

  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    I have been a member of MFP for about five weeks now. I have not posted before. I have been reading you posting and I think this is the group I fit into the best. I am 55, soon to be 56 in about 2 weeks Jan. 3. Barbie you are a very positive and encouraging person.

    I have a Rat Terrier named MAX. He is very, very spoiled. As a matter of fact he is wanting me to get up and go out to play with him now. So this may be short.

    I have been logging my calories and drinking my water. The water is very important to flush out the system. The weight loss clinic am going to subjust 80 to 100 ozs a day. 100 ozs of water is alot of water. But I do drink the 100 ozs of water a day.

    I am also walking 2 to 5 miles a day with weather permitting.

    I am down 30 lbs in 5 weeks. My husband is down 20 lbs in the five weeks also. It does help that we are both on the program. The logging of my calories on this site has help me and the positive postings from this group, too.
    I hope everyone meets their goals and have a Merry Christmas and a slim Happy New Year.

    I am cooking for Christmas. I am cooking Shrimp, Oyster, and Crab gumbo. I am from the South. I only eat a cup and I count the shrimp I eat. It is very hard not to over eat when you cook, but I do it. I know I am on a health road now.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Kerry. You've found a good group to belong to!:flowerforyou:

    Its been getting colder by the minute here today! Now its clouding up. Sure hope it doesn't snow!
    Going to take the dogs for a walk later when my son gets home from work.:smile:
    They are ice dogs but they sure want a lot of attention!:laugh: (We tend to be cat people.)

    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi Kerry! welcome to our group. the more the merrier!

    I am a southern girl too. We also have a dog named Max. He's a rescued mutt. Someone came and dumped a bunch of puppies in our neighborhood and we have had him 10 or 11 years now. We also have a dog named Bandit who came to us 2 Christmases ago. He got in under the fence to play with Max and they have been best pals ever since. (We tried everything we could do to locate his owner but we finally ended up keeping him too). But I hope this is all because i don't have room and can't afford another pet.

    I've stayed within my calorie range today. No excuses today for over eating.

    Teri: I'm agree with Barbie about the scales. You have lost what you have lost!

    Well, Granny is waiting to be fed and I shouldn't make her wait any longer.

    I hope you all have had a good day.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Welcome, Kerry,
    My husband and I started our weight loss journey together on our 20th anniversary in January 2009. It has been a blast sharing this with him. He has his own MFP profile and logs his own food and exercise every day. In the more temperate weather we walk together every day, but now that it's winter we exercise indoors with a stationery bike and exercise videos.

    We have two spoiled standard poodles and two extremely spoiled cats. Our pets are a really high priority for us.

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, how wonderful for you to have rescued both your dogs...what a blessing for all of you........I'm glad to hear that you're back on track with your calories......I think it helps us get back on track to have MFP friends to share with.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy (pmjsmom) I'm glad that you are able to walk your dogs even with the snow. Our dogs love the snow and ask to go out in it when they see it through the windows.

    We had a great time at the dog park for an hour this afternoon and it looks like the weather will be good for the next few days.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Best wishes to all for happy and safe holidays and healthy eating.......and no matter what you eat, be sure to drink a lot of water :drinker: :drinker:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    The six extra pound thing on the scale is scarey...
    My home scale is always about a pound more that what I weigh at the person trainer... So I stick to my home weights.
    I altered my Christmas Eve menu to be healtier- but it will still be alot of food... and calories.... Well- its one day in an entire year.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    I altered my Christmas Eve menu to be healtier- but it will still be alot of food... and calories.... Well- its one day in an entire year.

    somebody said "most people worry about what they eat between Christmas and New Year's Day, when what they should be concerned about is what they eat between New Year's Day and Christmas".........you're right that one big meal will not be your undoing so enjoy:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello to everyone new!

    We got our tree decorated tonight. It's usually up the first weekend in December. Just a few stocking stuffers to pick up and I'm done.

    It sounds like everyone is getting excited about Christmas and looking forward to seeing family and friends.

    Have a nice evening all,

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    The last time I posted, I told of the serious health crisis of my friend and former neighbor, Al. Well, his son and daughter in law made it back from UT very early on Monday morning, and spent several hours at the hospice. I was there myself yesterday as it is only 2 blocks from the clinic where I had to take my mom on Monday. I think I mentioned she had taken a fall on Friday, but other than being very sore, she is fine, according to her doctor. I had a chance to see Carol, Al's wife, and other family members. One of the nurses said even though Al is pretty much in a coma, he can still hear what is going on.

    We were talking about his love for dogs, and I made a reference to what a disturbance could result if all three of my little darlings came for a visit. The nurse informed us that pets were most welcome, and Carol encouraged me to bring Mai Li to visit Al, as she and he had a special friendship.

    Monday evening, that is exactly what I did. The same nurse was on duty, and encouraged me to put Mai Li on the bed with Al, so I did, and she tried to rouse him by butting his shoulder with her head. When that didn't work, she snuffled around his beard and gave him a couple of "kisses." This was normal behaviour for the two of them in the past. When she figured out he wasn't going to rouse, she began to try and pull the blankets up to try and cover him!!:noway: The nurse explained that this is normal behavior for a dog who has figured out that a person is near death. They will try to cover them!!

    The nurse has a Golden Retriever who used to be a therapy dog, and she said it was likely that Mai Li would be quieter than usual for a day or two as she realized her friend was in the last stages of life. I am not sure if that had anything to do with it, but this morning Mai Li was unusually attentive to me, actually demanding to be put in bed with me and the other two dogs--something she is seldom interested in doing. Once up on the bed, she was very "snuggly," which is a little unusual for her. She is usually a bit of a grump in the morning and wants to be left alone.
    I want to welcome KerryJ. :flowerforyou: You have come to the right place. Here is a little background on my "family."

    In addition to the Lhasa Apso pictured in my avatar, I also have a black Shih tzu named Pepper, and a recently acquired Yorkshire Terror--errr Terrier :laugh: named Bradley. If you have reviewed prior posts, you may have read of some of his escapades. The most recent was figuring out how to open a kitchen cupboard, removing a bag of doggie chew bones, chewing a hole in the bag and "sharing" with his two roommates. I came home after Thanksgiving dinner to discover "the three little pigs" (each with their own chewbone) having a picnic in my living room!!:laugh:

    The silver Shih tzu in my ticker photo was my first dog--Dreyfus, whom I lost to cancer in 2008.
    I am off work until January 5th, so tomorrow the doggies and I are taking advantage of the lack of snow, ice and driving up the Columbia Gorge to visit my friends who have the dog kennel. Pepper will get to visit his old home, and Mai Li will no doubt remember the 10 day visit she had last January during the snow, while I was in the hospital and my friends cared for both of them. This will be Bradley's first visit, but he seems to be ready for any new adventure as long as "momma" stays close by.

    These last few days before Christmas are much less frantic this year. Last year, we had about 8 inches of snow the weekend before Christmas and it hung around for several days and disrupted travel and shopping. A friend of mine took a shuttle to the airport to leave for a trip to see family in California and ended up camped there for two days:noway: after her flight was cancelled. She was afraid to leave for fear of missing an opportunity to take a later flight. This year, she decided to stay home!!:laugh:

    Since I may not have a chance to post again before Christmas.....I hope everyone has a good day with their family and friends. To those with health challenges or family issues, I send you good wishes for a better new year, and for those who have recently lost loved ones, I wish you peace and comfort.

    I will be spending Christmas day at my parents' place, along with the "granddoggies." On Christmas Eve, I will attend a vigil Mass at my parish in the early evening, then later on, I am going into Portland to take a friend's daughter to a Christmas service at her church. She doesn't drive and the idea of her coming home late alone on public transit makes me a little uncomfortable, so I volunteered to go with her, as there will be others there I haven't seen in a few years, since I moved away from the city.

    It is late and I need to catch some zzzzz's so I can get an early start on my drive tomorrow. Take care everyone.

  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Happy holidays to all. I am enjoying hearing about all the different family traditions and good food plans.
    Well I had my other knee surgery Friday and I am already able to put weight on my leg and move around the house without crutch aid. I have been doing some last minute errands still using one crutch to now stree but my knee but it feels good and I am hopeful.

    I have been holding my weight and that is my plan for December is to do no harm. I have been tracking my food except for a few days. Same with water. I am feeling like my old self so I know I will be able to stay on track.

    We will have our Christmas on Christmas Eve. My husband and our friend Ian are going to travel Christmas Day to Chico to visit his brothers and pick up our grandson. I am staying home and will spend Christmas Day with my friend Stacy. We are going to do some service work, take the dogs to the play ground and see Avatar in 3 D. Grandson, Ian and husband will return Saturday with the hopes of enough rain and snow melt to start the first of many Steelhead runs. He and Austin (grandson) love to fish and the rivers need to be high to pull the Steelhead into the river. Crab season started Dec. 1st so we like to have crab on Christmas Day and may just do that. I decided to stay home to keep it easy on my knee. The 6 hour drive there and back would be to much to soon.

    Anyway I am sticking to my eating plan using MFP and reading your posts for inspration and helpful ideas.

    Thanks to all that share and welcome to our new people.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I haven't been here lately due to my work computer getting fixed. I really need to limit my daughters' use of my home PC. I never get a chance to use it.

    Welcome to all new women. And congrats to all who have lost weight.

    Terri, be sure to only weigh on your new scales. Has anyone noticed how the doctor's scales always weigh us more than any other?

    Oh no !!!! Just heard on the radio that we are under a weather advisory until noon. Possible freezing rain.

    I have put on a few pounds.:explode: I know it is due to bad eating. I have to stop this carelessness.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    A good Crisp morning to everyone!

    I've got a few last minute things to buy. I have had the hardest time thinking up a gift for my daughter. She told me one thing she wants yesterday but I think it's a little to late to get. Oh, well her birthday is the 4th on Jan so maybe she'll get it then.

    I would like for all of us to think about being at peace today. There are so many things out there that can rumple our feathers and really most of them just aren't worth it. So let's think about what is really important in our lives.

    My sister got a sympathy card from a friend yesterday and she said this was on the front:

    Death is not extinguishing the Light.
    It is putting out the lamp
    because Dawn has come.

    I pray Al's "Dawn" has arrived. The puppy's love for him really touched me.

    I'm praying that all of you have a good day and that you can be at peace with your choices.


    Oh, and Becky: Yes, my dr's scales always weigh me more cause I weigh buck nekkid at home. You just can't do that in the drs office :)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    A good Crisp morning to everyone!

    I've got a few last minute things to buy. I have had the hardest time thinking up a gift for my daughter. She told me one thing she wants yesterday but I think it's a little to late to get. Oh, well her birthday is the 4th on Jan so maybe she'll get it then.

    I would like for all of us to think about being at peace today. There are so many things out there that can rumple our feathers and really most of them just aren't worth it. So let's think about what is really important in our lives.

    My sister got a sympathy card from a friend yesterday and she said this was on the front:

    Death is not extinguishing the Light.
    It is putting out the lamp
    because Dawn has come.

    I pray Al's "Dawn" has arrived. The puppy's love for him really touched me.

    I'm praying that all of you have a good day and that you can be at peace with your choices.


    Oh, and Becky: Yes, my dr's scales always weigh me more cause I weigh buck nekkid at home. You just can't do that in the drs office :)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I messed up. I meant to cut out just the following of Cindy's reply:" Oh, and Becky: Yes, my dr's scales always weigh me more cause I weigh buck nekkid at home. You just can't do that in the drs office :) " <--Cindy - great quote to end off with.

    Barb- That was an awesome post filled with great sadness as well as great kindness. I agree with the nurse and dogs. My dogs keep a close eye on my parents.

    I weighed in yesterday at exactly what I weighed in November! I'm actually happy with that with all the Christmas goodies I've given into.

    Blessings to all who need them. A big HELLO to everyone new. I'm too excited about getting out of work today to think of anything else. I won't work again until January 5th! :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :bigsmile:

    My MIL got here safely and has rearranged the kitchen accidentally again by helping me by switching out to our Christmas/Winter dishes. I do appreciate her help and when I switch back to our regular dishes I will put things back the way they were. Until then we will all just need to look for things and smile.

    It is snowing here in New Mexico and is suppose to continue until tomorrow. Yeah!!!

    Be safe and safe warm,

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Our family Christmas present arrived today! A new elliptical machine. My husband and son got it set up while I was out grocery shopping. We were thinking it wouldn't get here until next week so we are pretty pumped.

    I do need to get some exercise in but it will probably be on the treadmill since I haven't read the booklet on the elliptical yet.

    My lunch food choices weren't too great and I'd better exercise in some kind of way or I'll not get to eat anything else! I'm still under calories but way over my fat calories UGH!!!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello everybody! As usual I'm checking in from work so I will be brief! I got weighed today and my weight stayed the same. I'm not upset with that because there are just so many situations this time of year where we have to "estimate" food, or have just a bite or a sliver etc. Even when you're tracking them....who REALLY knows how many calories some of these things are! So I'm grateful ,and as many have mentioned, I will be happy to not gain over the Holiday (Holy Day for me:wink: )
    So enjoy the Season, the people and looking forward to a better and healthier New Year! Last year at this time I was 32 lbs heavier so I am grateful!:flowerforyou:
    I will try to check back in before Christmas but if I can't....a very blessed season to you all!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Okay, opinion time again. I am considering spending my gift certificates on getting a WII instead of a treadmill. Do you think that would be good exercise? I really know nothing about them.

    Oh, and Merry Christmas to all!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I finally wrapped some presents last night. And found some I had forgotten I'd gotten! I realized I hadn't gotten things evenly between the family who was going to open them. Since my sister was going to pick them up in the morning, I had to rearrange things and give my sister the DVD I bought for my husband. I also had bought several of these cute wireless mice at the Microsoft store and I had to throw one of those in too. But at least I had deliberately bought an extra one just in case.

    Tonight I'll figure out if I need to replace it. I realized yesterday that I bought a boatload of stuff for the stockings, probably too much. But at the same time, I just grabbed things that looked good as I saw them and I doubt there is any evenness about who got what.

    I also still have stuff to mail to Virginia and SoCal. At least the stuff that goes to NJ is gone.
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member

    Oh, and Becky: Yes, my dr's scales always weigh me more cause I weigh buck nekkid at home. You just can't do that in the drs office :)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hello again.

    Becky -- Yes, I will only weigh on the new scale. I suppose I could keep the other one and weigh on it when I needed to indulge my need to lie to myself. It would probably be better doing that than eating way more than I am willing to record...which unfortunately does sometimes happen...or indulging in other games with my food .

    Barbie--I always suspicioned my darn scale was way off as would weigh SO much more at the dr's office than I did in the morning at home (far too much to be accounted for with just clothes and shoes). I added the extra weight to my starting weight and other entries as I worked hard :tongue: for those 38 pounds and I darn well want my ticker to reflect them:happy:

    Welcome Kerry!!! Great bunch of ladies here...you will enjoy reading and posing!

    Barb---you are such a special, loving person. :flowerforyou: :heart: Al and Carol were blessed to be your neighbors and continue to be blessed by you!

    Birdie -- I agree - Holy Day it is. I'm a little distressed that mother-nature intends to cancel the family plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

    To all of you wonderful, loving, funny, helpful MFP friends...blessings to you and your's at this special time!!

    :heart: Terri:heart:
  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Thanks for all the welcomes. I just got home from finishing up my last minute gifts and food items. I lost 3 more pounds this week.

    Remember to log all calories and drink at least 80ozs of water.

    Thanks for all the support.

    I need to go for now. I need to clean the bath tub because MAX went outside and when he returned home he was covered in mud and sand. I had to give him a bath.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    Okay, opinion time again. I am considering spending my gift certificates on getting a WII instead of a treadmill. Do you think that would be good exercise? I really know nothing about them.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, I tried WII Fitness one time at my step daughter's house and had a great time with it. I just did starter levels so I don't know much about the challenge levels but it was interesting and kept my attention. I've heard good stuff from some others on MFP........I think once you buy the system, then you can add other activities to it. I haven't heard anything bad about them from anyone.