Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Kelley…My in-laws live in CT and they said the trees, while they turned early, are still pretty. Enjoy it. I love the fall weather and we’ve been having some great temps here in ND – 50’s to 70’s. PERFECT!!!

    @NK1112…great idea. So far, he seems to get the idea of where we want him to go when he’s outside just sometimes he starts in random places. He’s always within sight so we grab him mid-pee and take him to the spot outside. We’re also working on getting him used to his leash. Getting better all the time…I’d say by the end of the week, we should actually be able to take him on a walk without him fighting it. He was born on a farm so these city noises really startle him and heaven knows cement freaks him out.

    @Lois…I do try to look for the little things. Nothing I love better than a beautiful sunset – my kids get sick of me pointing them out. Losing 0.8 lbs is not a fail – great job on a loss at all!

    @GrandmaKaye…yes, we are definitely kennel training. He actually feels pretty comfortable in there and will run upstairs when he’s ready for a break. We try to keep him out and play with him in spurts throughout the day. Luckily, I work from home so I can put him in the kennel and just let him out to go potty etc.

    @Robin…congrats on being WoundVac free! And thank you for the quote…that’s wonderful. Jacob has used the Ted talks for school from time to time. He even was so excited about one topic that he’s tagged it for me to listen to later.

    @Tanya…sorry to hear about your break up. From my own experience (separated from my husband for two years while he figured out he was an alcoholic and fixed it) you will have great days and bad days. There will be some mornings you wake up with a headache because you cried yourself to sleep. But the great days will get more numerous as you go. My friends all felt helpless but I explained to them that I thought about it so much that sometimes I just needed them to distract me.

    @Karen…the entire state closes down school for teacher’s convention. They have workshops that the teacher’s can attend to get credits toward their “license” (I know that’s not the right word, but I hope you get what I mean). Even subs go. They did that when I was a kid too. The “new to me” thing is this comp day for teacher parent conferences, but… It seems like we have so many days off. I’m just glad my kids are old enough for me to not have to find a babysitter during those days – that was tough! Now I’m even madder about the BOE and the insurance cuts…ridiculous! Foo Fighters – fun!

    AFM…I didn’t make the wisest choices for food yesterday but I stayed within my calorie goal. After the couple months I’ve had, I’m calling that a win…One thing at a time. I also did better on my water goal – still not where I need it to ultimately be but more than the day before. We did our trainer work out last night (we are no longer with a trainer, but my sister and I have all the workouts written down so we’re going back through them). We were doing ball-jacks and when I went to get a weighted ball, they had 5 or 8, which I usually use. So I grabbed the 12. Boy was it hard, but I did it! I also realized that if you stop doing full push ups, you suck at them. I was supposed to do 20 but I got to 10 and had to take a break. Two more and another break etc. But I ultimately got all 20 done. Second time through I only got 8 and had to switch to knees.

    Wednesday Wish: That my kids don’t annoy me too much during the day while they are home for the next three days and I’m working. Jacob is 13 and I swear the only time he talks to me is to say “I’m hungry” or “What’s for supper.”
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy National Mushroom Day
    National Mushroom Day pays tribute to the famous fungi with over 14,000 different varieties (depending on the definition of what is considered a "mushroom"). While some mushrooms are highly poisionous if eaten, a number of others are commonly eaten. Edible mushrooms are a versatile food that can be stuffed, breaded, grilled or sauteed and can be eaten with a wide range of foods including salad, eggs, spaghetti and pizza. Some mushrooms like morels can sell for between $12-$40 per pound, while some varieties of truffle can sell for over $1,000 per pound. Mushrooms even have their very own website

    “Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin feels.” ~Unknown

  • cahf
    cahf Posts: 137 Member
    Hi, I don't know what this is but I'd love to be a part of it too if that is possible. I've now lost 20 lbs but have 80 to go..... I'm doing it very slowly - the last 2 pounds took over a month to come off! But I'm trying to make healthy changes I can live with forever.
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    Have a Great Day :)
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    @tlh0407 - wow. I can't even do one full push up, I always go for knees so 20 makes you superwoman right now!

    @Morgori - I looooove mushrooms! Of all kinds! Button, stuffed, garlic, breaded, chestnut mmmmmm might have to treat myself to some now...

    @cahf - Welcome! The main aim of the game for October is to keep within your calorie boundaries for the month. But we share and care and help each other along the way :smile:
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I have been watching the news about Texas and the ebola thing and it is scary. Being a nurse I can relate to the things nurses have talked about. It does still seem that there are so many things about it that are confusing. Scary though. Makes me almost want to be back out there on the lines. I have been fighting off the desire to order a pizza for the last two days. I am so stressed and in the past it has been my comfort food. I do realize that I would feel rotten if I did though. I satisfied myself with extra butter on my boiled potatoes. It felt good to get through another day unscathed. At least in the past week I have not gone up in weight but have remained the same.
  • phalarope , I guess this is me saying Hello anyone. Need all the support and motivation I can get.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    HI all, it is a very rainy and humid day in Maryland today. I truly don't want to exercise or go to the gym. I should be on my way from work but a co-worker and I are going over a lab for next week. I just don't want another very late night. I hope that by the time I leave here the rain will have slacked off. This weather makes me want to snack so I am trying to keep myself busy until we go over this lab.

    Wish-I have a couple- one that I feel like exercising tonight-weather needs to change so I can get motivated. Two that I do get to have lunch with the guy on Friday. IF I stay at school long enough, I might just go to the pool before heading home and get the workout done.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    kateirving wrote: »
    I have been fighting off the desire to order a pizza for the last two days. I am so stressed and in the past it has been my comfort food. I do realize that I would feel rotten if I did though.

    Stay Strong @Kateirving ... I too have been craving pizza and actually went to the computer to order one from Papa John's when I looked at the mail and there was a WackyWed special for $3.00 off .... I did not order it. Instead, I made myself a big salad of spring mix greens, a 4 oz tomato, a cup of cucumbers, celery ... and apple cider vinegar over it. Not what I originally wanted ... but it feels good to feel virtuous, doesn't it.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Dear Laurie and Tanya,

    What are your goals relationship wise. I just remember thinking one year, I really want to move onto a permanent relationship and get married this year. So I only spent my free time doing things pretty much that put me in that venue. Dances, singles groups and activities, I guess now I would try speed dating groups and activities; my son goes to those and loves them. And the guy who said maybe, I might have said work, should have been a gentleman and given you a direct answer either, sorry, not in my schedule, or great, what time; or I am busy but what about another date. Don't let people leave you hanging in the air, Lady. You are both in pain and that lets you know your are alive, but decide what you are looking for and pursue that and make your lemonade. You both sound like lovely women with great personalities, so use them for someone who is looking for someone like you; that person is out there, you just have to put your antenna up! Good luck and I send you hugs for your pain and assurance that it will pass and life will offer you more. Just keep busy and have fun while you are doing it. Great that you changed up your environment to cheer you up.
    Working on measurements and low carbs and sugar.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @KateIrving - I'm not a big fan of Halloween either scared of zombies, etc. The cute stuff is OK but don't see much of that anymore. I was surprised to receive 2 Halloween cards this week! I can't answer most of your nutrition questions - but regarding the facial peel, I've had one a long time ago and found its help only temporary. I wonder if the pain and redness you will have after will be worth the expense. The topical facial creams offered now by cosmetics companies that purport to make brown spots fade may work just as well - I think they might be worth the try.
    - Also, I have very thin hair and wore it too long and finding a good short haircut, the right light mousse and plenty of light hair spray, used in layers 5 min apart gave me tremendous volume and loads of compliments. And I wished I'd done it 15 years earlier.

    @Soosun - thanks for the "Justification" posting - great thought to post where a person can see daily.
    @Tanya - I'm so glad you have family and distraction. Moving upstairs into a real bedroom sounds so enjoyable. Can you believe I once shared MY bed with a washer/dryer too? It is weird! Be gentle to your Neck!
    @skinny - somehow I missed what is hurting you so I just hope you don't have to see the Doc and I Do hope you get to see the Foo Fighters up close and personal. An intimate venue of a performance is unbelievably cool. I have seen one that way and its a favorite memory of mine. FINGERS CROSSED FOR YOU!.
    @BohoCoast-Alison - hoping for a dry winter for you too and cheap roofer as well!
    @Lois - thanks for sharing your tip on how to edit these posts! I could not figure it out!
    @Kah - Kelley - I saw the 2nd Nurse with Ebola from Dallas was just transferred to Emory Hospital. I think thats a good move for everyone. I share feelings with RN's in your hospital that they were not trained at the time of this situation and were under-supplied and are currently not well enough informed nationwide. Only a few hospitals are prepared currently and patients need to be sent to those.
    It falls to City and County Health Officials country-wide to step up and set their own protocols and be ready to adjust them as the CDC makes it adjustments through-out the course of this epidemic.
    Enough of that. I'm so glad you get to sail off on a grand adventure soon!
    @tih - my sis is going thru pup training too so I sent you a message about it!
    @Morgori - nix on bugs but yay for the 'shrooms - love them on everything! Seems like free, free, free calories!
    @cahf - hi there and welcome - yep this is a great conversation of helpful people. We keep our eye on the bottom line - which is trying to keep our calories less than what we burn each day and we encourage each other so come back often and say what you will!
    @Mrs.Morgori - Hi Back atcha! I just gotta say, I just love your picture - it brings a smile to my face every time I see it!
    @ArysMassiel - welcome - so glad you've joined in the conversation - yep things got confusing in the last couple days so we all have had a hard time finding our way back to this changed format but so glad you've joined in! We are here to support and motivate you!
    @Laurie - in my head, I'm chanting "Pool, pool,pool" over and over for you! I do agree somewhat with what Soosun says about not waiting on that guy who said "maybe on Friday" .... to me that puts you at a disadvantage and all the power in his hands. It leaves you hanging with a chance of a disappointment and a chance of well, showing you like him too much by being overly-excited if he does contact you for lunch. Be coolish....if he does call for lunch - and best of luck.
    Working up my distance walking with cane and back stretching exercises. Still cant reach any bottom drawers or floor but have a reacher. Also watching my intake - for some reason appetite fell off over the weekend and stayed off til friend showed up today with donut holes nicely drizzled with white icing. ....I didn't want to hurt her feelings.... but when she left she left the box......oh my!
    Resistance is Futile!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Yesterday was our semi-annual appointment with the urologist who did DH kidney cancer removal. He is still cancer free. Always happy for that news.
    Other good news of the day is that our granddaughter's mission has begun. She arrived safely at the missionary training center in Mexico City this afternoon. She will be there for 6 weeks learning Spanish. Then she will transfer to her mission area in Utah. We are so excited for her.
    Laurie, I have to second Soosun about the guy. I was feeling uneasy about the way he left you hanging, but Soosun said it best.
    I'm still just hanging in there. I signed up to walk a 10K in February. I'm pretty sure it will be a one-time thing. 5K seems long enough for walking most of the time. I did get a total of 9 miles today, 5.5 this evening. I invested in a reflective vest and a head lamp so I can safely walk after dark.
    Wednesday wish: Just still hoping I will be able to lose a little more weight.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!
    Alas, my Foo Fighters adventure was not meant to be—neither me nor any of my friends were able to score tickets. I have several friends in the ticket business who could get me one—but the best price so far was $875. Quite the deal considering they are going for over $1000 on some scalping sites. Yikes—that’s a little pricey for me! At least I can say I’ve seen them in concert in the past, and hope to at some point in the future as well.

    @robin—Yes, an intimate venue with FF would have been amazing. Of course, everyone else on the planet felt the same way, so the 600 or so tickets sold out in minutes. Glad you got your wound vac removed and are recovering overall. My shoulder and neck have been bothering me for several weeks. I believe I put something out of whack lifting a too-full backpack at the start of the school year. Donut holes are yummy!

    Oh, and I agree 100% with you about how the ebola situation should be handled. I saw something on the news that said only 4 facilities in the US are truly prepared for it, and my dad and I were talking just last night about how they should send all cases to those hospitals. That’s not to suggest, in any way, that the health care workers at other hospitals aren’t skilled professionals. However, they just all haven’t been trained and drilled at handling this type of contagion. My dad gave a great analogy: it’s like if a group of firefighters from a rural community were brought in to fight a fire in a skyscraper—they just don’t have the training and experience for such a job—even if they are excellent firefighters.

    @niki & kate—great job resisting that pizza!

    @laurie—I missed the post about the reply from Ren-guy. Hope it all works out for you. The weather here has been cold and rainy for the past few days. Hoping for some sunshine soon.

    @amy—you too!

    @tom—Love, love, love mushrooms! I agree with robin—so much goodness for so few calories!

    @tracy—great job getting back to your trainer workouts. Yes, push-ups are tough when you’re out of practice—I should know! LOL We also have a comp day for parent/teacher conferences. The contract calls for it to make up for the 2 nights we stay late to meet with parents. Ours is always the day before Thanksgiving which our parent community loves b/c they can travel to visit with families for the holiday. Although we don’t have any days off to go to state or privately run conferences, our Regional Office of Ed mandates we have five institute days. These are non-attendance days for students and our district office schedules professional development that can go towards out certification renewal requirements. Sounds similar to your convention day.

    @kelley—the shoulder is feeling a bit better, so I will keep with the aleve for the time-being. Can’t believe your vaca is just a couple of days away!

    @lois—I’ve seen the Foos once a few years ago and they were absolutely incredible! I was very jealous when they played the Invictus Games out in your neck of the woods. They also did a few very cool looking club concerts in London in the days following the games.

    @alison—I hope you get good news from the roofer. We had ours replaced a couple of years ago, and though it was a big expense, it brought great peace of mind.
    AFM—as mentioned above my Wednesday Wish didn’t come true, but I will survive. Today was a lot of odds and ends at work, so no papers graded there. After work, I was feeling very tired and lazy and it was too cold and drizzly to take gunner for a walk. After work, I spent about 30 minutes debating gym vs. grading. Ultimately, grading won b/c I was just physically tired. However, I only got to one more essay b/c I got very caught up trying to analyze a Dante sestina that I need to teach to my AP students tomorrow. Poetry is hard!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 3/67 AP essays
    2. 30/30 punctuation quiz corrections DONE

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--rest day
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner NOT DONE—RAIN
    Tues--walk gunner (maybe--late meeting) NOT DONE—MORE RAIN
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--rest day

    October Challenge:
    Days under calories = 10/14
    Days >100g of protein = 6/14
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Thursday Truth - Today is a travel day for me. I do not always make good choices, however tomorrow is weigh in day so I have motivation. I will watch my sodium this week so hopefuly things will go well. I have most of my food planned but lunch is dicey as they are providing.

    Had a great time in Total Body Fitness class this week. This is a group of hardcore athletes. We do timed training. This week we were doing jumping jacks and I heard this "flapping' sound and realized it was my rolls slapping together. Total embarrasment then realized that was exactly the place I needed to be to do something about it. I am by far the largest person in the class but I do go every week and I seem to be making progress.

    @Robin - Yea on the wound vac!
    @GrandmaKaye - How wonderful for your grandaughter, I hope it turns out to be the experience of a lifetime for her.

    Happy Bosses Day to all the Bosses and those who have a Boss wether you like them or not.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    cblue315 wrote: »
    Happy Bosses Day to all the Bosses and those who have a Boss whether you like them or not.
    My dad is my boss... I don't really have a choice ha ha!! I might let him know, He could ask for a cake though... then I'll be in trouble.

    @cblue315 - How strategic of you! That is a great way of motivating yourself on the days that could be difficult.

    @skinnyjeanzbound - I've never seen the Foos and unless it's a massive advertisement in front of me, I never think of seeing when they are touring. I normally do a music festival once a year, I get my live music fix that way. :smiley:

    @grandmakaye44 - It is always good to hear the words 'cancer free' I hope it stays that way!

    @RobinsEgg - I'm happy to hear you are on your path to recovery, a little bit at a time. :smile:

    Thursday Truth - I am going to put yesterday as over my calories day. Even though I had 4 calories left, my carbs were sky high and so was my fat (my boyfriends sister made hummingbird cupcakes :confounded: I only had the one, but after seeing they were 350 calories per cupcake, I kept it as one)

    October Challenge: 14/16

    FRIDAY TOMORROW!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone! Long time since i last visited. My Thursday truth is that I've been away from here 4 months and have gained 4 kg/8lb approx. I've been back for 4 days and have been completely out of control, but logging everything. Please don't look at my diary, it is seriously embarrassing! While I have been out of control, by logging i am seeing the truth of how I've been eating and will therefore have to hold myself responsible for what goes in my mouth.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi everyone! Long time since i last visited. My Thursday truth is that I've been away from here 4 months and have gained 4 kg/8lb approx. I've been back for 4 days and have been completely out of control, but logging everything. Please don't look at my diary, it is seriously embarrassing! While I have been out of control, by logging i am seeing the truth of how I've been eating and will therefore have to hold myself responsible for what goes in my mouth.

    Welcome back! See it more of a way of gaining perspective and seeing where you can improve and tweak your diet so that it works best for you. Try not to punish yourself for the past. I must say I've heard of bigger blow outs than 8lbs, 2lb a month isn't SO bad. I'm sure you can lose it faster than you gained it. :wink:

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~I’m sorry about the FF tix. :sob: I agree with your dad wholeheartedly, it’s a tough situation and now the hospital is short-staffed because of the 70+ nurses/medical staff that is being monitored. What’s interesting about those 4 CDC licensed facilities is that they only have 19 beds among them—given the circumstances and what the future could hold for Ebola or other infectious diseases, I think hospital staff around the country needs to be properly equipped and receive CDC training. I’m on the countdown—T minus 7 hours until vacay. :lol:

    @Kaye~Hooray for DH clean bill of health! :heart:

    @Alison~Hope everything works out okay with the roof repair. We had some bad storms thru here on Sunday night and I lost a lot of shingles—I have a townhome and live in homeowner’s association community so my dues cover the roof, they had roofers out here the next day to repair it.

    @Naomi~Welcome back, we’ve all been there—the fact that you kept logging is amazing!

    @Losi~Yep, today is boss’s day. Yesterday, I placed an order to a local place that bakes and delivers warm cookies :cookie:—so my boss with have those to enjoy this afternoon (I may have to steal one). :blush:

    AFM~Busy, busy, busy—but housework DONE! :relieved: Been looking at the weather for next week, the good news is that Hurricane Gonzalo should be ahead of us and will hopefully weaken once it hits those cold Atlantic waters. It’s going to be chilly though so may have to rethink my packing strategy! :lol: I do have a session with my trainer tonight, I’m sure he’ll work me over pretty good since I won’t see him for a week. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member

    @kah - Hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise. Looks like the weather in Boston is going to be perfect and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    @laurie - Sorry to hear about your friend's Mom. It's hard to see people you care about go through the loss of their parents.

    @bohemiancoast - I'm coming to accept the new format, but to make it near impossible for people to post from iPads is ridiculous! Maybe they'll work out the kinks.

    @susan - Keep up the good work at Boot Camp!!!

    @tlh - Your daughter and your puppy..... Two cuties!

    @skinnyjeanz - Sorry you didn't get tickets. I swear the scalpers get most of them these days.

    AFM - It's been a crazy work week, so not much else going on. Still taking a long early morning walk every day and it sure is getting cool at 6:45!

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday Truth…yesterday wasn’t very good. Not good at all!
    @Lois…When I started working out with my trainer, I did two full push ups and that was it. It was impressive how quickly I was able to do more (as my trainer said ). Now please note that my nose doesn’t get anywhere near touching the floor, but I’m working on it.
    @Laurie…I hope your wishes come true.
    @Robin…thanks for the info. I, too, don’t love Halloween. I make sure my kids have always had a costume and I take them trick or treating, but I certainly don’t get into it like others do. I have a sister that LOVES it and her house is decked out and she does costume parties. My sister in law was upset that her son has an October 29 birthday instead of October 31. I’m glad they have fun with it, but it’s just not my cup of tea.
    @GrandmaKaye…Whoop! Whoop! “cancer free” is great to hear.
    @Karen…my son will agree with the poetry is hard. He HATES it! He’s ready to get to the grammar part instead of the poetry/literature part of the semester. He loves to read, but hates to write and that’s what they are doing right now. He had to write a poem, memorize it and present it to the class. He’s rather have been poked in the eye.
    @cblue315…OMG I chuckled at your story about class. I hate jumping jacks because I’m very large chested and no matter what I do, they still bounce. HAHA!
    @Naomi…welcome back! I’m on day 4 after a while away too. We can do this!!
    @Kelley…have a wonderful trip! I’m glad you got your housework done…nothing better than coming home to a clean house. I will wish calm waters for you.

    AFM… Last night, both kids and I had activities at church from 6-8. While we were waiting for my son to get done with confirmation and youth group, another Mom and I were discussing our upcoming elections. ND has more big ticket items on the ballot than I’ve ever seen in my 23 years of voting. Right now the one that is so important to me is the “Personhood” measure being offered. It would make us the most conservative state in regards to abortion. But the wording is so vague that it would also put the Infertility Clinics/Doctors in such a position they would no longer be able to offer certain Infertility treatments and it would nullify Living Wills. As someone who had to go through infertility to get pregnant with my son, it is devastating to me that this measure would make couples that can’t conceive naturally either give up hopes of having children or require them to spend so much money on travelling to other states to do so. It’s not a cheap process to begin with and then to have to cover travel costs makes me just want to cry for them.

    But we also cover Shared parenting, Oil tax revenues that would affect farming in ND, adding more taxes to sales of homes, pharmacy requirements and school start dates. Talk about some polarizing issues. I’ve watched so many cat fights on Facebook it’s ridiculous. My hope is that people do some research before voting – the descriptions always look right but the repercussions could be major. Like the oil tax revenues...”Redirect some of the state’s oil tax revenues to conservation efforts” Conservation is important to us all so nobody disagrees with that right??? But when you look deeper there are severe impacts to the farming communities. YIKES! Wish us North Dakotans luck!! 

    Bigger rant than I thought it would be, but I sit at home and don’t have co-workers, so you are all my outlet. Thanks for reading (or skipping over it if you like ).