Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Welcome MDale!

    Marie, glad you are able to walk a little today. Great that your husband can cook. I know many men who can't boil water (actually I know some women who can't either). I saw we both lost the same amount of weight, I thought it was scary but realized it is the FLAX MUFFINS. :happy:

    Diana, Amy, Jeni Lioness hope things are going well.

    Marie and Hammbone thanks for cheering us on.

    I didn't think I could live w/o added salt but I can.
    I didn't think I would be able to give up the coffee but I did.
    I didn't think the sugar in my coffee was causing that much of a problem but it was.
    I didn't think I could drink green tea w/o honey I can.

    Baby steps. :drinker: Here's to kicking Insulin Resistance's Butt
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Welcome mdale!:flowerforyou:

    Marie how did the shot go are you feeling better yet?

    Ivy thanks for the encouragement. I hate to write and that is why I put off my masters in the first place but I will be done in May and better for it I am sure.

    Hamm!!!! Glad to see you in here! I lost the 2 pounds you found sorry didn't mean to give them to you.:tongue: I was down to 348 this morning so hope I keep in the right direction this time.:drinker:

    Well I am 6 down from the beginning so only 104 to meet my 110 in 2010. Piece of chicken! (can't eat cake:laugh: )
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Hi MDale, welcome
    I don't really eat bread, so gluten is not a part of my life, and have about 35 carbs and 80grams protein a day.

    Ham - well, I love doing weight circuit at the gym and HATE free weights. Since I had taken 4 weeks off of evercise I'm sticking to cardio, when I get up to 60 mins without wanting to die on the arc trainer, I'll start adding in weights again. I did 50 today, wanted to die, but did 50.

    Ate well, going to order something for dinner, I might get a good salad, honestly I don't even really want to eat but I know that is the wrong answer.

    Marie - glad you got up and about, they will put you back together.

    Ivy - go you
    I don't put sugar in my coffee and I am down to 1-2 cups a day, and in the am only. I use to drink 1-2 pots
    I too have learned to love green tea
    6 months ago, if I did 5 mins on the arc trainer I would have been proud of myself.
    So I'm with you, baby steps and be proud of what you have accomplished!

    Off to log my workout
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Hey everyone! You are all doing SO well! Way to go!

    I have been busy busy busy! Got to the gym Saturday with a friend. Had choir practice on Sunday night and after church I had an older lady that gets very lonely over for a little lunch. Monday had to take my son to puppet troupe at the church and run up to the scout store to get some badges, then last night was his scout meeting, tonight I picked up mom's prescriptions and got to the gym though...whew...makes me tired just thinking about it all! lol Tomorrow is my night off though and I am really looking forward to it.

    I haven't gotten on the scale because of TOM this week. I will probably weigh in on Saturday or Sunday. It am feeling like I am down though...even with the bloating so I am hopeful the scale will give me good news!

    Marie, I sure hope your shot gets you to moving better with less pain. For not getting around much you are dropping some pounds though! Good for you!

    Jeni...you are so motivated! That is terrific. You are a real trooper!

    Ivy...you are really dropping the numbers girl! Good job!

    Amy...you too are doing well!

    You girls are keeping me psyched to keep going! Thank you!

    Hambone, Mdale...and whom ever else I may be missing....hope all is going well!

    Now it is off to bed or I may fall asleep while I type! lol
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Good Mornng all

    Amy - we must have posted at the same time yesterday, go you and the loss!

    Marie - how are you? Giant hug to start you day

    Picadilly - i don't know why i'm motivated, in a slump and took all I had to get my lazy butt to the gym yesterday. Same thing for this am.

    Ham - thanks for coming back, I need a swift kick in the butt again. Winter is not my time of year at all

    Just made the bl breakfast wrap, going to go to the gym when done, hair appt then nails, then shopping for some stuff for ds to finish his project due tomorrow, then I go to my first executive board meeting. Oh, I need to go see if I can get some donations for food from local places for an intergration drill weekend for our troops that are being deployed AGAIN, this is time 3 for some of them.

    If anyone wants, please check out the site and sign the online petition www.patriothillsofny.com
    We are having a Spring Fling for the local troops in April, which is a very good distraction to keep me busy. Next week I will be taking a 30 hr safety course and my meetings and planning.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning my dear friends,

    Would like to welcome all the orginal members back to the low carbers thread
    You don't have to do anything just gives us tip. recipes. and best of all you sense of hummor and support........
    MFP seams to be posting our weight lost and its nobody bussiness what we gain. .....We know and know what to do about it.So what do you say lets pick a weigh in day and post on our check in of Mfp and they will tell the world what we lost.......... Just be sure that we are on your friend list. I will work on the list today and add you as my friend so I can look in What"s News and keep up with you guys. It makes me happy to see every ounce off to you. Well not every ounce leaves some to be a hot sexy person. Even at 79 years old I like to be sexy looking and look good in my clothes.. How about it folks............

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Diana and Jeni , You gals are so busy. I am so glad you too are geting invole in so many things. I can't keep up with you guys.

    :flowerforyou: Amy so glad that weight is coming off.

    :flowerforyou: You are the greatest Hambone

    :flowerforyou: Sassy come and join us. your imputs would help so much. Missed hearing abou the boys.
    Scurnch. and the rest of the old timers Lets make this the hotest thread like it used to be.

    :flowerforyou: Mary., Mommy of 2 boys. . You too have been missed. How are you doing on your weight lost.?

    :flowerforyou: Mdale Welcome to our group

    If I left out anyone Pleas let me know

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Good Afternoon

    Hope everyone is having a good day! I know winter gives some the blues but keep a little spring and summer in your heart. My cousin lives in Hawaii and I look at the pictures he's posted on facebook and imagine I am there. I attempted Week4 of Couch to 5K again today. Slowly getting better

    Be a good day with good energy:flowerforyou:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Sounds good to me Marie. If you all ever see I have gained please send me a kick in the pants! I am reading a book right now that is Flipping the Switch. It's about the mental issues of weight loss. So far it's pretty good. I need to flip that switch and leave it on!

    Have a great weekend if I don't come in before that!:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sounds good to me Marie. If you all ever see I have gained please send me a kick in the pants! I am reading a book right now that is Flipping the Switch. It's about the mental issues of weight loss. So far it's pretty good. I need to flip that switch and leave it on!

    Have a great weekend if I don't come in before that!:flowerforyou:

    Hey me too. You will have to teach us how, when you finish the book. I reall do need to flip the switch Sounds interesting.
    :flowerforyou: Marie:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Afternoon

    Hope everyone is having a good day! I know winter gives some the blues but keep a little spring and summer in your heart. My cousin lives in Hawaii and I look at the pictures he's posted on facebook and imagine I am there. I attempted Week4 of Couch to 5K again today. Slowly getting better

    Be a good day with good energy:flowerforyou:

    say good for you Ivy. I have been baking all day. ran out of my muffins and fianally felt like making some more today. They keep me satisfy. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Marie
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Marie what is in your muffins?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Amy here is one of the flax muffin top They called it the hamburger bun will go back and get the sweet one and get it. I love this one for my sandwiches and just to used as a roll for dinner.

    Serving size, one bun

    1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon flax meal
    1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
    1 1/2 teaspoons onion powder
    3/4 teaspoon baking powder
    1 1/2 teaspoon granular Splenda
    1/2-1 teaspoon caraway seeds, optional
    1 1/2 teaspoons dry minced onion or 1 TBS grated fresh onion
    3 eggs
    1 1/2 tablespoons water
    1 1/2 tablespoons oil

    Put the dry minced onion in a small bowl and add just enough water to moisten; let stand until softened. Mix the dry ingredients; add the onions, eggs, water and oil. Pour the batter into 6 greased muffin top pans. Bake at 325º 15-20 minutes. To serve, split the buns horizontally to make two halves using a long, thin knife.

    Makes 6 servings
    Can be frozen
    The net carbs listed below are from count as no carb foods so this food is a freebie on the MM plan.

    Per Serving: 140 Calories; 11g Fat; 8g Protein; 5g Carbohydrate; 3.5g Dietary Fiber; 1.5g Net Carbs

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    this one is what I called my breakfast roll these I triple the recipe and bake them in my muffin top pan for 15 minutes they make 4

    1 Minute Muffins

    Serving Size: 1

    1/4 cup flax meal
    1/2 teaspoon baking powder
    1 packet splenda packet
    1 teaspoon cinnamon
    1 large egg
    1 teaspoon butter

    Put the dry ingredients in a coffee mug.


    Then add the egg and the butter. Mix.

    Microwave 1 minute (or more). Take out. slice, butter, eat.

    Cream cheese would go nicely, too.

    Notes: 11.1 total carbs, 8.8 fiber, for 2.3 net carbs.

    The shape of this can be changed by making it in a bowl.

    It can be "toasted" once it's cooked.

    The cinnamon can be replaced. I would imagine that any sugar free syrup could be added.

    Per serving: 235 Calories; 18g Fat (63% calories from fat); 12g Protein; 11g Carbohydrate; 8.5 Grams Fiber, 223mg Cholesterol; 284mg Sodium-
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: ::drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    G:laugh: :laugh: d morning all of you low carbers. I feel great this morning so lets get on with this thread and make it the biggest and best thread on MFP.
    Any good tips?
    Any good recipes?
    Any good stories?
    Any good news?
    Any bad News?
    Any weight lost?
    Any funny storie?
    Any sad storie?

    Lets all help one and another to have the best life there is and a vey happy one. Come on everybody is welcome, lets have a blast. Low carb is the way to go.

    Be back later,got a doctor appt. this morning.

    Marie [calie]
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I found this and a lot of information about flax seeds here;


    Amy here is another flax bread recipe I ran across this morning Using the same ingedent as the muffin I will try it next.:

    I call this "focaccia" because it is baked in that style -- flat on a sheet pan, and then cut up into whatever sized pieces you want. It works for toast, sandwiches, and other bready uses. It is "rough" in texture like heavy whole grain breads. Since it isn't made with wheat, it doesn't have the same kind of grain as wheat breads, but the carb in flax is almost all fiber. Flax is very useful on a low carb diet, as well as being amazingly good for you.
    Prep Time: 15 minutes
    Cook Time: 20 minutes
    •2 cups flax seed meal
    •1 Tablespoon baking powder
    •1 teaspoon salt
    •1-2 Tablespoons sugar equivalent from artificial sweetener
    •5 beaten eggs
    •1/2 cup water
    •1/3 cup oil
    Preheat oven to 350 F. Prepare pan (a 10X15 pan with sides works best) with oiled parchment paper or a silicone mat.

    1) Mix dry ingredients well -- a whisk works well.

    2) Add wet to dry, and combine well. Make sure there aren't obvious strings of egg white hanging out in the batter.

    3) Let batter set for 2 to 3 minutes to thicken up some (leave it too long and it gets past the point where it's easy to spread.)

    4) Pour batter onto pan. Because it's going to tend to mound in the middle, you'll get a more even thickness if you spread it away from the center somewhat, in roughly a rectangle an inch or two from the sides of the pan (you can go all the way to the edge, but it will be thinner).

    5) Bake for about 20 minutes, until it springs back when you touch the top and/or is visibly browning even more than flax already is.

    6) Cool and cut into whatever size slices you want. You don't need a sharp knife; I usually just cut it with a spatula.
    Nutritional Information: Each of 12 servings has less than a gram of effective carbohydrate (.7 grams to be exact) plus 5 grams fiber, 6 grams protein, and 185 calories.

    Interested in resistant starch? Try Flax Bread with Resistant Starch
    User Reviews
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good morning everyone! Feeling crazy tired today. Think I need to eat some iron today...maybe spinach for dinner and that should perk me back up.

    Today is my day off but have tons of appointments. Dr apt. for mom this morning, vet for mom's dog and Dr for my son this afternoon. So I wont be around much again.

    Hope to get to the gym again tomorrow. My membership runds out tomorrow so I think I will look into a class of some sort that is a little bit closer to home.

    Marie, you new recipe sounds yummy. I think I am going to give it a try.

    Jeni, being motivated is what is MAKING you get your butt up and exercise! You are doing good. I know how hard it is to get up the energy when you have some emotional stuff going on. Hang in there...you are doing really well!

    Well gang...I am off! Have a great day and I will check in tonight.
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Hey ladies, just a quick drive byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....
    Thanks for sharing recipes Calie.

    Very busy today at work... so have a great day and I will try to check back later.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Good Afternoon!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the warm up. It made it over 60 degrees here.

    Have a good evening.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Thanks Marie these recipes look great. The flax doesn't get bitter when baked? I will have to try these. I need something new for breakfast.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Amy, I would absolutely be in a panic if I ran out of my flax muffin. Ivy and I are both hook on them. I used the golden ground flax seeds and it is suppose to be a bit milder. ut I also like the darker one too. I don;t taste no bitter. sometimes I can taste the baking powder. I buy the seeds and ground them up in my blender. Plan on buying me a coffee grinder when I am out again.

    My breakfast this morning was a flax muffin witth nuts and a small amount of raisen one of those mini box in my mix . They are better warm so I pop them in my toaster. I had cottage cheese and 1/4 cantalope. Nice breakfast.
    I made som chicken stock yessterday and plan on a nice hommade soup for lunch. Supper will be grilled turkey pattie,brocolie. and a salad. I will have fruit or veggies as snack if needed.

    It is cloudy here today. but suspose to be in the 70's by Tues. Looking forward to that. I had a good night. slept almost 12 hours. From 10 last night till 9 this morning. I am doing so much better but still not walking normal yet. I may get out and try to walk down the street some later on. But first I got to make a batch of muffins for the weekend.

    Every body have a wonderful Saturday.

  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Marie, I tried the muffin this morning...very tasty and VERY filling! Holy moly I could only eat half of it! I can't find it in the food database though. Is it there and maybe I am looking under the wrong name?

    Today is the last day of my gym membership. I don't think I will renew at that one. I think I will take a class at a rec center that is a little closer. I took a kickboxing class a year ago and loved the all over body toning it gave me...just not sure if I want to do it again because IT WAS REALLY HARD!

    So I am curious if anyone has any class that they took that they really enjoyed, burned a good number of calories and you could still walk when it was over! lol

    I guess the question is more - What is your favorite workout that you do?
