Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I had every intention of staying good today, but you know I did not. I was a bad Granny, Ate too much but oh so good.
    Will get back on track tomorrow.. Sorry was not a low carber today.Thanks goodness there is always tomorrow.


    PS i like your poen too. Ivy. See you guys tomorrow
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Merry Christmas! Hope you all had a wonderful day. I discovered my stomach has shrunk and I cannot not eat very much.

    There is a poem call Christmas he no good. It is a bit politically incorrect. But I'm changing it to ...

    Sugar he no good.: Make sleepy, make butt big, stomach hang over like sack. Sugar - he no good.:bigsmile:

    My uncle called my sister a big fat pig. I jumped on his case. Is it okay to pimp slap a 66 year old man. I told him never to comment on a woman's weight. You know how sensitive you men are about losing your hair. What if I called you baldy and made comment on your lack of hair. I know it was kinda mean but there are somethings you just don't say when you see somebody.

    Ivy I love it! LOL!

    Well I've been MIA but I am getting back on track starting Monday. I joined Curves with my sis the other day and our first workout is Monday morning. I thought that would be a good day to get everything back on track. I have maintained at 350 for the past month so it is time to get back to my cavewoman ways. Hope you all have a wonder new year full of good health and happiness! Also hope you had a blessed Christmas! :)
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Glad to see you back Amy.:flowerforyou:

    I overindulged also. I discovered later that if I walked on the treadmill for 20, I could pack some more in.:noway: But today is a new day. I'm making a U turn today. I gave my body a little- well okay a lot- of extra energy and now I will commence at burning it off.

    Have a great day.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good morning! Hope everyone is well! I love the news feed! Very fun!

    Have a good day all!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    DId my first workout at Curves this morning. The new system will tell me the calories I've burned and everything after the first month. I feel so good after that workout. They have a new stretching station that really helps too since i can't get on my knees on the floor to do all of the stretches. I started off well this morning with eggs and leftover ham with a little cheese and my coffee of course. I am throwing away the cookies soI will not feel obligated to eat them. So it's back on track for me. How is everyone else doing?
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello, everyone.

    Amy glad you like curves.

    Diana hope you are warm. How's your mom?

    Marie, hope you are doing good.

    I want potato chips:sad: I hardly crave junk but I saw them on sale at the grocery store last night. But I will eat black beans instead. This is supposed to be a rest and maintenance week for me.

    Hope everyone has a great day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello everybody.
    Glad to see you back Amy. How is that new house? Are you back on a caveman diet. I need to go to that site and check out thier recipes. I am baking some Coconuts muffins now. Don't know how they will be. But you never know till your try it.

    DianeYou sound in good spirits. Thats half the battle. Be happy with yourself

    Ivy How things going my friend.

    I gained some lbs over the weekend. Got to take care of that.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    I am so glad all the turkey is almost gone! The ham went fast but was stuck with turkey.

    Have a great day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Well I had my spurge Christmas now to get back on track.
    And the worst about it all I could done without all the goodies.

    Jerry has gone lookin for us a indoor antena .For our cable and Fox's has not got their contract settle yet. We wont be able to watch the Cowboys game this Sunday if they don't come to an ageedment. So we did go out and bought a converted box and now looking for the antena. He thought he might have one around here.But could not find it.

    Snow is due here in a few hours. about 3:00 pm it is now 12:45pm

    Well I think I will drift over to the Menu for B L D and post mine for today.

    See you later
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Hi guys

    Marie, I do think about you often. Back to relationship hell, and I had a horrible christmas and am almost unable to function, takes all my energy to go to work every day.

    It sounds like you are all doing well, and survived the holidays.

    Amy, love your pic, you look great

    I'll try to check in again, just struggling to deal with life and that is more than i can do at the moment.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Hi Jeni, been wondering about you. you were missed. Sounds like you Christmas was not to great. Sorry to hear that.

    Diane You seems to have a hold onto your life now. I am so glad

    Ivy, How close are you to your goal?

    And by the way what so you all have plan for 2010 in your life.
    Lets set our goals on Jan.1st.And Our wishes.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello all,

    Jeni sorry you had such a horrible holiday. Here's to better things in the new year:flowerforyou:

    Marie, I am 45 pounds from my goal so I still have a long ways to go. I though I'd be on 25 by now but such is life. Did you guys get snow? I will think about what I want in the New Year. What I really want is to wake up and the weight be gone and potato chips and cheesecake have no calories.:laugh:

    Diana how are the groups you joined going?

    Amy hope you are doing well with Curves.

    Well it is sunny and cold here. But I know it is colder elsewhere so I can't complain. Have a great day.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Ivy- I am doing great with Curves it really does feel great to be back there. I went again today I am starting out with the 3 times a week then will probably go to 4 or more with some walking in between now that I have a good neighborhood to walk in.

    Jeni I am sorry you are having these crappy problems I will pray it gets better for you. Hang in there and lean on us!

    Calie- I am really enjoying the new house. We still have a lot to move in and settle in. We are working slowly since we have to pay rent on the apt til March anyway might as well use it for storage til we can figure out where everything is going. We are already making a donation pile too. I am trying to get back to my cavewomanly ways lol but the holidays have been hard. At least my weight is hanging steady.

    I started watching Ruby last week it's a show on Style about a woman who weighed 477 pounds and through diet and exercise and therapy she is down around 300 now. She uses a home delivery service for prepackaged meals (not Nutrisystem but real cooked meals). Of course that is too expensive for me so I was talking to a fan of hers on Facebook and she told me she does her own and packages them for a week at a time and keeps them ready for meals. So I got some new Glad containers and I am going to cook everything this Sunday to get ready for next week and see how it goes. My sis and I sat down and made a menu for the week and adjusted it based on the new sales papers and I am shopping this afternoon for all of it to get started. We already had a lot of the ingredients but we were getting low on meats and of course veggies and other fresh ingredients. I am definitely getting back on track Monday when I go back to work/school.

    Hope you all have a wonderful and SAFE New year's!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Forgot to put my 2010 goal in the last post so I just will do another.

    My goal is 110 in 2010!:drinker:

    We can do our starting weights on New Year's Day then go from there.:flowerforyou:
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Hey all! Mom just had the sniffles for a few days and is well. I am still on the stuffy side. Go figure a 87 yr old woman can recover faster than I can! lol I have not gone to any of the group meeting yet because there were none scheduled until mid Jan. However, I found my very first friend ever (since I was 8) on facebook last Friday and it turns out that she only lives 10 miles away. That has been such a blessing. We went for lunch and shopping on Saturday and it felt like we had never lost touch. That friendship is going to re-blossom I am sure and it will help me to break out of my hermit ways. My son comes home from his dad's on Saturday and I am anxious to see him.

    Jeni, I am so sorry to hear things are taking a turn for the worse...if you need to vent, feel free to send me a note!

    Glad most of you had a nice Christmas!

    My goals for 2010 is to finally hit my goal weight, which is 125-130...somewhere in there. I plan on doing that by just concentrating on my kids, my mom and myself. No dating or nonsense. I am taking a year to just be ME! No other expectations or demands, just my family and me.

    So here is to 2010 being MUCH better than 2009!!! :drinker: :drinker: :wink: :heart: :heart:
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Hey everybody...been a long time and I have missed you all!!! Hope everyone has been doing well. I have been living where I had cell phone service or internet but now am back to civilization! Now back to losing weight again.


    Hope everyone had a great Holiday!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Welcome back Crys, So glad to see you again. Have often wondered about you. Glad you are back in cicvizations tp be on the internet. How has things been going for you.?

    I have been doing f ine. My eyesight is getting worst and and have a hard time reading the post now. but I will do my best. I am still low carbering it. My Sammie dog is still around. Sometime too much. Husband is fine.

    Hope to see you hear often.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: Good Morning Amy, Crys.Diane.,Jeni, ivy .and all the rest of you.
    I have 48 lbs to lose in 2010.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: Amy tells us more about your prepackage meals you and your Sis are putting together. I love your new picture.
    Amy would you organize us on somekind of weigh chart.?I think that would be great. Lets us know what you can come up with. My eyesight is getting pretty bad and I am having a hard time reading what I post. So excuse all the mispelled words and errors. so glad you are getting settle in your house.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back Crys, So glad to have you back.

    :flowerforyou: Diane, I like your attitude. You will make it just fine.

    :flowerforyou: Ivy, My stand by friend, It is so nice to have you on board.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    we welcome all new low carbers and all MIA friends Lets make this a good year for all low carbers.
    Give us your tips, recipes and good ideals. WELCOME WELCOME

    Low carbs is new to me. Oh I been learning a little more about it this past year thru all of you. But my doctors have always just habded me a diet to go by and not tell tell me about carbs.

    Love from Marie:heart::heart:

    :flowerforyou: Amy you will be a big help here on this thread

    ::flowerforyou: You all will make this a nice place to visit. and remember to drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: tons of it
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Hi all
    Happy New Year!

    I went to a pre party last night and well.... I'm going to bed very early tonight, got out of work early and getting chinese food, not that I can keep anything in me, and relax with a fire and thats it.

    I will survive, that iswhat i do!

    Anyway, i'll be checking in more, I promise, it will be at night, I get up at 4:15 and leave at 6:20ish so I don' have time to fool around, or walk in the morning

    For 2010; lets see, Become stronger and happier for me
    Lose another 20lbs and get insurance approval for my TT.

    I'm going to be 39 in a coupe of months, so my short term goal is to make a plan of what I want to do before my 40
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Welcome back Chrys.

    Marie, you are awesome. I wish my relatives with diabetes had half as much determination as you.

    Diana you will have a great year. But leave a little room for the possibility of a GOOD mate. They can show up when you least expect it.

    Amy I am glad you are enjoying curves and your new house.

    Jeni, you are strong chica. You are just going through a little blip in the road. It doesn't seem like it now but in a few years you'll be able to smile and appreciate how strong you really were.

    For me I challenged myself to 30,000 aerobic steps today. That would put me at 800 miles walked for the year. i was supposed to do 1000 miles but things happen.

    Here's to 1000 miles, 30 inch waist or a size 10 in 2010 (how many pounds that is I don't know)

    Well I have 14000 more steps so I better get to steppin' :bigsmile: