

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    A treadmill is going to work you harder than doing what Wii Fit calls "jogging" (which is really bouncing from one foot to another). I found the cardio options on the Wii Fit to be pretty lame. When you start out, you can only unlock certain exercises and the beginning cardio exercises are for really short periods of time. So you do them for 3 min. and then you have to stop and reset.

    Since it's not really cardio unless you get your HR up for at least 20 min. at a time, I found it very frustrating. I would try to walk in place in between sets up I wasn't good enough to work the controls while walking so I had to stop to get the selection I wanted. :laugh:

    I think I used it about 5 times and that was months ago.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Okay, opinion time again. I am considering spending my gift certificates on getting a WII instead of a treadmill. Do you think that would be good exercise? I really know nothing about them.

    Oh, and Merry Christmas to all!
    Okay I know nothing of the Wi except that my children each have one. Cant help you there. What about a good exercise bike. I think you can probably get a good one for a few hundred dolllars. They dont take up a lot of room and it is easy to do but a great workout. Less injuries. Hope you can decide on something you need and will use. Are you like me when I get a gift certificate it is so much harder to spend. I feel I have to make such good choices. Merry christmas.
    Vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member

    Well I had my other knee surgery Friday and I am already able to put weight on my leg and move around the house without crutch aid. I have been doing some last minute errands still using one crutch to now stree but my knee but it feels good and I am hopeful.
    :flowerforyou: Lianne, it's good to hear that you're just about back on your feet again......you've had a long bout of surgery and crutches and it's time for you to be up and about. You have been an inspiration by losing weight while recovering from your surgeries and being laid up.....congratulations on your decision to forgo that long drive and let your knee heal:drinker: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: to all of you with scale frustration, you should come with me to our veterinarian's office where I routinely weigh several pounds less fully dressed with a winter coat than I do at home in my nightshirt.

    Pleasant dreams to all :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good Christmas Eve to all!

    I hope you all have got your ducks in a row or maybe I should say "elves in a row" so you can have a peaceful day.

    I went to bed early last night and have already gotten 2 loads of laundry going and have cleaned the bathroom. (it's 7:03am here in NC, it always messes me up when I see the time MFP says I've posted. Do any of you know where MFP is actually located?)

    Our BFs are coming for dinner tonight & then we will go to the Christmas Eve service with them.

    I'm fixing a big pot of homemade vegetable beef soup and yeast rolls. The main thing I need to do today is get the house straight and be sure & get my exercise in.

    I'm sure the doggies would like to go out now and have some food.

    If I don't get back on here I will just say now,

    "I wish you all the merriest of Christmases"!


    PS: I think the next time I go to the drs office I'm just going to weigh my clothes before I go (just for hahas)
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I think maybe I am going to go with the Wii fit, and probably get it Monday or Tuesday. We'll see how many times I change my mind between now and then. :wink:

    And now, let me wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I pray God's blessing be on all of you and your families during this wonderful season.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Okay, opinion time again. I am considering spending my gift certificates on getting a WII instead of a treadmill. Do you think that would be good exercise? I really know nothing about them.

    Oh, and Merry Christmas to all!

    I got a Wii Fit for Mother's day and it has been my main source of excercise. It has some good points and some bad points. The Wii Fit Plus has fixed a lot of the bad points. I like doing the boxing, yoga, strength training, free step and free run. My TV lets me step and run while the family watches TV. It is lower impact and therefore lower calorie burn.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Christmas love is extended
    From our hearts to yours
    In honor of the special one:
    The Christ Child adored.

    Christmas love is extended
    To hearts that are sad,
    With hopes that the Christmas message
    will make the heart feel glad

    Merry Christmas to my MFP family
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Christmas Eve to all!

    I hope you all have got your ducks in a row or maybe I should say "elves in a row" so you can have a peaceful day.

    I went to bed early last night and have already gotten 2 loads of laundry going and have cleaned the bathroom. (it's 7:03am here in NC, it always messes me up when I see the time MFP says I've posted. Do any of you know where MFP is actually located?)....


    PS: I think the next time I go to the drs office I'm just going to weigh my clothes before I go (just for hahas)


    The times used for posts are Pacific time zone, because MFP servers are located in San Francisco, where Mike ( and I assume) Albert are.

    Also, if anyone wants to see how their scale compares to the doctor's office, here is my solution: Weigh at home, wearing what you will be wearing to your appointment, and then compare that to the doctor's scale weight.
    My little 4 footed "elves" are all sleeping--recovering from their trip up the Gorge with me yesterday. All day long, every time I sat down, Bradley was on my lap, and Pepper rotated between my lap, and the laps of my host and hostess. (You may recall, these folks are the ones who gave me Pepper last Christmas, so he felt right at home.) Mai Li just wandered between everyone, getting periodic head scratches. All of us had a wonderful time visiting, and as a treat for my friends, I did what I usually do, I planned a menu and brought all the food as a Christmas present and cooked dinner.

    At this time of year, planning meals and having time to cook them can be a challenge anyway, and my friend, who raises dogs, has been very busy caring for puppies and arranging customer visits, besides preparing for the Christmas Eve arrival of her sons, so the very best gift I could the two of them was a dinner they didn't have to do anything about except eat!!

    We had tilapia--which I poached with Mango Salsa, fresh green beans with slivered almonds, a spinach salad with tomatoes, mushrooms and sweet onions, and low fat balsamic vinaigrette dressing, and whole wheat dinner rolls. For dessert, I found a sugarless lemon loaf and added blueberries (thawed frozen ones have juice!!:drinker: ) and a spray of canned whipped cream.

    They loved it, and there was nothing on the menu that I had to feel guilty about eating. We also shared a bottle of champagne and listened to Christmas carols, courtesy of music channels from their tv provider.

    My friend are hand raising a little runt of a puppy who wasn't thriving with the rest of the litter. She is a very tiny French Bull Dog/Boston Terrier cross that has been named for the time being "Baby Girl.":heart: Her husband went upstairs while I was making dinner and returned with his hands behind his back--saying "My wife says you can have your choice of Christmas gifts this year. " In one hand was a wrapped package, in the other was "Baby Girl" snuggled in her blankie. He was kidding, of course--the package contained my intended gift, a pair of slippers.

    She is SOOOO cute, already has her teeth and LOVES to nibble on her human daddy's fingers. If I were COMPLETELY insane, I would have kidnapped her,:heart: but life is interesting enough around here without a puppy!!! Besides, Bradley :heart: and Pepper:heart: think THEY are my "babies." :laugh: (Mai Li is more like a spoiled teenager, I think:laugh: ) I did take a picture of the puppy, right after she was fed. Her little belly looks like there is a beach ball in there.:noway: I will try to post it in the next few days. My friend is hold her up next to the Christmas tree and that little belly is impossible to miss. I was thinking it would make a good avatar photo--"thou shalt not overeat":laugh:

    When the evening was over and I drove home, my three little "angels" totally crashed out and snored all the way home. I wasn't sure I would have a chance to get on here today, but once again, here I am, so .....

    MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, :drinker: :drinker: and to all a good "bite"--just not too many of them:laugh: :laugh:


    PS: My friend Al is still holding his own in the hospice, so all his family and friends can do is wait. Carol is doing as well as she can with support of family and friends.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi Birdie, BarbieCat, kerry, and all of you! Happy holydays.

    I would gett the treadmill. I got the Wii fit and never did it. I think it is for video loving people.

    Anyways, I gotta got wrap but I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to all and hope to hear from you after the day and that you all maintained your goals of being healthy. Especially me around sweets. Please pray for a cease to that craving.Ha!

    Oh, and after a horrible time with my kitchen, I guess I finally yelled loud enough to get at least half of it done and my living room is still pretty bad but I hope to pull it together tonight. The worse part is coming next monday with cabinets and flooring.

    Be blessed, kc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mary, another thought on the subject of Wii Fit vs treadmill.........think about your personal experience with treadmills.....do you get a really good workout with a treadmill, using the incline and higher speeds? My personal experience with a treadmill was that I never went faster than 3mph and got bored easily on it so upon further reflection realized that I could get a better workout with Leslie Sansone "Walking at Home"......on the other hand if you jogged at higher speeds on a treadmill and did so for long periods of time without getting bored, the treadmill might be a better better bet than the Wii Fit.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, you are an amazing multi-tasker and great friend.......the meal you fixed for your friends sound fabulous

    :flowerforyou: kc, Merry Christmas to you...I'll be thinking of you doing a great job of resisting sweets and losing the craving

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, Merry Christmas to you, thanks for the verse

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, your vegetable soup and yeast rolls sound yummy.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It has been hectic here with such a sunny day, robins in the back yard, Bernie stalking the birds, and the dogs in the house barking at Bernie and the birds.

    :flowerforyou: our 7 AM meeting was about forgiveness :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: there was a lot of hugging and laughter at line dance where we danced favorite easy dances to Christmas music.......there was carrot cake but we got the teacher to play music while people were eating cake so those of us who weren't eating cake could dance:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: a friend had all her mail order gifts for her daughters sent here so they wouldn't know what gifts she bought....she came and picked up the packages this afternoon and stayed for a visit.....while she and my hubby talked I dozed off at the table......the dogs kept bugging us wanting to go to the dog park and finally at 3:45 I got to take them.

    I hope tomorrow is wonderful for all of you and that friends and family are the center of the day and food is only a minor player.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    So I mailed out all my presents today. Next year everyone who needs to be mailed to is getting stuff from online and shipped directly to their house!

    I found some recipes on the web for "protein" cookies and made them tonight. They were okay. But they really didn't have much protein in them. I knew the recipe that started out with 3/4 c. of oil and 1 1/4 c. of honey wouldn't. (I used pumpkin for the oil though.) But the other recipe looked like it might be okay and I substituted the 1/4 c. of soy flour for 1/4 c. of protein powder. Which got each cookie up to a whopping 5 g of protein. :laugh: They'll work for an after exercise recovery treat though. (3:1 carb to protein ratio)

    The stores were INSANE today. I ran into the grocery for a gallon of milk and I ran to Target to get Mr. Mac another UP dvd since I gave his away to my niece. Then we went to Petsmart because I forgot to get stuff for our chinchilla's stocking. It was a zoo everywhere and I'm very sorry I ventured out.

    Hope everyone is having a good holiday season! :flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just a quick hello to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope that everyone enjoyed their day no matter what they ate or didn't eat today. Tomorrow is a new beginning.

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Merry Christmas to you all! What a wonderful season to reflect on our many blessings, and appreciate family and friends. I appreciate all of you and consider this site and in particular this thread and all of you a blessing.:heart: Alice
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, weren't you the first person in the stores on black Friday to start the Christmas season????and now it sounds like you were trying to be the last person in the stores before Christmas on Christmas Eve.:laugh: :laugh: You are a much braver shopper than I am.

    We had enough frost this morning to make it look like a white Christmas when I walked the dogs at 7 AM. We had a wonderful midday dinner with a whole crowd of friends filled with laughter, conversation, and some singing. The only disappointment was that I was expecting roast turkey and all we had was turkey roll :brokenheart: :sad: Later I took the dogs to the dog park under beautiful sunny skies. Tonight we watched "Shakespeare in Love"......we had seen it in the theatre when it first came out and recently bought it on DVD.

    I hope everyone had a day filled with love and laughter. :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I hope that everyone's Christmas was wonderful.:flowerforyou: Ours was great. We had decided to not give gifts this year due to the fact that between my husband and I we had three surgeries this past year. Then two days before Christmas my husband lost his job.:cry: He will be looking for something else and knowing him he will take whatever is offered to him. I can just see him with his bachelors degree flipping burgers. My step-son came over yesterday and made us baklava. Now, who can turn that down??? Not me.:laugh:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone!

    We had a very quiet Christmas day. Our children were here and then my BFs and my god-daughter came over for a little while.

    Talked to my mother & sister on the phone, we will go see them later today.

    Becky; I wouldn't have been able to resist Baklava. It's one of my favorites and I wouldn't have been able to resist.

    I don't think I over indulged yesterday but I certainly didn't stay under calories. Christmas is one day only so now back to business. (Some things may just have to be tossed)

    Have a good day!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning everyone!

    I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.

    We had a good day with good food! :grumble: I know I ate more than I should have :bigsmile: but I don't think it was too much. Did okay at the snacks and tried a little of the dessert and a couple cookies.

    I'm sending most of the treats home with my brother--he has a tenant with a 5 year old and they will enjoy them more than I will!:laugh:

    Received Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred for Christmas and am planning to add it to my workouts on Monday :happy: after I have a chance to look at it.

    Also got my new mat!:happy: Time to get back on the wagon!

    Sure hope it goes well!

    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I hope that everyone's Christmas was wonderful.:flowerforyou: Ours was great. We had decided to not give gifts this year due to the fact that between my husband and I we had three surgeries this past year. Then two days before Christmas my husband lost his job.:cry: He will be looking for something else and knowing him he will take whatever is offered to him. I can just see him with his bachelors degree flipping burgers. My step-son came over yesterday and made us baklava. Now, who can turn that down??? Not me.:laugh:

    Becky- This story reminds me of a friend's hubby who is a very well educated engineer. He got laid off many years ago from a defense contract and had a hard time finding a new job. In his spare time he made things with wood in his shop. So while unemployed from being a flight engineer he took a job at a local hardware store in the lumber department. He said it paid (barely) more than unemployment, but was a lot of fun, kept him out of trouble and out of his wife's way at home. He's back as an engineer again, but still says his year at Home Depot was one of the best years of his adult life. I hope your hubby can find something interesting to tie him over to his next job.

    Cindy- I agree - it's back to business today.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Happy day after Christmas to all and glad everyone had a nice day! :blushing: :blushing: I had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my families! HOWEVER, Birdie wasn't as good as I hoped to be :embarassed: I DID make much better choices than I did last year and I did exercise both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.....but I fell into the "picking in the goodies" habit and I'm sure was way over my calories for both days!:grumble:
    My daughter has a new boyfriend who found out that I LOVE Carrot Cake and so on Fri night he brought me over this giant decadent piece with cream cheese frosting.:noway: So I had to be gracous....yes???:blushing: Well I tasted it to thank him, which was okay....but then when he left...I ate the whole thing!!!:noway: :noway: I Exercised at least 300 calories that day but I have a feeling I went over:grumble:
    On Christmas Eve I went over my brother's house and everyone couldn't believe how much weight I lost! :blushing: I have to say that it made me feel quite good!!:blushing: :bigsmile: :blushing: But one of my sisters always makes us a sour cream coffee cake for Christmas morning...which I admit...after Carrot cake, that is my second favorite.:ohwell: So on Christmas I had some. I exercised another 1 hour and then we had company.:love: (This was the family that just lost their brother:frown: ). But I picked all day. Smaller portions....much less food than I've had before....but went over my calories.:frown:
    We had about five different trays of cookes etc.:noway: So after everyone ate I decided to make up some cookie trays and send one to the nursing home were my MIL is and one to my daughter's new friend. The only sweets left in my house was a piece of coffe cake that my husband wanted to have for breakfast.:flowerforyou:
    Today I got up, exercised , again for an hour, and have been back on track. Plus I will drink tons of water:drinker: :drinker:
    Could I have done better??? Yes. But did I do better than before???yes, ye, yes!
    So, I am not going to put a guilt trip on myself because....God Forbid....I'm human. But I WILL get back on track immediatly and greet the new year with happiness and hope!!!
    God bless everyone!
    I will try to post again this weekend!
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Hi friends!
    I haven't posted for over one month. I regained the 2 pounds I lost, so I had better get back on track.
    Once again, I'm letting my emotions get the better of me. My sister, who has multiple sclerosis, has weakened significantly over the past month. It is time to make some tough decisions.

    I need to be strong for her, and that means keeping myself strong. Over the past week, I've resumed exercising. I'm taking it slow and steady. I am tracking my calories, starting today. I expect that the two pound I've gained will disappear pretty quickly.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I wish all of you a Merry Christmas, a belated Happy Chanukah, and a joyful New Year.