Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi Amy! Well I would say that you probably just took a day or two for all of those calories to take hold! AND I would say that a little 4 lb gain on vacation isn't so bad! Sodium packed foods...I bet it goes away as fast as it came on! Hang in there!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hope everyone had a good day.

    Jeni, I am sorry you lost your job. As others said something better is ahead just press on.

    Amy don't worry about the 4lbs I know beef especially if you are allergic will do it to you. Beef has a lot of iron and protein so you are building more rbc and muscle cells and they need fluid. Drink some green tea and continue to eat well and it will go away. If you do a fast please include fish or some type of protein with every meal so you won't lose muscle.

    Marie, hope you are feeling better today

    Diana and cloverluv keep shredding.

    Now I will go walk away the shameful things I ate.

    Have a good evening.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I sooooo blew it tonight! The roads are so snowy and ice covered that I decided I wasn't going to drive another 15 miles, one way, to get to the gym and pick up mom's prescription. Unfortunately when I got home from work, mom said she didn't have any of that pill left for tomorrow...so I HAD to go! Well I knew it was going to take me at least a half hour to get there since I could only drive 30 miles an hour and it is STILL snowing and only 8 degrees! So instead of cooking a good dinner and then going, I headed straight back out the door before the roads could get any worse. In the meantime mom decided (bless her heart) to help out and cook dinner. I came home to stroganoff hamberger helper and was so hungry I ate the equivalent of 2 cups and 680 calories!!!! I am so mad! Now it is late, and I don't want to do a video because I am tired from being so tense driving for almost 2 hours total in a blizzard! Do you think that burned any calories? WAAAAA!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bless your heart Diana. Glad you made it home alright. Nice that you Mom had dinner made for you. Just get back on track tomorrow and everything should be fine. By the way that is just to cold, how cold do they think it will get tonight? We are to get down to 15 Saturday morning.the coldest its been here in a long time.5 or 6 years.
    Stay warm.

  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Marie, They are forcasting with the windchill it could get down to negative 20 tonight! Brrrr...glad I have my heating pad to sleep with! lol

    I added a picture of my mom to my profie if anyone wants to see what she looks like. Her name is Helen Marie Louise, just Helen is what she goes by. That picture was taken last year on her 87th birthday. The next day we were at the hospital...she had another bowl obstruction and was there for 10 days. Thank goodness she hasn't had a relapse since.

    Marie, how are your hips doing? Are they still bothering you?
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Diana, you are such a good daughter! I know some daughters who would not do it. Your mom is so sweet trying to help her baby. I'm glad you made it home safely. :flowerforyou:
    I used to count my driving calories :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hi Diana, Nice looking mother you have..
    She must be really proud of you.

    My hip is better today. At least I got out of bed easier. After being up awhile it doesn't bother me as much. Still haven't heard from the doc about the XRays.I need to get out and walk some , but it is just too cold.

    Hi Ivy, How is your day. I made the hamburger bun from Linda's low carb recipe today and was pretty good. I am still making the flax muffin for Breakfast. Seems like I am baking all the time.

  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Awww...thank you gals! I don't think I do as much as I could though so I'm probably not as good a daughter as you may think. And yes she is proud of me BUT...shhhhh don't tell my sisters that! lol

    Glad your hip is a little bit better. I understand about the cold thing...trust me! It is finally up to 4 right now! At least the sun is shinning though! Keep us posted on what you find out.

    I have been a good girl on my food so far today....just gotta make it to bedtime and weigh in tomorrow morning...I am a little scared of that! Oh well, what will be will be right! Just like Doris Day used to sing!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Happy Thursday Everyone!

    Diana, you are a good daughter. I know a lot of daughter who would stick their mom in a home and not think twice.
    Marie glad your hip is better today. Maybe walking around the house will help?
    I have never been able to make a roll. They always come out hard on the bottom. Can you ship me some?:bigsmile:

    I have been a bad girl. But today I am trying to get all my veggies in to compensate.

    Have a great day and keep warm
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Did my weigh in and the scale did not budge this week. But considering that I blew it with really bad food one night and my monthly visit should show any day now....I am actually happy with the scale not moving! It did not go UP! So if I have any water weight gain right now the scale is not showing it, which means, I should see a nice drop when it is all over with! So I am o.k. with this! Will get a lot of exercise in the next 3 days (my days off) so hopefully next Friday I will be doing the happy dance!

    Is everyone doing well this morning! -9 degrees here right now! I need to shovel my driveway and sidewalk but I think I will wait until 11 or so. I told the lady next door I would do hers too. IT IS GOING TO BE COLD! It feels like your lungs freeze and your nostrils freeze together when it is this cold! lol

    Marie...how did you do with the cold? I bet in Texas this is just crazy cold for you! I keep thinking I need to move somewhere warmer. Then spring comes and it is so beautiful here that I just can't imagine not being here. Maybe I can be a 'snowbird' when I retire, then I can have the best of all worlds. Did you and your husband ever do that?

    Ivy, thank you. Actually my mom is here with me because she watched her mother die in a nursing home and it broke her heart. I promised her then (I was 16) that I would never let that happen to her and I intend to keep that promise! It is going to get rough at some point and I may have to hire someone full time to be here with her...but that is o.k. You want to hear a selfish perk about it? I hope I am teaching my boys that when I get that age, one of them will have to take care of me! lol

    It has been a good start to the new year! Everyone have a lovely day! Stay positive! Stay motivated! Take it one craving at a time!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    It is cold but no snow. I'm glad we haven't gotten ice. We usually get terrible ice storms heading into feb.

    Diana, you will burn a lot of calories shoveling snow and get in some strength training too. At least you did not gain. Taking care of a parent or grandparent is a humbling experience. My gram has alzheimer's and asks the same questions 10 times and I answer her every time. Sometimes others get frustrated but I try to remember how well she took care of me as a child. I know it is my turn to return the favor.

    Hope everyone is keeping warm.

    Have a good day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey girls your life is a open book here. I didn't know they made it public when you change your weight lost. Well maybe that will keep me on the bean better. But I do like all these little notes from you guys. Thanks Marie
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Hi all
    just a quick check in. I got the biggest looser family cook book, LOVE IT! it makes everything in normal sizes, usually 4 servings per meal. So I spent today cooking, meatballs, meatloaf and enchalada chicken and I made a pot of vegie soup or the weekend. I'm going to do my jumpstart this weekend and start BL stuff on Monday.
    I'm going to enter the stuff I'm going to eat on my food here so I can track it carefully. I had a meatloaf sand for dinner, about 400 cals and 40g protein. I was so stuffed and it was a serving size.I feel like I ate more than i do in a week.

    Glad you are all doing well, stay warm! I'm not leaving this weekend

    Marie - what do you mean they make it public?!

    Amy - you are doing great, keep up the good work, 4lbs could be something simple as need to drink more water
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Hello Low Carb Friends,
    How is everyone doing? I made it thru the holidays staying pretty much the same. Bounced from 200 - 205.5. This morning I weighed 201.5.
    I started going to the gym and the trainer started me on the weight circuit so I have been a bit sore.

    Looking forward to a great 2010!!!

    Calie Jen, and Amy great to see you. Pickadilly & Ivy, nice meeting you. I haven't read the back post so not sure who is still posting but hopefully I will have time to check in several times a week.

    Have a great day and STAY WARM!!!!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Hambone congrats on making it through the holidays w/no gain

    Marie, they only let people know when you have lost. But it is kinda weird that your life is an open book. Have you made a loaf of bread using the flax recipe. I was wondering how many cups you had to put in to make it. My mom wants me to make her a loaf.

    Jeni and Diana, hope you are keeping warm.

    The snow missed us and it is bright and sunny but cold here.

    Well despite having had brownies these past two days my weight is steadily decreasing. I don't know where to be glad or frightened.

    I've procrastinated enough off to the treadmill I go.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Hey there Hambone, So glad to see you. Hope your come often and brighten things up. We got a swell bunch here. Love every one of them. Not as many as when you and Sassy was around.but a swell bunch and doing so great.
    How you like this Texas weather. Are you going to watch the game tonight? you know I am..Was hoping you both come back and take over. I am not much of a leader but since I have to be on a low carb diet I wanted it to stayed here. Be looking for you.more often.Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ivy, I havent made a loaf of bread yet , I am hook on making the muffin tops. I haven't tried using carotts yet but will , I made banana,zuccinna, herbs I been making a hamburger bun using lots of spices and made a big hamburger last night. The recipe i used make thin ones and I used two of them for a sandwich, I will never buy bread again. These suit me just fine.

    Marie:heart::heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning, How's about them Cowboys!!!!!!!! Hey beach can you hear me. I love them Cowboys. I am going to wear my cowboys shirt all week and my cowboy vest.

    Next week will be rough for me for Brett Frave is one of my Faverite Q. He has done great this year.

    Time to go get some Low carb breakfast down. I think it will be scramble eggs.flax muffin and 1/2 orange. of course coffee.

    Good hearing from my good friend Hambone, hope her and the reat of the bunch will come back. I'm glad Sassy college team won they play a good game. So did Texas. Two Of the best teams around.

    Have a wonderful day

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hey everyone, I am back and need to get back on track.................Have gained a boat load of weight from steroid medications I have been on from having pnuemonia and bronchitis.

    Life throws you curve balls and I must dodge them.

    I didn't move to Seattle, instead moved near St Louis and starting a job with the USDA soon. I am making a 2 hour commute each way to work everyday just to have a job until the new one starts. Sucks, but one must do what one must do in this economy........

    Marie - How about them Cowboys!!! They are looking fantastic and unstoppable right about now!!!! Onward to Minnesota this week to beat the Vikings and then on to the NFC Championship!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I have posted twice this morning and lost both post, so I am just dropping to say hello and hope you all had a wonderful weekend.