Meat eater, vegetarian or vegan?? Which are you?



  • taelovely01
    i guess i'll just say im a healthy eater i only eat turkey and chicken been this way for about 5 years now
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Country girl here, I have worked on farms and been around animals all my life one way or another and I love meat.
  • alane15
    alane15 Posts: 121 Member

    it works for me

    I would promote a life free of animal products for ethical reasons

    and a DAIRY free diet for health benefits (at least this is where the changes happened in my body)
  • graceellenbehr
    There is a fantastic video called "Healing Cancer from the Inside Out". It's well researched yet presented in an entertaining way. Also, for free, you can see "The Last Heart Attack" with Sanjay Gupta and Bill Clinton. Very informative and helpful if you are grappling with whether or not to eat meat.
  • kristenstejskal
    kristenstejskal Posts: 107 Member
    I choose not to eat any red meat, including lamb, pork and beef. These meats tend to be high in saturated fat and have greater levels of myoglobin (which is responsible for storing oxygen for the muscles and the primary source for the "red" color of the meat) which more and more research is pointing to as a potential carcinogen if eaten frequently. I get my protein from lean sources- mainly chicken and fish. I don't really see the point of eating red meat if you can get all same benefits from a overall healthier source. I also choose not to eat red meat for ethical reasons surrounding industrial meat production.

    This works amazingly for me, but I understand not everyone chooses this lifestyle. I think if you choose to eat red meat, moderation is key.
  • jonidiane
    I am an omnivore. The meat I eat is usually wild game that I harvested and processed myself. Most of the fruits and vegetables I eat are from my own garden. I only hunt animals that I will eat. I am part of the food chain. I am thankful for all of nature's bounty and try to be as humane as possible in my hunting. When I eat other types of meat, I try to stay away from that from "factory farms". I raise my own chickens. I have seen unhealthy vegetarians and carnivores. I do think it is important for all of us to know where our food comes from besides the box or styrofoam tray from the grocery store. I also believe that the government/big business have too much power in regulating our food chain/writing health policy and profits come before healthy people. (but that's a whole other politcal arguement). Just my two cents worth....
  • Nix_
    Nix_ Posts: 94
  • tannyasawyer
    tannyasawyer Posts: 106 Member
    Meat. Bacon... Mmm...
  • bratius
    bratius Posts: 60
    MEAT EATER!!!!
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    Give me the whole cow!!!!!!!:smile:
  • marianti88
    I'm a trolley veggie.

    I don't put meat in my shopping trolley, but I won't say no to meat if I'm at someone's house or in a restaurant!!
  • kurting81
    kurting81 Posts: 32 Member
    I have been a vegan going on two years. I do this for health reasons. Approximately five years at the age of 25 I was diagnosed with stage IV cancer and given a 50% chance to live the rest of the year. Here I am 5 years later, healthier than ever. I was a huge meat, fish, and dairy eater before going vegan. Through the research my wife (she has her M.S. in nutrition and is a Registered Dietician, plus a professional triathlete) and myself believe that if done correctly it is the healthiest option for humans. I think the most important thing for those that are meat eaters is to incorporate a large amount of nutrient dense foods such as fruits, vegetables(especially leafy greens), nut/seeds, whole grains, and legumes.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    mmmmmm I love meat. I couldn't imagine giving it up lol
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'm an omnivore, heavily leaning towards being a snackcakeivore.
  • Maddi_InBetweenDays
    Vegetarian, but no dairy due to allergies.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member

    I lost my taste for meat 5 years ago? The last few months of eating meat, I was basically forcing myself to eat meat a few times per week while researching vegetarian diets, at which point, a vegan diet sounded more healthy to me than a vegetarian diet. I decided to try it for a few weeks and it stuck. I've been happy with my diet since.
  • flyspyro
    I eat whatever I'm in the mood for. meat eater, vegetarian and vegan I don't eat vegan that often though mostly cause alot of vegan foods taste nasty.
  • cgale8
    cgale8 Posts: 34 Member
    Quit eating red meat 10+ years ago as a family of 10. We then were vegetarian for a year then vegan for a while then back to vegetarian for another year and are now what we called "vegetarianist". We do not eat red meat, wild game, or non organic anything. We eat more vegetarian meals per week than meals with meat. Each person has embraced the components they liked throughout this process and we accomodate their decisions.
  • Vx3_
    Vx3_ Posts: 102 Member

    Meat is NEVER healthy. Most meat eaters trick themselves into believing that's not true. But it's just a myth that meat farmers try to make you believe. So that you buy their meat. So that they still earn money.

    And people who say "you can't live without meat where I am" ... yes ... you can. Your local stores don't have beans and veggies? Really? If they don't, you probably aren't getting a balanced diet anyway.

    Also ... keep in mind ... that when you're eating meat, you are promoting DEATH. Tell me this ... why should an animal be killed and tortured just so you can have some tasty food? Why are you so much better than that animal? Why can't you get that delicious taste somewhere else? (Ex. veggie burgers, veggie chicken, veggie sausages, etc. ... trust me, they ARE available ... and DELICIOUS at that)

    Yeah, I feel pretty strongly about being a vegetarian. Maybe it's just because I have empathy and actually feel sorry for things that die?
    I'm working on becoming a vegan. I don't eat eggs but I do eat some milk products on occasion. Very rarely though. Working to cut it out completely!

    I don't see anyone bashing on vegetarian and vegans. And promoting death? Have you forgotten how men were hunter and gatherers? and everyone's diet was based on meat in order to live and survive? That's where we came from.
    This should be a judgement free zone, not " I'm going to force my opinon on you because I certainly feel like it"
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member

    I <3 Meat