Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good afternoon all.

    Cloudy day here and damped.,
    Watching football games today with hubbie. Made me a Pot of cauiflower soup, Pretty good. I am begaining to like this new way of eating.
  • Beachcomer
    Beachcomer Posts: 122 Member
    Hey Calie, Thanks for running as the leader of the thread. I've been MIA, but I'm back. Big hello to Jeni. Looks like your doing great.

    WELCOME to Ms Picadilly and Songbyrd. Hope youz guys hit your goal.

    Well, All Have a good Monday.
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Morning all

    Beach... so nice to have you back... and you changed your pic :)

    Marie - you changed yours too, love it!

    Well, just a drive by post, nervous about returning to the working world, but I'm heading out in 30 mins for my first day. Going to stop at the gym on my way home and do my arch trainer. I'm going to build up to my 90 mins if it kills me, and after yesterday ... it just might. LOL
    Feels great and and burned 500 cals in 40 mins so I work out harder than my walk, but I'm determined to do a 5k in the spring!

    Wish me luck, I'll fill you all in tonight when I get in!


    and remember SMILE its contagious!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi ya Beach. So glad to see you back here. There is not many of us left here, They all flew the coop. But maybe we can build it back up. Did you get to see any snow?
    First off we need a good joke.\ from you. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
    Marie [Calie]
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good morning everyone! I managed to get up early enough to do my kickboxing video...wow that things does kick your rear! 50 min of intense non-stop fast movement. It burns a lot of calories too Jeni.

    Marie, it that your new wig? You look so pretty!

    Thanks for the welcome and hello Beach!

    Well hope we all have a successful week!

    Jeni, can't wait to hear how the new job went today!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    mind if i join in?

    diabetic so i am a carb counter. makes it easier for hubby too.
  • Beachcomer
    Beachcomer Posts: 122 Member
    Welcome and good luck, Chipper.

    Marie, love the new look. Yes this Florida boy saw more then enough snow. Was in one of two pickups that got stuck in a snow drift and had to get pulled out.. We were in the northeast plains of Co. when they had the blizzard. Wid chill was -3. BRRRRRRR.

    Jeni, Hope u kick butt this week on the new job.

    Got to go to sleep now. 6AM flight. Fl to Atl then Atl to Seattle

    Nite all :drinker: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Welcome Chipper!

    Beach, I live in Colorado, by Greeley to be specific and yes...it was COLD! The winters really arn't that bad here but it can get bitter cold.

    What do you do that you fly so much?

    Hope all had a great day!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Good morning all...

    thanks for the welcome. a little about myself....
    married, 32yrs, 1 DD, 1DS, 2 granddaughters. live in south carolina. just finished realtor school, taking state exam next week. this is a re beginning for me. i had lost over 80#s, but, within the last 7 months gain back 1/2. had to buy bigger clothes that didn't set well, so made me eat more. so now back on the journey wagon again. got to the uncomfortable part again. today is my 3rd day back on track. DH and i had a long talk about the whole issue this past weekend. sure glad he is in on it with me.

    well, off to dress and go to the gym.

  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Hi all ,sorry I've been MIA. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! We closed on our house and sis passed her test for her real estate license so she will start working again soon. We are moving this weekend plus I have 2 papers and 4 chapters of questions to finish this week for class on Saturday and I am planning the staff Christmas party this Friday night so I have been swamped. I can't wait for this weekend to be over! Hope you all are doing well. See ya next week hopefully. We are trying a new internet company so keep your fingers crossed.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Good afternoon All.,

    Jeni, you sound like your old self today, Let us know about the new job.

    Pickadilla. Your Kickboxing sounds like really good exercise.

    Chipper so glad your join us. It nice that your hubbby is going along for the ride with you. That will truely help.

    Amy, so glad to hear from you. So happy about you and your sister getting move into your new horm. You and her will be able to allk up a lot of low carbs meals. in that new kitchen.

    beach , Hey you are a traveling man these days. Are you able to stay on a low carb diet? Missed you steering us in the rught directioims.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    how is everyone doing? today is day 4 for me and things are going great. i have to have a bond density test today. never had one before. my Vit. D is low so he wants a test done. surprised at that since i am in the sun most of the time. oh well,

    hope everyone is having a good week.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning Chipper. Just take it one day at a time.Thats what I am doing. I am such a slow loser. But I will get there. For I have conferdent in the plan I am on.
    This moring I had a scramble egg and a flaxseed one minute maicrowave muffin. So good For 2 1/2 net carbs
    on this cold and snowing morning. It didn't stick bur so pretty coming down. Its all over now.

    Have a nice day . Keep those carbs down and you will get there.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I finally gave up the sugared coffee. That was the only thing holding me back. I now am hitting around 25-30% carbs. My blood panels were great so hopefully my endocrinologist will be happy when I see her the first of the year.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Ivy. Good for you. Glad to see you here. and Welcome.

    My husband and I went to the casino today. Had two meals out and i kept my carbs to 5 gr. We Had breakfast at Cracker Barrell and i had a low car breakfast I ha sl. tomatoes, 3 scramble eggs and sausgage with a 5 gr toast. Pluse coffee.
    Ate at the casino Buffet and had a big salad.with eggs, tomatoes bell peppers cheese and light dressing for desert I had cottage cheese. tonight I will have a low carb tortilla and cheese grilled.

    Snacks emeral's roasted cocoa almonds.
    How was your day?
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Hi all
    I'm sorry quiet this week, I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow, I'm running late and just exhausted from adjusting. I now get up at 4:15 and run until 8-9 at night, I'm beat.

    can't wait to see how you are all doing tomorrow
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good morning everyone. It has been a tough week emotionally until this morning. For some reason things became very clear last night and today....I am actually ok and I am going to be ok. I have my joy back I think. Now I really need to start focusing on exercising more. I sit all day at work and then get home and cook dinner and other than my gym nights...I just sit all night too. That has to stop. It is so cold here right now that getting outside is too tough....only 3 deg as I type this. But this weekend will be a busy one. Clean house today and go grocery shopping, then off to the gym. Tomorrow morning I will go clean the church and then head to Denver to drop off my son's boy scout popcorn, get his hair cut and visit with a friend. Sunday is church and choir practice and I am going to the gym in the afternoon. That should keep me busy and moving and my mind occupied on more positive things!

    Marie....good job on the eating out! Wow, I don't know that I could have been that good!

    Jeni, I am sure you are very tired. That is a big adjustment plus getting up that early. You must be very tired! Hopefully your body will get somewhat used to it and you will get into a routine.

    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    Have a lovely day everyone!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Dinia.say it is cold up there. We got down to 33 this morning and I had to used the hair dryer to warm the pot lid up. It is surpose to get down to 24 tonight. Boy the covers are going to feel good tonight.

    I have been on this WOE [way of eating] for over 4 weels, Its just the way it is.All a matter of making the right choice.

    Wishing you all a very Merry Day. and Keep warm.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Thank You for the welcome!

    Marie, you are awesome staying on plan especially at cracker barrel.

    Jeni, I hope everything goes well with your new job.

    Diana, I am glad your joy is back. I take care everyday to renew my spirit. I try to carry around a song in my heart or my cd player and that lifts my spirits.

    Stay warm and be a good day with good energy

  • happygirl76
    Hi Calie, this is your friend Debbie in Ohio and I am finally back and it feels so good. Thank you for your recent email and I am looking into the low carb diet you speak of, and I agree with you the perks and benefits of a low carb diet is the ticket to success.
    I have been doing alot of reading and for those dealing with diabetes this is a must consider program, or at least I think worth looking into.
    So is everyone ready for the holidays? What challenges are you facing? Now is a time to devise a plan and then follow through.
    Social gatherings are difficult for some, but trust me they are managable and you don't have to deprive yourself. When invited to such events I will usually eat light at home so as to not go on a binge at the gathering and then if taking something in the way of a dish I will make something that I know I can have guilt free. Eating before the gathering in the comforts of home helps me stay in control and I spend much of my time then at the gathering mingling with friends and family and making that my main focus rather than all the food.
    I apply this same method of control when going shopping, especially to the grocery. Seems if you go shopping at the grocery after you have eaten you are less apt to try all the samples available in the stores and grab all those high caloric foods that are empty calories with little nutrient value.
    Hope some of you find these tips helpful as I am merely brainstorming here :)
    Well take care everyone and I think if nobody would mind I would love to join the group!!!
    Debbie in Ohio