

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning, everyone! And welcome to our newbies! This is a good place to be!:flowerforyou:

    Got my workout in and now have housework, laundry and more baking to do.:tongue: Only tried one yesterday and them got them packed up (with strapping tape around the container!:laugh: )

    Gonna walk the dogs later, too.

    Have a good day, all!:love:

    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    When I called, I received a terrible shock. It had been about two weeks since I had spoken to them, and I was not prepared to find out that the man's health took a turn for the worse, and that he was now comatose in our local hospice center, and not expected to live more than a few more days. She said she had intended to call me later that evening, but had just returned home herself. All this came about in the space of the last 3 days, and was especially shocking, since the reason for his decline was not his primary health issue, which was heart related. At her request I immediately hopped back in the car and went to visit with her.

    Please keep my friends Al and Carol in your prayers. How sad to have this happen so close to Christmas.


    :frown: I'm so sorry to hear about your friends!:noway: I know how you feel, and indeed it is an especially hard time of the year to get such sad news. I will keep All and Carol AND YOU in my prayers.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good day to all! :flowerforyou: Welcome to the New Englanders!!! Not too many of us on this thread! :blushing: Hope you survived the blizzard! We did everything we needed to on Friday and Saturday & then spent Sunday inside doing Christmas things. :wink: I remember the storm of 1978! :noway: I was 8 months pregnant and was afraid that I would end up being one of those pregnant women, who were rushed to the hospital on a sled!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: I wasn't..... but boy that was one storm! No one could use the interstate or roads for a week and we were without electricity for that long! Blizzards just have a way of bringing those old memories back!

    As for being inside during the storm, I had plans to bake.:tongue: I ALWAYS bake! :happy: It is one of the things I do best! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I get tons of compliments when I bake. :flowerforyou: So maybe it's time for me to get compliments for something else and not depend on the "baking compliments" for my self esteeme!! :bigsmile: (I speak only for myself and am not judging anyone else who chooses to do baking :wink: ) I really think I depend on that kind of thing too much....and even feel obliged...but not this year!:happy: SO.....I am not going to bake.:flowerforyou: I am going to Sam's club and will be picking up pastries and making up the platters, I always make, and wrapping them up tight with Glad wrap and a bow! When it comes to things like that....I think OTHERS will care... but really...it's only me who cares. Time to step back and regroup! The smell of cookies is just a little too much for me, so I'll pass .....and ,,,you know.... I'll be better off for doing it!
    I'm enjoying the compliments I'm getting for losing weight and getting healthier and even encouraging others to take this journey! For me, losing and keeping this weight off, will require some radical changes in behavior and food choices. So, for today, I choose to do, what I need to do, to keep going in the right direction!
    BirdieM:drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    As for being inside during the storm, I had plans to bake.:tongue: I ALWAYS bake! :happy: It is one of the things I do best! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I get tons of compliments when I bake. :flowerforyou: So maybe it's time for me to get compliments for something else and not depend on the "baking compliments" for my self esteeme!! :bigsmile: (I speak only for myself and am not judging anyone else who chooses to do baking :wink: ) I really think I depend on that kind of thing too much....and even feel obliged...but not this year!:happy: SO.....I am not going to bake.:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I recently gave away all my flour, sugar, and other baking ingredients because I decided not to bake any more. I haven't given away my pans, but that will be next. There are other hobbies and useful things to do and I am planning to find them.
    :heart: Barbie
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Greetings all. We got about 8 inches just north of Boston, so yesterday we just stayed in all day (except for shoveling). It was a nice stay at home day. Then back to work today. Went to a 60 min. Zumba class tonight, then did 15 mins on the Wii. This is a busy time for everyone. I hope we can not only get thru the holidays but take a minute to just experience them.... and reflect on our good luck to have great family and friends.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I need opinions. I have been given $200 in gift certificates to a neighboring town. They have a Walmart there. I have a small house with absolutely no room for anything. I am considering buying a manual treadmill that folds to store if I can find one there. Anyone know anything about them??
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    :flowerforyou: ...By Saturday all of our 8 boys and 6 girls along with their families will be here! We have 26 altogether! It will be a wonderful time....

    Being the oldest of 13, I know what you mean about these get togethers! :love: They're great! :flowerforyou: We are all married and we all have kids, who have kids, so I've lost track of how many people will get together on Christmas Eve! :noway: My brother hosts it (they have a huge house) and everyone looks forward to it every year! Have a great time! I know we will!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Please enjoy your holiday gatherings! I am from a family of 10 children (now 20 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren), we're great friends, and we all get together at Labor Day now. There are no more Thanksgiving or Christmas gatherings, and I really miss them. The craziness added an aire of festivity to the holiday that is hard to reproduce with a small (<15) gathering! You all know what I mean! Have a wonderful time.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    My Dad had one years ago. I just remember that it was not easy to do. I was a lot lazier then I guess. I would just suggest trying it out first to see if you like it. Maybe go to a store like Sears or Academy where they have them displayed to try it first. My treadmill folds up and is not manuel one but cost a lot more than 200. Hope this helps.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    So good to hear from you. I LOVE your tree. Great picture. You are so awesome. You are doing so great. I have slipped a little. Eating pretty good but got out of workout habit this week. Been so busy. I know I will get back to it, but I commend you for keeping up with things so well.
    As for cookies, I love to bake for others. I can bake and not eat. Sometimes I eat them but I chose to do so. People wait for Christmas to get my gingerbread cookies. I thought about it this year and thought maybe I was not doing anyone any favors by baking them but I came to this conclusion. Not everyone has a problem with food as I do. They can eat my cookies once a year and do fine. so why should I penalize them for my flaws. So we each have to do what we think is best. I love to bake them and would like to continue as long as there is someone to eat them other than me.
    Vicki M
    Welcome to newcomers.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My Dad had one years ago. I just remember that it was not easy to do. I was a lot lazier then I guess. I would just suggest trying it out first to see if you like it. Maybe go to a store like Sears or Academy where they have them displayed to try it first. My treadmill folds up and is not manuel one but cost a lot more than 200. Hope this helps.
    Vicki M
    Thanks and good suggestions. Only problem is the nearest store like Sears or Academy is 120 miles away. I'm lucky that I only have to drive 25 miles to get to Walmart!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Merry Christmas! I am just checking in to make myself accountable. It has been a crazy week...end of the year parties at work. This week is my worst for eating! We hosted a Christmas ham dinner/wine tasting last night. Sorry to say that I did enjoy tasting some new wines and ate the kahlua cake. I worked out at home today and PLAN on going to Curves tomorrow. I tried to watch my intake today. We have another party on Wed. and will host on Christmas Day. My weight is still two pounds over from Thanksgiving!:blushing: I take full responsiblity. I hope everyone is enjoying the time with family. My son is home from college which means more cooking and eating around here. I am trying to drink 64 oz. of water!:drinker: I will keep all those who are experiencing losses of loved ones or illness in my prayers. I apologize for not acknowledging everyone individually. I just can't seem to keep up yet. My :heart: goes out to you all.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    I did good yesterday up until the evening. I just caved because I was ticked off about something that wasn't really important. Was I really only looking for an excuse for some bad behavior? I want today to be different.

    Have had a 35 minute walk on the treadmill and have had some freshly made carrot & apple juice. I'm thinking the next time I have "Issues" come up I'll just make my self do 10 min on the treadmill and then see if I still need to eat!

    Have a good day all!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    When I get ticked off, :angry: the first thing I want to do is to eat. But not because I'm looking for an excuse to eat, but because I deserve to be punished for GETTING ticked off! :frown: It's that feeling of being inferior because I can't control my response to something....:embarassed: ! After all...I think I have to be perfect...:flowerforyou: so I see it as a failure!:noway: For me, I think it comes from being the oldest of a large family and I put that guilt thing on me years ago. :ohwell: Guilt is a God given instinct if you're doing something wrong...but some of us take it to an extreeme level...an unrealistic expectation of ourselves. So don't beat yourself up...step back...regroup....take a deep breath...and do a "do over". It's a new day and a new moment!:flowerforyou:
    BirdieM:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Good Morning, I am trying to start my day with MFP. I hope this will give me motivation to "watch" it today. Everyone drink your water. Birdie, you're right...every day is a new day, forget about yesterday and move on. Have a wonderful day, ladies!:flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Was I really only looking for an excuse for some bad behavior?


    :tongue: This is a question I really need to ask myself! I was doing really good at not giving in to my urge to eat when things were not going well but lately I know I've been slipping. :ohwell:

    I'm going to try to remember this.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I got a wonderful early Christmas present. I was supposed to work today and tomorrow. (Tomorrow was inservice/work day.) The district gave us tomorrow afternoon off paid. Due to the impending storm, they decided this morning that we didn't to come in at all tomorrow. At the high school, due to finals, our students left at noon today, and our principal told us we could go home. Woo hoo! An extra day and a half off with pay!!
  • PattieG
    Good day Ladies! I'm happy to report that I have lost 2 lbs since I first posted:bigsmile: Logging my food and reading this blog has helped me make good choices:smile: And that was in spite of 2 christmas parties!:ohwell: But logging my food helped me limit the goodie feed feast and then, since I wasn't hungry at dinner time; I didn't eat. That is something I never do; I figure I have to make dinner for my husband and then I usually eat, whether I am hungry or not.:frown: It was nice that he was supportive and fended for himself:heart:

    My goal for the holidays is to limit my goodie selection, severely limit :sad: but if I partake on a limited basis I don't feel like I am missing out and then I am proud of myself when I only take one; so far so good:happy: I'll be glad when all the goodies are gone:bigsmile:

    Happy Holidays to all:flowerforyou: I may not post until after Xmas :frown: My computer at home has a virus and I can only post from work.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Speaking of creating excuses ... I went grocery shopping on Sunday and I bought candy for our candy dispensor Santa. At least every time I eat a piece, I log it! :laugh: But I'd have been better off not getting any or getting candy I hate. But I knew I wanted to treat myself. I have been craving chocolate for ages.

    I also got the no sugar added fudgsicles and some chocolate Clif builder bars and hopefully they will tame my chocolate cravings for a while without me going nuts on the candy Santa.

    I still haven't wrapped or mailed any of the presents for people out of town. I just don't want to once I get home from work. I'm hardly working out too as I'm trying hard to rehab this injury and I decided Crossfit was aggrevating it. I am just going to do biking and swimming and I haven't been doing the swimming because all the pools I go to are too cold. So it's just been biking on the weekend.

    At least this weekend will be a 3 hour bike ride. Assuming I can make it that far. :tongue:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Well, I had a shock today. I bought a new scale and it weighed me a whole SIX pounds (6.6 to be accurate) heavier! So, I went ahead and added 6.6 pounds to all my previous entries as I figured I probably weighed the extra weight back then too. Bummer:sad: but I'd rather my scale tell me the truth instead of letting me live in a delusional state of mind:ohwell: !!

    I once wrote down the reasons why I eat in ABC order....you know...angry or alone, bored, company or cranky, etc...and came up with a reason for every letter...that's a lot of reasons to eat!! My new scale gave me a bunch of reasons why not to eat:grumble: ...so holidays or not I am trying to watch it!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!

    :heart: Terri
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Terri, if your old scale was wrong, then it was wrong when you started which means that you've lost the same number of pounds.......the actual number isn't as important as how much you've lost......and until you get to the size that you want to be, the actual weight is only a guess....I have changed my goal at least three times.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Pattie, congratulations on losing two pounds....I'm glad to hear that your husband is becoming more supportive.......that is such a help.

    :flowerforyou: My next order of silk underwear arrived today just in time for another round of cold weather.:bigsmile: we had frost this morning followed by freezing rain with snow as low as 500 feet (we're at sea level)

    :flowerforyou: Mary, how nice that you got a little extra time off just when you needed it.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, your tree is fabulous, thanks for posting the picture.......I like your idea about eating apples and peanut butter, I'll remember that the next time that hubby is gone on a trip.

    The dogs are bumping my elbow again to remind me that lunch has come and gone and they want to go to the dog park......it's not raining like it was yesterday so we'll be able to stay longer and I can get a good long walk and make up for the extra calories I ate at lunch----hubby made bacon, eggs, and potatoes :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Stay warm and stay focused. :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie