As if There Weren't Enough Reasons to go Vegan



  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    Sorry, I'm not much of a fan of the superiority complex that seems to come along with the vegan lifestyle. Maybe they'd be a little less uptight if they had a good BLT. :)

    Perhaps you'd be less patronising if you skipped the BLT.

    I don't eat BLTs so much but I love my meat and I have never met a happy vegan. Ever. They're always angry that restaurants and other people don't cater to their lifestyle. It's just something I noticed.

    Also it's patronizing. :P

    If we're talking sweeping generalisations then I've noticed that most meat eaters have very little knowledge of food production or basic nutrition.

    You seem pretty angry, pushy and reeking of a superiority complex based on how you're replying to this thread. Just saying. Stereotypes tend to be based in truth and you're proving me right. Now I'm sure I sound like a typical meat eater but I don't care, because I don't have to worry about a restaurant not having an alternative just for me. :)

    It's generalizations. You seem to have difficulty with words with the letter Z in them. >.>

    Really? I didn't get personal, which is something you failed to do. I don't need "special options" in restaurants. Lots of Chinese, Italian and Greek food is vegan. At the very least I could get a salad and fries. You should do some research then you won't need to resort to insults.

    It's not an insult to correct your spelling, I'm helping you. Just like you're helping us understand the vegan side of things. No need to get so angry. What am I supposed to research exactly? I'm speaking from personal experience, no research required. I don't see why you're getting so upset, I never met you personally so you probably aren't one of the snobby vegans I'm referring to. :)

    "It's not an insult to correct your spelling, I'm helping you." - I'm British, you arrogant idiot.
    realy your "handle" screams scottland.... and most scotts will cuss up a storm if you call um british, but i digress as someone with a "non-standard" diet you pritty well demand a "special opution" at most resterants
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Just fanning the flames, but if you are a vegan and buy your veg from a supermarket, you might as well be eating meat according to this:
  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    I haven't come across a single good reason for going vegan.

    Here's one: More meat for the rest of us! :bigsmile:

    Doesn't knowing you've lead to the death and sometimes torture of hundreds if not thousands of animals make you feel bad?

    Doesn't it bother you that you've contributed to the death of thousands of innocent fruits and vegetables that were doing nothing other than minding their own business and growing happily in the sun?

    You know very well that fruit and vegetables are inanimate. It's a rights issue just like racism or homophobia. In the future people will look back on meat eating in the same way we now view the slave trade.

    Literally just LMAO!
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    Sorry, I'm not much of a fan of the superiority complex that seems to come along with the vegan lifestyle. Maybe they'd be a little less uptight if they had a good BLT. :)

    Perhaps you'd be less patronising if you skipped the BLT.

    I don't eat BLTs so much but I love my meat and I have never met a happy vegan. Ever. They're always angry that restaurants and other people don't cater to their lifestyle. It's just something I noticed.

    Also it's patronizing. :P

    If we're talking sweeping generalisations then I've noticed that most meat eaters have very little knowledge of food production or basic nutrition.

    You seem pretty angry, pushy and reeking of a superiority complex based on how you're replying to this thread. Just saying. Stereotypes tend to be based in truth and you're proving me right. Now I'm sure I sound like a typical meat eater but I don't care, because I don't have to worry about a restaurant not having an alternative just for me. :)

    It's generalizations. You seem to have difficulty with words with the letter Z in them. >.>

    Really? I didn't get personal, which is something you failed to do. I don't need "special options" in restaurants. Lots of Chinese, Italian and Greek food is vegan. At the very least I could get a salad and fries. You should do some research then you won't need to resort to insults.

    It's not an insult to correct your spelling, I'm helping you. Just like you're helping us understand the vegan side of things. No need to get so angry. What am I supposed to research exactly? I'm speaking from personal experience, no research required. I don't see why you're getting so upset, I never met you personally so you probably aren't one of the snobby vegans I'm referring to. :)

    "It's not an insult to correct your spelling, I'm helping you." - I'm British, you arrogant idiot.
    realy your "handle" screams scottland.... and most scotts will cuss up a storm if you call um british, but i digress as someone with a "non-standard" diet you pritty well demand a "special opution" at most resterants

    I usually say Scottish but since I'm dealing with someone who thinks everyone in the world uses American spelling, it seemed safer to say British. I just told you that I can get salad or fries/chips in any restaurant, so no, it's not difficult at all.
  • phynyxfyre
    phynyxfyre Posts: 145 Member
    My two cents: I eat meat. I like meat. I limit red meat. I buy from local farms, sometimes from the supermarket, and grow what I can. I think vegetarianism is interesting, but I do not understand veganism. I like cheese and eggs. I am allergic to soy, as are my children. I think I would die trying to eat a vegan diet. (No tofu, soymilk, soy cheese, etc.)

    People are different. Their bodies process things differently. Medication that has no side effects on one twin might have some nasty ones on the other twin. I think it is a personal choice, and I think that most people's bodies are made to be omnivorous. There are exceptions.

    Also, just to call down the wolf pack on my own head, why are we all getting so nasty on here? Nobody is going to change anybody else's mind, but we can educate each other about nutrition and lifestyle alternatives that may interest us. I mean, it is funny to read and imagine everyone getting all steamed over it, but what is really the point? Who wants to be that person that just posts to get a rise out of someone else? Wait, I have those days, too.... Nevermind that last part. :)
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I spent a few months in Scotland...many years ago.
    Seemed like such nice folks there.
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 123 Member
    Howdy folks,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:
    4. Show Respect to All Groups and Individuals

    No derogatory references to sex, gender, weight, body-type, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation, or endorsement of violence against any person or group, even if couched in humor, will be permitted. This includes expressing stereotypes about any group or community.

    At this point It's safe to say that both sides have clearly made their arguments either for or against veganism. Unfortunately, this conversation has started to spiral out of control.

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:

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    With respect,
    MyFitnessPal Forum Staff
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