Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Thursday truths -- well, I've practically eaten all the lumps of cheese in the house. Cheese is my big downfall really.

    October logging and counting -- 10/16 -- I'm being rubbish about logging at the moment and I don't really know why. I don't think my food choices are that bad, even with the cheese, so I need to get a grip -- especially as we're away for much of the next fortnight.

    @Lois_1989 -- all dry today at least! And you lost 0.8 lbs which sounds like a BIG WIN to me and not a failed goal at all.
    @Morgori -- I used to live near Kennett Square, the Mushroom Capital of the World. I love mushrooms and try to have them in all the time. They are truly a wonder food for us 100-pounders. I fry them up using spray-fry and put them in lots of things.
    @cahf -- welcome! It's a support thread for those of us who have a lot to lose and are in it for the long haul, and everyone is welcome.
    @Kaye -- I'm really pleased to hear that your husband is staying cancer-free.
    @skinnyjeanzbound -- Karen, our main roof is tiled and is just fine (touch wood). But the kitchen roof has glass in it and glass roofs nearly always tend to leak over time (I know that now!). And the other leak is somewhere where some roofing felt has failed on a small flat roof. So I don't think it will be too much -- the issue is finding a roofer with time to do the job at this time of year.
    @cblue315 -- Lori, WELL DONE for exercising so hard! I think exercising is pretty embarrassing for lots of people, even those who look fantastic to us. Just doing it is the main thing.
    @NK1112 -- Niki, my big achievement on the housework front is that I have finally sold my son's Little Tikes police car. He is 14! Why did we not get rid of this years ago? I cleaned it up a bit this morning and the woman who's bought it was thrilled to get it for a good price.
    @NaomiFilcock -- Naomi, welcome back! Gaining a few pounds isn't much in the grand scheme of things (I gained nearly 40 while I was away from here, kicking myself now), but coming back to the thread will help you get on track.

    Today's green smoothie: cauliflower (which I steamed yesterday), banana, dates, dark chocolate, yoghurt. This did work with dark chocolate though melting it is a bit of a faff, and dates to provide the sweetness, but it was too thick. I added loads of water but we still ended up eating it with a spoon. So sort of like having pudding for breakfast. This is a really yummy smoothie though. Not green obviously.

    Welcome newlings! This is a great thread -- check back often and let us know how you're doing.

    I'm off to stay with my folks for a couple of days, and then I'm going to Kent for a couple of days for a bit of a rest. Hope you have great plans for the weekend!

    -- Alison


  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hanging in there with food choices each day, keeping calories under 1200 since Monday.
    Husband home; had eye surgery yesterday so I am nursing pretty much for next three days then he should be pretty much recovered. I forget what tooing and frooing can be. I am getting alot of stair exercise. haha and he looks much better today than yesterday. Good sign!
    Also, last night as we were talking, I mentioned that I had 18 lbs to go on my diet while we were chit chatting over dinner. I don't think I have mentioned that ever in a general non I need to go on a diet conversation. It was very much part of the conversation but not the conversation. This site is helping me so much to be responsible mentally and emotionally and verbally honest with my food choices. I am still inspired by how much weight every one is losing. I know 18 lbs sounds like nothing when compared to what others are doing but I have made it an impossible goal by not facing it squarely before. Thanks you awesome weight losers and otherwise wonderful women.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Hi everyone. I don't have anything new and exciting to report. I am thankful today is already Thursday and the weekend is almost here. Work has been really rough with the high needs of my students. I really need at least 1 if not more aides in my room to deal with all the needs and behaviors. Right now all I can do is keep documenting everything and when we gather enough data we can bring it to the higher ups as our documentation as to why we need the extra staff. It sucks. :'(

    I don't know if I mentioned it but I was trying for a while to get in contact with my boss at district to let her know about the baby and my need for maternity leave. She works in a different building and I rarely see her. She randomly pops into my classroom to check in on the program but I never know when she is coming. When she does arrive I am usually in the middle of teaching or dealing with a behavior so speaking to her then was not an option. I FINALLY got a hold of her yesterday. She was really nice about it and will get back to me after she speaks to personnel regarding maternity leave for me. It was a huge weight lifted off my chest. Now that she is aware I don't feel like I have to hide it so much from my coworkers. It definitely is getting difficult. I have noticed a lot of belly glances when talking to staff in the building. No one has questioned me about it yet though besides the ones I told about it.

    Robin (Ellen) - Thanks for the link to the thread. I did try to get on here at some point (don't remember when) but the forums were down. :'( Love the picture you posted! I agree with what everyone else seems to have said already. I don't really like this new format. This new format will take some time for me to get used to.

    Skinnyjeans - Thanks for the instructions on how to bookmark the thread. :s I love the pictures you posted! You ladies look fabulous!

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @Skinnyjeans - So sad you didn’t score the tickets. Have to admit I didn’t remember having heard Foo Fighter before your mention of them so I looked them up on You Tube, then I had a pleasant time listening to them for far too long. Next time, I’ll let them plan as background music. Are they considered to Punk Rock?

    @BohemianCoast - I’ve decided to write down some of your smoothie recipes … but I only want to make them for 1 person so I’ll have to learn as I go. Enjoy your visit in Kent. That’s a place I have on my bucket list for places to visit someday.

    @Lois_1989 - See, wishes do come true! Hope your dad has a great birthday on Friday.

    @Kah68 - Speaking of Macro’s, Over the past 30 days, I’ve been trying for 45% carb, 30% fat, 25% protein … I often end up with somewhat more carbs and fat, and frequently don’t make my protein goal … guess I need to look closer at my menus.

    @tlh0407 - Glad your puppy is getting on well. I love farm bred or raised dogs. What are ball-jacks? Hope everyone in ND really thinks about this issue from all sides of the coin.

    @Morgori - I made the most wonderful and simple mushroom soup over the week. My mom and dad used to talk about when they knew the mushrooms in their woods and would go mushroom picking. Every time we had mushrooms at a meal, they would start to reminisce about the various varieties they collected and dried for use later in the year.

    @cahf and @ArysMassiel - welcome to the thread, hope you stop by often and enjoy it as much as I do.

    @Lauriek70 - We had a very warm and humid morning on Saturday in Western New York, but it’s been cooling off steadily and rainy every day at one time or another. The colors have turned brilliant in my backyard.

    @soosun - the advise you age Laurie and Tanya was right on. I applaud you.

    @RobinsEgg - Your experience with those “donut holes nicely drizzled with white icing” gave me my morning chuckle. Thanks so much for that. I love it when my day starts on a cheery note.

    @grandmakaye44 - Congratulations on your good news about hour DH and granddaughter. I’m definitely feeling your wish for a bit more weight loss.

    @cblue315 - If it were Wednesday, my wish would be to have your kind of dedication to the fitness routine.

    @NaomiFilcock - You have the answer … and welcome back.

    AFM ... I am so happy today ... Thursday Truth ... I've been struggling to drop into the next lower 10's on my scale and have been so close - yet so far away for months. Today is a doctor checkup appointment for me, and I so wanted to break into the 240's from the 250's I've been sitting in and this morning I came in at 246.8 .... Yippy, 91 more pounds to go and counting down! Knowing my fluctuation tendencies, I don't really expect it will stay at the amount for very long, but I know that one day it will be the high and not the low of those fluctations.

    October Challenge: 10/15


  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    edited October 2014
    YAY! The in-laws are gone, and now I can go back to eating like a sane person!

    I love them to death. They are wonderful people, and insanely generous... but they are kinda picky and just have a much different schedule for their day than I do, so it throws me off and it stresses me out. Stressing equals snacking, and there you go.

    Couple that with pastor appreciation month, and all the treats and dinners out... I'm doing my best not to turn into StayPuft. My pantry/freezer right now contian: a delicious white sheet cake, an even more delicious carrot cake, pumpkin bread, ice cream, chocolate cream drops, what seems like buckets of chili, a chipped beef cheese ball, leftover hamburgers, bags of chips, bottles of soda, white chocolate everything, and a partridge in a pear tree.

    We were treated to Mexican on Tuesday, we're going to another person's house for grilled steaks tonight... OY. I wish I could say "no" to some of these, but I feel like it would be rude, as though I was refusing their appreciation of my husband.

    Today is lots and LOTS of water because I'm all puffy in my extremities (my fingers and ankles, mostly) from too much sodium and not enough water. Trying to fix that today.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @grandmakaye – so happy to hear about your DH cancer-free news update – that is wonderful! And about your GrandDD’s safe arrival in Mexico City- what an experience she will have there – I am awed at the concept of learning Spanish in only 6 weeks – but being totally immersed in a Spanish-speaking city and with Computer-learning now it must be easier! Great purchase with the reflective vest – and I do love those head-lamps rather than holding a flash-light – I even use it at home when looking into my closets – a great purchase! Way to go on opting to try for a 10K – and walking 9 miles yesterday. You WILL get the weight off!
    @skinnyjeans – aww – too bad about not getting in to see the FooFighters – gosh the ticket prices – Mon Dieux! Maybe lurk in the alley behind the venue…… ? Loved your dad’s analogy about the firefighters – great and so true! Sorry about your shoulder – if its trapezius it might take a lo-o-ng time to heal, so be gentle and don’t rush it. I over-stretched my trapezius in my second year of yoga and it took almost a year to heal.
    @CBlue – what the heck are you doing posting so early in the morning – well you said it was a travel day so I suppose you were hitting the road, eh? Congrats on being faithful to your meal planning and sodium watching. Hope your weigh in goes well! Total Body Fitness makes a good fit for you it sounds like as your working out with such good athletes and my-oh-my you doing Jumping Jacks – I’m highly impressed! Keep that up and that slapping sound will turn into applause!
    @Lois – congrats at stopping at one cupcake – what is a “hummingbird cupcake” ? sounds very intriguing. What line of work are you in that you work for your dad – that’s always an interesting situation….. I always wanted to work for my dad but back then, (he worked in the cattle yards and got covered with manure every day) they didn’t let “ladies” work there – times sure have changed.
    @Naomi_Filcock – so glad to see you back again. Missed you. Don’t worry about an 8 lb gain – these things just happen. Life does get out of control and also during your first week honestly its very normal to still be wrestling with control. I think you’re making a valiant, brave try to get back on board AND your going to succeed – just don’t hurry yourself beyond the pace of your OWN LIFE!
    @Kah – watched the storms on the news . Sorry to hear about the shingles but glad to hear how responsive your HOA was about getting on top of the repairs – that’s great! T-7 is also great! Whats your cruise route again? North Atlantic and Boston?
    @LivesToTravel – glad your getting your long walks in – hope you’re enjoying the cooler weather…
    AFM – Shower, wound dressing change, another Doc apt. today and visit from VNA-PT, 3 meals, 3 hot packs to low back, and 1 load of laundry and empty dishwasher and that is my day and I will be pooped. Goal is to drive my own car as soon as possible. Can Not Wait.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Things are trucking along like normal here. My eating has been fairly good all week and I am starting to get back in the exercise flow. The doggies are so happy to be back out in the mornings and then I am doing some hand weights and light calisthenics after we get home. So far so good. The kiddos are both actively looking for new jobs. My son has an interview that sounds very promising for tomorrow so I am keeping my fingers crossed for him. I had a rather stern talk with them at the beginning of the week about helping out a little more around the house and for once it doesnt seem to have fallen on deaf ears. They have both been stepping up and getting stuff done all week without me even asking :D As you all know I babysit my niece and nephew before and after school every day. I have decided I couldnt be a modern parent. Their parents want them to be "well rounded" so they are both in sports and between those and the massive amounts of homework they are getting and thier house chores I am literally watching them get more and more exhausted. When did it become the norm to have every minute of a childs day scheduled. I believe in sports, homework, and chores but everything in moderation. My niece is in 5th grade and gets at least two or more hours of homework every night. I shudder to think of what high school will be like. I dont blame the teachers. Most of it is the stuff the government keeps piling on on top of all the regular course work. Okay rant over. It just makes me so sad to see them so tired by the end of the week. Thank goodness mine are raised. Well everyone have a great day.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited October 2014
    @Robin~I'm at T minus 1.5 hours now (not that I'm counting). :lol: Yes, north Atlantic round trip out of Brooklyn, NY into New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada with stops in Newport, RI; Boston, MA and Bar Harbor, ME along the way. Temps are expected to be in the 50s so going to be a chilly cruise, but relaxing. :relaxed:

    @FeraFilia~Yikes, that is so much food—I can certainly understand your anxiety over the invites. Definitely keep drinking that water to help with the sodium and try to eat smaller portions and you should do okay.

    @Niki~Awesome scale victory, I hope it sticks! :smile:

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @tih – ND is supposed to be an important “swing” state for the upcoming elections because you have an independent on the ballot, apparently….or so I thought I heard. I agree I would also be upset with that “Personhood” Amendment for all the entanglements involved. Did you hear that Facebook and, I think its Apple, that just announced they are including Fertility treatments in their health insurance policies. I think that is wonderful and quite precedent-setting.
    Oil is being argued on both sides here in Nebraska as they are considering laying the Keystone XL pipeline across our underground Aquifer. Many worry about contamination…..
    The big news is Canada is now considering not using it at all but using an existing pipeline across Canada to their own refineries on their East Coast. Smart thinking, Canadians! Keep your revenues inside your own country is a wise move!
    @BohoCoast – the way you describe your smoothies ends up being a visual treat – I can definitely imagine pudding for breakfast!
    @Soosun – glad you broke the conversation barrier – it DOES make one grow to accomplish this weight loss doesn’t it. This journey changes us. We do become more of a whole person. More complete and well-rounded. So glad you enjoy all the divergent people here.
    @J-Nettie – Glad you are able to come clean soon about your maternity with co-workers and planning your maternity leave. Hate it that you need more staff help with your little charges – they are certainly rambunctious! Yes, this new format leaves much to be desired. But they are still making adjustments. Hope a new TIPS page comes soon.
    @NK-Niki – WOOT! Into the 240’s – I’m as happy as you are right now! What a wonderful accomplishment – you earned those losses! Congratulations and WOOT one more time and HAPPY DANCE as well! Hope you have a good appt. with your Dr.
    @FeraFila – oh goodness – well consider it all blessings – and pace yourself as you glance into that freezer – it certainly sounds tempting – maybe you can take out that sheet cake for an event where there are lots of people, hmm? The rest – well, it will last a long time….and winter is around the corner. You can go to those welcoming events – and just eat very slowly – you don’t have to eat everything on your plate – just take a small bite, put your fork down, chew slowly, and then breathe and talk before taking another bite. You will be such a lovely guest in their homes! Have fun!
    @jtconst – good for you for managing your food and getting back into your swing with exercise. Its hard to maintain a pattern when the shift happens and school begins I imagine. Great talk with your kids and great results too! As for your remarks about modern kids, activities and school and home work, I am too out of the loop to comment much but what you say makes good sense.
    @Kah – thanks for the update on your trip – I would love to see every one of those places!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited October 2014
    @Robin. Yes, we have a Libertarian on the ballot for Congress. I've just finished figuring out how I'm going to vote on the measures. I'm still in the research stage when it comes to the "people" I will be voting for so I don't know much about him yet. I haven't seen a single ad by him although he has been involved in the debate. Without getting his name out better, I'm not sure how he's going to pull it off. Unfortunately there are too many people that vote based on hearing a person's name more than another or only vote straight party line. I had a superintendent that my dad used to say would vote for a dog as long as he was registered Republican. HA! It'll be interesting, but ND for the sake of history is a Republican state, but the candidate has been in some hot water here for "disrespecting" the veteran cemetary during an ad campaign. Don't mess with our Vets! Plus we have the son of one of our most beloved governor's running on the Democratic ticket. It should be a close one!

    We were lucky when it came to Infertility. The first two times, Michael was with a company that did have some coverage. We had to cover 20% plus the cost of the donor and the cost of medicine. It was also 14 years ago so costs weren't as high as they are now.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    edited October 2014

    I wasn't expecting such an outpouring of generosity from these folks. We just got here, and they were super generous a month ago when we showed up, but to get gifts all month long? It's just crazy. And they aren't just for my husband, either. A lot of them are addressed to both of us. So very sweet.

    Here's one of my favorites... The runner, napkins, and coasters were made by a member of the congregation. :)

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    OH my Gosh @FeraFila ... those hot pads in your picture ! I have/had a set just like them. I called them my great mandala's. Mine were from the 1960's.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @fera—I was thinking the same thing as robin. Could you host some sort of get-together to use up some of those treats? The fact that you put them in the freezer is brilliant—then you can just thaw small amounts so you don’t get tempted to eat an entire sheet cake in a couple of days. (sounds like something I might do)

    @tracy—yes, these mid-terms are really vital this year. I’ve heard a lot about that “Personhood” proposal—not much of it good. I hope it doesn’t pass as I think it puts too many restrictions on individual rights. I don’t know about other states, but in IL it’s actually state mandated that insurance must cover fertility treatments—including something like 4 tries at IVF. Not sure what the percentage of that coverage is, but I know people’s right to some level of coverage is protected so insurance companies can’t opt out. I wish birth control were similarly mandated. Abortion is such a tricky subject. Nobody is “pro” abortion—no one “wants” an abortion, right? However, I’m firmly against allowing the government too much control in any aspect of private citizens’ lives. I’ve taught too many dystopian novels about that slippery slope, I guess. Brave New World. 1984. Fahrenheit 451.

    I agree with you that too many voters don’t take the time to really research their ballots—and really who has the time? I applaud you for making that effort. Here in IL it’s the governor’s race that is scaring me—and every other public employee. Our current democrat is not a great option as he’s already signed a bill to change our pension agreements (the bill is stayed pending judicial review in the courts—b/c it violates our state constitution). However, the republican is intent on ending all collective bargaining rights of unions. As a teacher/union member it’s a no brainer though not a happy decision.

    Oh and I LOL’d about your son preferring a poke in the eye to writing and reading his poem. That’s about how I feel about reading and grading students’ poetry. I never make my students write it—as Robert Frost said, “that should be one’s own funeral.”

    @kelley—have a great trip!!!

    @tammy—I agree that 2 hours/night is too much for a 5th grader—that’s actually the recommended upper limit for HS students. Also, I totally agree about kids being overscheduled. I think a lot of it is due to competitiveness getting into college, and even more so getting scholarships to be able to afford college. That sad part is that so many kids get into college with the money to pay and then can’t handle the academics b/c they spent so much time in extra-curriculars instead of studying.

    @robin—one of my friends is planning to go down there to see if she can catch a glimpse of the band and wants me to join her. I honestly would except I have to proctor the PSAT early Saturday morning. If I had gotten tickets to the show, I would have found a replacement. But it doesn’t seem worth giving up the proctoring fee on the very slight chance of a Foo sighting. Being a responsible adult sucks sometimes. <sigh>

    @niki—Foo Fighters are considered Alternative Rock or Grunge, but were heavily influenced by some punks groups like the Pixies and the Melvins. If you are new to their music, The Color and the Shape is by far their best album. Congrats on getting into the 240s—and I view it the same way; today’s low end of our weight range turns into the high end if we just keep at it.

    @nettie—so sorry you aren’t getting the aides you need. I have a friend who works special ed in Chicago and is in a similar boat. She has a student who is truly a danger to himself and others, but all she can do is document, document, document.

    @naomi—welcome back!!!

    Sorry for those I missed--I'll catch you on the next round.

    Thursday Truth:
    I'm doing pretty good with calories, but exercise has been abysmal this week. Also, I have been slacking about grading as well--just seem to have lost my mojo this week. I was thinking I might be getting sick, but now I just think it was my week of the month to be tired and lazy. Other than proctoring a test Saturday morning, I've got no weekend plans, so will devote lots of time to both the gym and grading.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 3/67 AP essays
    2. there's more, but I refuse to acknowledge it until I put a decent dent in those essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--rest day
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner NOT DONE—RAIN
    Tues--walk gunner (maybe--late meeting) NOT DONE—MORE RAIN
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--rest day

    October Challenge:
    Days under calories = 11/15
    Days >100g of protein = 7/15

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Soosun- I am just looking for a nice guy to do things with and have fun. If something more develops fantastic if not, I will get over it. I have joined some groups but funny enough most of the members are females. Thanks for the advice.

    Robin- Glad the wound vac is done.

    Kelley- Have a great trip, weather is improving in the area.

    Nettie- Happy that the new is out at work for you.

    Karen- Hope your shoulder continues to improve.

    Tlh- 2-3 hours of homework for a 5th grader is way to much. I would think 1 hour would be enough. The 8th graders I teach have less homework than that only about 1 hour a night and that is mostly math and language arts (reading). I give homework occasionally but they should review their notes nightly.

    My wishes did not come true. I came home from work last night was was exhausted so decided to stay home and rest. I did swim tonight so that felt good. I heard from the guy today. It is a no- go for lunch tomorrow unless something changes. At least he mentioned doing something next week. I had to say no to lunch since I don’t get to escape again and I explained why. He works for a major company and is a high up employee so he does not have complete control of his schedule. He could not say for certain that he could leave work or what time. Next week will most likely be out for me in the evening since my nights are filling up quickly with meetings. I am going to have some fun during the week as well so not all work and no play.

    Looking forward to getting caught up at work tomorrow and I will go out to lunch with the other teachers instead. Now, I get to take a walk to lunch and back for a .5 mile total.

    Have a great day.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Just a quick fly-by tonight. I've basically been figuring out outfits tonight and starting to get things together. My trainer wasn't feeling well so canceled, if he feels better tomorrow we're going to make up today's session in the afternoon. Otherwise, I will be packing and getting ready for my 6am flight on Saturday. :sleeping:

    I'll miss everyone and checking in, have a great week--"see" you soon!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Pictures of the baby goats at Kinder Farm Park. All of the goats were born within the past week. The one goat had triplets.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member

    The baby in the above photo was just born in the last day. These are the triplets.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited October 2014
    Oh Laurie - those baby goats are so cute! You got to me - the big oooohhh moment! <3
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    October logging and counting -- 10/17 -- OK, so I weighed myself this morning and my weight is not going in the right direction! It turns out that getting up at 7am to make everyone smoothies is messing up my day. So I'm recommitting today, like you do. Today's green smoothie was grapefruit, pineapple, banana, lettuce, cucumber and yoghurt, and was very fresh and delicious. A very pale yellow green; I need more spinach.

    A slightly stressful morning today because we're driving up to my parents' house (it's a 3 hour drive) straight after school, which means we have to pick my girl up from her school, which means she had to pack a bag, but her bf came round last night so she did not do *anything*. No chores, no packing. So we've had a wild morning, and the kitchen looks like a tornado went through it. I've gently explained to my family that if I get up in the morning and the kitchen still looks the way it did the moment we got up from dinner there are not going to be any more smoothies.

    Friday fitness -- I'm still being a bit of a couch potato. October's a difficult month for that.

    @JNettie73 -- Nettie, I remember the stress of not letting co-workers know I was expecting. And I was super sick too, especially the first time. A long time ago now!
    @jtconst -- Tammy, my kids were relatively unstructured (my son still only has one after-school club and one activity) but my daughter's life still got very very full from when she was about 15 on. It's a big task for her to juggle everything. But my son's definitely getting a lot of homework too (equiv of first year of high school). He doesn't do it, mind.
    @NK1112 -- Niki, what a thrill on the scales!
    @FeraFilia -- I guess the congregation is just thrilled that your husband is there to minister to them -- and you should invite people round to eat all those sweet treats. What a lovely table setting!
    @skinnyjeanzbound -- Karen, the issue I have with homework is that the teachers say how long it's meant to take. But sometimes those estimates are off, and sometimes my kids find the tasks much harder than the teacher thought they would. And both of them are inclined to leave things to the very last minute and then find it's half an hour till bedtime and they've got 2 hours work to do! Extra-curriculars do affect whether you get a university offer here, and my daughter has a reasonable set, but really it's all about the grades because everyone takes standard exams. She's predicted top grades so she will get offers from top universities.
    @Lauriek70 -- Laurie, Renaissance Guy is playing hard to get, isn't he? Hopefully you can work something out next week sometime. I'm seeing 3 copies of the same baby goat I think rather than triplets?

    So, yesterday I actually did quite a lot of a couple of courses, and watched the apple event (I am *so sad*) and put Yosemite on this machine (I really want the mac/iPad handoff features to work). And today I want to plan next week and catch up on all my commitments because I have three different short trips in the next two weeks.

    And now the weekend! Hope yours is a great one!

    -- Alison

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited October 2014
    @RobinsEgg - A Hummingbird cupcake is the most amazing cupcake EVER. They are called Hummingbird because they are designed (if that is the right terminology) by the Hummingbird Bakery They do have cook books out but they are devilishly good :smiling_imp: They do pies and cakes and breads. I have a feeling they are only in England though. I've only ever seen their bakery's in London and they have the occasional day where the first 100 people of the day will get a free cupcake. :smile:
    My dad has a company which services and maintains Fire Sprinkler systems. (You know when there is a fire and water comes from the ceiling). And we look after buildings in London and the surrounding area. I'm mostly admin, but if I behave and I'm up-to-date with my work I'm allowed out with the engineers :mrgreen: To complicate it even more, my dad employed my partner after he was made redundant. So it is a proper family company. No escape. Once your in, you never leave. ha ha.

    I'll come back later to finish.