Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited October 2014
    Morgori wrote: »
    National Chocolate Covered Insect Day is always observed on October 14 each and every year. Are you ready to try chocolate covered insects for a sweet treat today? Well todays the day to do it if you've never tried it before. Go ahead, just close your eyes and bite! One of the most popular flavors in the world!


    I think I'll pass on this one!!! :smiley: Maybe I'll exercise my brain since I didn't do it yesterday.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited October 2014
    tlh0407- I will pretty much bet the farm I will not eat any bugs intentionally :)

    Here is 1-4 of the Diabetes tips from an article in AARP magazine.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited October 2014
    Morgori wrote: »
    tlh0407- I will pretty much bet the farm I will not eat any bugs intentionally :)

    Here is 1-4 of the Diabetes tips from an article in AARP magazine.

    @Tom~Those macros for diabetes prevention really surprises me—a diet that is 70% carbs seems extremely high, especially because carbs contain so much sugar (source notwithstanding). I thought diabetics were supposed to watch the amount of carbs in their diet, maybe just simple carbs...

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited October 2014
    kah- Me too. I am still keeping up how I am eating macro wise, but I'm going to try and add more fiber and less simple carbs. I will try to make all my carbs complex and whole.
    - Here are my current macros
    - [img][/img]mfpmacros_zpsc246a605.jpg

    I am over on carbs and under on protein most days but still try for those numbers.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Tlh, cute puppy, beautiful girl. We have a lab that is kennel trained. The only way to go, in my opinion.
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I can tell you I would never make it on Survivor, because I wouldn't swallow a bug. Also I look lousy in a bikini. Oh well, I will just be happy to look good to myself. I am getting close to moving time and the anxiety is building up. I wish it were all over. It is such a big job. At least I will be near my girlfriend Karin for the holidays. They have always been the hardest to deal with for me. I am really not very fond of Halloween either. It used to frighten me as a child. Too many Wolfman movies, if any one remembers them. My brother used to hide under the seats until the scary parts were over. That was when you could sit in the balcony and my Mom would smoke. Had someone look at my house and criticize it. Can't help but be sensitive about it even if they are right. All I see are the things I did and all they see are the things I couldn't afford to do. Oh well Someone will be lucky to get this one of these days. My realtor will deal with it. At least I have been able to continue to watch my diet. I haven't eaten pasta or bread in over two months. I miss it some, I substitute pita whole wheat pockets occasionally and matzoh. I do have ice cream occasionally, but I figure I have a right to a splurge on occasion. I wonder does anyone else, use protein powder, and also I read that Vitamin D3 helps with weight loss so I started to take it daily. Maybe it is in my mind, but there were studies that demonstrate this. Also I don't get a lot of sun. If you do use protein powder, have you noticed any weight loss as a result of using this? I started it, and not too long after noted a four pound loss, It could also be coincidence. I know there is a part of me that is looking for quick fixes, but at least I am not using a liquid diet. The salads and fruits are getting to be habit, and I find that I spend less since I eat more vegetarian meals. I have always liked middle eastern and Indian foods,specially curries. I did make the mistake the other night though to put too much smoked Chipotle Ancho chili powder in a dish not realizing that it was extremely hot. Had to drink milk with every other bite. But it was good, and supposedly hot peppers are supposed to be good for weight loss. The site The World's Healthiest Foods, has a lot of information about foods and the nutrition of them and gives you an idea of what you are deficient in. I have learned much about the error of my ways from this and that site. Does anyone know, can a facial peal help with slight bags under the eyes. I want to get this done to remove a few brown spots from my face and I wondered if it would kill two birds with one treatment. It's one of the things I am going to allow myself when I move. Also I am getting my thin stringy hair permed. I figure anything that makes me look better should lift my spirits. I am feeling a little down, and am really bored because there is no one to play with around here and Facebook doesn't help much. Although I do love the Boston Terrier lovers site with all the beautiful pictures
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi and good morning - I'm happy today because of a health improvement - my WoundVac was removed and I have more freedom - only restriction now is caused by continued back issues! See that doc end of month - still not driving but receiving PT at home.

    Lifted this from an MFP posting on Facebook -I "think" author is Steve the creator of this site? will try to verify and correct myself.
    Needless to say, this is EXCELLENT READING FOR ALL!

    "... the two little words that are the secret to making healthy habits stick are what I say in response to “I’m sorry.” They are what I try to teach people to tell themselves when they think, “I’m sorry.” The two little words that get people back on track, back to the plan, and back to habits that work: “It’s OK.

    It’s OK that you ate that cupcake. Let’s talk about why and how we can better plan ahead next time. It’s OK that you only did 8 swings; that’s 8 more than you would have done last week. It’s OK you thought about sleeping in because you’re human. But in the end, you showed up!

    One week in 2010, I tried to count the number of times I said, “It’s OK,” to my clients. It was more than 500—so many that I joked about having cards made so I could coach remotely. But people don’t really need to hear “It’s OK” from me. They need to hear it from themselves...

    So I had my clients make their own cards. I bought blank business cards and had them write, “It’s OK,” with a thick, black marker. They put the cards in their wallets, taped them to the back of their phones, and put them on their scales and refrigerators.

    Because everyone has those days; everyone has those thoughts. Ask a priest and he’ll tell you, too: we’re all human. Screwing up is part of the plan. What matters is forgiveness. Forgive yourself, get back on track, and do a little better tomorrow. After all, it’s OK!..."
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    The above quote was authored by: Stevo. Coach Stevo is the nutrition and sport psychology consultant at San Francisco CrossFit. he has a website under the name Coachstevo
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Awww that you for that Robin. Sometimes that is all people need to hear! Great post :smile:
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Today is weigh in and measurement day. My weight is up half a lb; 163.5, but my measurements are down 1.25 inches so that is rewarding and shows I am doing something right, maybe. hahaha
    I also moved to 5 lb weights in my Silver Sneakers class today; it was difficult but doable and I feel so pumped and energetic after doing the class. It really is a lifesaver for staving off low self esteem and boosting you physiology for the day in your body.

    Saw a really powerful, for me, video on line this weekend.
    The theme was Justification and weight loss. It included three ideas for why we over eat and how we can stop doing it.

    1. Ingredients----this food looks so awesome and unusual I just have to eat it now!
    2. Deserve----I have been so good on my 'diet', that I deserve a small break now!
    3. Social
    It's a fill in the blank; wedding, birthday, luncheon, etc so I am going to eat up a storm and start back tomorrow.
    It made me see how I justify every snack I eat and puts me into a slot that invites overeating. Someone once said if you never go near a cliff you will never fall off of it. I just wanted to share this Justification concept and am eager to put it into my mental state of losing weight. What do you think?

    This concept I am sure I have heard before but it really hit home with me and I think ties in with my secret eating, which I no longer do nearly as much as I used to do,I am realizing. If I want it I eat it. But this Justifiation video really hit home. My goal this week is to exactly measure my food portions such that they are in alignment with a correct amount of food. When I looked into food portion now versus 20 years ago it was amazing.....french fries used to have 250 calories in a portion, now that is 850 calories in a portion. So I am weighing and measuring assured that I have been eating healthy food, low carbs low sugar, but way too much of it. Lesson time for me.

    Goal is to measure in accordance to what a portion size is.
    Meat is 3 ounces
    Cheese is two dice size
    cooked vegetable 1/4 cup
    potatoe--size of your computer mouse
    cereal----1/2 cup

    Have a great day and keep losing inches and or pounds. This site is amaaaaaaaaaazing.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Social is the next line underneath the long line. Doesn't seem to be an edit button that I can find? Sorry for the confusion.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sharing some more info today - This is for ALL TEACHERS HERE! Are you familiar with the website Ted dot come Talks? well I just learned they have a learning community and it seems geared so perfectly for the teaching comm. too as you can set up things on there. its listing is this:
    - So check it out @Laurie and @skinnyjeans
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Happy Tuesday.
    Thanks to all who responded about my 600 calories on Sunday. Yes, taking a new perspective is what I needed. 6 months ago it would have been an "Oh well" and get on with it. Not that I want to do that every day, but I can do that sometimes.

    Tuesday goals - Stick to new calorie levels for the rest of the week.
    Work in a piece of apple pie before the weekend.

    Love to all, Lori <3
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Sorry, I am lost in this new thread with this new format. It took forever to find this again!

    Quick pop in... had a terrible, horrible no-good very bad weekend. I am still in mourning over my breakup, and cried almost all weekend, off and on, during Thanksgiving with my family. I told everyone, then went off by myself. It was brought up after dinner again and that time I was able to talk about it. It felt so good to get it off my chest and hear the input from my family. But I was so upset when I got home and the next morning when I woke up. I spent the day outdoors with a few friends who knew, but I told them I was not in the mood for a discussion on it.

    I did text my ex Sunday night and he replied the next morning. We had a good chat... he explained a bit more, as the night we broke up my mind muddled things that he said. We still want to be friends, I just have to make the transition from girlfriend to friend, which will take a while. That's where I'm at right now, anyway.

    I'm keeping busy, distraction is working. Especially today. My parents came over to help me get some junk out of the house, clean out the 2 upstairs bedrooms, clean the windows, and rearrange furniture. My bed was downstairs in a small bedroom (which also contains my washer/dryer). It was moved upstairs to a real bedroom, and the laundry room will also serve as my cat's room, where the window can be left open for her to go in and out as she wishes (so I can sleep at night). She is unsure of where to lay down since my bed has moved and she hasn't wandered upstairs to discover it yet. I have more cleaning and organizing to do the next few days (I'm on vacation- or stay-cation) which will also keep my busy.

    My plan is to start tracking my food next week, and eating strictly grocery store bought food. Time to cut out the fast food, it's become a crutch lately.

    My neck still hurts from the car accident, but I'm almost completely headache free the last few days. I plan on increasing my fitbit goal to get some more exercise in as physio is still not letting me do full workouts because of my whiplash.

    I will try to catch up on all your posts in the next few days. The lack of time/date on posts is really confusing me.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    Tanya949 wrote: »
    We had a good chat... he explained a bit more, as the night we broke up my mind muddled things that he said. We still want to be friends, I just have to make the transition from girlfriend to friend, which will take a while. That's where I'm at right now, anyway.

    Boy, oh Boy @Tanya949 ... do I ever know where you are coming from with the above statement. I hope you can make it work, to be friends, I mean. That's a harder place to be in, I think, than losing weight. The only way I was able to get over a similar breakup was to not see the guy again ... and to finally crawl out of bed, get dressed, and start doing something about the sad shape I had let myself get into. I am so glad that you are reaching out and setting yourself as top priority right now. Good luck.

    AFM ... got my diary updated for the day and know I won't eat any more tonight so I feel safe to report on the October Challenge ...
    ... 9/14 at goal with the calories. Feels good to say that!.

    And for tomorow ... my Wednesday Wishes are ... now that I've thought of that guy from reading Tanya's post; my wish is that I didn't still miss the jerk who broke my twice busted heart. Or that I had been smart enough some 5 years ago to know that being friends after being lovers doesn't always work out to so well.

    Have a good Wednesday everyone ... catch up with you all again on Thursday.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just a check quick in today.
    Good News-I got a maybe from the guy for lunch on Friday. It depends on his work schedule, which I can understand-I am wishing for the best.

    The pictures of the pumpkins, dogs and kids are wonderful.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie—sorry to hear about your friend’s mom passing. Is this the one who’s been sick for awhile? So sad, but good that she is finally at peace. I find it interesting that your schools close for a teacher convention. I think tracy mentioned the same for her kids’ school. We don’t ever have non-attendance days for conferences. If teachers want to attend a conference or convention, we have to put in for a day off and if approved, the district pays for a sub, but the kids still attend.

    @tanya—sorry you are having such a tough time. I’ve never been close friends with an ex, so I don’t really have any advice. Just sending hugs and well-wishes.

    @lori—mmm, I love apple pie a la mode—haven’t had it in ages though. I usually stick to chocolate when it comes to sweets, but all of the holiday pies are so yummy. Apple, pecan, and pumpkin are all my favorites which makes it hard to choose come holiday feasts.

    @robin—I’ve seen TED talks on various topics, but I’ve never used it as a teaching tool. Oh, and thanks for sharing the Stevo quote—really liked that.

    @soosun—thanks for sharing the “justification” info. I’ve been doing a lot of that lately which needs to stop.

    @kate—I love the show Survivor, but always joke that I wouldn’t last a day b/c of the bugs. I couldn’t live with them crawling all over the place, and I could never, ever eat them!

    @tom—um, no. Just, no. There's not enough chocolate in the universe.

    @tracy—love the pic of your daughter and new pup—very cute! Also, sadly the insurance cancellation in that school district isn’t due to a budget cut. It’s a tactic the BOE is using to try to force striking teachers to go back to work. The BOE doesn’t want to compromise on contract negotiations, so they are using high pressure maneuvers instead.

    @amanda—love the pic of your "pumpkins"!!

    @alison—that’s so interesting about the research on eating with family—something to think about. Hope your weather clears up—we are damp and rainy here in Chicago as well.

    @kelley—so excited for you about your upcoming trip!! I have no time to get into my doctor, so have put myself on a regimen of aleve and it seems to be helping. My hope is that if I can keep the inflammation down, perhaps things will settle back into alignment on their own. If not, I will have to take a sick day next week.

    Tuesday Goals:
    I’ve done well the last couple of days with my lowered calorie goal, so my goal is to just keep it up.

    Wednesday Wish:
    I’m going to make this early in hopes that it really comes true. I found out that the Foo Fighters are coming to Chicago for the premiere of their HBO series this Friday. There will be a screening + concert afterward at a Chicago bar called The Cubby Bear and tickets go on sale tomorrow morning at 10 am. Foo Fighters are my absolute favorite band and to see them in such a small venue would be beyond amazing!!! I have an open at 10 am, so I am going to try to get tickets—fingers crossed everyone!!!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 2/67 AP essays
    2. 15/30 punctuation quiz corrections

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--rest day
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner NOT DONE—RAIN
    Tues--walk gunner (maybe--late meeting) NOT DONE—MORE RAIN
    Wed--walk gunner+ gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--rest day

    October Challenge:
    Days under calories = 10/14
    Days >100g of protein = 6/14
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    October logging and counting -- 10/15 -- I don't think yesterday was *so* bad but I didn't count properly; still feeling cold and damp and not making the best food choices.

    @tlh0407 -- Tracy, that is an adorable photo!
    @NK1112 -- Niki, I hope you did a great job on your utility room. My job for today is very boring kitchen tidying, and I need some sort of sandwich plan for dinner because we have a parent's night tonight which will have us out of the house from 6-9. I think the best way to avoid restaurant meals is to keep a note of what they cost! Because it adds up so very fast.
    @Lois_1989 -- Lois, I think there are lots of young knitters; it's trendy now. I find that knitting is quite good for stopping me snacking too. And I set a 15 minute timer on MFP, so that's how much time I spend here each morning, in the thread and reading success stories. I check in other times to log food, but not to read the forums.
    @Morgori -- I have no plan to celebrate National Chocolate Covered Insect Day.
    @RobinsEgg -- Robin, that is such good advice!
    @Soosun -- I bet it's that you're doing all this weight training -- it's the best thing for improving your shape.
    @Tanya949 -- Tanya, just keep being good to yourself (in non-foody ways!)
    @Lauriek70 -- Laurie, that is great news about Renaissance Guy!

    Today's green smoothie: kiwi, satsuma, grapefruit, banana, cucumber, spinach, lettuce, coconut milk, yoghurt. Yes, it was all the stuff that was left over on a day when I have to go and buy another trolley-full of fruit, and it wasn't helped by being a tiny bit late getting up so it didn't get whizzed as much as it should have done (I don't have a posh blender, just a little stick blender). No, it's definitely not going in the recipe book. "Horrible".

    So today I am going to Walthamstow market and buying loads of lovely fresh fruit.

    Wednesday wishes -- well, the roofer came round to look at all the ways water is getting into our house (er, except for 'in the damp cellar' and 'from the leaking freezer') so my Wednesday wish is for my house to be warm and dry in a couple of weeks.

    Hope that wherever you are it's dry and toasty warm!

    -- Alison

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member

    Well, I'm going to start off by saying, I failed my goal. Believe it or not I lost 0.8lbs exactly the same as last week. The goal was to lose more. lol, 0.9lb would have been a success in my eyes, but never mind. Not that I'm upset, a loss is a loss I'm going to take it and be happy with it. I could round it up to 1 whole lb like MFP does, but I feel I would be cheating myself.

    I'm going to really think about my wish today because last week I wished it to stop raining for half hour so I can walk down to get my lunch and blow me down it stopped, sun out, bit warmer and when I got back to my desk after lunch I noticed it was raining again! :smile:
    SO what to wish for... its my dads birthday on Friday so I'm going to wish for him to have a happy day, and not too stressful at work, because I know Fridays are the most stressful day of the week.

    @BohemianCoast - I know, I thought it had died down though. Wasn't it because someone like Juliet Roberts or Gweneth Paltrow spoke about it? To be honest, I don't think the younger generation have the patience. Everything happens instantly now, so having to spend a couple of months knitting for a cardigan when they could get one faster (and cheaper) from the shop is probably more appealing. Work is like a bus here. It could be really quiet, nothing to do for days and then I'll come in one morning and I will have a mountain of work to do. I hope your house dries out... and stays dry! That must be awful in this weather. :(

    @skinnyjeanzbound - Good luck with the tickets! I have my fingers crossed for you! I haven't seen the Foos but I would love the opportunity!

    @Lauriek70 - Oooh, I'm excited for you! I hope he can! :wink:

    @Tanya949 - I'm really sorry to hear about what happened! I think its great you are giving your house a make-over though! Bit like a fresh start to a fresh new you! Plus now you can concentrate on yourself, do what you want to do, eat the healthy food you want to eat. We are always hear if you need to vent. :smile: Your plan is a good one, I started by just tracking what I normally eat, and tweak where it is needed, rather than starting something you are completely unfamiliar with.

    @cblue315 - mmmmmm apple pie... yes, i may have to work that in too...

    @soosun - If you look in the top right of your post you will see a cog shape, click on this and you can edit, BUT it will only be there for an hour, after that it disappears.

    October Challenge: 14/15
    Yesterday was close! I had 4 calories remaining!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~Good news on the guy, fingers crossed it works out.

    @Karen~I think I need to follow your lead and drop my calories, scale just isn’t moving. :frowning: You're doing for your shoulder what a doctor would ultimately prescribe, you may trying an ice pack also—it will help with pain/inflammation as well. I hope it feels better soon. HMOs are so frustrating, you can self-refer to some specialties but I don’t think chiro’s are one of them. :frowning: Oh, Foo Fighters—:heart_eyes: them and concert sounds amazing. I hope you can score tickets!

    @Tom~You’re macros look good. I aim for 30% carbs, 30% fat and 40% protein—my protein often falls short but try not to worry too much as long as I am getting over 100g. Increasing fiber is a good idea, no one gets enough; I aim for 30-35g a day and do get there most of the time.

    @kateirving~moving is such a stressful time—new surroundings and a new city can often be scary, I’m glad you’ll have a friend nearby. Hope your current house sells quickly!

    @Tanya~Aren’t parents the best? :wink: Mine live an hour away but anytime I need help with something at my house (or car), they come to my rescue. Kitties are uncomfortable with change, anything that alters their routine they pout :lol:—I’m sure she’ll figure out where your bed is soon.

    AFM~Good session with my trainer last night, it was deadlift day—I :heart: deadlift day! :smiley: Tonight I need to get all the floors washed at home and maybe think about starting to gather things for packing. :flushed: Boss’s Day is tomorrow—need to figure that out too. Oy! My Wednesday wish is that the CDC can get Ebola contained—a 2nd healthcare worker tested positive yesterday. :frowning: