Why are people on these forums so mean?



  • Jenn09870
    Jenn09870 Posts: 66 Member
    I think the people who have reached goal and are striving for better fitness started becoming more sarcastic because so many people choose to ignore or argue intelligent, scientifically sound advice. It's like.. why even ask for help if you're just looking for people to be yes men and blow smoke up your butt? It gets tiring.

    This is exactly what ive seen, the ones who are most hurt weren't looking for advice, they were just looking for agreement.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Go on 'Introduce yourself' and every message is nice
    Go on 'Success stories' and every message is nice
    Go on 'Recipes' and every message is nice
    Go on Motivation and support and most are nice
    Go on Food and nutrition, and Fitness and exercise and you will get the truth (or the person's perception of the truth) whether you like it or not

    Success stories:
    "Hi, I'm Rob and I've lost 120 lbs on the seaweed diet, another 30 lbs to loose!"
    "Way to go Rob!"
    "Nice one Rob!"
    "Wow, well done Rob!"

    Food and nutrtion
    "The seaweed diet is brilliant! I've lost 120 lbs, another 30 lbs to loose!"
    "OMG the seaweed diet is SO bad for you!"
    "Seaweed diet - are you MAD!?"

    Chit Chat, fun and games
    "Anyone else like the seaweed diet?"
    "Oooh I love it when a man is draped only in seaweed"
    "Seaweed makes me think of Daniel Craig walking slowly to the beach"
    "Name your sexiest Hollywood hunks whose name starts with S"
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    I've been poking around these forums for about 2 years. The comments this summer have been some of the meanest I've ever encountered! I was wondering the same thing myself! I fully agree with the hungry comment. In fact, someone referred to it as "hangry".
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Maybe I have a high threshold for meanness, but I see a lot more threads complaining about mean people than I see mean people.

    Sure, there's some *kitten*. There always will be. But as a very sensitive 13 year old who was bullied in school, I learned that I shouldn't care what mean people think. Because they're great big poopieheads. Any adult on this forum should be more mature and have better coping skills than an overly-emotional 13 year old.

    I knew I liked you.
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    You think people are mean on here? Try reading other forums, like thebump.com or 4chan. This is sunshine and puppies compared to them.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Welcome to the internet.......are you new here?

    Some people are just crabby apples. You just have to learn to pay them no mind.

    One thing I have noticed though is people being honest and real and because it's not what someone wants to hear, they get up in arms about it.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Go on 'Introduce yourself' and every message is nice
    Go on 'Success stories' and every message is nice
    Go on 'Recipes' and every message is nice
    Go on Motivation and support and most are nice
    Go on Food and nutrition, and Fitness and exercise and you will get the truth (or the person's perception of the truth) whether you like it or not

    Success stories:
    "Hi, I'm Rob and I've lost 120 lbs on the seaweed diet, another 30 lbs to loose!"
    "Way to go Rob!"
    "Nice one Rob!"
    "Wow, well done Rob!"

    Food and nutrtion
    "The seaweed diet is brilliant! I've lost 120 lbs, another 30 lbs to loose!"
    "OMG the seaweed diet is SO bad for you!"

    "Seaweed diet - are you MAD!?"

    Hahaha! So TRUE....but I've found some of the most cantankerous stuff on Motivation and Support. Go figure
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Maybe I have a high threshold for meanness, but I see a lot more threads complaining about mean people than I see mean people.

    Sure, there's some *kitten*. There always will be. But as a very sensitive 13 year old who was bullied in school, I learned that I shouldn't care what mean people think. Because they're great big poopieheads. Any adult on this forum should be more mature and have better coping skills than an overly-emotional 13 year old.

    Glad I'm not the only one to think like this. Here are a couple of the comments I made early today in response to friends posting in this thread:

    "Your a stupidy poopoo head dumby!!!"

    "Your a poopy dumdum head!!!"
  • drea85an
    drea85an Posts: 130
    People who have success, which are usually the ones who are nasty on here, like to prove how special they are for getting where they are. They forget how hard it is. Also, i notice it is the people who didn't come here to lose weight at all, and the pretend they are here to support. No, they are here to post photos of themselves and rag on the people who are trying to change. I have only been here a couple weeks and I notice it. I try to ignore it. Do my thing. Stick with the nice people. I am not here to play games. I suggest you do the same. They aren't worth it.

    Not so. 90% of the time I post something genuinely helpful and kind, it is 100% ignored. If I throw some attitude into my answer (still helpful), the person will usually fight with me, but as soon as I switch to REALLY trying to help, totally ignored. So a lot of people don't want the advice of the successful. And yes, I do remember how hard it is.

    I said usually, not all. I have many people who are fit and look great that offer amazing advice and I always appreciate it. I am just saying, the ones who are typically nasty, are the ones who have reached their goal or came here already fit. (not that all fit people are nasty)

    I think the people who have reached goal and are striving for better fitness started becoming more sarcastic because so many people choose to ignore or argue intelligent, scientifically sound advice. It's like.. why even ask for help if you're just looking for people to be yes men and blow smoke up your butt? It gets tiring.

    I'm not that sensitive, so it really doesn't bother me that much, but I see what people are saying. Some people are nasty. Just because you reached your goal doesn't mean everyone has to listen to your advice. Science or not. Not everything works for everyone else. I lost 130lbs, does that give me the right to be nasty if you don't want to take my advice because you only lost 25? No. Of course not. That would be douchey of me!

    Anyway, not worth a fight. I see both sides. I take advice all the time, and I don't get that worked up if someone gets attitude. So, bottom line, not worth getting hurt feelings about it.
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    It's a fascinating social phenomena that some egghead probably has a name for. It stems from the anonymity and relative safety of being in ones own home behind a computer monitor. Allows people to say things they normally wouldn't. There is also another part to it that I've noticed over the years. I have actually found this phenomena quite fascinating because it is common on almost all open forums.

    In "the real world" we choose our friends carefully. We are attracted to and maintain friendships with, people we have things in common with. Common habits, common beliefs, common social standing, what ever. You don't generally continue to associate with people you abhor or completely disagree with. On an open forum you don't have that option. You put something out there and anyone with access can read it. And then comment on it. And they do. Then you have that part of human nature that makes each and every person desire to have the last word and make all others think/feel/believe the same as they do and these forums are the result.

    Thankfully we are supplied with a douche-B-gone button and the mods are not afraid to use the nuke button when it's warranted.

    Funny and true!
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    People who have success, which are usually the ones who are nasty on here, like to prove how special they are for getting where they are. They forget how hard it is. Also, i notice it is the people who didn't come here to lose weight at all, and the pretend they are here to support. No, they are here to post photos of themselves and rag on the people who are trying to change. I have only been here a couple weeks and I notice it. I try to ignore it. Do my thing. Stick with the nice people. I am not here to play games. I suggest you do the same. They aren't worth it.

    Not so. 90% of the time I post something genuinely helpful and kind, it is 100% ignored. If I throw some attitude into my answer (still helpful), the person will usually fight with me, but as soon as I switch to REALLY trying to help, totally ignored. So a lot of people don't want the advice of the successful. And yes, I do remember how hard it is.

    Nerdy Rose,
    Not to be mean, but I think you may be the perfect example of what she was saying about folks using this site to post pics of themselves, but not being truly interested in helping. Just a thought. ;)
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    If told someone since April, I had Fast food 94 times so far and lost 89 pounds they'd have a brain aneurysm.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    People who have success, which are usually the ones who are nasty on here, like to prove how special they are for getting where they are. They forget how hard it is. Also, i notice it is the people who didn't come here to lose weight at all, and the pretend they are here to support. No, they are here to post photos of themselves and rag on the people who are trying to change. I have only been here a couple weeks and I notice it. I try to ignore it. Do my thing. Stick with the nice people. I am not here to play games. I suggest you do the same. They aren't worth it.

    Not so. 90% of the time I post something genuinely helpful and kind, it is 100% ignored. If I throw some attitude into my answer (still helpful), the person will usually fight with me, but as soon as I switch to REALLY trying to help, totally ignored. So a lot of people don't want the advice of the successful. And yes, I do remember how hard it is.

    Nerdy Rose,
    Not to be mean, but I think you may be the perfect example of what she was saying about folks using this site to post pics of themselves, but not being truly interested in helping. Just a thought. ;)

    Go look at my recent forum posts. I actually do try to help, and I have a lot of experience. I'm sorry if being happy with myself and posting photos of it offends you.
  • psse01
    psse01 Posts: 29 Member
    Because they are unhappy in their own life and it makes them feel better to degrade those that don't share their opinion. Anyone that tries to justify their rudness with being helpful and/or honest are kidding themselves. We all know why we are here and making themselves feel better at the expense of someone else is not cool. A bully is a bully regardless and you are better off just ignoring it.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Because they are unhappy in their own life and it makes them feel better to degrade those that don't share their opinion. Anyone that tries to justify their rudness with being helpful and/or honest are kidding themselves. We all know why we are here and making themselves feel better at the expense of someone else is not cool. A bully is a bully regardless and you are better off just ignoring it.

    Who's judgey now?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Go on 'Introduce yourself' and every message is nice
    Go on 'Success stories' and every message is nice
    Go on 'Recipes' and every message is nice
    Go on Motivation and support and most are nice
    Go on Food and nutrition, and Fitness and exercise and you will get the truth (or the person's perception of the truth) whether you like it or not

    Success stories:
    "Hi, I'm Rob and I've lost 120 lbs on the seaweed diet, another 30 lbs to loose!"
    "Way to go Rob!"
    "Nice one Rob!"
    "Wow, well done Rob!"

    Food and nutrtion
    "The seaweed diet is brilliant! I've lost 120 lbs, another 30 lbs to loose!"
    "OMG the seaweed diet is SO bad for you!"
    "Seaweed diet - are you MAD!?"

    Chit Chat, fun and games
    "Anyone else like the seaweed diet?"
    "Oooh I love it when a man is draped only in seaweed"
    "Seaweed makes me think of Daniel Craig walking slowly to the beach"
    "Name your sexiest Hollywood hunks whose name starts with S"

  • psse01
    psse01 Posts: 29 Member
    Seriously? If I'm wrong then please enlighten...why ARE you so mean?
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    To be clear, I was only a little overweight when I started this, but I was extremely out of shape and had terrible habits. I've had an incredible journey so far and I genuinely do want to help people who don't know any better, but the sort of reception I get when I'm nice is, well... sh*tty most of the time. I occasionally come across people who really do appreciate my help, so I don't give up on everyone, but it gets tiring.

    I am not sorry for working my booty off and getting close to my goal weight. I am not sorry for my pictures. I am proud of my hard work.

    Additionally, "mean" is heavily a matter of perspective. This is the internet. You control your interactions. So... get on that if you think I'm "mean."
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member

    I'd venture ---they feel real brave spouting their stuff while hiding behind the keyboard.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    to me, i believe people with eating disorders do it to themselves. Go away, hate away =)
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