Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Happy New Year's Eve to all! Be safe, be smart and have fun! I will be celebrating with a good book in bed tonight! Sounds lovely to me! Too old for that staying up until midnight stuff! :laugh:

    Marie, I don't know if it will help with seeing the monitor but if you can, get a magnifing lamp. You can usually get them at Hobby Lobby or a fabric store. It has helped mom quite a bit. Also, if you have a word processor, you could make the font much bigger and type your message on it, then copy and paste it into your post on MFP. Just a thought.

    Have a good night everyone!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    O.k. I tried the copy and paste and it did not work. Here is another solution for you Marie. Hold down your CTRL key and the + Key at the same time and it will zoom in on your page which will make everything bigger. Hope that will help you.
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Happy New year.

    Ivy - wow 800 miles is great. I think about it, I walked 6 miles a day for for months.... hmmmmmmmm...that is 600 miles and before that did 3 miles for 3 months.. anothre 225 ... holy smokes, thanks for making me think. No wonder I wore out 3 pr of sneakers.
    I am back to the gym this weekend. I need to go every day after work

    Pickadily - I took a sleeping pill at 7:30 and was sleeping by 8.

    I'm watching the today show, clogs are coming back and huge wooden soles. Yuck. those and the skinny jeans everyone is wearing. they made me not wear jeans for 15 years, I'm hooked on my levis, give me a pr of midrise bootcut and I'm happy as a clam.

    Marie - Picadily had good thoughts, what about thos magnifer screens that you can put over your screen, I've seen those in offices. They must have those at staples or office max... probably even Walmart.

    Well, have a great day and a great new year!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope everyone had a great evening!

    Thanks Jeni. It is amazing how much we accomplish when we think about it. It's so easy to say what we haven't done that we forget to pat ourself on the back. I appreciate Arewethereyet for the proud thread and Oregonlady for the gratitude thread. Those two things I will be working on this year.

    Marie, My sister has a magnifier for her mouse when she points on something on the screen it magnifies it. I'll have to ask her about it.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Or as my Aunt always says Be a good day with good energy.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good morning everyone! Welcome to any new folks I may have missed saying hello to!

    Ivy...that is a lot of steps girl! You must have the tightest backside around!

    Marie....haven't seen you for a few days, hope you are ok! Have you tried making the print bigger on the screen?

    Jeni, I LOVE my Levi low rise 545's! They are my favorite. Levi's and white tennis shoes....that is the normal attire for me...can't beat a classic right?

    Everyone have a great day! Picking up my little boy today so am excited about that! We will be opening our presents tonight!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello, everyone

    It is bright and sunny but incredibly cold here (well for the south). I will be good today. I will not eat macaroni or cornbread dressing!

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Ivy, did you ever give in to the potatoe chip craving?:wink:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Yes I gave into the little crunchy evil delights on New Year's Eve night at a get together. I had done my steps so I figured I burned most of it.
    Ivy, did you ever give in to the potatoe chip craving?:wink:

    Glad your son is home. Have a good time opening gifts.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    OMG....I did the 30 day shred this morning, level one, and it kicked my rear! That just proves to me how much I have let my health go since mid October. When I bought the shred video and did it the first time, it was so easy and I thought, this can not be helping me as a good work out. I have let things go for so long that now I am struggling with it! Just goes to show you how quickly things go down hill if you are not careful. Excercise in some way everyday! Oh how important that will be as I get older! So getting some exercise everyday is an added resolution for me. It doesn't have to be the gym, or a video but something....a walk, some jumping jacks...something, anything so I don't go backwards ever again!
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Well I have adjusted to the New Year as well as my ticker so I am starting fresh...cant count what I lost last year anymore! Haha....or what I gained...even worse.

    Marie...I'm sorry to hear about your eyes but glad you are doing well....my thoughts and prayers are with you!

    Pickadilly....how are you feeling the day after?? I've wanted to try the 30 day shred but haven't yet.

    I really need to get better with my carb cravings again...they have been hitting at night quite a bit lately. My boys are back in school tomorrow so the Gym will see my face and gulp...body again! ;)
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I HURT! lol Most of my aches are from the shred but I also went to the gym and walked 1 miles at 2 incline in only 17 min AND 3 miles on the bike at 7% resistance SOOOOO am I surprised I hurt...not really! But it does tell me that I have not been working out the way I used to because I used to a LOT more than that and still not hurt.

    Cloverluv...the 30 day shred will give you a pretty good workout and since it has 3 levels you can jump into the middle if you need to have a little bit tougher workout. Also...I always save some carbs and calories for a late evening snack!

    Ivy...since you caved on the potato chips...do you still have the craving?

    Hope everyone had a good weekend and holiday season...now it is back to reality! This is the year I hit my goal...enough messing around!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello all, I been MIA some. But I am fine. Glad to see this thread is still hopping along.
    Good to see Crys back.
    Picadilly doing so well on exercise and eating.. You took the bull by the horn. Thats the way to do it. I know it wasn't easy
    Ivy, doing such a good job on her goal. Where is she today.
    & Amy???

    Wonderful having you all here.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hello all,
    Just got back from the doctor and she had exays done. for I am having lots of pain in my hips. So I am not getting around to good today.
    I guess this cikd weather is to much. our weatherman said it woul get down to 13 by Saturday Morning. We haven't been this cold in many years.

    Hope you all have a nice day

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member

    I think I'm a southerner but it feel like the north:laugh: . Hope everyone is having a great day and staying warm.

    Congrats on the weight loss, Diana. I still have naughty thoughts about potato chips but I think it's just pms. You and cloverluv are doing the 30 Day Shred? I considered buying but I bought the Firm 500 calories burn and it seems similar but the Firm is an hour. I have only done the entire hour twice but I did see a big difference that week in weight loss. I may by the Shred if it goes on sale. It is time for those exercise dvds to be on sale. They had Biggest Loser and Jillian Michaels on sale this time last year for around $6.

    Sorry you aren't feeling well Marie. Tell Arthur to go away.

    Jeni and Amy hope things are going well.

    I finished day 2 week 3 of C25k today and it was easy to get through I just need to work on my breathing. Why do we dread exercise so much then end up feeling good after.

    Stay warm and have a good evening.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good Windy morning to you all! The wind is swirling the snow on the ground all over the place and it is bitter cold! I can't wait until things warm up a bit so I can go outside and get some fresh air without my nostrils freezing shut! lol I remember last year, mid January we had an unusual warm spell and I was actually in my back yard with shorts and a tank top on, raking leaves! Don't think that is going to happen this year. Good thing there is a gym! I have not done the shred since Sunday because I can not get rid of the muscle knot in my right calf. I don't think it was from the shred, I think I did it on the treadmil that night when I walked so fast at an incline. Tonight I am going to the gym but I am going to stay on the bike and ride for about 40 min. Then I will do some weights. Hopefully by Friday morning, my calf will be better...it is slowly getting better.

    Ivy....you are doing GOOD on the C25K! Wow! I had thought about trying that but I have never been a runner and until I get a REALLY good sports bra...it just isn't comfy! lol The shred is ok but if you really want a good, all over at home work out you should try the Billy Banks Ultimate Tae Bo tape. It is 50-60 or longer depending on where you decide to stop. I typically burn about 500 cal when I do that and I really noticed a difference in my belly and inner thigh area! Potato chips and chocolate....evil twins!

    Marie, sorry to hear the cold is getting to the joints. I hope that is all it is and you will be doing better soon. Keep us posted! Did you ever see the posting for helping you make the typing on the computer monitor bigger?

    Jeni, Amy and Clover....I hope things are going well!

    Everyone, keep warm!
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    hello all

    Marie... giant hugs, take care of yourself

    well, I'm on the unmployment line again. That job was really not for me either so it really is ok. I am taking a class on the 19th and getting myself together. It will all be ok

    another plus, I can get back to exercising and eating like a normal person..

    i'll be back!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeni. Hated you losing your job but glad you will be with us more.
    I know you will do just fine. Keep us posted.
    Been missing you.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Jeni...I'm sorry. Even a bad job is at least a job but you have a good attitude about it! Where one door closes there is always a window that opens!

    Stay strong...we are here for you!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Ok I am kinda frustrated. I ate everything under the sun while I was off on vacation and I lost weight. Last week I started getting back on track and exercising regularly watching what I ate and I have gained 4 pounds from it. I don't get it. When I was munching chips and eating junk I lost and now I am eating healthy again and gained. Geez. Well I'm sticking to it and guess I'll see. I ate beef this week so maybe I am retaining fluid(I am allergic to beef). I will go beefless the rest of the week and see if that helps. I thought of doing a fruit and veggie fast one day to help cleanse my system any of you ever do one?

    Calie- For the chart, I am not very talented with graphics and I am starting my thesis for my Masters degree next week so I know I will not time for any extras. I wouldn't want to commit to it then not be in here enough to maintain it. Maybe we can find someone who is more talenmted than I am to set it up.

    Jeni sorry about the job. God will find you a better one!

    Hope you all are having a good week!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :love: :love: :love:

    Amy glad to hear from you. Lets see if anyone wants to set up a food chart. Is anybody game??????

    You must have had a delayed actions on gaining some weight eating all the junk But you will get it off. You are back on track again.. Marie