Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    tlh0407 wrote: »

    PS. Can someone tell me how to find this thread again? I used to be able to go to my discussions and click on it, but that seems to have changed. I had to do a search for "Robin's Thread" both times.

    The Thread is under the Category Motivation and Support from the Community link ... When you find it on the pages for Motivatin and Support, notice there is a blank star between the discussion title and Started By ... click that star and it will turn yellow. Then, the next time you want to enter RobinsEgg's thread, just look for that dimly yellowed star ... I always start from the Community and Category link and find it very easily.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump. I'm getting behind again. Sigh.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, yesterday was another delightful family day, but a bust on calories. Congratulations to those who stuck with it over the weekend.
    Tlh, welcome back. You've really been through a lot. I hope you enjoy your new dog. That's quite a switch from a miniature Chihuahua.
    Chules, your little guy is gorgeous.
    After you bookmark the thread in the motivation and support section, when you go to the community page, a little bar shows up on the upper right side of the page. Click on othe star in that bar. It should lead right to where you left off on this thread.
    Have a good day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Happy Monday to all!
    @Bohemiancoast - Love your smoothies! Good job getting the whole family in on the healthy opportunities.
    @Lois - I have many knitting projects in a large bag in the back of the closet. I make a mistake, I give up and it goes in the bag. I applaud your tenacity.
    @skinnyjeanzbound - My husband is a retired union officer. I feel for you. Good luck, I hope cool heads prevail.

    AFM - Went seriously off the tracks food wise yesterday. It started out well and did my Sunday mega workout. Then went clothes shopping. Came home and ate my way through about 600 extra calories. No, I did not log it. I just can't fess up to that with the trainer. I am admitting it here where I have more support and a lot less judgement.
    I did manage to find two pairs of pants and 5 tops, so I am good for the next 20 pounds anyway. Last weekend I bought a winter coat 1 size too snug. I plan to be able to button it by Thanksgiving.

    October challenge
    Food - 10 good days, 1 just over day, 1 terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
    Fitness - Completed all planned workouts and added extra cardio when I felt like it.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    After you bookmark the thread in the motivation and support section, when you go to the community page, a little bar shows up on the upper right side of the page. Click on othe star in that bar. It should lead right to where you left off on this thread.
    Have a good day. Onward and downward. Kaye

    Thanks for that tip Kaye ... I don't have a little bar on the PC on the Community Page, but there was a star and when I clicked on it, I saw that Robins Thread was bookmarked .... so easy!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lori--yes, we have a relatively good relationship with our board of ed; however, they are VERY tight with the budget. It's a good thing, in that our district is in the black with a decent surplus for emergencies, but bad in that they are stingy about raises. A nearby school district is currently on strike and their BOE canceled their health insurance. Talk about mean-spirited and underhanded. There are people undergoing cancer treatment, about to give birth, etc--and now they have to negotiate a mountain of paperwork to ensure their COBRA is lined up before they need medical care. I don't believe our BOE would resort to that kind of a pressure tactic, but I'm also knocking on wood as I type that.

    In the great scheme of things 600 calories isn't that much. I'm not sure what kind of deficit your goal calories are set at, but if it's for a 2 lb loss/week, you are still at a 400 calorie deficit for the day. If it's a 1 lb loss/week, you are only 100 calories over maintenance. Perspective.

    @kaye--why oh why os ot so hard to stay under calorie whenever we have family get togethers or big social events? I have a hard time getting family and friends to engage in social activities that don't revolve around food and drink.

    @niki--my weight also fluctuates quite a bit from day to day. In fact, I'm really surprised if I step on the scale to find I'm the same exact weight as yesterday. That's why I only check in my weight here on MFP if the scale drops below my previous lowest weight. Others like to track the ups and downs to look for patterns. I already know what my pattern is: eat salty high carb foods and the scale goes up; eat low-sodium, high protein foods and the scale goes down.

    @L2T--don't avoid us!! I find it gets easier the more I use the new format. I've also taken to just typing my post in a word doc while toggling between 2 tabs. Then I avoid any loss of personals.

    @tracy--welcome back! So sorry about the loss of your dog, but congrats on the new pup!

    @soosun--everyone deserves a rest day now and then.

    @lois--another thing I wanted to mention about the achilles tendonitis--I remember that was when I discovered that I could no longer wear extremely flat-soled shoes, like ballet flats. I need something with at least a slight heel and good arch support to avoid a flare up. I also now have custom orthotics due to a bought of plantars faciitis which also help. Glad the exercises kelley recommended are helping.

    @alison--thanks for the support. Yes, I probably know "what" to do, it's just a matter of doing it. I met my lowered calorie goal yesterday even after a big calorie burn, and I was only slightly hungry (probably psychological) when I went to bed last night. I was tempted to grab a cracker or 6, but then I decided I wouldn't die if I went to bed with a teensy rumble in my stomach. Get what? I lived through the night. ;)

    @chulis--Yes--conchas!! That's what all of the Spanish speaking adults called them. I agree, they are difficult to resist.

    Monday Check-in:
    As mentioned above to alison (Boho), I made it through my 1st day of my lowered calorie goal. Today, it is damp and rainy so no walk this morning for gunner this morning. I have a salon appt this afternoon, so maybe it will clear up this afternoon. I slept in a bit later than planned so didn't make it to the gym, but I'm okay with that. This body is probably in more need of sleep than exercise.

    I'm currently at starbucks and should be grading, but am procrastinating here instead. I will take my grading into the salon and hope to get a paper or two done while under the heater.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/67 AP essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--rest day
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner
    Tues--walk gunner (maybe--late meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner+ gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--rest day

    October Challenge:
    Days under calories = 8/11
    Days >100g of protein = 6/11
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    To my friends to the north


    Have a great celebration, eh!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @L2T--don't avoid us!! I find it gets easier the more I use the new format. I've also taken to just typing my post in a word doc while toggling between 2 tabs. Then I avoid any loss of personals.

    I'm going to do that too from now on. I was on my iPad and used the two arrows in the upper right corner of the text box to expand it to the entire page. But, when you do that, the Post Reply button is not there. So I clicked on the two arrows again to get it back and when the text box shrank back, it deleted all but a few lines of my reply. Grrrrrr.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~I’m so sorry that your shoulder is giving you continued pain, I hope you can get a referral to a chrio from your PCP soon.

    @Lois~I’m SO glad the stretching and exercises are helping with your Achilles and calf! :grinning:

    @Tracy~Welcome back! You’ve been through a lot the last couple of months, I’m sorry for the loss of your dog—losing a pet is so hard. :cry: Sounds like you have your hands full with a new puppy.

    @L2T~Don’t give up hope, the forum changes are frustrating but we’ll get used to it over time. :anguished: Similar to Karen, I type everything out in Word first and then cut/paste onto MFP.

    @Niki~Weight can fluctuate so much day to day—depending on how much sodium you’ve had, etc. Its frustrating, that’s for sure.

    AFM~Not much to report, had kind of a strange day yesterday and it ended up getting busy with a run to the mall and then a session with my trainer. This week is busy too, working late hours in the hope of getting my desk cleaned off before vacation—also trying to finish up housework. I WILL keep sessions with my trainer though. :sweat_smile: Vacation officially begins on Friday and I fly to NYC very early Saturday morning—counting the minutes! :lol:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley-Enjoy the early morning flight to NYC and have a great time on vacation.

    Skinny- My district did have school today, Columbus day is not a holiday for us. The kids have a break on Friday due to the MD state teachers convention. I am lucky that my principal is giving us the day to catch up on the tasks that need to be done.

    Tom- We had a professional development session on building your memory skills. Lots of games for the brain.

    tlh- Welcome back.

    Had a good session with my trainer tonight- ran 2 miles, then did some core work and walked with a friend when done.

    A friend's mom passed away this weekend, the best thing is she now at peace.

    Have a great day. Need to head to bed as it is getting late.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    October logging and counting -- 10/14 -- yesterday was kinda dreadful. It's cold and damp here and I spent much of the day a bit cold and a bit damp, and I went way over calories (not everything is even logged) even with the ludicrously generous Misfit Shine counting. (Digression: I looked into that yesterday, and it's just the way their analysis works. I could reset MFP to lose 1.5 pounds a week; that would probably work -- but as I'm losing at the moment I'm inclined to leave it).

    Today's green smoothie, also made at the crack of dawn or rather before the crack of dawn, dawn coming pretty damn late in Walthamstow these days: pineapple, peach, banana, spinach, yoghurt. Lots of beautiful dark green spinach from the market for a stunningly emerald smoothie.

    @Lois_1989 -- Lois, I'm not patient enough for lace knitting and this is why! And I am so pleased to hear that Kelley's tips for your achilles is having a good effect. And see my comments above on the weather! I keep a list of things that I can cook quickly for times when it would otherwise be a takeaway. Can your partner text you know when he's about to leave work? I have MFP on my phone for when I'm out and about -- I was never, ever able to do a food diary before I had online ones.

    @soosun -- one day doesn't matter in the big picture. Just recommit today and keep going.

    @tlh0407 -- Welcome back, Tracy! Goodness, with all you've had going on, I think you've done wonders to keep so stable; 1.2 pounds is nothing. I'm sorry to hear about your old dog, but how exciting to have a puppy in the house! Or how messy and inconvenient, rather... But we still want to see a picture! You can use the menu in the top right-hand corner to add the thread to your favourites.

    @Lives2Travel -- Claudia, I'm sorry the new format's being such a trial for you. I'm pretty much used to it now (particularly because of the tip on using ctrl-+ to zoom, bookmarking the thread, and adding the ticker back in), and I like that it's easier for people to add photos now. I use a text editor window to write my post in and then cut and paste (but yes, that means I almost never post from a tablet, always from a 'proper' computer).

    @Morgori -- Tom, I try to train my brain every day! But some days it just goes 'wah, I need a rest day, I want to do the brain equivalent of lounging around on the sofa in my pyjamas eating junk food'.

    @NK1112 -- Niki, I confess I did nothing useful on the house yesterday, though I did walk over to the house of a woman to pick up a salt pig which I'd scrounged on our local sell or swap group. So now my kitchen counter is a tiny bit tidier as the bag of sea salt has been consigned to a cupboard. My weight fluctuates; I weigh every day and use a nerdy tracker that does rolling averages and ranges and things (I use Beeminder but the classic one here is The Hacker's Diet) -- but then I only 'check-in' my weight here and elsewhere on a Monday. Better scales that you use on a flat surface and never move help too.

    @susan2396 -- Susan, I hope you mean you're getting behind on the thread (which is ok), not behind on your boot camp and challenges! Don't give up!

    @cblue315 -- Lori, I too have a bag of half-finished knitting projects. 600 calories is not that much and you will have got some of that back while shopping -- once you're under 500 calories over, you're actually still losing, just a little bit more slowly.

    @skinnyjeanzbound -- Karen, there is actually research that shows we eat more when we're with our family, and at gatherings. It's not just habit, there's something biological/evolutionary going on I think! I try to meet friends in the park, or go to an exhibition together -- even if we grab a coffee afterwards it's not as bad as lunch would be. I also fret if I'm 'going to bed hungry' but like you, I find it's actually fine.

    Tuesday goals -- well, after my distressingly rubbish day yesterday I am resolved to not be so whiny today, and I've put some overshoes on over my socks so I don't get damp feet in my damp kitchen. We're having soup tonight and in theory I shouldn't make it in advance but I'm going to ignore that and do it while I have the energy. And then I'm going to learn the 'tune of the month' for our music session tonight. Hope you've all found a great, attainable goal for your Tuesday!

    -- Alison

  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Tom, I see your pumpkin picture and raise you two giant pumpkins and my two adorable pumpkins (aka: kiddos)! Happy Thanksgiving to our northern neighbors!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited October 2014
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome and your help in navigating the new changes. I do like how it know how far you’ve read and takes you back there.

    Tuesday Goals: Two days of heavy lifting and two days of trainer workouts. Still waiting on my sister for dates and times, but...

    @NK1112…our body weight fluctuates that much easily. Salt intake, water consumption, workouts all play a factor in how our body holds on to water, which in turn makes our body weight fluctuate. Totally normal. I (when I’m actually doing this) weigh myself every day, but like Karen only notate when I go below my previously recorded weight.

    @Lois… I scrapbook and cross stitch and make cakes (which I feel is all pretty crafty). The moment I had a baby, my husband looked at me and said I needed to learn to knit or crotchet. When I said I had no desire to do so, he looked confused and said “Don’t all moms make blankets for their babies?” I just reminded him that both of our moms do and they can make them for their grandbabies! :smiley:

    @Karen…Yikes, that is a low blow by the nearby BOE! It is horrible the budgets are schools are given and I understand that they have to make cuts, but man…insurance? Hopefully someday, our government will learn the value of the schools and budget accordingly.

    @Kelley…Yay vacation is right around the corner. It’s always super busy when you are trying to get everything set to go, but all worth it. New England cruise right?

    @Laurie…our school was in session yesterday too, but today is their last day for the week. Wednesday is a make up day for the teacher/parent conferences coming up and Thursday and Friday is the NDEA Teacher Convention. My kids are going to love it because they get the flu shot (NOT!). Right now they don’t have the mist but I’m not going back, so if they get the mist in by Wednesday, the kids get lucky. If not, roll up that sleeve. (Insert evil laugh). Sorry to hear about your friend’s mom, but glad she’s no longer suffering.

    AFM...I made calorie goal yesterday but struggled in the evening. I know I need to up my protein and went shopping last night to prepare for it. I hate the first couple of days because after so long of eating anything I wanted, my stomach was screaming for more. I did not meet my goal of water, but will work up to the

    Here's a picture of my 8 year old Emma and our new puppy Tucker. He's apparently decided that he's only going to poop in the house and only at night (although that will change when my husband goes back to work tonight as he will be in his kennel instead of not being watched closely by my husband). I had told Michael that we needed to make sure he was kenneled each night to get him into a schedule right away. Michael decided the puppy liked me too much and not him, so he has cuddled with him as much as possible. But back to normal tonight so I get to be in charge again and hopefully will end up with a well trained puppy. We've always gotten older dogs so this whole puppy training thing is new to us. I've got a book, but any hints would be welcomed! I under estimated how many chew toys we should have so bought some more so that there would be some in every room that we are in. Emma thought that meant she should move them all from room to room every time we switched rooms! :wink:
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Good Morning and thanks to everyone who encouraged me about my daily weight fluctuations. I do get discouraged about it sometimes and know that some of comes from what has happened or not in the 'porcelain convenience', how much water I'm retaining ( I take a daily diuretic), how much food I ate the day before, and everything you have mentioned. I like the tip to only record on here my new low weights ... and it could be quite a while before one of those comes along, for me. Perhaps I have been subconsiously giving up when I see my weight climb yet again ... I've been up and down the scale in this 10's number since July 30 ... and in this 5's since September 3. Thus, I am so eager to break into the next digit down.

    October Challenge:
    Track number of days within my calorie goal ... 8/12

    Tuesday Goals: Today is a one-day goal ...The utility room! Besides normal housework and doing a kitchen counter clean-up. It's a lovely warm day today and we expect rain sometime later in the day but I have a ceiling covered back porch that is 6' deep and 15' wide ... so I am taking everything out of the utility room and separating them into organizing sections. Then I will scrub the utility room surfaces and put back only the items from the 'keep' section. The recycle section will go into the recycle bin and the toss will go in the trash. The items do bring back in will have to be in their permanent places and not set on the counter top or in piles on the floor. Oh yes, and sanitize the 3 kitty-litter boxes.

    Have a great day today, everyone.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    Dang it ... I thought my post didn't save and started to type it all over again ... but it did save .... oh well, my learning curve is still a bell shape.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @NK1112 -- Niki, I confess I did nothing useful on the house yesterday, though I did walk over to the house of a woman to pick up a salt pig which I'd scrounged on our local sell or swap group. So now my kitchen counter is a tiny bit tidier as the bag of sea salt has been consigned to a cupboard. My weight fluctuates; I weigh every day and use a nerdy tracker that does rolling averages and ranges and things (I use Beeminder but the classic one here is The Hacker's Diet) -- but then I only 'check-in' my weight here and elsewhere on a Monday. Better scales that you use on a flat surface and never move help too.
    -- Alison

    @BohemianCoast ... Alison, I did nothing to clean my house all weekend long, so I understand. I did, however, cook all my meals over the weekend instead of ordering a delivery from one of the several places I order from. I made it a goal on Friday at the Senior Center session on managing diabeties to only allow one meal from a restaurant for the week and would cook all the rest of them. Well, this morning I went to Tim Horton and got a breakfast bagel and large black coffee ... I went for the coffee but bought the meal as well. I reasoned it out in my head ... made excuses ... for why that was a good idea to do today.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tracy~LOL at Emma and the dog toys. Oy, puppy training—it’s like having a newborn! :wink: I have cat toys in every room for Zoe, I find she wakes me up less often if she finds something close by to play with. I’m afraid she’s starting to freak out over my vacation—she’s so needy right now, much like a two-year old! :lol: Yes, this cruise is New England—looking forward to some actual Autumn weather.

    @Laurie~I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s mother.

    @Hansea~Cute pic of the kiddos!

    AFM~My Tuesday goals are to not overdo it on the cruise (I typically do pretty well, have never gained more than 3#--some people gain 1-2# a day :wtf:). We’ll be really active with lots of walking excursions planned so I’m not too worried. :mrgreen:
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    tlh0407 wrote: »

    I've got a book, but any hints would be welcomed! I under estimated how many chew toys we should have so bought some more so that there would be some in every room that we are in. Emma thought that meant she should move them all from room to room every time we switched rooms! :wink:

    @tlh0407 ... When I last trained a puppy I would take him (Buster Brown) out right after a meal, last thing at night and first thing in the morning. I also laid a newspaper on a water-proof surface ... like in my bathroom ... that had a bit of his pee on it ... so if he went sniffing about in the middle of the night he would go there ... course I had to show him where it was. Then I would take that paper out with us on the morning pee and put it where I wanted him to get used to going. He caught on really quickly and didn't poop in the house, but he did have a weekness for peeing when excited so that was a different issue to solve.

    Good luck with your puppy. They are just so wonderful to have. You have a lovely daughter and that pup is just precious.

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited October 2014
    @BohemianCoast – Congratulations on your 3lb loss! I only managed 0.8lb but it is weigh day tomorrow so we shall see… I do love a bit of knitted lace though, I feel like I should be in my 50’s when I knit, but I’m actually 25. I’m a fourth generation knitter, my great grandmother owned a wool shop in south london and it spread through the generations. I tried my hand at crochet a couple of months ago but the abbreviations are completely different! I was a bit baffled.

    @soosun – One day isn’t bad at all! As long as you hop back onto the wagon today you’ll be on track! :smile:

    @Tlh0407 – Wow, for 2 months off and only a 1.2 pound gain, I would say you have done amazingly! I would have put that on in DAYS! I’m so sorry to hear about you bad times of the past, it’s amazing how when things happen so quickly one after another your body ends up suppressing it in order to cope with the next thing. I had a similar experience in the last year, I finished my degree, then failed to get a job out of it after a year of searching, my granddad died Nov last year, my dog was diagnosed with cancer and eventually put down March this year, then I got a Hamster and she was put down two months later from stomach cancer (Who knew hamsters could get cancer?!), then my partners nan was diagnosed with breast cancer, she doing ok but I’m afraid it is a losing battle, aaannd now his mum and sister have been made redundant from their job and through all that I put on a stone and a half! (about 20lbs) so you did so much better than me! I ended up curled up in the foetal position, in bed wondering how my life could have fallen apart so quickly. But all is well(ish) now, and I hope you continue with your progress to happiness, it will come eventually. It could be slower than you want it, but I found if you stop to contemplate the smallest good thing (a nice sunset, a positive word from your kids, a pound or two lost) things do seem to get better. Positive thoughts encourage positive actions! And a damn good cuddle from a loved one helps! A cuddle a day keeps the grumps away :smile: I do like a bit of cross stitch, but I don’t see any purpose of it. Apart from to decorate. If I’ve just spent 3 months knitting a jumper I won’t be embroidering it after. :confounded:

    @hansea47 - May I ask, have those pumpkins been pumped with steroids?! They. Are. HUGE! :open_mouth:

    @cblue315 – I do have a few abandoned projects. Mostly the ones I have finished, then found out it didn’t fit and I couldn’t be bothered to adjust it. I thought, maybe I would lose the weight and fit into them that way ;) Thank you for the applause, I’m only tenacious and patient for other people, I have none for myself! Lol. 600 calories isn’t too bad if you think 500 calories is maintaining weight so you’re only 100 really. :wink:

    @skinnyjeanzbound – Yes, unfortunately I figured this out Friday night when I wore converse out. I figured if I did them up tight around the ankle and upwards they might support it a bit… turns out they don’t. My partner suggested taking up Ice Skating again, to which I cringed and said “I’ll watch from the sidelines”. I love Ice Skating but I’m not sure the boots will do it any good. :disappointed:

    Tuesday Goals - Uh, swim more, now I've got into the swing of it and to lose more weight than last week (0.8lbs) I can't really think of anything at the moment.

    Well, it has taken me AGES to do this post! About 7 hours. I try to do them subtly at work, but I've been so busy I keep having to come back to it. Lucky I'm in the corner screen facing inwards so no-one can see! :sunglasses: I only have an hour left, so it has taken me all day!

    October challenge: 13/14
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited October 2014

    Good morning everyone.

    oystereyes- I saw your exercise statement on the news feed: ”I never know how to figure the exercise calories burned. So I guess the thing is to just do the darn exercises and hope it all shakes out some how. I know that it is good to do them. It helps burn calories, lowers my blood sugars and I earn stars in my crown. Not to mention, I am sure it promotes world peace and defeats global warming. Just thought I'd let you all know! Teehee!”
    and I saw these in the AARP magazine and thought I would post it for you. I could not get it into the news feed so hope you see this.


    hansea47- It looks like you are all in :) great pumpkins and kids!

    National Chocolate Covered Insect Day is always observed on October 14 each and every year. Are you ready to try chocolate covered insects for a sweet treat today? Well todays the day to do it if you've never tried it before. Go ahead, just close your eyes and bite! One of the most popular flavors in the world!
    "Chocolate has become one of the most popular flavors in the world." "Gifts of chocolate molded into different shapes have become traditional on certain holidays: chocolate bunnies and eggs are popular on Easter, chocolate coins on Hanukkah, Santa Claus and other holiday symbols on Christmas, and hearts on Valentine's Day." "Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages, to produce chocolate milk and hot chocolate."
    We even try it with bugs

    “If at first you don’t succeed, you are running about average.” ~M.H. Alderson
