was so much swing this month. I guess the 'swing' was my body. :laugh:

    Woo Hoo!!! I'm so proud of you. I know you were pretty bummed with the gain, but you've learned so much throughout this journey and were ready to get right back on track. You're going to be under Onderland before you know it!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    My deep tissue massage after my workout today has left me with zero energy and I'm super sore - he really worked my IT bands, so painful & bad enough that I have another appt next week. I sure hope I can walk tomorrow, right now its hard enough - I really should take a hot a bath but that would involve walking upstairs!

    @Nicole~I'm so glad that the BF brought over something healthier and was on board for walking with you afterwards.
    @Kris~Congrats, that other 1.5# will be gone in no time. Excellent!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today has been really busy, fun and sort of sad. Just like as the world turns more like as the world turns in Liz 's life.

    Good workshop was really good learned a lot that was the morning. Left there at 12:30 headed home to pickup my daughter to a get her out of the house and b accomplish completing some errands. So got home one of my errands was grocery shopping. I got on line to check bank account as I did notice it was less than expected available so went check transactions history notice the payment made that I didn't ok was for iwireless for payment. We don't have a phone through that company but my sister does her daughter does her granddaughter does. In Nov I made a payment for her. I did w stupid thing when I kept trying to do this on my phone here in Idaho they wouldn't let me its my sister so I use my card thank goodness not our family account card. Yo pay the number I ask her right after she done to delete it. She said she wrote it down than when done our mom ran a permanent marker through number than burn it. But I didn't notice December payment but it was there on statement but the next ones. For January was big because it cover her card her daughter and granddaughter. She didn't delete the number from her phone. This is my sister you will never know her I am still so hurt $300.00 I know what happen and I know why. Burt when we help her in November it was understanding cant do this monthly we both work really hard at low paying jobs we help my mom monthly and that's ok its my mom I am not saying this for a pat on the back but we really don't have lots of extra money. . I have help.her many times in the past but this is the last straw I went down closed my account and will now have my paycheck direct deposit in our family account. I feel like such a fool to give her my info but this is my sister. I trust her to do the right thing. But I can barely talk with even my husband its still so new its I am in shock about this but here is safe place for me to process it. Sorry this is so jumble.

    Happy part after this a friend (coworker) called and ask me to join her at the Y today. So I went they have a lady river thing and its warm so that's what I did for over a half hour just went around and around. :)
    and so far I am still under on my calories. But I must admit a chocolate anything at this moment sounds good to me.

    Thank you for your eard
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Meant lazy river pool and thank you for your ears
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Liz- I am sorry to hear that your sister took advantage of you to pay her bills. I would ask her for the money back, I realize that she may not be able to pay but she needs to know that her actions were not acceptable and that she needs to make a mends.

    Kelley- I hope that you can relax after the deep tissue massage. A massage sounds good to me right now but not deep tissue.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Please NOTE that this thread will come to the end in the near future. You will be able to find us by clicking on the blue link at the bottom of the last post that says "continue at this page" just click on it and it will take you to the new page.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @liz--I'm so sorry your sister took advantage of you--you should not feel like a fool--people should be able to trust family in those types of situations. Sadly, now you know that's not the case with your sister. I agree with Laurie that you should ask her for the money--even if you know you won't get it back, she needs to know you expect her to make good on the money she took. I believe you also need to at least give her a chance to explain herself and her actions--maybe it was an honest misunderstanding on her part. If not, at least you asked rather than assuming she purposely stole from you.

    @kelley--hope the pain subsides so you can walk tomorrow!

    @susan--congrats on getting back on track and shaking off that funk--I think mine lasted most of 2012, but I'm also back on track and ready to make some more progress in 2013. I lost only 12 lbs. in 2012--I would like to lose about twice that in 2013 so I've got some work to do.

    @kristen--great job!!:flowerforyou:

    I went to school and got some copies made then did a bit of grading. Didn't get much done on my goals list, but I finished some prep work for my AP and Junior honors classes for next week. Will try to get a bit more done tonight while watching the Packers crush the Vikings (I hope!).

    I need to finish the Scarlet Letter essays and the Failure essays before Monday. Anything else will be gravy b/c it doesn't need to be done until end of quarter in 2 weeks.

    Exercise Goals
    Mon--walk gunner + gym (weights and treadmill) DONE
    Tues--walk at zoo DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (treadmill) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + core (not DONE)
    Fri--walk gunner (not DONE)
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + core
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. x/22 diction analyses
    2. 19/22 Failure essays
    3. 21/29 Scarlet Letter Papers
    4. x/48 AP essays
    5. x/11 AP analysis activities
  • blturner1
    blturner1 Posts: 89 Member
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    I was just getting ready to push the rollover :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I think we all have the same idea about pushing the roll over. Let's make it happen.

    Karen I am impressed with your dedication to getting work done over the holidays. You are very dedicated to your students.

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :heart: :heart: :heart: I think it is time to speed up the roll over.

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: May 2013 be a wonderful year for all of us. Good luck with our journey to a healthier lifestyle.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    499:bigsmile: :drinker: :heart: Cheers to a new year.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I hope that I can roll this thread over correctly. Don't get loss and please come back to visit with us on the new thread. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :wink: :laugh:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    January Challenges
    1. Sweat every day
    2. Let yourself feel real hunger or another goal you would like to work on.