No sweets til Christmas~



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    ........looks kinda weird with the "huggie" guy coming out of the panda's tummy, but I gave up "editing" tomorrow (?)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thanks Leckel!

    Marla - not much of a punk, but....thanks? Hello :)


    We're trying to stay away from dessert-y kinda crap-- the big, bad, naughty stuff-- cake, ice cream, cookies, chocolate-- you know, the good stuff.

    Some folks do the sugar-free stuff-- do as you're led there-- I don't eat that stuff 'cause I don't like the taste.

    Basically, this just helps keep this topic in your mind to help avoid the mindless sweets nibbling--

    Come back and tell us how you're doing-- we generally give a daily report--

    So far today-- score is again, Marla 1, Sweets 0--

    And I even served my beloved pumpkin spice bars to my children-- :sad: :bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thanks Leckel!

    Marla - not much of a punk, but....thanks? Hello :)


    You found me! I missssseedd you. Marla is very nice. She's been on my Tequila Cookie thread and I think she's mad she can't have a cookie.....or tequila, apparently, either :tongue:

    Oh heck yeah-- I'm all sugar and spice-- don't worry 'bout me. I call everyone younger than me a punk-- don't take it personally.
  • chantybear
    Hey cmr :) I missed you too, and found you! That tequila cookie recipe was very funny :). Haha you and your emoticons
  • chantybear

    Oh heck yeah-- I'm all sugar and spice-- don't worry 'bout me. I call everyone younger than me a punk-- don't take it personally.

    It's fine :)!

    Aw damn I was eating a cookie, and in the middle of it I came on here..... :( I am just bored and eating..that is horrible gah!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    uh oh. sweets -1

    But did you put the cookie down? That is the important question.....
  • chantybear
    I was going to and I thought one last one :D...I know horrible I should have put it down :(
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I was going to and I thought one last one :D...I know horrible I should have put it down :(

    It happens-- this was captured on film last week-- I didn't put it down, either-- I had another one. (and another one)

    Swiss chocolates captured on film-- by my brat daughter.

    Eh-- what the hell?
  • supermom1114
    Can I join?? I eat pretty healthy all around but my weakness is sweets!! AGH!! My hubby is coming home from Iraq late January so I need to lose these last 15-ish pounds!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Can I join?? I eat pretty healthy all around but my weakness is sweets!! AGH!! My hubby is coming home from Iraq late January so I need to lose these last 15-ish pounds!!

    Heck, yeah-- jump on in-- read above-- see what you're comfortable with-- we're reporting daily, or often just to stay accountable to each other-- keep the issue forefront in the mind. Sweets are everybody's nemesis!!

    God bless you and your husband-- thank you both for the service-- it's a wonderful sacrifice you make for your country, and it is sooooooo appreciated.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Can I join?? I eat pretty healthy all around but my weakness is sweets!! AGH!! My hubby is coming home from Iraq late January so I need to lose these last 15-ish pounds!!

    Welcome! I love how our group is expanding agin!

    I have found that cutting out the sweets makes a HUGE difference. It may be the push you need before hubby comes home. How long has he been gone? Mine was gone to Iraq 9 months last year and I lost about 45 pounds while he was gone. He came home in May.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    No sweets for me today!!! Watched my girls eat cupcakes and may have drooled just a little but didn't have any. I even wiped some off my hand with a napkin instead of licking it!!

    Samantha 1
    Sweets 0
  • supermom1114
    My husbands been gone since January 09 when he left for predeployment training. He came home for two weeks in march before he actually went to iraq and we went to the bahamas. It was a lot of fun but there were times I felt self concious about my weight, I don't want to have those moments anymore. I've lost around 15lbs since then, maybe a couple lbs more... I'm 2lbs away from my pre-prego weight but I want to get down to the weight I was in highschool, 130 so 12 more lbs to go. I got prego my sophmore year of highschool right as I as trying to lose the freshman 10-15 I had gained so my hubby hasn't seen me thin since... probably July or August of 2008, thats when I started looking prego.... I've sent him some pics and hes already excited at how much weight Ive lost but I just want to get extra in shape for him when he comes home, I cant wait!!!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Day 2 in the bag...whoo hoo!

    I'm kind of bummed because I normally enjoy baking a lot at this time of year, but I think I may skip it this year. I don't trust myself to bake countless dozens of cookies to share with others and not have any. :cry: At least I won't be eating them.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Perspective, Shuntae-- look at all the calories, fat and sugar you're saving your friends.
    (did it work?)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Perspective, Shuntae-- look at all the calories, fat and sugar you're saving your friends.
    (did it work?)

    I usually try to make healthier versions, but I do get what you are saying. I'm sure they can get the junk food elsewhere. I'll miss the act of baking more than eating the cookies, because it's just something I really enjoy doing. Guess I'll find something else to do...maybe I will crochet something.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    i work at the hospital and although the gesture is very nice, everyone thinks we want cookies, chocolates, candy, cakes, etc. it is there in front me for 12 hours straight. i have to make things up to keep myself from grabbing some, especially when we cant get to lunch from being so busy. i tell myself there is a hair in the cookies or someone with dirty hands was touching them, well it sounds strange but it turns my stomach and i dont touch them.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Perspective, Shuntae-- look at all the calories, fat and sugar you're saving your friends.
    (did it work?)

    I usually try to make healthier versions, but I do get what you are saying. I'm sure they can get the junk food elsewhere. I'll miss the act of baking more than eating the cookies, because it's just something I really enjoy doing. Guess I'll find something else to do...maybe I will crochet something.

    Me too, Shuntae. I just love to bake, too- it's not so much about the finished product, I just love cooking. I've been baking and baking the last month or so and I can't even eat any of what I'm making because it's not gluten free, but I still enjoy it.

    Sounds like most of us had a great day! For me:

    Today = a big success! :bigsmile:

    Kelynn- 2
    Sweets- 0 :drinker:

    Tomorrow is my grandma's 80th birthday, so we're going to have dinner and cake. I am going to have a small piece of ice cream cake, but it's planned and I will consider tomorrow a success if I have JUST the one small piece of cake. I could, but I'm not going to skip out on the cake, so I don't know if you guys consider that "cheating" or not, but I feel differently about mindlessly eating than I do a pre-planned (and pre-entered into the food diary) sweet. I'll do the same for my birthday with my family on Friday... and then NONE til Christmas. Hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from. :flowerforyou:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Supermom- I'll be thinking about you and know how much you are looking forward to having your man back. By this time you just want it to be over!

    Shuntae and Kelynn- I like to bake too. Cook, not so much, bake, yep.

    Hubs is sitting here as I type eating apple pie and ice cream. GRRRR.....

    Lori- 2
    Sweets- 0
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    i work at the hospital and although the gesture is very nice, everyone thinks we want cookies, chocolates, candy, cakes, etc. it is there in front me for 12 hours straight. i have to make things up to keep myself from grabbing some, especially when we cant get to lunch from being so busy. i tell myself there is a hair in the cookies or someone with dirty hands was touching them, well it sounds strange but it turns my stomach and i dont touch them.

    :laugh: hey-- whatever works, right? Too funny--

    Good sweets-free day today--

    Marla - 2
    Sweets - 0
