Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    edited October 2014
    OK, I finally found something I like about the new site! Posting pictures is very easy and the long promised ones of my laundry room redo are below. Sorry they're not the greatest, but it's such a small space it's impossible to get a good angle.wnahih7fdntm.jpg

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Happy Friday to all.
    Getting used to the new format, I do miss the tickers.
    @ Bohemian - Know how you feel about the level of cleanliness in the kitchen. I live with three male adults, seems non of them knows how to do anything except load the dishwasher and they will not do that unless it is empty to begin with.
    @Robin - I am usually up between 4 and 4:30 most days. My classes at the gym start at 5:30. Trainer is at 6:15 so I like to get my cardio in first.
    @Lives2Travel - I am an interior designer. This laundry room is seriously fabulous. Belongs in any decorating magazine. The art work is amazing. Yours? Originals?

    I hope everyone had a great Bosses day. We will be celebrating today with pizza from my favorite place. Thin crust and I will enjoy every calorie.
    Weigh in today down 4.5 pounds! :D Trainer and I think I do have a shot at winning the current competition. Which ends mid December. It is based on percentage of body weight lost. First prize is 2 months free training (value $768.00).
    Fitness Friday - WO with the trainer. Worked on biceps and triceps. I don't think I could lift a noodle right now.
    Have a great weekend.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Each year on October 17, people all across the country celebrate National Mulligan Day.
    In a game, a mulligan happens when a player gets a second chance to perform a certain move or action.
    This day was created as a day for giving yourself a second chance or, as some people call it, a “do-over”. We can all think of something that at one point in time we have said “I wish I could do that over”, Today, to celebrate National Mulligan Day, take your “do-over”.
    According to the United States Golf Association (USGA), there are three different stories explaining that the term derived from the name of a Canadian golfer, David Mulligan, one-time manager of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, who played golf in the 1920′s. A different, later etymology gives credit to John A. “Buddy” Mulligan, a locker room attendant at Essex Fells C.C., New Jersey in the 1930′s. Yet another story according to author Henry Beard, states that the term comes from Thomas Mulligan, a minor Anglo-Irish aristocrat and passionate golfer who was born in 1793.
    According to the USGA, the term first achieved widespread use in the 1940′s

    All people are made alike -
    of bones and flesh and dinner -
    Only the dinners are different.
    ~Gertrude Louise Cheney

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--I just saw this article. I know you were no where near the samples or patient, but it might be prudent not to advertise where you work while on your cruise:

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    edited October 2014
    cblue315 wrote: »
    @Lives2Travel - I am an interior designer. This laundry room is seriously fabulous. Belongs in any decorating magazine. The art work is amazing. Yours? Originals?

    I wish I had that kind of talent! The prints are by an artist from Portland, Oregon. She has a shop called Albie Designs on Etsy and has prints of lots of US cities. They were the first things I bought for the laundry room and the rest of the design was based around them. Love the colors and graphic nature of the prints.

  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    edited October 2014
    A big thank you to Karen (skinnyjeanz) for the tip on bookmarking this thread and for enlarging the font. I was despairing ever finding you all again.

    Back from a busy family trip to Baltimore into the whirlwind of storms and ebola here in TX. I'm sorry, Laurie, that I couldn't get together with you. Just as I suspected, the person who controls the car controls about everything else too. :\ Once at BWI for my return, I had a minor skirmish with the TSA, my flight was delayed, cancelled, and then re-scheduled. All for a non-functioning smoke detector in the cargo hold! Luggage disappeared for 36 hours, but finally came back. I did manage to get my crab fix, however, and aunt's 90th birthday celebration was grand.

    Two days later, my Utah family arrived for a visit with the "old folks" and to attend the great State Fair of Texas. Yesterday I tasted a deep fried PB&J sandwich, deep fried jambalaya, deep fried brisket, and deep fried coke. Only the PB&J was any good by my estimation, and as it's been nearly 3 months since I've had anything that nasty, I really didn't care for it! Now the red velvet funnel cake with drizzled frosting--that wasn't bad, but I had to share with 6 others, so no harm was done. :p I walked nearly twice as many steps as usual and got in a cardio session before we left, so when I got home my feet were throbbing--and I wore my inserts. Right now everyone is on the lake, so I'm resting before we go to the Traildust tonight for a cowboy dinner and the boot skootin' boogey. Owie, my little dogs are dying here.

    Surprisingly, I lost 5 pounds in the last week! Must be all that traveling, walking and cleaning before family arrived. I was on a semi-plateau--not losing what I should yet doing everything right--so I am very grateful to see some happy results. Truly, I think I'm getting some divine help, as I've been under my daily calorie goal 99% of the time. Maybe I'll be able to get my knees and feet fixed sooner than later! Please???

    Kelley/kah: Your trip sounds like it's going to be full of lovely autumn sights. I'm a wee bit envious.

    Lives2Travel: Oh my goodness! Love your laundry room. Want to decorate mine? You may have a calling here.

    RobinsEgg/Ellen: Congrats on the removal of the wound vac. Hope you are well along the path of recovery.

    I've been a lost lamb due to the revamping of the site and stuff, and not caught up with your happenings yet, but missed reading your posts. Happy to be back to my old schedule.

    14/17 days under 1350 calories
    12/17 days cardio

    Hold fast. Halloween treats are everywhere! >:)


  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    working on staying under calories and climbing a lot of stairs for hubby recovery. But he is sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. He is behind on his sleep being a trucking driver trainer. He drives from midnight to noon while on the road and has to be up a lot while the trainee is driving, so lots of sleeping when home. This two weeks will be wonderful for his body and mind.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    TGIF everyone ...

    @Skinnyjeanz - I like the way you plan your exercise goals and report on it as you go … and that you don’t appear to be biting off more than you can chew.. I listened the ‘The Colour and the Shape’ live at Vidia Rock Club in Italiy 01/12/97 ,,,, their music is just the kind of stuff I liked back in my hard-rock and heavy-metal days … but a bit over the edge for me now as a steady diet … I have a nephew who loves this group.

    @FeraFilla - I had to chuckle when you woop-wooped that the in-laws had left. I never realized how stressful it is for the daughter-in-law to host her in-laws until I had one of my own. My own mother-in-law passed away not long after my marriage, so I never had that stress in my life. But I certainly can see it in others.

    @Lives2Travel - lovely laundry room! Love the prints … is that the St Louis Arc i spied in the picture? I was going to ask you about those prints and then saw your answer to to @cblue315 … I will be searching out that designer myself.

    @cblue315 - I’ve been struggling with a new furniture placement in my living room and sometimes feel the only way to get a design I really like is to hire a professional … but I keep plodding along on my own. Good luck on your competition.

    @Morgori - I like Mulligan Day …. now only to decide what to do over! I posted your quote from Gertrude Louise Cheney on my FaceBook page. Thanks for it.

    AFM …
    October Challenge : 11/16

    Friday Fitness - My Fitness Goal for this coming week is to spend 3 hours cleaning out the garage. That will involve a lot of picking things up and hauling stuff around, sweeping and such and should give me a good workout. I don’t plan on doing it all in one day.

    The Diabetes Management series I’ve been attending at the local Senior Center ended today. I found it so helpful to share in a group that I asked everyone if they were interested in forming a support group to continue at the center and got 6 other people who said ‘yes’. We’ve shared phone numbers and II’ll be calling each one over the next few days to get their input on how they think we should do it. The 3 people I’ve spoken to already have 3 different ideas on it. What we did all agree on is that we might consider a set time, day, place that would stay the same and those that could join in at that time could just come. My hopes are to identify someone from the group, besides myself who could ‘chair’ this thing. But I am ok with starting it up.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    edited October 2014
    Yay! T.G.I.F. My nephew is coming down from UNR to take me to see the Zach Brown Band @ The MGM tonight! Should be fun. I lost another 1.4 lbs this last week :D I NEED to go clothes shopping! My small jeans will be a bit baggy, but my way slimming shirt will look good...Goin' out with a college kid, gotta look as cool as possible ;) I think I may FINALLY get some stairs in on my Fitbit! oh and since he's driving....a couple of Coors Lights may be in order :p Have a Great Day everyone!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @amy--have fun at the concert! I'm not a big country fan, but I know who Zac Brown in b/c Doave Grohl (of the Foo Fighters) produced their last album and played with them on the CMAs. Zac also performed with Foo FIghters on Dave Letterman this week.

    @niki--That's awesome that you are trying to keep a group going--great support! I don't remember who in this thread started the exercise goals, but once I followed suit, I found it really helpful. If I just leave it up to chance, I will never get to the gym, but if I plan my schedule for the week, it really helps me balance the gym with grading. This week was kind of a bust, but most weeks it works out.

    @soosun--that's great that your husband will get to catch up on his sleep--I'm a bit envious.

    @marsha--Wowo, 5 lbs down is awesome! Also, sounds like a fun trip--glad you got your crab fix. When I was a kid, we could never afford to go out for seafood--even Red Lobster was a splurge. But my dad was in the navy and we would go to Norfolk for his 2 weeks active duty every other summer. We loved everything about it, but one of the best features was that we could get seafood every night for dinner b/c it was so cheap!

    @tom--I love Mulligan Day, though I'm not sure what to do over...

    @L2T--oh my, your laundry room is nicer than most of the rooms in my house! LOL Just a lovely and efficient looking design.

    @lori--great loss!! I hope you win the competition!

    @alison--I find it so interesting to hear from parents about their kids' experiences with homework. I *might* give an average of 2 hours of homework/WEEK. However, I know that some of my students don't always spread it out. So if they wait until the night before it's due and they also get some homework assigned from another teacher--well, then they might have several hours of HW in one night. For example, I assigned something yesterday for AP that will probably take the average student about 3 hours-however, it's not due until 10/30. How much do you want to bet that 75% of my students will wait until the week it's due to even think about starting it? LOL That isn't to say there aren't teachers who assign excessive HW. I just know I'm not one of them.

    @laurie--I think your attitude about Ren-guy is perfect. You are open to hanging out and if it turns into something else--fine. However, you aren't rearranging your whole life to acommodate this guy which is smart.

    Friday Fitness:
    Um, not such a great week, but I know next week will be better. I was planning for a big gym day tomorrow, but my frined called alst night to see if I want to go up to her house in Lake Geneva. So I am working (proctoring and exam) in the morning, and then she will pick me up in the afternoon. Although I won't hit the gym, we will do some hiking on the trails by her house, so it will still be an active day. Then, we both agreed to head back early on Sunday, so I should get to the gym then.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 3/67 AP essays
    2. there's more, but I refuse to acknowledge it until I put a decent dent in those essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--rest day
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner NOT DONE—RAIN
    Tues--walk gunner (maybe--late meeting) NOT DONE—MORE RAIN
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--rest day

    October Challenge:
    Days under calories = 12/16
    Days >100g of protein = 8/16
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @kelley--I just saw this article. I know you were no where near the samples or patient, but it might be prudent not to advertise where you work while on your cruise:

    Thanks, Karen. Yep, that was all over the news today. We're not even telling anyone we're from Dallas! :wink:

    Packed and ready to go--going to be around 70 and sunny in NYC when we land so tomorrow should be a nice day. Alarm going off at 3:45, so heading to bed soon. :sleeping:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    boho- I think this is the picture that was missing of the triplets. I had trouble last night getting the right photo to come up.

    Marsha glad you had a great trip to MD and you were able to get your crabs. They are good this time of year.

    Kelley have a great trip.

    Cblue- Good luck with the challenge.

    Karen- enjoy the lake.

    L2T- love the new laundry room, it looks great.
    This weekend is becoming busy along with the week ahead. I will do my best to get to the gym and exercise.

    Friday- climbing was great tonight
    Saturday- swimming then getting my hair done.
    Sunday- bike ride in the morning then birthday party
    Monday-trainer workout
    Wednesday- swim between meetings I hope- Another full day of meetings
    Thursday- rest

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    L2T, love the laundry room!
    Today was kind of a break even day. The logging shows I was under calories, and I did get over 8 miles today, but the football food was a bit hard to log, so I'm just assuming I at least broke even.
    GrammyWhammy, wonderful loss! Glad you had a fun trip. Enjoy your family.
    Kelley, have a fun trip.
    I hope everyone enjoys the weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Over for calories yesterday, byhaving two servings of vanilla wafers instead of one. I will take it as I was wanting something sweet but not outrageous. Looking forward to weigh and measure on Tuesday, but first have to stay on track this weekend. Steady, steady, steady!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy No Beard Day
    When: Always October 18th
    No Beard Day exists so you have a good reason to shave your beard.
    You've had a beard so long, that you don't know what you'd look like without one. And, your lady friend isn't so fond of it. Today brings the extra incentive you need, to shave it off and go without a beard for the first time in who knows when.
    So, bare it all and show off your chin. If you don't like it, you can always grow it back.
    Have a happy and clean-shaven No Beard Day!! I will not be taking part in the shaving as I want the full Santa beard in December. 13mocdk65o7v.gif

    Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
    Lyndon B. Johnson

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tom--are you celebrating? And does Amy get a vote?
  • Hi everyone, glad to see many people trying to lose weights. I'm a newbie here.
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    Wow, so much to catch up on! Hope everyone is well, or on the road to being well. :)
    I've given myself the proverbial boot to the butt and have been cycling again. Also, I've been forcing myself to cook at home at least 2 meals per day. Managed to pack on 2 pounds during my month-long SAD spree. :'(
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    @NK1112 - I know they don't mean to cause me stress... They probably did their best to make it easier on me. It's just that they are very much morning people, and I am very much an evening person. My work schedule for years was 2pm - 11pm and my body clock still works accordingly. They are up every morning before 7am. But I felt like I had to get up when they did, because if I was snoozing away while they had to fend for themselves for breakfast I felt like I was being a bad host. Which threw my eating routine off, and my sleep routine off... And I was just all out of sorts.


    I am happy to report that after seeing a 3 pound bump in my weight due to the week that included my birthday, my in-laws visiting, my husband's official installation and celebration, 2 "appreciation" dinners, and the start of PMS... The scale is inching back down to where it was before the last week blew up in my face. YAY!

    P.S. I found the downside to living where I live. Political ads are bad enough, but when you live in a market for 3 states? EVERY COMMERCIAL on radio and TV is some kind of political ad... And I'm getting them for Ohio, Kentucky *and* Indiana. Boo. I'm not even voting in this election mainly because I didn't register in time and so I *can't* and also because I just moved here, so I know nothing of the local candidates on the ballot (with the exception of the democrat running for city council, he's a member of the congregation lol) so, I wouldn't vote this time around anyway. November 5 can't get here soon enough! Thank goodness for DirecTV. We just record our shows, and start watching them 15 minutes in so we can fast forward through all the commercials. :smiley:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    shoot - I've caught up on my reading, so I'm current, but no posting of personals right now.
    Sharing a site with a lot of Chicken Parmesan recipes - 2 are vegan, and one uses Quinoa. Some are for a slow cooker, so there are plenty to choose from. I'm not promising all are low-cal options.

    Welcome to our newbies! <3 Please join in the daily conversations - you will soon receive back lots of support and motivation!