Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Yesterday was my mom's birthday too except she was 63. I indulged in cake yesterday (and today :blushing:) so she wouldn't have to eat it all b/c she is trying to lose weight too:laugh:

    Have a good night
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Ivy....that is a big co-inky-dink! Your mom's birthday and my mom's birthday are the same! How funny is that. Yes...the cake haunted me yesterday too!

    Today I am back on track if it kills me! I have to do lot's of cleaning today so I will be on the move pretty much all day.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    Where is Marie??? Are you ok????

    Where is everyone else? I am here and on track. I even got up and took my dogs for a walk this morning around 9 am. We didn't go very far (about 3 or 4 blocks) but it is a start for me.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Go Lioness. I have yet to exercise. I can barely speak in the morning let alone exercise.

    Diana, one thing about snow in the south if you don't wake up early to see it, it's usually gone by 11am.

    Marie how are you today!

    Amy hope your ankle is healing.

    Anyone else I missed hope you're doing well.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hey everyone. Have had a good weekend. Went walking Saturday and Sunday morning. This morning went walking in the snow. It has been snowing here all day long.................so we have some inches accumulated on the ground, AGAIN!!!

    Hubby and I went to the grocery store this morning also................

    Got lots of good stuff to eat.

    We had salads and T-bone steaks with steamed shrimp for supper this evening. I fixed my hubby a baked potato along with it and for desert, made him a sweet potato pie. I haven't eaten any of it, which I am surprised as I love sweet potato pies..............
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Here I am. I been snow in. We still have a little snow on the ground. But very messy out side. Terrible. I can't get to the car without walking thru mud.

    Jerry and I had a very nice day. Alice came out and me and her went out to eat at a new resturant here in Mesquite. Chedderds [ don't know how to spell it. } I had beer batter Shrimp,.Steam brocolli, and steam carrots. and ice tea. Then went to fabric store to look at fabric.She is wanting to make a pink and brown lady bug quilt for her new grandbaby. But she couldn't decide. how she wanted to do it. More carbs than I need. But what the heck.

    I cook Jerry chicken and dumplings at his request for tonight. I had some of the chicken and more brocolli and red peppers.
    Sammy love the Chicken and dumplings. We celebrated 53 year of being together at Valentine Day. We will have our 54 wedding aniversary June 20th this year.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good Sunday evening everyone. I think I need another weekend to recover from my weekend! lol Got my cleaning done yesterday and that felt great. Got up this morning and did 50 min of Billy Blanks ultimate taebo...that video just about kills me! lol But it is such a great workout.

    Think I will head to bed early.

    Good night and Happy Valentines Day to everyone!

    Marie...your marraige is truely blessed!

    Ivy, I think every place has it's drawbacks. We don't get the ice storms I always hear about on the news. It has just been extra cold this year here and the snow is just not melting away like it normally does. Normally we get snow and in three days it is gone. Not this year. It was so cold and windy today. I am really getting tired of turtle neck sweaters and jackets. I am ready for some capri's and sandles again! lol Come on Spring!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Marie, 53 years is awesome!

    Diana, spring will come soon. I guess the fat ground hog from england was right. I'll have to check out Ultimate taebo. I have taebo advanced w/ resistance bands and old taebo cardio. I checked out taebo funky hip hop when I was at my sisters and that one was ridiculous but funny. Billy should stick to kickboxing and leave the dance to Shaun T.

    I didn't get any chocolate but my aunt gave me jelly beans and I ate them all. Luckily she only gave me 2-3 hand fulls. I think she measured them out:laugh:

    Glad everyone had a great weekend.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Good afternoon

    I have one piece of fish left so I need to go to the store. But the little girl inside me is screaming for reese's piece and fried chicken. Let's hope I can quiet her down before I head off to grocery shop. Things were so much easier for me at Christmas. Bring Christmas back.:sad:

    Hope everyone has a good day
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    Since I was able to work from home today due to snow, I made home made sausage, chicken salad, cut up fresh veggies, washed fruit and I am rocking and rolling.

    Where is everyone at??????

    Marie, IvyKivy, Amy, etc..................where is my gang???? Hope everyone is doing well and having a Happy Low Carb Monday.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Yesterday was a good day for me hope it was for you!
    I need more veggies in my life. I think I will stop by Aldi and get some frozen asparagus. What types of veggies do you all eat?

    Have a good day today.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good tuesday Morning, Well look like it is noon here. Where did the time go?

    Things are perking along here just fine. Had my flax muffin for breakfast now I am gonna fix a grilled fish , baked french fried turnips , some turnips greens.

    Not much goning on today. The sun is out but the wind makes it feel so much coller than it is. It is surpose to warm up later this week, in the 60's. boy that will feel nice.This has really been a cold winter for me. I have been staying so cold even tho my husband is says it is plenty warm in our house. I stay cold all the time now days.

    Well better get those turnips going for lunch.

    See you all later. Marie
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Yesterday was a good day for me hope it was for you!
    I need more veggies in my life. I think I will stop by Aldi and get some frozen asparagus. What types of veggies do you all eat?

    Have a good day today.

    Here lately I have been eating Collard Greens, Mustard Greens, Kale, Brocolli, Cauliflower, radishes, several different lettuce types, carrots, celery, onion (red, white and sweet vidalia), green beans, asparagus, peppers of all types, cabbage, bok choy
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello everyone.

    It is sunny and windy here today. Just think we are half way through the month. March 20/21 will be here and spring will be upon us in no time. Of course that means jelly beans. How did we come to associate candy with every holiday and holy day??

    Lioness I will pick up some mustard greens today. How do you prepare them. Sadly my mom and dad only at collards not mustard greens. Maybe I will try stir-frying with some onions? We'll see.

    Have a good afternoon.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello everyone,

    We all need to get more veggies in our lives. For lunch I had fish , brocolli, red sweet peppers. we went to a Mexican store this morning that just open up They took an old shopping strip and redid it all in colorful Mexican deco. Really look nice. Lots of fresh veggies, fish, beef , chicken and lots of parts of meat that I have never seen. The worst was Chicken feet. The store looks so nice tho, At the eggs they had sounds of chickens and at the dairy there was moo moo sounds,Delighted experence. We did do our regalar shoppig at Walmart.No chicken feet for me. Today was thier grand opening. We will be going back.I did buy sone fish,some veggies,and a stir fry pan.and some hot peppers.

    I am trying to get away from baking those wonderful flax muffin for awhile. But you know what I am hook on them.

    have agood day

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hello everyone,

    We all need to get more veggies in our lives. For lunch I had fish , brocolli, red sweet peppers. we went to a Mexican store this morning that just open up They took an old shopping strip and redid it all in colorful Mexican deco. Really look nice. Lots of fresh veggies, fish, beef , chicken and lots of parts of meat that I have never seen. The worst was Chicken feet. The store looks so nice tho, At the eggs they had sounds of chickens and at the dairy there was moo moo sounds,Delighted experence. We did do our regalar shoppig at Walmart.No chicken feet for me. Today was thier grand opening. We will be going back.I did buy sone fish,some veggies,and a stir fry pan.and some hot peppers.

    I am trying to get away from baking those wonderful flax muffin for awhile. But you know what I am hook on them.

    have agood day


    That shop sounds Amazing Marie...............

    I don't think I could do chicken feet either, yuck.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I can eat chicken necks and even gizzard but not the feet. Were they fresh yard chickens? Have you tried jicama? We have a growing hispanic population here and one of the grocery stores sold it and I thought I'd try it. Didn't care for it myself.

    I ended up getting kale instead of mustard greens. I cooked some meat sauce put over them. I like them a lot better than collards and they don't smell as bad as collards.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    :laugh: Well I went to the ankle specialist and he did x-rays of both ankles. Turns out I have an extra bone growth that has fused to both ankles on the back top of where the leg bone connects to the ankle bone. This is rubbing on my tendons when I do certain exercises or certain ways I stand. He is treating it with steroids for a couple weeks, heal lifts, and wraps and ice then I see him in a month. If it doesn't get better he says I will need surgery to remove the extra bone which is acting as a bone spur.

    I am back on track today. I am giving up all grain and white potatoes for lent even though I'm not Catholic. Thought it would be a good test and would benefit me health wise and maybe spiritually too. So wish me luck! Marie I am definitely glad I have your bread recipe no grain in it! :laugh:

    Lioness could you send some of that pre prepped food my way lol! With my ankle being bad lately I have had a hard time cooking for the week like I used to good thing sis has been picking up the slack!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I can eat chicken necks and even gizzard but not the feet. Were they fresh yard chickens? Have you tried jicama? We have a growing hispanic population here and one of the grocery stores sold it and I thought I'd try it. Didn't care for it myself.

    I ended up getting kale instead of mustard greens. I cooked some meat sauce put over them. I like them a lot better than collards and they don't smell as bad as collards.

    I like all greens.............Collards are my favorite. turnip, mustard, kale, all yummy!!!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    :laugh: Well I went to the ankle specialist and he did x-rays of both ankles. Turns out I have an extra bone growth that has fused to both ankles on the back top of where the leg bone connects to the ankle bone. This is rubbing on my tendons when I do certain exercises or certain ways I stand. He is treating it with steroids for a couple weeks, heal lifts, and wraps and ice then I see him in a month. If it doesn't get better he says I will need surgery to remove the extra bone which is acting as a bone spur.

    I am back on track today. I am giving up all grain and white potatoes for lent even though I'm not Catholic. Thought it would be a good test and would benefit me health wise and maybe spiritually too. So wish me luck! Marie I am definitely glad I have your bread recipe no grain in it! :laugh:

    Lioness could you send some of that pre prepped food my way lol! With my ankle being bad lately I have had a hard time cooking for the week like I used to good thing sis has been picking up the slack!

    If you weren't so far away, I would gladly come and prep your food!!!!