Gym pet peeves



  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    A lot of these don't bother me suprisingly. Most of them are just people doing their this and it doesn't effect me so I don't care. One day, I want to be the woman running in her sports bra because that means I've gotten to a point that my tummy doesn't jiggle when I run and it seems like it would be cooler than with a shirt. Of course, I'll still be drenched in sweat, kicking my own *kitten*.

    My two biggest pet peeves are the guys that give me dirty looks for using the the 5/10lb free weights. I'm not afraid of bulking up. Certain parts of my upper body are just pathetic but I'm trying to fix it. And perfume/cologne, which has been said a million times on this thread, but it just WRONG. Perfume/cologne can trigger asthma attacks in certain people and wearing to a gym, where people have a hard enought time breathing, just seems REALLY inconsiderate. Done with my rant.:tongue: