Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Amy, Your sister is absolutely in my prayers! You are also in my thoughts and prayers because although it is not your health that is in question, it is someone you love and that has it's own trauma as well.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sorry to hear that Amy. Maybe all is OK. Lets pray.

    ClassiC love you list.
    We need to read that every morning.

    Ivy, I am working on being a vegetarain on this Met B plan. I have made a few mistake but will get it all work out.

    Lioness, Hope your days are going great.

    Diana, Oh boy , I am tickle pink that you are getting out and enjoying life.

    Everyone have a wonderful night.

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Marie, that is awesome you are trying vegetarian.

    I snowed for a while today now it is gone. Spring is in 18 days. I will miss winter:cry: .

    Have a good evening.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Thanks for the prayers my sister Mary, she had to reschedule for next Monday because it started pouring snow before they left to see the surgeonand dumped 4 inches so they had to reschedule. I'll keep you posted.
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    Another low-carb topic to follow. Yay! I need everyone's experience and wisdom. Just getting started.

    Very newb. I have a lot of research to do. What's considered a low-carb food? How many carbs in it? What's considered a low-carb day? How many carbs should I shoot for per day? Should it be a percentage of total calories, or total grams per day?

    Thanks. I'm sure a lot of my questions can be answered by reading the previous posts. Will be doing that.

  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Morning everyone
    thanks for your well wishes. I have been out of my meds that keep my anxiety down, and well, I guess that has been a huge part of my problem with everything because I blew yesterday. Went and got my script filled and got a temp 2 pills strictly for anxiety and I'm still a little tense but so much better, I was actually able to eat last night without throwing up!

    I started back to the gym this week and as of today, I'm back on my protein shakes for a week to get it all back on track and the swelling down around my band. Does anyone take HTC???? I just found out after 2 rounds of bloodwork with low potassium, which can cause heart attack or death, that is a side effect of HTC and I need to start drinking a serving of oj every day. I'm bruising if you touch me and am a mess. So I made my shake with a serving of oj, 1/2 svg skim milk, blueberries and protein powder.

    Cas - that is a great post, I'm going to print it out

    Glad it seems you are all doing well from a glance. I'm off to the gym, meeting my sister
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Cheryl, Everyone here has just about thier own ideal on how many carbs they have.

    i am on the MetabolismB Miracle Plan and I get 11-20 gram o net carbs per meal Plus my bedtime snack And I can have one in the middle of the night if awake. For a total of 80 to 100 net carbs a day. I am in the processed of learning to be a vegetarian, The same amt. of net carbs.

    Welcom to our thread.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Morning Jeni, So sorry to hear you are not well. Get yourself well. But glad to hear from you.
    take care
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    I'm new to MFP - just started this past Monday, 3/1/10. But I also am giving up flour along this journey. I have been living a flour-free life since January, but have fallen on the wagon about 3 times.

    I have noticed when I go long periods with no flour my anxiety goes away. I don't seem as anxious.

    I want to lose 50 pounds.

    Tammy - Baltimore, MD
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    Jeni, I didn't even realize you had anxiety until AFTER I posted the first time. And here I talked about my anxiety not being so bad when I limit all flours.

    ~Tammy :smile:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Jeni sorry you are having such a difficult time. :flowerforyou:

    Cher, welcome. The program I'm following limits carbs to max 30g every two hours. No high GI food is eliminated but portions are limited to 2 serving per meal (1 slice bread of 1/3 cup is a serving) and must be paired with protein. I have chosen to eliminate daily use of grains except oats. You may want to check this site out I find is information quite useful and well researched. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/nutrition/how-many-carbohydrates-do-you-need.html

    Welcome, Tammy

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi to everyone old and especially the new comers.

    Everyone is different and is going about low carbing in different ways. A controlled carb eating plan is one where you consume NO MORE than 100-120 grams of carbs per day.

    I have given up:
    * Processed foods
    * Most Dairy (bit of butter, little bit of cheese, lots of yogurt)
    *ALL Grains (except for steel cut oats)
    *ALL beans and legumes

    I get my carbs from the following:
    *Nuts and seeds

    There is a whole world of FRESH, earth grown goodness out there to explore. I am eating veggies I would have never touched before hand. I have more energy than I can shake a stick at again, I don't understand how I end up straying because the way I feel when I am eating all natural and whole foods is GREAT.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Has anyone ever tried keep a mood log for your meals? Did it help you pinpoint foods that cause you to feel better or worse?
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    ivykivy, No I haven't kept a mood log, but sounds like a great idea.

    I have given up all flours and I have realized by doing this you pretty much eliminate all processed/boxed foods. And that's a good thing.

    Also eliminating flour gets me away from my biggest triggers foods: donuts, pastries, muffins, cookies, cakes, pie crusts, etc.

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    ivykivy, No I haven't kept a mood log, but sounds like a great idea.

    I have given up all flours and I have realized by doing this you pretty much eliminate all processed/boxed foods. And that's a good thing.

    Also eliminating flour gets me away from my biggest triggers foods: donuts, pastries, muffins, cookies, cakes, pie crusts, etc.


    Might want to think about eliminating white sugar along with it as sugar makes my diabetes and PCOS worse of course, but I didn't know the effect that flour and sugar (especially combined) had on my bi-polar symptoms.

    Eating whole, unprocessed foods has allowed me to get off all medications and now I am trying to keep it that way...........
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    93 total carbs my first day. Not bad! I can do this! I really didn't feel deprived of anything and always found something low-carb (except for whole fruits) to eat when hungry. The only thing I'm giving up is white sugar and grains. Everything else (fruit, dairy) is okay to begin with. I want to see how that goes for a while.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Tammy and welcome.to our group. We can learned from each other. We have some nice girls here Most of us been together for over a year now. W don't all eat the same way and count things difference.

    By th way Lioness My understanding that nuts and seeds do not have any carbs in them. Now the seeds do. . Now the flaxs seeds do but the fiber off set the carbs. couldn't give up my flax muffin. No way. My morning contitions would go astray again. It is a happy camper now. So can't mess it up. My other groups clain they are 0 net carbs.

    I am loving this vegetarian diet. we do get grains but the fiber make the net carbs not so bad. And we don't count the lighter veggies. Just 1/2 c corn,1/2 c. of beets.1/2 c peas and the 1/2 c cooked dry beans. So pretty easy to keep up with. I made Bulgar Chili last night and it was real good. for about 20 g net carbs.

    Tammy wish you the best and glad you join us.
    Here is my plan tomorrow: Breakfast 1/2 c.

    scramble egg beaters o carbs, 2 pieces of butter toast 10 g net carbs, 1/2 orange, 7 g net carbs

    I just found out that Sara Lee delightful bread has just 5 g net carbs, so now I can have a sandwhich and half of fruit for for less than

    20 grams carbs. Now thats living .

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Congrats Cherapple on getting the 93 and feeling good. I see you are a barefoot runner. That is awesome. I am currently on W6 of C25K and hopefully I will be a real runner by the end of the year instead of a slow jogger.

    Calie, It's good that you didn't give up the flax muffins. I was doing a little research the other day on insulin resistance and found out the omega 3 actually helps your body use insulin better. I went and got more yesterday.

    Have a good night.
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Good Morning all
    Tammy - welcome and it is ok... seriously. I had been dealing with depression, but in my recent 6 months or so with things happening, my depression was caused by Anxiety and I am learning to deal with that. I am back on my meds and all my vitimins and with a quick fix, I'm' getting it under control.

    OK lost my 7lbs I gained, back to ticker weight, 25 to go! I am back on my protein shake diet for 10 days to get back in the game. The only problem is high carb, but need the OJ -

    Today is a new and better day

    AMY - your sister is in my prayers

    off to get dressed, was going to the gym, and then gain at 3 with my dd, but I've been screwing around and it is getting late.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Jeni. You sound a lot better this morning. Keep it up/ And keep posting I missed you.
