Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good morning everyone! Been a busy week. Got to the gym last night and had a great workout! 1.5 miles on the treadmil, 3 miles on the bike, 1 mile on the eliptical. I was going to do some weight training but my oldest son called and I can't call him back so I took his call and by the time I was done talking, I was done working out! lol My legs felt like noodles walking down the stairs so I worked hard. That is how I guage how hard I worked....If when I walk down the stairs and it hurts, I did good! Goofy I know.

    Haven't been doing too great on the eating. Too many goodies at work and I haven't been able to resist too much. A few more days and that will be over though so that is good.

    Everyones recipes sound so yummy! Here is an easy one I like a lot. Take some deli roast beef, place a slice of pepper jack cheese on it, roll it up, back it in the oven just long enough for the cheese to melt, then dip it in a little light ranch dressing. Very tasty and very few carbs! Not bad on the calories either. Have some veggies on the side and you have a nice meal and it is easy easy easy!

    Have a wonderful day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning picadilly. That little meal sounds great. Will have to try that sometime.. I am making chili today.

    That Jeni girl is so busy whe don't have time for us. But I am happy for her. Having a job will help her a lot in more ways than one,

    You both will have a it pretty bad this Christmas. But hanged in there and things will be better next Christmas.

    Hey Ivy , what are you up to today.?????????/

    This is a rest day for us . nor running around just the usally housework and cooking.

    Better get busy it is surpose to warm up and Sammy and I can go for a nice walk.

    Thinking of you all , have a good day.

    Things to do today,:\
    Make a list of your graitude for this time of the year.

    :heart: :heart: For everyone to have a Lovely Christmas

    :heart: :heart: For having each of you to help me on my journey

    :heart: :heart: For the love and support of my family

    :heart: :heart: For the love and supporrt of all of my friends on MFP

    :heart: :heart: Many , many more

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Afternoon all,

    Hear there's a storm coming this way hopefully it will evaporate.

    I'm thinking of reasons why I shouldn't do C25k today.... my head hurts a little, my ear is stopped up but these are just excuses so I know I just have to get on the treadmill and do it.

    Glad to hear the weather is better for you all.

    Diana we all get off course sometimes, but we know it IS off course whereas eating sweets everyday used to be THE course.

    Have a great day

    Marie, does milk raise your blood sugar significantly? I was reading the diabetes solution by Richard Bernstein (http://www.diabetes-book.com/readit.shtml) and he had milk as a no no food. Yogurt was fine as long as it is full fat (probably b/c of the fat and acidity). I know different food effect people differently, I was just curious.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Ivy,
    Yes milk does raise your BS, It has carbs in it. I drink a glass of milk if I have low Blood sugar. I am looking foward to a glass of milk when I go into my next step, I think Milk has 12 carbs. I will be able to have milk stay within my 11-20 grams of carbs. Right now I only get 5 grams of carbs per meal. So not enough to get milk yet. I am on insulin so I have to watch it mighty close. This met B diet that I am on is surpose to be getting your body ready to handle more carbs,
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Afternoon all,

    Hear there's a storm coming this way hopefully it will evaporate.

    I'm thinking of reasons why I shouldn't do C25k today.... my head hurts a little, my ear is stopped up but these are just excuses so I know I just have to get on the treadmill and do it.

    Glad to hear the weather is better for you all.

    Diana we all get off course sometimes, but we know it IS off course whereas eating sweets everyday used to be THE course.

    Have a great day

    Marie, does milk raise your blood sugar significantly? I was reading the diabetes solution by Richard Bernstein (http://www.diabetes-book.com/readit.shtml) and he had milk as a no no food. Yogurt was fine as long as it is full fat (probably b/c of the fat and acidity). I know different food effect people differently, I was just curious.

    Ivy, Milk is naturally sweet. The less 'skim' the milk, the less sugar and the higher the fat content. Best thing for diabetics, believe it or not is real whipping cream. I am not diabetic but my dad was and had to take four insulin shots per day because it was pretty severe. You can make 'ice cream' out of whipping cream by adding a little splenda, whipping it up and then freezing it. Next time you are at the store, look at the labels on skim, 1%, 2%, whole and cream the carbs are coming from the sugar content.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    He mentioned that in his book and I never noticed until I went in the database and looked and sure enough the 1% is higher in sugar than the full fat. I guess that is why milk straight from the cow is best. My grandma called it clabber milk? He also mentioned having real ice cream. My dad used to have a churn and make it. I can't use artificial sweeteners b/c they trigger migraines. I usually use honey or try cut the sugar in half. I haven't tried stevia yet.

    Marie, do you grind your own flax seeds to make meal or do you buy the meal?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ivy, I have used both kinds. I think the one you grind up has a better flavor. I put about 1/2c. at a time in my blender and ground them up/ I bought the golden seeds and I like them better than the dark ones. What book are you going by? I used Metabolism B Miracle Diet. They say it is about the same as Adkins only we used the light dairy products, We can used half and half cream good in my coffee. I went back and read your last post and you mention Dr. Berstein [Sp] I have one of his book will look it over.

    recipes for coffee.

    1 c. of coffee
    1 pkg stevia
    a little Walden Farm no carb and no calorie chocolate syrup )0ps it has art. sweetener in it or 1 t. cocoa powder
    ! T. half and half.

    It makes a nice moacha coffee.Think I will go and have one.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here is my healthy recipe for today

    Flax waffles

    1/4 c ground flax
    1/2 t. baking powder, 1 t cocoa, 1 t. cinnamon
    1/4 c choppedd walnut
    2 pkg splenda

    Mix till blended well

    Add 1/4 c eggbeater, 1 T. oil,1/4 c light sour cream May need a little water to thin it down,
    I used about 1 T. Mix good and spoon into hot waffle iron untill it quit steaming. I serve mine with whipped cream cheese.

    This is the same recipe I used for the one minute muffin except I don's add any water. or oil. Very good.with my coffee.


    Have a good day
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    The muffins came out right this time. I did substitute the splenda for honey and it added 6 sugar carbs per but that isn't so bad for me. I will cut it down to 3. I like the fact that I can get my fiber for the day in a muffin but I'll have to see how my digestive system likes it :wink: . My uncle gave me a packet of stevia so I will try it. Hopefully it won't be a migraine trigger.

    I have read/skimmed Bernstein's book, Atkins book and South Beach diet as well as some articles from Mark's Daily Apple. I like the atkins for life because it is give a better explanation on how to have high carb food (I'm a rule breaker- If I want something I will eat it sparingly). For example I eat potatoes maybe once a week. You can have those foods just not every day and they have to be balanced with protein & fat and your other meals must be lower in carbohydrates. I was using sugar in my coffee for a while w/no problem but I started adding more and more so I had to cut it out:embarassed: .

    It is cold and rainy here. We rarely get snow here but we do get ice storms which i think are worse. Hopefully it will pass us by this time too.

    Have a great day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Ivy you can add some ground flax to your yogurt. Have to used you imazination some but it taste like graham crackers, I like to get some fiber in every meal somehow. I have a small jar made up on flaxs.cinnamon. and stevia And I just sprinkle some on my yogurt.
    Or just plain flax in my scramble eggs, Just about anything. Even on your baked potaoes. Say by the way I love the roasted turnips. But I like roasted veggies.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    More problems, mostly with my oldest son and the fact that Christmas is coming without both kids. I can't keep my hands off the darn sweets at work and I know it is my frame of mind that is doing it. Somehow I have got to get out of this stinking thinking I have going on. Maybe having a break from both kids will give me a little breathing room to re-group. I just know something has got to give here or I am going to start gaining weight again and I do NOT want to do that! I wish there were a group in my area that got together to exercise. I wonder if the ladies at church would be interested in meeting up once a week. Any one have any ideas of groups that I could get in touch with that don't charge a membership fee? I think I need some one on one support!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Have a wpnderfil snowey day for those that are blessed with a pretty site. Just in time for Christmas.

    Been watching it on TV.

    Have a wonderful day.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    No snow here it is 60 degrees, bright and sunny like it never rained. I went outside with a light sweater.

    Diana, I lurk at the over 300 thread and havingitall mentioned a website called meetup.com where you may be able to find an exercise group. Having a church group is a good idea, too. When I was in Atlanta a friend had aerobics classes at their church. It might be a good idea, especially if you have fitness instructors at your church that will give their time.

    Hope everyone stays warm
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Ivy! Thank you so much for the website info. I checked it out and there are two great groups I am going to join! Maybe this will help me shake the blues a little too! Thank you thank you thank you!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Glad you found a group and hope it will lift your mood.
    One of my saying is when you're in a bad moody
    just shake your booty:laugh:

    And count your blessing, name them one by one
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Good morning from Sunny Texas. Its a little cooli this morning but the sun is shinning.
    Wish all of you who got snow stay warm and safe.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    It's sunny and mild here too. I went outside in my short sleeves this afternoon.

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Sunny here too! 51 degrees as I speak! That is the warmest it has been for a month. I even went to church without a coat this morning! Love days like this! Tonight is the kids Christmas program and after that we are doing a fellowship gathering. Well you know what that means, lots of really yummy food! I am proud of myself though. I fixed a relish (sort of) tray. I made cream cheese celery sticks, peanut butter celery sticks, and some green and black olives! That will help me stay away from all of the sugar that will be there!

    Hope everyone has a lovely evening!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I have to bake a cake today but I will not eat the batter. If I say it often enough maybe I won't .

    Hope everyone is having a good day.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I have to bake a cake today but I will not eat the batter. If I say it often enough maybe I won't .

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

    Step away from the batter! lol I was not that good and I felt toxic all day on Friday. Don't do it IVY.....step away! lol

    I want to thank you again for telling me about that site. I have joined a book club, a movie club and a over 40's social club. This is exactly what I need to re-join the human race. No more dating and no more giving everything to my kids and mom. I have got to have my own life too. THANK YOU!

    Marie, How are you doing today? I still haven't tried your recipe for the morning muffin yet but have plans for tomorrow to! I will let you know how it goes.

    My little boy is gone now for Christmas break. I am going to miss him so much. Christmas will not be the same without my boys. But I am going to use this break as a time to focus on renewing Diana. I am going to the gym every other night and nothing is going to stop me! Well unless they are closed I guess! lol I am going to end 2009 with a bang and start 2010 with positive thoughts and energy!