Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Congratulation on the weight loss everyone!

    I'm struggling a bit but I will get over the hump. Tomorrow I will do another 30,000 aerobic steps challenge. I wanted to do it today but I need to do C25K today b/c I missed Saturday.

    Have a good day.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Ivy, you have had a lot of distractions lately but you will perservere! Anything I can do to encourage you, just let me know!

    Marie...I knew you would lose that 1 lb! Wooohooo!!! You are just full of vigor and loving life! Good job!

    I have been doing great on the eating but not so good at getting any exercise in. I am going to try and remedy that this week.

    Have a lovely day all!

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Diana, thanks for the encouragement. You are doing great! Diet is 85% of losing weight.

    Marie, hope you enjoyed your water class.

    I was gonna do my 30,000 steps today but my legs are sore from the C25K yesterday so it may be 20,000 but I'll do as many as I can.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Marie I finally got to make the bread I made the focaccia type one and it is delicious! I added a bit of onion powder think next batch I will add sauteed onion too. It is really good. It has a very cleansing effect though. :laugh: Especially with the veggie soup I made this week with the ground chicken that was on sale. Who needs a colon cleanser. Sorry if that was TMI ladies.:laugh:

    Congrats on all the successes so far this week. Keep it up we can all do this together!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Good Amy now you can make a sandwich. I got to get me some more baked.

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    It is windy here. I wonder if I run against the wind will I burn my calories. Well that ain't happening anyway.:laugh: I got 20,000 steps in yesterday so maybe my body will know I mean business.

    Amy the flax bread is a colon cleanser. I made the mistake of eating too many one day.:laugh:

    Diana and Marie how are you today?

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I decided to try on my mini goal skirt (a size 14 from the 80's) and I actually got in it and zipped it up AND can sit down in it! WOOT!. So I am losing inches just not weight but I'll take it!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    yes yea IVY.WOOT --TOOT SIZE 14 That is just fantastic. So keep on going girl.20,000 Steps that if just great.

    Good morning Ivy, Diana, Jeni, Hambone,Llioness, and Amy. We are Marching on to victory.

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Thank you Marie. I think I'm gonna finally pack up those size 32's and 28's and give them away. I've made up my mind I won't be needing them anymore. :bigsmile:
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    yes yea IVY.WOOT --TOOT SIZE 14 That is just fantastic. So keep on going girl.20,000 Steps that if just great.

    Good morning Ivy, Diana, Jeni, Hambone,Llioness, and Amy. We are Marching on to victory.

  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Ivy!!!!! WooooHooooo!!! And you know what? A size 8 isn't so crazy and it isn't that far from a size 14 either! I know for a fact! I started at a size 14 and now wear an 8. I am only 5'4" so while that may sound like I don't need to lose any more weight....trust me, the belly is still there to the tune of about 20 lbs. I am not saying this to brag, I am saying this to tell you how truely close to a size 8 you really are! For me, the difference between a 14 and a 8 was only 28 lbs! It isn't much further girl! Yes...give all the big cloths away, that way as soon as the current ones get a little tight, you know you have to back up and watch your food or you wont have anything to wear! lol That is another thing I did. There is nothing in my closet larger than a size 10 and I only keep those around for those girl days when my stomach feels like it is big enough to produce another child! lol YOU ARE SOOOOO CLOSE!! You have done amazing....seriously that is a lot of weight to lose! April is definately doable!

    Marie...yes we are going to find our victory!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I am so proud of our little group. It sure helps having you all here and doing our own thing.and helping one and another. It is so nice to have a place to vent. I feel like I can bring my problems here and the support I get from you all really helps. Its fantastic. Love ya'all.

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    You guys are awesome supporters. We love you too, Marie. Thank you for reminding me of this quote.

    "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Ecc 4:12

    If we stand together we can be this monster.:flowerforyou:
  • Gidget86

    Thank you for posting these recipes!
    I'm going to try them this weekend.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Gidget, Good hearing from you. And how are you doing. I also like to quilt. I have an embroidery machine, But Have not uaed it much. How ever My daughter Step daughter is having a baby girl in march. And we are going to make a pink ladybig baby quilt. I am to make a block today to see how it looks. I have an ideal I will be doing the most of it. She will pick out the favric tho., this weekend.
    I don't do too much quilting now but I used to. I like making baby quilt for it is easier to handle.
    Are you on a low carb diet.?

    Do come back often love having you.
  • Gidget86
    Ohhh Marie I love to quilt! I'm still pretty new at this but I am really enjoying it.
    My husband loves to write, so now we each have our own hobby and dont feel bad
    doing our own thing in the evenings.
    Do you do your own quilting? Machine or hand? Mine are machine I can't imagine finishing on by hand! impressive.
    I am in the process of quilting one that is about 70 x 82 whew! Way to big for my small machine.
    Smaller quilts are so much easier to handle, I am making a baby boy quilt next for my new nephew.
    LOL I do love to quilt....

    The only thing better would be if quilting would count for excersize!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gidget., I do it all by machine. On a bigger quilt I send it out and have it quilted. I did make a sunbonnet Sue quilt and did it in fourths and then sew them tobether Thats is my quilt that I sleep under. My husband does too. I just love sunbonnet sue
    quilts. I guess it is my faverite. It is a 10 by 10 Perfect for these cold winter night.Keeps me out of the fridge too.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Texas Sheet cake for Low carbers
    Don't know how many for we just count net carbs and it is less than 5 gram for 1 serving And son't know the calories for the plan iam on don't count calories


    1/4 C Of WATER
    2 T COCOA

    1 c ground flax seeds
    1 c. splenda
    3 eggs or 3/4 c egg beaters
    1/4 c light sour cream
    1/2 t soda
    dash of salt
    1 t vanilla
    1/2 c chopped nuts
    1 /4 c. of the chocolate chips.==80 chips ==1/4 c. chips

    I think this would make 9 servings easily Hope it will still be less than 5 grams of carbs

    In a sauce pan Bring the first 3 ingedients to a boil remove from heat
    then add the remaing ingredients Mix well
    Pour into a 8/8 pyrex baking dish coated with butter or pan spray I did add some unsweetem coconut and some more chpped nuts on top , since i can't put the regular icing on itand bake at 350 degrees for 22 minutes It was real good. Made me happy. But rich I will be saving this for special occason for me.

    Last edited by rieriecat (Today 3:17 pm)

    Marie [rieriecat]
    Step 1--11-07-09--w195
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hey everyone. Sorry I am not online much anymore. With commuting back and forth 2 hours each way and working, taking care of house, etc............I barely have time to have a shower and get a bit of sleep!!!

    Figured I would stop in and say HI to everyone while I am getting some work done too. Finally getting my eating on track and starting to feel a bit better.

    I made a roast in the crock pot with green beans and onions in it and it is very good. Will have left overs for tomorrow work too.

    We are supposed to get a snow storm starting tonight and through Saturday...............so I might have lots of time to post over the weekend!!!

    Marie - I am going to try some of those recipes. I have a bag of ground flax that I have been wanting to do something with.

    Amy - I am doing Primal Blue Print too. Do you frequent Mark's Daily Apple?? I love that site too.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I know you guys are tired of the snow but Monday is ground hog's day so hopefully that will bode will for the North. We have not seen a lick of snow or ice (well we had some frost).

    I made it through my daily shopping w/o candy so hopefully yesterday candy super indulgence was enough.

    Have a good afternoon.
  • Gidget86
    ivykivy, I'm with you I live in Washington State and we have had very little winter weather this year!
    Kinda nice for a change, just not what we are accustomed to. Feeling guilty enjoying our unusually tame