Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Welcome Dumbunny!
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Good Morning all

    I miss my old friends, and nice to see some new faces.

    Marie – how are you doing? I think about you often

    Diana- THANK YOU! I am actually doing ok, still have bad days but they are getting easier and I am just really angry and see how bad the mental abuse was and know why my family and friends have been so concerned for me. New guy is still very good for me mentally, and I do like him but have a great friend and because he is just out of a long term relationship, I’m kind of good for him too.

    Well, I’m typing this in word because I started a post 3 times and kept loosing it.

    I have been horribly sick, to the point of nebulizer treatments and antibiotics, I’m still exhausted but not feeling sick if that makes sense. So it has been 2 weeks of no gym and mashed potatoes and shrimp. I feel like a ball of flab, so back on track yesterday. Last night I decided I really needed a reality check and better get on the scale to see what horrible damage I did. Good but bad thing, I only gained 1lb. How in the world does that happen when you are in bed 24/7 and eat potatoes with butter and all the bad things that make them so good? Those who know me know I’m out of my mind, 20-25 carbs a day and work out like a crazy person. So I was going to hit the gym again yesterday but still coughing so I figured I would start with good food this week and really get better before I jump on the elliptical and kill myself.

    I also bought the biggest loser cook book, Love it! Have had more carbs but also more fiber and my system was getting all straightened out, and food is good, easy and the names of stuff is simple so it is not over whelming to open and see bbq meatloaf called some long fancy name you don’t even want to know how to make.

    Anyway, trying to get back into my routine, I have not logged food in a couple weeks, have not really been turning on my computer. So Hope to see more of you all
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Wonderful to hear from Jeni. Sorry you have been so sick. Take it easy and do not overdo it. take your time getting back on track How are the kiddo's doing?

  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Marie - yep still using your recipe, still haven't tried the pizza with it yet but maybe this week. I just love it!

    Glad to see some new faces and some old ones joining back in!

    Lioness glad you found a good gym I love Curves nad am so happy I decided to join again. I get to know all the ladies there and they are more support for me unlike the huge gym I was going to before(or should I say not going to:wink: ). I see your Primal pic I am still going strong. I am thinking about giving up grain totally and potatoes except for sweet potatoes for lent. I have never observed lent before but thought I might try it this year. Up till now I have been 80-20 with Priaml but if I do this for Lent it will be 100% except for dairy.

    Jeni- hope you are feeling better I'll say a prayer for your health.:flowerforyou:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good day.

    I'm actually starting to feel bad for my northern neighbors. But spring is just around the corner and summer will be here before we know it and we'll be wishing for some cold snow.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Welcome back Crys. So glad to see you are back.

    Slipperystar Welcome to our group. We are a happy bunch. so glad you decided to join us. Let us know if we can help you in any way.

    Hi Diana. I am doing fine. Its raining here and will all day. I hope to get back on track today. things are getting back to normal.

    Ivy,,Hows things going with you.

    Amy, still making that flax bread. I just had a chocolate chips muffin for breakfast

    Lioness---Did the team win that you wanted to. I was for the Saints and they pulled it off . to the surprise of many people

    Have a wonderful day


    Hey Marie -

    Yes, since the Cowboys were not in the Super Bowl, I decided to root for the Saints and yes, they won. I am so happy for them, they deserve it!!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hey everyone, old member and new members alike..................

    I am so sore from the gym yesterday that I can barely move a muscle................I will be glad when I get over the "newbie" hump again.

    I made stuffed peppers for supper tonight and instead of using rice, I used cauliflower and it was soooo yummy!!!
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Good Morning all

    I'm feeling even better today, down 1.5 so back to my ticker weight, which is my lowest in 15 years so I'll take that! I miss working out, but I'm not even going to try until Monday, get my lungs 100% cleared out. I hope to get my tax return next week and I'm going to buy an elliptical and cancel my gym membership, maybe join one of the $10 a month gyms so I can do weights here and there, but it is killing me to spend $80 a month and the family doesn't go and all i do is the elliptical.

    I was not eating any bread of any form and I have come to realize that I need some. So I got some flaxseed wraps and have 1 every morning with eggs and turkey bacon, make a nice little wrap and my body feels like it is starting to function properly.

    Amy - I'm glad you like curves. I have never been to one, but hear good things about it.

    Lion - I'm sure monday i'll be hurting too

    Marie - kids are great, thanks for asking. Disappointed they didn't have a snow day, but doing well.

    Off to do a little running. Have a great day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Lioness, Did you see that diet in Women World this week. I pick up a copy of it this morning. It is a combination of adkin and the medterrain diet. I am going to try it for a week and see how it goes. I have been eating way to many of those flaxs muffin so I was going to cut them out this week already, So I will see how this works. It said to eat fish every other day. Then eggs, beef etc the other days.

    Have a good day you gals

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Good evening.

    Busy day today. I can't believe today is Wednesday. The days are running together. It was windy here but I got some good walking in. I walked in the wind as fast as I could for a few minutes then I let the wind push me into a nice trott. I felt like a little girl. :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a lovely evening.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Lioness, Did you see that diet in Women World this week. I pick up a copy of it this morning. It is a combination of adkin and the medterrain diet. I am going to try it for a week and see how it goes. I have been eating way to many of those flaxs muffin so I was going to cut them out this week already, So I will see how this works. It said to eat fish every other day. Then eggs, beef etc the other days.

    Have a good day you gals


    Hey Marie. I haven't looked at Woman's World since they put Kimmer in it and she is a big fraud.............

    I am happy with the Primal Blue Print plan that I am doing as it makes me feel good, inside and out. I still say from my opinion and my experiences, that sticking to one plan is the best way to go.

    I could do that plan though, I love fish, all types!!!

    Post some recipes for some good fish and different veggie combinations so we can have some fresh ideas for cooking. :)
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Here's a recipe if you like soup:

    1 pound ground chicken
    1 bag cole slaw shreds
    veggies of your choice I add chopped onion and zucchini(as much as you like)
    1 packet organic chicken taco mix
    Chicken broth organic/low sodium
    1 large can crushed tomatoes and 1 small can petite diced tomatoes

    Sautee onion in a little oil(coconut or olive), add chicken and taco seasoning and cook until about done, add all other ingredients and some water if you want more broth. Cook until veggies are tender. Top with avocado slices or guacamole. Yum!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Amy that sounds like a good soup for today. We have 2 in. of snow this morning. and exspecting more during the day. We went to the store yesterday and i got to get all of my veggies slice up and into baggies.
    For breakfast I am having 2 scramble eggs with veggies and grated cheese.

    I am staying on my met B plan but leaving off the flax muffins for a week. I eat to many of them, especially the one with chocolate chips.

    Have a good day
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    We are still snowless. But it is rather windy and cold. I hit the half way mark in the couch to 5k program. It's taken me 2 months but hey at least I stuck to it.

    Marie I try to have 3 pescatarian (fish, dairy and egg only) days per week. I have been eating canned tuna & tilapia b/c the salmon is flying out the the store since the new year began. I guess everybody is on a health kick.

    I incorporated a lot of things from Mark's daily apple but I'm keeping a few foods I enjoy around, like dairy.

    Diana, How's it going?

    Hope everyone else is doing good.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Went to the doctor today about my ankle. She says she thinks I have tendonitis and a sprain but she referred me to an orthopedist. She wants me off of it and on crutches until I see the other Dr on Monday. Guess I won't be doing much exercise this weekend. :grumble:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bless your heart Amy,. take care of youself.

    My brother just call and want to spend the night here. Hi shop is about 3/4 mile from me and the weather is so bad. The roads are so bad with all the snow we got and when and we are going to have a freeze tonight with all this mess out there. It has been snowing 13 hours and still have 6 hours of more snow ocoding to the weather man. And he lives about 50 miles east of us.

    Better get up and fix him some supper.

    take care
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Bless your heart Amy,. take care of youself.

    My brother just call and want to spend the night here. Hi shop is about 3/4 mile from me and the weather is so bad. The roads are so bad with all the snow we got and when and we are going to have a freeze tonight with all this mess out there. It has been snowing 13 hours and still have 6 hours of more snow ocoding to the weather man. And he lives about 50 miles east of us.

    Better get up and fix him some supper.

    take care

    Hey Marie -

    You guys in Texas are like us Illinoisans now with the snow.....LOL.

    I am glad to hear that you are going to stick with the Met b plan, it sounds like it is working for you!!!!

    Take care, hope you all don't lose power and we are supposed to get more snow on Friday (tomorrow) I think. Will have to go check the weather report again..........
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    We actually got snow this time. The snow in the pic happened in less than an hour.

    I went to do my daily shopping but the store was full so I put my items back and will go back tomorrow. I wanted to yell "people it will be 43 degrees and sunny tomorrow the snow will melt!".

  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Ya'll crack me up! I still have a snow drift that formed in NOVEMBER! lol But at least this time, we have sunny beautiful warm weather! No snow here!

    I have been a busy girl and a bad eater the last few days. Mom celebrated her 88th birthday yesterday! So ofcourse I had to make her a pinapple upside down cake, her favorite, and yes I ate some batter. On her birthday I made fried chicken, mashed potatoes with cream gravey and sweet corn....can you say 'Carb Coma' ? lol And yes I ate it and a piece of cake too! lol Today, I went to visit my oldest son and then I had to go buy mom a new TV...her's died yesterday on her birthday! lol I told her that was her birthday present to herself. Got her a Samsung 32" LCD 1080p. Whatever all that means...I liked the picture on that one the best!

    TOM still has not made it's appearance after an entire week of cramps and grabby's! Maybe I am done forever???? That would be awsome by me if the cramps would go away! lol

    Sooooooooo tired!!!

    How do you attach a picture!

    K....well I couldn't figure it out. I don't store my photos online so it probably wouldn't work anyway. But I changed my profile pic to show you. The snow you see there was on Halloween weekend....and there is still some of it in my yard! It started snowing on Wednesday morning and that Picture was taken on Thursday afternoon. 1 1/2' later!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    You put address of photo here but IMG is in lowercase instead of caps

    Ya'll crack me up! I still have a snow drift that formed in NOVEMBER! lol But at least this time, we have sunny beautiful warm weather! No snow here!

    I have been a busy girl and a bad eater the last few days. Mom celebrated her 88th birthday yesterday! So ofcourse I had to make her a pinapple upside down cake, her favorite, and yes I ate some batter. On her birthday I made fried chicken, mashed potatoes with cream gravey and sweet corn....can you say 'Carb Coma' ? lol And yes I ate it and a piece of cake too! lol Today, I went to visit my oldest son and then I had to go buy mom a new TV...her's died yesterday on her birthday! lol I told her that was her birthday present to herself. Got her a Samsung 32" LCD 1080p. Whatever all that means...I liked the picture on that one the best!

    TOM still has not made it's appearance after an entire week of cramps and grabby's! Maybe I am done forever???? That would be awsome by me if the cramps would go away! lol

    Sooooooooo tired!!!

    How do you attach a picture!

    K....well I couldn't figure it out. I don't store my photos online so it probably wouldn't work anyway. But I changed my profile pic to show you. The snow you see there was on Halloween weekend....and there is still some of it in my yard! It started snowing on Wednesday morning and that Picture was taken on Thursday afternoon. 1 1/2' later!