Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: We missed out on the snow this time . It was close but just didn't make it/ Got cold tho and cold rain.

    Even tho the thermastate was on 74 it was cold in the house for me. My husband wasn't cold tho.

    Lioness Flat seeds don't last long in my house. I usally bake something every day. I like to buy the golden flax seeds and ground my own. I bought me a coffee grinder the other day and really like it. Better than the blender. But I have got to make me some ground flaxseed hamburher buns tomorrow for I am out of them. They say the 3 minute muffin is an old Adkin recipe. I just bought me 4 more lbs of golden flax seeds yesterday. I like the golden one for they are milder.

    Hi Ivy, Diana, amy, , Hambone Did you get any snow, Up in North Texas. and hello to you To be skinney

    Have a good night all.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Howdy folks! It was sunny and nice today, though it started off VERY cold and super thick fog. Yesterday we woke up to snow but the sun today melted that away. That is how the weather in Colorado is supposed to be! I am ready for the snow that fell in November that has turned to solid ice now (5" thick ice) to melt and go away already! Last year we had a very mild winter. I was raking leaves in a tank top and shorts in January! lol That is very unusual but it did happen. I am ready for winter to be over so I hope that little Poncedillion (I know I spelled that wrong) DOESN"T see his shadow! Isn't that how it works? If he see's his shadow, 6 more weeks of winter? Although around here March can be our worst month for snow...deep heavy wet snow! We go t 3 feet a few years ago in March.

    Samuel, my little boy, went camping in the mountains for the weekend with his scout troop. Pray he stays dry and warm!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Well, it's 37 and I still don't think we'll get snow just rain.

    Diana, I hope you son has on his thermal underwear or unions as my grandma call them

    Have a good night.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good morning! 21 deg outside right now and yes...I still took my coffee outside! I just can't stay in any longer! I think my body is starting to get used to the cold too. It got to about 50 yesterday and I didn't wear a coat all day while I ran errands!

    Ivy, Samuel does have his unions! lol He has a sleeping bag good to -35 deg. a coat good to -15 deg, turtle necks, sweaters, jeans, snow pants, ski gloves, ski mask and just in case, little packages of heated hand warmers! Plus a cot to get him up off the ground and a thermal mat to keep the moisture from between him and the cot. He will be fine. It is a scout trip and there is about 3 very experienced guys and a lodge if he gets too cold. He was super excited because they were going to build snow caves and sleep in them! lol Little boys!

    Well the scale has not budged all week. Not sure why other than I am not getting the exercise in that I should be. Maybe this week I will see another dip. On the positive side, it didn't go up either! Who would of thought that what only took 6 weeks to put on would take even longer to get back off! Mad at myself for that one! ARRRR!!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I almost forgot!! Today is my oldest son's birthday! He turns 21 at 9:38 a.m.! Happy Birthday Son!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
    Good Morning

    Ivy, I been adding 15 choclate chips in my muffin to make it a 5/5 grams of carbs for breakfast. They called it a 5/5 because I am to eat 5 grms of carbs 5 times a day every 5 hours. Love it.

    Diana, Hope Samuel stays nice and dry and warm. It most be really cold in the mts.

    Hambone , How you like this cold spelled. I don't like it , Its makes my bones ache.

    Lioness, two hours each way. H'mmmm that 4 hours a day on the road. You are really burning that gas. Hope you don't have to do it too long.

    Gidget, How are you this morning. a nice day to stay in and work on a quilt.

    Amy, How is the weather in Nev? a lot warmer than it is here. We got down to 26 last night.

    I am doing fine, this cold weather is making my bones hurt tho.

    Had my breakfast of chocolate chip muffin, Crystal light orange juice, and plenty of nice hot coffee. But I have no desire to go out in the cold to drink it. I'll just look out the window and watch the birds eat thier breakfast .

    Have a nice day
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    No snow here as I predicted but it is a little cold but at least it's above freezing.

    Diana, I think he will be plenty warm with unions and a snow suit. Good thing he is a boy. I couldn't imagine having all that then discovering I have to go potty. :noway: Happy Birthday to your son.

    Marie, do you use dark chocolate chips? I miss the muffins they are so easy to snack on and are filling. Must go buy more flax meal. I'm working my way back down to 70-80 carbs. I usually have 15 for 4 meals and 1 to 5 for others. I need to start eating more green and yellow veggies. I love summer squash and zucchinni but the ones in the grocery store look dead and shriveled most of the time.

    Gidget do you guys remain snow free. I like cold weather better than hot. This summer it was over 100 degrees here. I can tolerate 32 better than 100+. It is easier to warm up than cool off. Of course I have a lot of insulation.:laugh:

    Have a great Saturday.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey I posted but must have failed to hit the send button, dumb me.

    Ivy I used the Ghiardelli Semi Sweet chocolate chips That I got at Walmart in their baking isle. It was recomended to me by some of the girls on Met B Plan. It has 10 grams of carbs for 32 chips. I used 15 in my single muffin this morning but I will cut it down to 7 for a single muffin. So I figure that would be about 3.5 carbs. Check and see if that is right.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Marie it's a nice 60+ degrees here it is so nice. My sis and I went recliner shopping this morning and it was great to just be outdoors.

    Lioness I love that site. I get the newsletter. Have you tried the coconut flour bread? I tried it last night a little dry but yummy for a dessert. I like Marie's better for everyday eating though with the Flax. I'm going to try making a mini pizza with it this weekend.

    I started my morning with a yummy Primal omelette with bacon(nitrate free), onion, swiss, and avocado slices, and a good cup of coffee. Then worked out at Curves. I was sooooo happy!!!! got on the scale and I am down 4.5 pounds there from last week! I got to move the big weight to 300 and add where before I had to go to 350 and add!!!!!!! That has not happened since 7th grade. I am ecstatic. My scale at home is where I weigh for here though and where I started weighing so I use that number for my check-ins. I weighed 340 this morning, before anything else I weighed in. I think I finally beat the 350 pound monster that has been beating me all these years. Please pray that I will continue to be strong and make good choices. Thanks to you all for supporting me you are a big part of why I got this far.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Also I am the proud great aunt to a new baby girl Isabella Koren born yesterday 6 lbs 11 oz and 21 inches long. Mom and baby are doing great!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Congrats Great Aunt. How nice.

    I tried the coconut break but I preper the flaxs bread better. Just made some flax hanburger buns so I can have a big jucie hamburger. can't wait. I guess i am a flax fan for life. Haven't bought any kind of bread in a couple of months. Don't need too. But I sure have bought flax seeds. congrats on your weight lost too. that is just great. We will all be a normal weight, Just wait and see. My doctor told me I was morbid obease and all along I thougt I was just obease. I am going to prove he is wrong.
    Have a Happy weekend
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    We'll beat this Marie! :drinker: Thanks a million for the flax bread recipe I love it! Even my picky eater sister loves it. She asked me today "are you going to make more of that flax bread for this week?".:happy:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Let us know how the mini pizza turn out. , Amy. glad you sister like the flaxs bread.
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Happy and Blessed Sunday L'carbers,

    My household has had the crud! This is the weirdest stuff... sore throats and a horrible cough which lasts for weeks. Took DH 3 weeks for his cough to clear up. I have had a sore throat for nearly a week. My cough isn't as bad as his, thank GOD.

    Here's a recipe you might enjoy... It was posted on the Kimkins site.

    Chiles Relleno Casserole

    Makes 12 servings

    12 oz cooked chicken breasts
    3 7-oz cans whole chiles
    4 eggs + 6 egg whites
    3/4 cup green salsa
    3 tbsp light sour cream
    3 oz light cream
    12 oz mozzarella cheese
    6 oz shredded lowfat cheddar
    2 green onions, chopped
    1/4 cup sliced black olives
    1 tsp each ground cumin, garlic powder & paprika
    1 tsp each salt & pepper to taste

    Preheat to 375 F. Spray a 9x13 baking dish with cooking spray or money saving Misto oil sprayer. Drain chiles and stuff them with 1 oz chicken, 1 oz mozzarella and 1 tbsp of salsa. Lay chiles in the pan. Whisk eggs, cream, sour cream and spices. Pour over the chiles.

    Bake 35 minutes or until puffy and golden. For the last 5 minutes sprinkle the top with 1/4 cup cheddar cheese and olives. Remove from heat and let sit for 5 minutes to firm up. Cut into 12 squares, serve with salsa, a green salad & enjoy dinner!

    Cal: 156 Carbs: 5 gm Pro: 17 gm Fat: 7 gm
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Marie, yep we have snow!!!! We actually have a fine mist of snow falling right now. The weather man stated there was a freezing fog around the area sooo I guess our fog turned into snow...lol

    The snow has been on the ground for 3 days and the old farmer's tale is if stays 3 days, expect more so guess we don't have to wait to see if the groundhog see's his shadow or not....:sad: look's there is more to come.
    We got 2.5 inches of rain Thursday night thru Friday morning. It looks like a lake in my yard. Have to wade water to feed chickens and gather eggs. That reminds me, I need to remember to buy some rubber boots next time I go to town.

    Hope everyone has a great day....

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Hammbone. that recipe is right up my alley. Love Tex Mex food. Thanks a bunch. I copy and paste it to the Met B forum. It is freebies on our plan and don't have to count the carbs. I used to get their newsletter but must have click on the wrong button and span it and lost it. Will have to get it back on. thanks again. You stayed warm up there. I hear it was pretty rought in OKla. Have a couple ex in lows living up there. Marie
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Hi everyone
    Miss you all and looks like there are some new faces

    Been kind of bummed, I hate this time of year, no motivation to even hit the gym. Trying to eat healthy but have had what hambone calls the crud, which is not helping.

    I'm going to start tanning again this week to try to get my mood up and feel better about me.

    Anyway, glad you are all doing well
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeni, Welcome back. Miss you being around. Did you find another job?
    Come back more often. Love Marie
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I got a stupid question. Are chilies and green peppers the same thing? If they are can you use red or yellow peppers? is there a difference? I love to go to the Mexican Restaurant and order chili rellenos.

    Well it was bright and sunny today. We had ice on the trees but it was gone by 11am.

    Having a little trouble getting back on track eating wise, they exercise is great. Luckily it hasn't affected my weight. All I need is four good days in a row and I'll be set. I think I'm sabotaging myself b/c I'm so close to the 100Lb mark. I should have been there in December. I'll stop whining now.

    Anyway have a good night.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ivy, chilies peppers are a mild hot pepper. Nothing like bell peppers.But they are very mild.
    Hambone posted a nice recipe for Chilies Reno;es. I posted it on Met b plan later and some of the girls said thet would leave the chicken out and just make a fourth of it.I think that is what I will do to. In fact I would like to used jalapeno peppers in mine. Marie
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Got up bright and early and did my teabo workout! I feel great! I am sure by bed time I will be very tired though! lol Oh well. I have to start exercising more and the only time that I am going to have the space or time, is before everyone else wakes up.

    Going to get some more loss this week if it kills me!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! We had a herma (sp) frost last night so everything is covered in a light frost..so pretty!