Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Hi all

    Just got back from day 2 at the gym. Go me, I forgot how good working out makes me feel.

    Hambone - HI!!! so nice to see you back, congrats on holding your own, I am in the same boat but ready to kick it up again.

    Lion - good to see you, that stinks about the bloat but glad you are back too, new year, time to get back on track.

    Well It is heatwave here for January, 28 degrees and up to 38 by friday, maybe some the sidewalks will clear so I cn walk outside., but actually I did 40 mins on arch trainer and jogged 1/4 mile and walked 3/4 so it might be good to stay inside for a bit. I want to run a 5k in the spring.

    off to log my food!
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Good morning ladies and beach if he is still hanging with the group!!!

    Calie I am so glad to see this week is much WARMER and the sun!!! The sunshine really makes me feel good even if it is cold. Hope the warmer weather is helping your bones not hurt so much!!! HOW ABOUT THEM COWBOYSSSSS!!!!! I NOW have a cowboy shirt. Yes this next game will be tough. I like Favre too!

    Girls, can someone give me a tiny push... I have been sitting right on 200 for a few days and ready to break thru to ONEderland.

    Today I plan to drink LOTS of water and eat CLEAN!!!! Sure is hard to drink water when it is cold.

    I am going to the gym after work. I started working with a trainer last week and OMG she is one tough cookie. I do not meet with her weekly though as she is helping free of charge. I will meet with her again next week and she will make changes to my current workout. Boy does she make me sweat though....lol

    Jeni, don't you burn up in that heat wave as I pull out my long johns to stay warm....lol

    Loiness, life isn't always a box of chocolates, is it? Get yourself well, and then get back to losing girl!
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Girls, we got to get our cheering section going so we can regain our place on PAGE 1!!!! Our thread is getting buried and hard to find....

    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Are you up to a little Wednesday challenge?????

    Tomorrow, no cheating!!!! Whatever plan you are following... no frills!!! AND of course drink at least 64 oz of water!

    Any takers????? HUGs to you alll
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Where's my team????? Come on L/carbers, let us hear from you!!!!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    What about no cheating today!:bigsmile:

    Good afternoon! Hope everyone is thawing out.

    Today I am attempting Week 4 Day 1 of C25K. I am thinking of reasons why I shouldn't start... it will be hard, what if I don't make it. Well If I get tired I stop jogging and walk DUH! Why do we make things harder than they have to be.

    Have a great day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: '
    I am not sad just cheering for our cheering squard or however you spell it.
    Yes indeed let get this low carbers back on top. We can do it. thanks so much Hambone.
    I remember when I first started posting here it was so much fun. Never had any problems finding us then.
    we need our chart maker back too. We need all the old buch back. You all kept me laughing.

    Hambone, lets see you get below the 200 pretty quick. You can do it. Spring is coming and we can get outside more. You can ride that bike again. Like you used too. Scrunch and i can dig out our pedometor and get to walking again. Sassy can slow down some now , since football is almost over with and get us rolling again. Oh I am so happy just thinking about it. Andrea and Mary too we can do this together. No cheating for me today. I will stay clean. I had an egg wth cheese cook in the microwave and an orange for breakfast. Haven't got the rest of the day plan out yet. ut I will have a 15 gram carb. some protein, and some fat.

    I am off to the bone soctor to see what is making these old bones hurt so much.
    See you guys later. Hope there is a bunch of posting here when I ge t back.

    Love ya Marie

    Diane, missing you yesterday.:flowerforyou: Ivy Ivy how are you my friend. I see on your Menus that you are still eating those flaxseeds muffin. Me too.:flowerforyou: Lioness have a wonderful day:flowerforyou: Amy how are you doing?:flowerforyou:

  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Good morning ladies and gentleman if BEACH is still out there lol!

    Well I took off the 4 pounds after I stopped eating the beef again it took a good week. So no more beef for me. I guess I just thought that allergy had no side effect for me but it evidently does. I was really good the past two weeks and I have been to Curves 3 times a week since I started. This week I am giving exams to the lil darlins so I am grading essays out the yin yang but I will try to get in here more. I start my research class for my thesis this Thursday so wish me luck!

    Lioness welcome back!!!! Hope all goes well for you in St. Louis and that your new job starts soon.

    Calie you make a fantastic cheer leader!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Amy, good seeing you again. Glad those 4 lbs came off.
    I am back from the doctor and he gave me a shot of cortizone in my hips so I should be ready to Hoot and hollow for the Cowboys Sunday. He said it will take a few days to take effect. Also got to go for physical ]SP] thearpy for a couple weeks and get an IMR done In the mean time Jerry is waiting on me. tomorrow. He told me to really eat Low Carbs for the cortizone will raised my blood sugar. the doc said to eat a lot of fish and tuna fish lots and lots of vggies to help keep my blood sugar from going up.

    take care all, Marie
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Ivyk, you are soo right, today we should eat clean too... heehee
    Nt sure what the C25K is but you are right. We tend to make things harder so JUST DO IT girl!!!!
    I have put off workig out at the gym cause I felt I could not lift weights. I finally got with the trainer and guess what... I can!! I may not lift as heavy as the next person but I can do it and it feels great.
    I feel like I have accomplished something when I leave!!!!

    Calie, wooohooooo, our cheerleader!!!! Take care of yourself and hope all goes well for you.

    Amy, congrats on losing the 4 lbs. I know how frustrating that is. Look you, getting that exercise in!!! You go girl.....
    Good luck when you start the research class for your thesis too. Hang in there... you will get it done.

    Hey to everyone lurking.....
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Marie, Sorry you are in pain. My aunt has had cortizone shots in her knees and they helped her. I hope you will get some relief soon.

    Amy congrats on the 4 lbs. At least you know it was the beef. Don't worry about the thesis it will flow when you get in the writing zone. I did mine many moons ago (11 years!) when you still had to go to the library and do interlibrary loans to get books and such...gosh I feel old.

    Jeni and Diana, hope you are still doing good and keeping warm.

    Hammbone C25K is a beginner running program. I did do it although I walked through some of the running but I attempted it instead of sitting on the couch.

    Lioness hope you feel better soon.
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Good Morning all

    Marie - I hope the cortizone shot helps, I hate to hear you are having issues, maybe winter dampness and colder temps are making it worse? giant hugs for you

    Hambone - so nice to have you back. I need a cheering session and am good for a Wed challange. I just had breakfast and going to do my hour at the gym, 40 on arch trainer and then going to do a mile on the track.

    Last time Beach checked in he was traveling a lot with work

    Ivy - good for you with the beginner running. I am training on my own. since I can't, or wont walk on snowy or icy sidewalks, so doing 2 miles on arch trainer is like walking my 6 miles calorie wise, but also putting me in motion, and going to stick to the indoor track for a bit to build up, I walk a couple laps to warm up then alternate running/walking and then walk the last 3 laps, I'll get there..

    Well, off to log my food and get my butt in gear. I am going to try to stick to Monday's schedule, it said if i did that for 5 weeks I would be at my goal. LOL
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning.

    I stayed clean yesterday to . I wasn't able to get to the fridge too good. Jerry fix my lunch and supper. Left over beef and vegies soup. I did have a greek yogurt before bedtime.
    I did get out of bed easier this morning but still hurt to walk. I am using my walker in the house now. When I do get up. Today is grocer shopping day. Jerry will have to do it.

    So all you low carbers lets have another good day.

    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Wooohoooo Ivy, WTG getting and just doing it. Even if you did modification, you DID IT!!!!! In a few weeks, you will breeze right thru it and look back and smile because of what you have accomplished!!!! GREAT JOB.....

    Jeni, girl, I am with you. I am not going to be out walking on ice or snow....lol, so you stick to your workout at the gym. It actually feels great when I finish my work out. Do you feel the same way?
    I am doing the circuit, lifting light weights and yesterday as I finished, I had to smile cause I never could see myself lifting weights so i definitely felt like i had accomplished something. Also the weights at the circuit don't make me feel so self concious like free weights.
    Let's make 2010 our year to achieve!!!!!

    Calie, glad to hear you are doing abit better today!!! Hang in there girl and sounds like you are on plan too!!! Woohooo

    Lioness, Diana, and Amy, how are you ladies doing today?

    My weight was up 2 lbs today but I ate clean yesterday. I seem to be heavier the day after circuit training. Not sure what that is all about....lol

    Have a great day ladies!
  • mdale2
    mdale2 Posts: 79
    Are you taking new people?

    I've been looking for some LC support on this site and wooo! here it is!

    My goals are to cut the gluten, cut the carbs, and eat healthy fat and protein sources - I'm a Protein Power devotee :)
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Welcome, welcome, welcome mdale!!!
    This thread is always open to newbies or even our old friends who went astray.... so welcome to the group.

    I am Hammbone....lol
    We are all doing low carb in some form or fashion so you will fit right in!
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Girls, here is Sassy's original post that started the Low Carb thread.... Read it and hopefully it will help motivate each of us to do our best!

    Welcome Low Carb-ers! Are you ready to meet your goals?

    This group is comprised of women who have known each other for quite awhile, and are ready to meet their goals. We welcome other Low Carb-ers to join us on our journey if your intentions are to support, motivate, and to choose change. I tried to put a lot of thought into this Challenge to Choose Change --- because we deserve the best!

    We are all different ages, shapes and sizes, but we do not judge each other. We are here to support each other, while offering some ‘tough love’ when needed. We all have different goals, and realize we are NOT just a number on the scale. We are defined by what’s inside. We are different in many ways, but we all have one thing in common….THE POWER TO CHOOSE! If we are determined to succeed…we will succeed. We are here to motivate each other to THINK and to CHOOSE before ACTING. We are not here to make excuses for our failures, but to recognize our destiny is in our own hands. We are here to discover ourselves, recognize our power, and succeed in meeting our goals of becoming the person we want to be.

    In our toolbox, we all have the tools necessary for success and change…..
    1. We can choose to get up earlier to exercise, or we can sleep in.
    2. We can choose to eat on plan, or we can be defeated by the carb monster.
    3. We can choose margaritas in fancy glasses with cute umbrellas, or we can drink water.
    4. We can use to use our food diary, or we can ‘wing it’, & wonder why we’re not losing.
    5. We can choose to take care of ourselves as well as we care for others, or we can make excuses, wonder why we never reach our goals, and wallow in self-pity.
    6. We can choose health, or we can choose insanity (which is defined as doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results).
    7. We can choose to make new habits, or we can defend our current habits thereby admitting we have no intention of quitting them.
    8. We can choose the positive, beautiful transformation of a butterfly, or we can remain the same ole’ caterpillar.

    How we can contribute:
    1. Post, Blog, Support, and Motivate
    2. Weigh-in Weekly Each Monday
    3. Get Your Ticker Up and Ready to Slide DOWN
    4. Use Your individual Power to Choose
    5. Share Your Determination and Will to Succeed
    6. Recognize that we are all MORE than just a number on a scale
    7. Make this journey FUN!

    This "LOW CARB-ERS Challenge to Choose Change" . Please post your introduction to let us know you're with us... then please weigh-in on Monday morning and come in here to post your start weight (for this thread), and your goal weight (for the week).

    “Anything is possible. It’s your choice whether or not you choose to make IT happen
  • mdale2
    mdale2 Posts: 79
    Thanks :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wecome Mdale, You will learn a lot here I have and still learning.
    I am going thru some health issues riht now/ and my doctor have me on lean meat [Chicken & fish ] veggies. I miss my carbs even tho they were low carbs , I love them..

    Hambone:heart: love that you posted the introduction Page. It needs to be posted at the start of every week or month love it.

    Just got back from having another test done.Think they can put this old lady back together?

    Hi Ivy, Jeni, Diana, Amy and Lioness. Have a great day gotta go hobble to the bathroom now and go and sit my rump down. Jerry has gone to pick up a rosateria [SP] chicken from Walmart and will steam me some veggies Maybe make me some SF jello.

    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Marie, I KNOW they can put you back together again.....lol

    Yes I agree!!! We should atleast post Sassy's intro each time a new thread starts... It is such a reminder that we can do this. It is all about choices and we can make it happen!!!

    and Scrunch, and Bamagirl, and MaryforJesus, and mommyof2boys, and beach, and golfngal, and (wow, i have short memory) those who I have forgotten your name.... commmmeeeee hoooommmmmmeeeeeeee