Lance Armstrong admits to cheating.



  • Shelialouise66
    He has raised 500 million dollars for cancer research, nuff said.
  • Fitness4Paul
    Fitness4Paul Posts: 166 Member
    The biggest thing he cheated was death. Anyone who has had cancer or had someone close to them with it knows it's a hell of a tough fight. He fought it and still came back to train hard and compete, with or without drugs. He's a champ in my books.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Since there are only a select few who actually know the truth, this debate won't be settled on a weight loss forum. Even if he did use performance enhancers,so did a majority of other riders. That still makes him the best of the best 7 years in a row.

    true. he's the best cheater cycling has ever known.

    I guess all in all this is really a troll post but that being said, to the OP, I can only hope that someday your honor and integrity is put into question and you are given the same presumption of innocence that you so smugly promote here.

    troll? just stating my belief that he cheated and cheated well. and why are you bringing me into this? this is what forums are for...discussing issues of the day.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Jesus Christ after not hundreds but thousands of tests for drugs, I think I would tell them FK yea I did it....
    Honestly you would think if he really doped up, and it took thousands of tests to find what????? still nothing... they havnt actually proved anything... He finally just said I give.

    again...he has failed tests. there is a ton of evidence against him now. thats why he's quitting. he knows he cant win.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    He has raised 500 million dollars for cancer research, nuff said.

    thats fantastic but it doesnt get him off the hook.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Jesus Christ after not hundreds but thousands of tests for drugs, I think I would tell them FK yea I did it....
    Honestly you would think if he really doped up, and it took thousands of tests to find what????? still nothing... they havnt actually proved anything... He finally just said I give.

    again...he has failed tests. there is a ton of evidence against him now. thats why he's quitting. he knows he cant win.

    Please provide your sources which state he has failed tests because at no point have I heard anything legitimate about that only speculation and a tonne of evidence that he passed a mountain of tests.
  • jean1058
    jean1058 Posts: 86 Member
    yeah i definitely should have headed this wrong but it seems you cant edit the title.

    but any reasonable person can see he's guilty of cheating. mountains of evidence and now he's not even going to fight it.

    very disappoinnting. what will all the people he inspired think?

    mountains of evidence?

    All the articles I've been reading (multiple sources) say he's been tested CLEAN 100s of has this evidence?

    I don't know him personally and am not involved in the cycling world; I can't speculate on whether he did or didn't.

    But not fighting doesn't automatically = guilt.

    Agreed. The only drug tests that were ever questionable were when he was in the middle of treatment for testicular cancer. He has passed all of the other tests.

    Not fighting doesn't automatically equal guilt. In my mind it equals exhaustion and frustration. Speculate all you want. The man has turned the page and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. The "titles & awards" also mean nothing since he KNOWS he already won them. SEVEN times. Hmmmm.
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    Not fighting the Government which makes its own rules, manufactures evidence and has endless money to harass an accused for years when the loss really will not change your life is a smart thing. The money and aggravation saved is priceless.
  • delta90017
    Armstrong had 3 dirty tests. In 1999 he had steroids in his urine. He claimed it was in a cream he used for blisters. In 2005, they found EPO in his 1999 samples (in 1999 the EPO test was not available). In 2009 he tested dirty but contributed money to the lab and the result was dropped.

    10 teammates were going to testify that they saw Armstrong doping and/or participated in doping with him.

    He gave up because he was going to lose the arbitration. The persuasive mountain of evidence would have done much more dmage to his reputation than giving up now and leaving behind a public in doubt about his guilt. Smart decision if you are guilty.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Jesus Christ after not hundreds but thousands of tests for drugs, I think I would tell them FK yea I did it....
    Honestly you would think if he really doped up, and it took thousands of tests to find what????? still nothing... they havnt actually proved anything... He finally just said I give.

    again...he has failed tests. there is a ton of evidence against him now. thats why he's quitting. he knows he cant win.

    Please provide your sources which state he has failed tests because at no point have I heard anything legitimate about that only speculation and a tonne of evidence that he passed a mountain of tests.

    ESPN for one.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    all the people defending lance in the face of all the evidence and witnesses reminds me of all the people defending Joe Paterno.

    they just cant see the truth.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I see so ESPN is the Sportsmans Bible I take it. There has been a witch hunt for years on this man. He tested clean for years. His teammates suddenly after alllllllllll this time come forwards because they have an overwhelming sense of guilt ? No I really do not think so, more than likely has tried to get their own dirty *kitten* off by shifting suspicion to a bigger fish. And comparing this to Joe Paterno is sick, it is nothing like that.

    Did Lance Armstrong dope? I do not know, what I do know is that until they put forth the evidence of which there seems to be only hearsay, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Will I be shocked if it comes out that he did dope? No, most athletes do it, but until the evidence is presented and in its entirety who am I, or anyone else for that matter to pass judgement on the man.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I see so ESPN is the Sportsmans Bible I take it. There has been a witch hunt for years on this man. He tested clean for years. His teammates suddenly after alllllllllll this time come forwards because they have an overwhelming sense of guilt ? No I really do not think so, more than likely has tried to get their own dirty *kitten* off by shifting suspicion to a bigger fish. And comparing this to Joe Paterno is sick, it is nothing like that.

    Did Lance Armstrong dope? I do not know, what I do know is that until they put forth the evidence of which there seems to be only hearsay, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Will I be shocked if it comes out that he did dope? No, most athletes do it, but until the evidence is presented and in its entirety who am I, or anyone else for that matter to pass judgement on the man.

    Sports Illustrated too. his teammates have not JUST come forward. they have been saying this for years. and its just like Paterno in the sense of not seeing the truth when its right in front of your eyes. how many people kept saying Paterno was innocent in the face of mounting evidence?
  • Shelialouise66
    If you can't respect the opinions of those who do not agree with you, you should not make such a post. Have enough respect to say, I must humbly agree to disagree with you. Equating people to Joe Paterno is a low blow and downright uncalled for. You weren't on the inside track of what was going on, so stop making conjectures. He knows if he is guilty or not, it is not for us to judge, nor is it for us to decide his fate. He is a man and wow, he could have very possibly made a mistake. Or no, after winning a battle with cancer, this just may not be the type of thing he wants to fight. Nike is still backing him, and any cancer center will take money that he raises on their behalf.

    I'm thankful to God that I am not so perfect a human, that I can't forgive someone else for being, human. As a nurse, I am seeing so many people in their 20's-50's range die of all types of cancer at an alarming rate. Good for you Lance Armstrong, your legacy is not just made of these races, but all the people you have helped through your efforts to raise money for cancer research.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I will still wait for it all to come out. And again this is nothing like Joe Paterno, sorry it is a very bad comparison. Molesting children for years and possibly doing what probably every other athlete has done at some point in their careers is not the same thing in any way. Could be you are right, I'm not disputing it but do hope you are wrong, I am however just curious as to why now, and why not before if they were able to test in 2009 as another poster said, what stopped them doing this sooner? There are many questions that will probably never be answered regarding this, unless he puts something in his book, who knows. In any case, it is a very very sad day for the sport.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    If you can't respect the opinions of those who do not agree with you, you should not make such a post. Have enough respect to say, I must humbly agree to disagree with you. Equating people to Joe Paterno is a low blow and downright uncalled for. You weren't on the inside track of what was going on, so stop making conjectures. He knows if he is guilty or not, it is not for us to judge, nor is it for us to decide his fate. He is a man and wow, he could have very possibly made a mistake. Or no, after winning a battle with cancer, this just may not be the type of thing he wants to fight. Nike is still backing him, and any cancer center will take money that he raises on their behalf.

    I'm thankful to God that I am not so perfect a human, that I can't forgive someone else for being, human. As a nurse, I am seeing so many people in their 20's-50's range die of all types of cancer at an alarming rate. Good for you Lance Armstrong, your legacy is not just made of these races, but all the people you have helped through your efforts to raise money for cancer research.

    im sorry if it comes across as not respecting others in this thread. that is not my intention. and where do i say i cant forgive him?
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I will still wait for it all to come out. And again this is nothing like Joe Paterno, sorry it is a very bad comparison. Molesting children for years and possibly doing what probably every other athlete has done at some point in their careers is not the same thing in any way. Could be you are right, I'm not disputing it but do hope you are wrong, I am however just curious as to why now, and why not before if they were able to test in 2009 as another poster said, what stopped them doing this sooner? There are many questions that will probably never be answered regarding this, unless he puts something in his book, who knows. In any case, it is a very very sad day for the sport.

    im not comparing what armstrong and paterno did i am comparing the responses of their fans. in both cases fans are in a state of denial of the wrongdoing.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I will still wait for it all to come out. And again this is nothing like Joe Paterno, sorry it is a very bad comparison. Molesting children for years and possibly doing what probably every other athlete has done at some point in their careers is not the same thing in any way. Could be you are right, I'm not disputing it but do hope you are wrong, I am however just curious as to why now, and why not before if they were able to test in 2009 as another poster said, what stopped them doing this sooner? There are many questions that will probably never be answered regarding this, unless he puts something in his book, who knows. In any case, it is a very very sad day for the sport.

    im not comparing what armstrong and paterno did i am comparing the responses of their fans. in both cases fans are in a state of denial of the wrongdoing.

    Yes I see that, it just left a bad taste in my mouth and I'm sure many others who may feel you are comparing them to the supporters of a child abuser... iykwim.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I will still wait for it all to come out. And again this is nothing like Joe Paterno, sorry it is a very bad comparison. Molesting children for years and possibly doing what probably every other athlete has done at some point in their careers is not the same thing in any way. Could be you are right, I'm not disputing it but do hope you are wrong, I am however just curious as to why now, and why not before if they were able to test in 2009 as another poster said, what stopped them doing this sooner? There are many questions that will probably never be answered regarding this, unless he puts something in his book, who knows. In any case, it is a very very sad day for the sport.

    im not comparing what armstrong and paterno did i am comparing the responses of their fans. in both cases fans are in a state of denial of the wrongdoing.

    Yes I see that, it just left a bad taste in my mouth and I'm sure many others who may feel you are comparing them to the supporters of a child abuser... iykwim.

    Whoa, Joe Paterno was no child molester. He is guilty of not going to the Police on the child molester, but Joe P was not the abuser.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Willful ignorance: the partial savior of many a guilty man.

    (Also, please, if you feel the need to throw around legal jargon, make sure you know what it means first. Start with hearsay. Because there isn't any that was going to be presented in this case.)