Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Welcome Falha!:flowerforyou:

    Minus 11!! That is cold. I hope you enjoyed pie and ice cream.

    It was warm here today hopefully some of the warmth will head your way.

    Have a good night
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello:flowerforyou: falhaone . A warm welcome to you again. Looking forward to getting to know you.

    Hello :flowerforyou: Diana, Wow too cold for me there. It was pretty col here too, it got down to 22, And that is cold for us.

    Hello:flowerforyou: Ivy, tornada in Dec. I remember us having one in Dec pretty close to our house. I was at work and my kids was home by theirself. It hit about 3 miles from our house.

    Hello :flowerforyou: Jeni, How the weather up there. Don't hear much from you lately.

    hello :flowerforyou: Chipper, How are you doing my friend. And your husband

    Hello:flowerforyou: lioness, Missed you around here. Hope everything is working out fine for you.

    Hello:flowerforyou: Hambone, Sassy, Mary,scrunch.Andrea. and aall of the origoinal members. Miss you all so much.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    My Met B Diet is going great. Love it. Have only lost 5 lbs on it. It is slow but steady coming off and thats what matter.

    Have a wonderful day.all you low carbers.and may all your wishes come true.

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello, hope everyone is having a good day.

    Jeni and Diana, I hope it is warmer today and the snow has stopped.

    Marie, I'm glad your do so well with your diet.

    Chipper, hope things are going well.

    Falha, how's it going. The other group just collapsed. It seems anything I join fall apart. Hopefully I won't scare the low carbers away :laugh:

    Hello to anyone else I have missed. Hope things are going well

    I finished (almost) Week one of couch to 5K. I thought the last segment was a walk but it was a run but other than that it went well. Hopefully this help me drop some inches off of my waist if nothing else.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    good morning all you low carbers~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Reporting in this morning. All is well here. off to another good day here,
    Hope you all have a wonderful day.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    It is warmer here today.... it is up to 26 right now. Can't imagine it getting much warmer than that today but on Sunday it is supposed to get up into the mid 40's so maybe I will finally be able to get into the crawl space to get the Christmas stuff out.

    All is well here....not working out like I should but it seems like I have had something to do after work everyday this last week. Hopefully the weekend will bring me some time to get to the gym.

    Any big plans for anyone this weekend? Christmas shopping?
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Hope everyone is well

    It is chilly in the south today but I'm not complaining b/c I know it is colder in other parts of the country.

    I am down 4lbs! I know it's not much and I know it's water but considering the scale has barely budged in the last 6 months it means a lot. Hopefully it's a sign that my body is ready to lose some more fat!

    Be a good day with good energy

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ivy that's great news losing 4 lbs. I wish my scales decide to go down some. I have stayed on my plan but it just wont move. Maybe because i am not moving much. It is surpose to get up to 70 Sunday and it is so welcome. The older you get the colder you get.
    I used to be real hot nature now i am freezing all the time.

    I think tonight I will have a hamburger on low carb tortilla with lettuce ,onion, tomatoes. and a sl. of cheese.

    Lets keep working on it.

  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Hi all
    Marie I have been thinking lots about you. How is your new diet working for you. I love my new job, but I've been so crazy busy, and exhausted. I get up at 4:15 and get home from work at 4:15pm, then take care of life stuff, cook dinner, and pass out.

    I' gained 10lbs, and have lost 4 of it, Have been out of control

    We got 7" of snow the other day and it was like January weather this weekend. Yuck. I don't like the wind chill nightmare. I'm trying to do my liquid diet to detox myself and get back on track. Have not been to the gym in 2 weeks either. So I'll be going when my daughter gets home.

    Are you all ready for the holidays? Don't bake too much bad stuff all!

    Hope you are all doing well.
    Misss you!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hi Jeni. I am still on my new program. I am feeling so much better.

    A nice snow storm there. But much be ruff to get out in it. I plan on a nice walk before the Dallas Cowboy game.

    Missed you around here.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Ivy Just keep posting and this thread will be around for a long time. I have got to fallow a low carb diet with my diabetic. I am not losing much but my blood sugar is under control. I go to the doctor Tues for lab work and we shall see.

    Lets post our faverite recipe this week.

    Mine is the one minute muffin
    in a 4 inch round pyrex dish mix
    1/4 c ground flax meal
    1 t. cinnamon. 1 t cocoa, dash of salt
    1/2 t baking powder
    Stir good
    1/4 c egg sub. or one egg
    1/4 c. light sour cream
    1 t. good oil Bake i minute in macrowave

    I sometime add 1/4 c. chopped walnuts and sometime I replace the sour cream with 1/4 c Pumpkin

    Add ins: if desired
    1/4 c Chopped walnut
    1/4 c. punpkin
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Had our Christmas program at church today. That was fun.

    Jeni, I know what you mean about being so busy. Hope things level out for you just a bit.

    Marie, I am going to try that recipe! Think I will add the pumkin and the walnuts both! lol Do you know what the nutritional value of this is?

    Peanut Butter Cookies

    1 cup peanut butter
    1 cup sugar substitute (I find this to be too much so I half it)
    1 egg

    Blen it all together, roll them in a ball, press them down in a criss cross pattern, bake at 350 deg for about 8 min. let cool. Very yummy!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Pickasdilly, We don't count calories on the plan I am on Just carbs and then there are some carbs we don't count. They say this is zero carbs. I am going to mixed my dry ingredients tonight and in the morning I will just add my eggs and sour cream and maybe some pumpkin. I will used half canned pumpkin and half sour cream to make 1/4 c.

    Thanks for the cookie recipes. Don't know I can control myself with some of them around.

    Have a good evening

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Those are some great recipes. I don't cook very much out side of basic food. My specialities I have found a way to make them low carb per se I do make a Crustless cheesecake. I'll have to calculate it and see how many carbs are in it. But it is high calorie

    Marie, you think the muffin recipe would work with carrots? I love carrot cake.

    I like the simple peanut butter cookies. We have our christmas fellowship dinner next sunday so I may try these.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Ivy, these cookies are very crumbly, you have to be a little careful when you pick them up so I don't know how good they would be for finger food at a Christmas fellowship. You gave me an idea though....you could make these cookies and use them as a crust for a cream pie! Use real whipping cream, sugar substitute, eggs, vanilla (or whatever flavoring) and you would have a GREAT low carb desert because you took most of the carbs out in the sugar. Calorie wise...a little high in fat but all in all...it is not bad at all and I bet it is awsome! You might even be able to make it with a chocolate cocoa and it would be like a reeses cream pie! YUMMY! Think I will try this and I will let you all know how it turns out.

    Oh and by the way, carrots are very high in sugar (they turn to sugar in the body as they digest) so not a good low carb food or a good food for diabetics. Learned that the hard way while pregnant and ate a bunch of carrot cake the day before I went in for my glucose test....came out really bad and I had to do a 3 hour test, came out perfect. They asked me what I ate the day before the first test and when I said carrots, she told me that was the problem. So, just a little tidbit of info I have found in my journey! No carrots for diabetics (or at least very few) and low carb dieters!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I never knew this about carrots. I don't eat them at all except in carrot cake twice a year on christmas and thanksgiving. But it is a a root/ tuber vegetables so it does make sense.
    Ivy, these cookies are very crumbly, you have to be a little careful when you pick them up so I don't know how good they would be for finger food at a Christmas fellowship. You gave me an idea though....you could make these cookies and use them as a crust for a cream pie! Use real whipping cream, sugar substitute, eggs, vanilla (or whatever flavoring) and you would have a GREAT low carb desert because you took most of the carbs out in the sugar. Calorie wise...a little high in fat but all in all...it is not bad at all and I bet it is awsome! You might even be able to make it with a chocolate cocoa and it would be like a reeses cream pie! YUMMY! Think I will try this and I will let you all know how it turns out.

    Oh and by the way, carrots are very high in sugar (they turn to sugar in the body as they digest) so not a good low carb food or a good food for diabetics. Learned that the hard way while pregnant and ate a bunch of carrot cake the day before I went in for my glucose test....came out really bad and I had to do a 3 hour test, came out perfect. They asked me what I ate the day before the first test and when I said carrots, she told me that was the problem. So, just a little tidbit of info I have found in my journey! No carrots for diabetics (or at least very few) and low carb dieters!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    oops************ i left out splenda in the muffin recipe/. Sorry about that
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Good Morning ql you low carbers. How are things going. Everybody busy getting ready for Christmas. I will be glad when it get here

    Lets all try and stay true to our Way of eating. I plan on sticking to it thru the holidays and beyond, This is a New way of likfe for me. Loving it.

    Going cook my turnip today. Ivy seems to like them pretty well. I have cook the frozen turnips and greens and like them will well, But along with some Red Beans and cornbread, Now I can't have beans and cornbread but they should still be good.

    Have a good day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here is a nice chili recipe I got from DLife this morning.

    Low Carb Chili
    Nutrition Facts

    Makes 9servings
    Amount Per Serving

    Calories 143.2

    Total Carbs 5.9 g

    Dietary Fiber 1.6 g

    Sugars 3 g

    Total Fat 3.8 g

    Saturated Fat 1.4 g

    Unsaturated Fat 2.5 g

    Potassium 183.7 mg

    Protein 22.3 g

    Sodium 209.1 mg

    Dietary Exchanges
    2 Meat, 1 Vegetable

    See the Detailed Nutritional Analysis
    Note: One or more ingredients from this recipe are not included in the nutritional analysis above. Either the ingredient is missing from our database or is listed as "optional" in the recipe.
    Powered by ESHA

    A delicious chili with a hint of cinnamon.

    Prep Time: 30 minutes
    Cook Time: 3 hours
    Difficulty: EASY

    Servings Ingredients
    1quart water
    2lb extra lean ground beef (5% fat)
    1tsp cinnamon, ground
    1tsp ground cumin
    1medium onions , chopped
    1tsp Worcestershire sauce
    2medium garlic cloves , mashed
    2tsp salt (optional)
    2tbsp chili powder
    1tsp black pepper
    1/2tsp hot red pepper flakes
    1/2tsp ground allspice
    6oz tomato paste
    3bay leaves
    4oz canned mushroom slices, drained (or fresh, cooked)
    3/4medium green bell peppers , chopped

    1 Brown meat, drain off fat.
    2 Add remaining ingredients, bring to a boil.
    3 Simmer for 3 hours, stirring occasionally.

    Additional Information
    This is excellent topped with shredded cheese or sour cream!

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member

    I will really try my best to be good. :bigsmile:

    I checked out the DLife Website and there were some recipes I use. I make a beef and black beans (sometimes I use pinto or peas or lima beans). I cook 1/4 cup dry black beans and mix half (or all depending on the carb count you need) with 5-6 oz of ground beef or turkey and some taco seasoning mix (or use chili powder and cayenne pepper). You can eat with spinach or wrap in lettuce leaf.

    10 net carbs (5 if you use half the beans or double the meat and share)
    Calories 385 (if you use 80/20 beef. I crumble and rinse and boil and rinse)
    15 g fiber
    ~30 g protein.

    Since I started eating beans twice a week and grapefruit twice a week and yogurt everyday my BP has dropped 10 points. It is so hard to prepare for health problems that may develop as a result of having an autoimmune disease and hypothyroidism but I press on.

    Be a good day with good energy
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Ivy, your beans and hamburger sounds so good. Right now I just get 5 carbs at every meal The first of Jan. I will get 11-20 carbs per meal. And I can have a more varity of things. However I am pretty well satisfy with this step 1, I roasted my turnip with butter spray amd P & S. Dome deli ham Had a low carb tortilla for my 5 g of carbs. I have to have a 5 grams of carbs every 5 hours. Pretty good. In January I have to have a 11-20 grams of carbs before the 5 hour is up and have a 11-20 carb before bedtime. I am puttin my meals plans in TOP OF MY PLANS. iT COMES FIRST. I am making Chili tomorrow. It is a good diet food.
    Enjoy talking to you.
